Ars Magica 2 community spellbook

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I made an amazing discovery while messing around with AM2.
It is possible to create extremely strong spells for a minimal cost by using wave then beam. (only beam affects the cost, works with wave, zone, and wall)
This works in AM2 version,, I'm not sure if it's due to a bug with this version or if it's a mechanic meant to be there and I don't know if it works in other versions, but it's great.
Here are some of the spells I've made as well as their cost.

First a spell I call Meteor Rain:
  • (Wave), (Beam), starstrike, damage, damage, damage
  • cost:105.68 mana
  • behavior: sends out a wave which rains down 20+ starstrikes (hard to tell the exact number), each dealing 300+ damage

Next up, a spell I call Armageddon (WARNING don't use unless you have a good computer, causes a LOT of lag)
  • (Wave), (Zone), (Wave), (Beam), entangle, starstrike, damage, damage, damage
  • cost:152.33 mana
  • behavior: sends out a wave creating a small zone around each enemy hit, then sends additional waves out from each zone in the direction you are facing, each with the behavior of the previous spell while also holding mobs in place

This next spell is a Firestorm one:
  • (Wave), (Beam), Firestorm, Lunar, Lunar, Lunar
  • cost:3420.00 mana (still extremely cheap for it's effects)
  • behavior: sends out a wave and creates a Firestorm area at the start and end of the wave, size, damage, and duration depend upon how close it is to midnight, at midnight, the area covers a 37 block square and lasts for over 2 hours and will very quickly kill all AM2 bosses in the area I've tested it on (have not tested ender, lightning, or fire guardians)

These are my strongest offensive spells, mess around with wave/zone/wall, beam combinations to create your own spells.
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I made an amazing discovery while messing around with AM2.
It is possible to create extremely strong spells for a minimal cost by using wave then beam. (only beam affects the cost, works with wave, zone, and wall)
This works in AM2 version,, I'm not sure if it's due to a bug with this version or if it's a mechanic meant to be there and I don't know if it works in other versions, but it's great.

some of the modifiers and shapes don't add any or very much mana cost to the overall spell. while damage adds loads of mana cost, duration barely changes the cost at all. so to get something like a firestorm that will do tons of damage but isnt expensive, adding durationx3 is what you want. damage and radius are the two that seem to take tons of mana from what Ive noticed, and you could even take it up a step by putting that in a wall, possibly adding entangle and silence(those dont seem to raise mana cost by very much) or you could do proj>zone>durationx3>wall>projectile>rest of your spell and it will last a pretty long time(maybe 5-10 minutes, not exactly sure) and it doesnt even have to be an attack spell, just cast it on an entity and then aim at where you want the effects. though that wave>beam idea sounds neat if it can last for even an hour, just sounds nuts. but as for a spell that could "one hit" an ender guardian, I came up with proj>zone>durationx3>wall>duration>proj>firestorm>blizzard. the catch is, it only works if you can get him to stay in that one spot the entire time, so I dont think it could work in survival unless you trapped him somehow(entangle and silence do seemingly nothing on him, plus he can bounce spells back so careful when you aim it). my idea would be to summon him inside a tiny room with really thick walls, thick enough that it would be too far for him to teleport. I havnt actually tried this yet though, if anyone tries it out before I do, say so d:
Hey can you replicate this spell at 4 mins 2 sec in order so i can put it in my inscription table and for it to work. i have a version of am2 so i have 2 bars to put components in and i cant seem to replicate it
Just search up "
OP spells episode 2" and click the first youtube vid
Hey can you replicate this spell at 4 mins 2 sec in order so i can put it in my inscription table and for it to work. i have a version of am2 so i have 2 bars to put components in and i cant seem to replicate it

Do note that a lot of spell components and shapes got nerfed (or buffed) in AM2 1.2 (the version with the "spell shape" system), and the old Diminished / Normal / Augmented system no longer exists (replaced by Spell Modifiers)

Although honestly, I copied that spell directly and got almost identical results. (Still using AM2 1.2, whereas the video is in AM2 1.1) -- While you may want to tone down the Solar (Mostly so you can actually STOP firing the thing) and perhaps add some more Radius to the AoE.. it's almost identical and a VERY cheap spell to cast to boot. The only problem is, you end up burning down entire forests.
I made the spell Projectile|Heal|Regeneration and nothing happens when I right click. Am I doing something wrong?
I made the spell Projectile|Heal|Regeneration and nothing happens when I right click. Am I doing something wrong?
Are you sure "nothing" is happening when you right-click? You should fire out a Projectile in whichever direction you're pointing.

