Ars Magica 2 community spellbook

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I created 3 spells that are pretty insane in my opinion
The first one is this
it really isn't that good if you cast it once,but if you spam it,well,you will have a lot of lightning
also is cheap cost(22,50) makes it easy to spam

The second one is:
for that,you will have to se it for youself because it's pretty insane.
In this one i threw chain in but i think something else could work to,and maybe make it a little bit cheaper

The third one is:
-Lightning damage
-Frost damage
This one makes a pretty op sword,and it's also where i first got the idea to combine wawe and chain,it isn't that impressive against one mob,but if you get a horde it will deal a lot of damage
An interesting bit of a bug that can be extremely useful in making very powerful spells:
If you put a shape in the Shape Group(using Zone as an example here), then put 3 modifiers in the Spell Grammar(duration as the example), then put a shape in the spell grammar after that, you will be able to put the modifier in again. However, you can still put it in the Shape Group, allowing you to get up to 6 modifiers of the same type, allowing for some interesting stacking. (In the case of a 6 duration-boosted Zone, it lasts for I don't actually know how long, but a 5 duration-boosted one lasts 10 minutes of real time.)
Due to this being put after Shape Group, only modifiers that affect shapes can really work.
To my knowledge, the following modifiers stack:
-Bounce, Duration, Gravity, Piercing, Range, Rune Procs, Speed, Prosperity
(Solar and Lunar also stack, where applicable.)
To my knowledge, ones that do not stack:
All others affect spell components, not shapes, and therefore do not actually do anything when you stack them like this.
A particularly powerful(and useful) spell I have made with this is:
-Duration x6(using the method I just described)
-Chrono Anchor
This effectively sets your 'life' to when you cast it, and if you die anytime throughout the spell, will simply return you there. There's no need to put Duration on the chrono anchor, because it's applied every second of the really long time. This also makes it incredibly difficult to counter. The mana cost is a measly 39.69(no burnout), which, for a spell this powerful, is incredibly low.
A second spell I created using this method(I have a fondness of long lasting zone spells, they seem to be quite powerful for their cost)
Gigadrill(probably a lame name but whatever):
-Duration x5
-Duration x3
-Gravity x3
-Area of Effect
-Mining Power x3
This basically creates a 3x3 drill that goes downward wherever the projectile lands, constantly breaking downward until it hits bedrock. It costs a mere 75 mana for the initial cast, and will remain for 10 minutes after casting, which allows the drill to go down pretty far, as well as break anything placed inside for the duration of the spell. Can be quite useful, especially for clearing out a really tall area, or demolishing a tower. This can be used for griefing, but please don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy. :(
Before attempting a duration x6 or x5 anything, I recommend trying it on a singleplayer world, simply because if something goes horridly wrong with the casting, you can end it simply by shutting down the world and bringing it up again.
EDIT: Found out how long the x6 lasts; it seems to last 15 minutes.
This method still works with the newest Ars Magica 2 version(version, and for any creative minds out there, I recommend experimenting with it, see what you can do. :)
I love you, thank you for the tip
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I think I might have just thought of it (I would be surprised if no one had thought of it before, though).
I like to call it "Crystal Bolt"

- Beam
- Slow
- Entangle
- Blind (Optional, for against players)
- Disarm (Optional, for against players)
- Starstrike

Whatever this hits, it will freeze in place. It will then spawn a Starstrike on top of their head, probably killing them. Against players, it is also useful to have Blind and Disarm, so they can't attack you and you will have time to escape, or to use more spells on them.
I made a nice little spell using TinkeringSalad's exploit, combined with the knowledge that Wave (like Zone and Wall), no matter how much you modify it, doesn't affect mana cost at all.

OPocalypse: [Wave, Radius *3], Radius *3, Duration, Chain, Force Damage (or damage of choice, but it's very cheap with Force Damage), Damage *3.

