Ars Magica 2 community spellbook

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Hey folks, anyone know how to make a good ol' fireball spell? I tried projectile-aoe-fire damage but the spell only functions if I hit a creature. I want to be able to just throw it in the general direction of mobs and have it work. I've seen projectile-zone-aoe-fire damage spells listed but I'm not looking to make a zone of lasting fire... just a burst. Also, that second combination didn't work, the game didn't recognize it as a spell.

Edit: I was putting the shapes in different boxes instead of all together.
So... projectile-aoe-fire damage works.
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Hello I am having an issue, and I was wondering if anyone could help I use the Self : Heal : Regeneration . But the spell only heals it doesnt give the regen effect. Did I do something wrong or something ? the current version im playing on is ArsMagica2-1.10.2-1.5.0-18
I've created a monstrosity... As far as I know there's no way to cast this thing except with the Clarity buff from full Arcane affinity depth. It costs 150k mana, so I don't see any other way, although if it can damage something it will most likely kill it. Anyway, here it is;
Infernal Monsoon
In the obscenely unlikely event that something survives, they'll probably be immobilized for a while longer so you can finish them off with your spell of choice. If you really want to be evil, you can replace the projectile with Contingency: Death and throw a few more Durations on Entangle/Firestorm... just make sure anything you care about is Soulbound.

Pairing up nicely with this, I've discovered that "gatling gun" (zone spam) spells like Zone-Projectile-Magic Damage work nicely for giving yourself Clarity (the sheer speed at which you're flinging spells means you'll usually get the buff in a few seconds) and possibly hurting the enemy a bit while you're at it. In fact, you could throw pretty much anything after the Projectile if you want it to be something more useful- i.e. the Blind-Entangle-Disarm-Silence combo from the main post. After all, you only get the mana cost once regardless...
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I've created a monstrosity... As far as I know there's no way to cast this thing except with the Clarity buff from full Arcane affinity depth. It costs 150k mana, so I don't see any other way, although if it can damage something it will most likely kill it. Anyway, here it is;
Infernal Monsoon
In the obscenely unlikely event that something survives, they'll probably be immobilized for a while longer so you can finish them off with your spell of choice. If you really want to be evil, you can replace the projectile with Contingency: Death and throw a few more Durations on Entangle/Firestorm... just make sure anything you care about is Soulbound.

Pairing up nicely with this, I've discovered that "gatling gun" (zone spam) spells like Zone-Projectile-Magic Damage work nicely for giving yourself Clarity (the sheer speed at which you're flinging spells means you'll usually get the buff in a few seconds) and possibly hurting the enemy a bit while you're at it. In fact, you could throw pretty much anything after the Projectile if you want it to be something more useful- i.e. the Blind-Entangle-Disarm-Silence combo from the main post. After all, you only get the mana cost once regardless...
There are a couple of things;
A) Yes, Clarity works, but Mana Linking with enough people also makes it work.
(Side note, mana linking with yourself seems to double your maximum mana, but it also doubles consumption; all this does is allow you to cast spells for all of your mana if their cost is less than twice your maximum mana. This is a bug I found some time ago; MeatCarpet if you're there, do you mind taking a moment to report this?)
B) As for gaining Clarity, Zone > Zone in the target box and Zone > Duration Duration Duration > Self > (Any benign effect) is an extremely efficient way to get Clarity every second; I personally have messed with Zones a lot because they can gain you a much more powerful effect for far less mana.
Potato, I do think your ideas are great; I'm just attempting to expand on them a bit. ^_^
Hahahaha I created an immortality spell... you can't interact with chests or anything that uses a menu, you have 0 hearts and won't lose gear upon using it. Great for boss battles, however re opening the save won't stop it... looking for a way to end it. Maybe a heal spell? While I'm at it, I'll try jumping into the void. Worst idea, I'm at -4000 and still going, oh just passed -10,000.

There's nothing at all, my curiosity is finally sated, now to delete this world, or go creative and fly out.

Contingency death, self|chronoanchor
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So, I'm trying to experiment with the Wall shape. I made a projectile spell with the payload "wall->touch->dig" and all it does is make a wall of dig particle effects. I replaced the touch part with another projectile shape and nothing changed. Does the wall not work the way Zone does? I thought that touch would make it hit everything within the wall area?
Hahahaha I created an immortality spell... you can't interact with chests or anything that uses a menu, you have 0 hearts and won't lose gear upon using it. Great for boss battles, however re opening the save won't stop it... looking for a way to end it. Maybe a heal spell? While I'm at it, I'll try jumping into the void. Worst idea, I'm at -4000 and still going, oh just passed -10,000.

There's nothing at all, my curiosity is finally sated, now to delete this world, or go creative and fly out.

Contingency death, self|chronoanchor

Time in a form of loop...
"Dormammu I've come to bargain" - Dr Strange
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So, I'm trying to experiment with the Wall shape. I made a projectile spell with the payload "wall->touch->dig" and all it does is make a wall of dig particle effects. I replaced the touch part with another projectile shape and nothing changed. Does the wall not work the way Zone does? I thought that touch would make it hit everything within the wall area?
An entity has to be inside the wall for any of its effects to happen(even making zones or walls). However, having multiple entities does make it go faster.
A spell that has helped me in the past and is fairly over powered, (I was banned for crashing an entire server with the original version), is one I call the ApocStorm.

First Box: Zone*4
Gray Box: Zone, Duration Modifier*3, Wave, Range Modifier*3, Storm.

New Version:
First Box: Zone*2, Duration Modifier
Gray Box: Zone, Duration Modifier*2, Wave, Storm.

I had to remove 2 zones along with the range modifiers because it kept crashing things.
A spell that has helped me in the past and is fairly over powered, (I was banned for crashing an entire server with the original version), is one I call the ApocStorm.

First Box: Zone*4
Gray Box: Zone, Duration Modifier*3, Wave, Range Modifier*3, Storm.

New Version:
First Box: Zone*2, Duration Modifier
Gray Box: Zone, Duration Modifier*2, Wave, Storm.

I had to remove 2 zones along with the range modifiers because it kept crashing things.
Of course I did kind of have a sucky computer at the time. Also the server had a max player cap of 20 if I remember correctly, and was already very laggy on everyone.
Can I ask someone to make a list of all spell shapes, spell components, spell modifiers, and silver spell parts, as well as what each one does. All of the wiki pages I find about this topic are pretty much a moot point, in that they have components like explode. I cant find the explode component in the actual spell crafting hub. The table thing, not the altar. I also can't find it in the occulus. Thank you.

D. Magmortius Archonis
Can anyone help me with a spell combo that is Projectile, Dig, prosperity (x2 or 3) with (possibly) mining power? I just can't get the grammar right...
Can anyone help me with a spell combo that is Projectile, Dig, prosperity (x2 or 3) with (possibly) mining power? I just can't get the grammar right...
If you're putting the projectile in the bottom bar with the other effects, that would be why. It only makes it a 'proper spell' if there's at least one Shape in at least one of the boxes above that.
A spell that(at max level, I can't remember if Lifetap is a flat rate or a % of your maximum mana), generates 8000 mana per second(in addition to your normal regen);
Archmage's Enlightenment
(First box): Toggle(it's untextured at the moment) > Self
Component line: Absorption > Buff Power > Buff Power > Lifetap > Damage > Damage
(Note that increasing the damage anymore WILL kill you.)
Side note, if you have over 1000 mana shield half hearts and /kill, you'll bug out because for some reason it does that when /kill doesn't actually kill you.
Hahahaha I created an immortality spell... you can't interact with chests or anything that uses a menu, you have 0 hearts and won't lose gear upon using it. Great for boss battles, however re opening the save won't stop it... looking for a way to end it. Maybe a heal spell? While I'm at it, I'll try jumping into the void. Worst idea, I'm at -4000 and still going, oh just passed -10,000.

There's nothing at all, my curiosity is finally sated, now to delete this world, or go creative and fly out.

Contingency death, self|chronoanchor
Also, this is the 'bug out' you can get from /kill-ing yourself with too many Mana Shield half-hearts.
I made an excellent spell based on Exadi's quarry spell. >Projectile | Zone | Gravity | Duration | Duration | Duration | AoE | Radius | Radius | Forge | Dig | (dig modifiers if desired). Forge MUST come before dig, otherwise it doesn't work. What this does is dig the quarry, forges everything that can be smelted (from any mod!) and drops it directly at your feet. It then digs up anything it can't forge and drops it where the block was. Without dig, it stops as soon as it hits something it couldn't forge. I spent an ungodly amount of time figuring that out.
Projectile Divine Intervention Transplace. Gets you to your enemies bases. throw in some damage, or astral distortion for being MORE of a dick