This will release a high-damage shockwave horizontally, chaining to mobs not hit by the initial blast, and costs about 180 mana (I have 94 earth affinity so I dunno what the base cost is exactly).
A few notes: Targets have to be on the same elevation to be hit at all, unless Chain procs to it from another mob. You'll need a maxed-out crafting altar (13 components) made with sunstone and either nether brick or quartz to craft this. The recipe is also not for the faint of resources.
steals weapons 90%
(insert spell shape here) i recommend basic projectile then
  • blind>disarm>entangle>transplace>random teleport, blink or both

disarm should be before any teleport spells. not sure but i think it would make them drop it where they tp instead of where they tpd from

may already be here but add modifiers if you want it i think its only like 150 mana cost so plenty of room for improvement
i don't recommend zone maybe wave though because you would be blinded snared and disarmed your-self this way they have no chance
of getting their weapon back and if you add duration to bling or entangle they cant do a thing to you no idea if chain works for this.
also btw

  • projectile>blink
disorientating really good for just throwing them underground or in the air

have fun,
Hi, guys! Right now im playing on server with Ars Magica 2, and admins restricted some spell components from this mod. I want to make best digging spell, that one of the moderators showed me, its a very wide wave that goes forward and break stuff very fast and for a long time. I will add the screenshots of the restricted components, any help?
Guys, i have managed to find this spell( maybe) but i dont know how they did dit, it has 5 solars, i tried many times, but it didnt worked out, can you please check that spell?
This one's not as great as @TinkeringSalad's mana drain, but it's still fun:
[Projectile] Zone > Duration > Duration > Duration > AoE > Entangle > Shield > Life Drain > Mana Drain > Heal > Healing > Healing
Creates a zone that constantly gives you back life and mana at a constant rate while the targt is unable to move. The shield exists to stop victims dying, as tests showed that damage was larger than i could heal. Gives about half a heart a second and about 2000 mana over its lifetime, so not very good. I'm looking for ways to improve it though, suggestions would be appreciated

For if you REALLY hate someone:
[Projectile] Entangle > Disarm > Blind > Night Vision > Silence > Astral Distortion > Duration > Duration > Duration
Slightly overkill, but it stops all movement, disarms and completely blinds (night vision and blind react... interestingly together) the target. They also can't cast spells or teleport. Basically everything i could think of to make victims stay in once place.

Finally, i have a question. I know in earlier versions you could make a zone AoE spell to grow and harvest plants. However, I've never been able to make a spell like that work. Either plants don't grow or the harvest plants component breaks the grass blocks underneath, which is really annoying. Anyone have a good way to fix this?
Also, I know I've been talking to people privately in private chats, but if you have a question about a spell, or how to do something, or maybe some tips on improving spells you've already made, do come to me. I love helping people as much as the mod itself. As such, do start up a conversation with a question. Thanks. :D
An interesting bit of a bug that can be extremely useful in making very powerful spells:
If you put a shape in the Shape Group(using Zone as an example here), then put 3 modifiers in the Spell Grammar(duration as the example), then put a shape in the spell grammar after that, you will be able to put the modifier in again. However, you can still put it in the Shape Group, allowing you to get up to 6 modifiers of the same type, allowing for some interesting stacking. (In the case of a 6 duration-boosted Zone, it lasts for I don't actually know how long, but a 5 duration-boosted one lasts 10 minutes of real time.)
Due to this being put after Shape Group, only modifiers that affect shapes can really work.
To my knowledge, the following modifiers stack:
-Bounce, Duration, Gravity, Piercing, Range, Rune Procs, Speed, Prosperity
(Solar and Lunar also stack, where applicable.)
To my knowledge, ones that do not stack:
All others affect spell components, not shapes, and therefore do not actually do anything when you stack them like this.
A particularly powerful(and useful) spell I have made with this is:
-Duration x6(using the method I just described)
-Chrono Anchor
This effectively sets your 'life' to when you cast it, and if you die anytime throughout the spell, will simply return you there. There's no need to put Duration on the chrono anchor, because it's applied every second of the really long time. This also makes it incredibly difficult to counter. The mana cost is a measly 39.69(no burnout), which, for a spell this powerful, is incredibly low.
A second spell I created using this method(I have a fondness of long lasting zone spells, they seem to be quite powerful for their cost)
Gigadrill(probably a lame name but whatever):
-Duration x5
-Duration x3
-Gravity x3
-Area of Effect
-Mining Power x3
This basically creates a 3x3 drill that goes downward wherever the projectile lands, constantly breaking downward until it hits bedrock. It costs a mere 75 mana for the initial cast, and will remain for 10 minutes after casting, which allows the drill to go down pretty far, as well as break anything placed inside for the duration of the spell. Can be quite useful, especially for clearing out a really tall area, or demolishing a tower. This can be used for griefing, but please don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy. :(
Before attempting a duration x6 or x5 anything, I recommend trying it on a singleplayer world, simply because if something goes horridly wrong with the casting, you can end it simply by shutting down the world and bringing it up again.
EDIT: Found out how long the x6 lasts; it seems to last 15 minutes.
This method still works with the newest Ars Magica 2 version(version, and for any creative minds out there, I recommend experimenting with it, see what you can do. :)
Hm. I tried this and it doesn't work for me. I tried your chrono anchor spell like so: [Zone] Duration, Duration, Duration, Zone, Duration, Duration, Duration, Self, Chrono Anchor. The spell lasted for 2 minutes of real time. I assume i've done something wrong, what is it?
Hm. I tried this and it doesn't work for me. I tried your chrono anchor spell like so: [Zone] Duration, Duration, Duration, Zone, Duration, Duration, Duration, Self, Chrono Anchor. The spell lasted for 2 minutes of real time. I assume i've done something wrong, what is it?
See what happens there is that spell, from the first triple duration, spawns a 1 minute zone. That zone, every second, spawns one 1 minute zone. Because the durations are split between the two zones(as they fixed the bug), and thus just makes a horde of overlapping one minute zones.
See what happens there is that spell, from the first triple duration, spawns a 1 minute zone. That zone, every second, spawns one 1 minute zone. Because the durations are split between the two zones(as they fixed the bug), and thus just makes a horde of overlapping one minute zones.
Oh, i didn't know they fixed it :(
I guess a regular 3x duration zone will have to do then, because having a constant chrono anchor on you would negate most ways of dying. In fact, to only way i can think of is if someone casts a one shot spell with dispelling on you. And i've got a bunch of defense and hearts from other mods, so a one hit spell would be pretty hard to do.
Oh, i didn't know they fixed it :(
I guess a regular 3x duration zone will have to do then, because having a constant chrono anchor on you would negate most ways of dying. In fact, to only way i can think of is if someone casts a one shot spell with dispelling on you. And i've got a bunch of defense and hearts from other mods, so a one hit spell would be pretty hard to do.
fun fact, in reporting it I also discovered that two chrono anchors crashed the game, which also got fixed.
Oh yeah, that. And I'm not sure if the bug with Chrono Anchor spam and spam killing yourself still bugs yourself out and makes you infinitely 'dead' and 'alive' at the same time.
Although you'd need a Zone Duration Duration Duration Wall Duration Duration Duration spell that spams it on you...
I don't remember quite, it's been some time...
I Found An Extreme Spell Projectile firestorm damage x3 silence entagle and velocity added it one shots a wither!! but cost A CRAP TON of mana
Magic Beam:
[Beam] Magic Damage
While this doesn't do anything fancy or do massive amounts of damage, I certainly recommend this. It costs 8 mana and does 6 damage per beam activation or whatever it's called, and max damage modifiers costs 31 mana with a nice 14 damage. Range tends to add a bit too much mana to warrant using, with max range and damage modifiers costing 112 mana. If you've got a large mana pool though, this might be worth it. I suppose you could use any damage you wanted, I just chose magic damage for it's cheap cost and armor piercing.
Here's a spell I developed a while ago for simple, fast digging:
-Piercing x3
-Radius x3
-Mining Power x3
Nice, simple, clears out a large area and gives the drops.
here's a nice spell for those that like blasting every enemy in your way with immense power:

name: Heaven's Wrath


creates a thick carpet of projectiles. a few ticks later, a massive bombardment of starstrikes fall dowm on the same location the projectiles landed earlier. absolutely destroys any vanilla mob