If you wanted to create a self heal spell, definitely replace "Projectile" with "Self" in your spell recipe.
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I made an amazing discovery while messing around with AM2.
It is possible to create extremely strong spells for a minimal cost by using wave then beam. (only beam affects the cost, works with wave, zone, and wall)
This works in AM2 version,, I'm not sure if it's due to a bug with this version or if it's a mechanic meant to be there and I don't know if it works in other versions, but it's great.
Here are some of the spells I've made as well as their cost....

I just tested these, and they all work... absurdly well. Too well. This is definitely an unintended interaction between the Wave and Beam shapes. This one, in particular, is absolutely insane:
This next spell is a Firestorm one:
  • (Wave), (Beam), Firestorm, Lunar, Lunar, Lunar
  • cost:3420.00 mana (still extremely cheap for it's effects)
  • behavior: sends out a wave and creates a Firestorm area at the start and end of the wave, size, damage, and duration depend upon how close it is to midnight, at midnight, the area covers a 37 block square and lasts for over 2 hours and will very quickly kill all AM2 bosses in the area I've tested it on (have not tested ender, lightning, or fire guardians)

The stats are accurate: a 900-block region is saturated with a rain of absurdly-high damage for well over two hours (if cast at midnight, it will last till dawn). With a magic level of 42, Test Dummies (from MmmMmmMmm...) took a continuous ~63 damage per tick. Assuming "real" mobs still get their half-second of damage immunity after taking a hit, that's still over 125 damage per second.

And the scary thing is, I don't think mobs do get that half-second of resistance (it doesn't sound like it, with their cries of agony triggering so quickly they kept cutting themselves off).

In that case, what we have is a spell that deals over 1,250 damage per second (at magic level 42) to everything in a 900-block region, and lasts for several hours.

Probably unintended ;)
What is the contingency spell you guys use?
I like to use this one:
Contingency damage: self
Dispel, heal, regen, shield

Is there any problem with this spell? Anything that could go wrong? Anything better?
^ You could (should) add as many buff power and duration modifiers as you can fit/afford to cast as, on their own, heal will only grant you one heart and regen won't last long enough to be of any benefit whatsoever. With three buff power modifiers, heal grants you very nearly a full health bar's worth of health instantly restored while regen will grant a regen'd heart (I'm guessing) about once per second or two. I'm not sure by how much buff power will harden the shield spell against damage. I can say that a friend of mine has a sword that deals 45 hearts of damage and, with my shield active plus armor, he is only able to deal about 2-3 points of damage total through all of that. Three duration modifiers will extend the regen and shield potion effects to several minutes (up to six minutes in some cases, even more with Solar/Lunar or rituals).


And now, I have a question:

Is there a list of objects that the Accelerate spell actually works on? For the life of me, I can't find a single use for it.
I have read these post and loved them so much. And I'll gladly contribute
Shape Self

Mana line
This will give you Double Mana and won't drain
Not to mention if your wearing battlemage chest plate or any with bonus XP you will get 20-21 xp per hit
i'm sure it's been mentioned
shape group 1:
Zone gravity wave piercing
long grey box:
duration - duration - duration - area of effect - dig - mining power - mining power - mining power - (optional: prosperity x3 or feather touch)
creates a tunnel 2 high 3 wide in the direction you're facing(add radius modifiers after area of effect to increase width)
Pro tip: don't cast diagonally: the top wave only fires once, the bottom wave fires repeatedly, clears out gravel extremely well. don't move while waves are firing.
this spell is amazing for desert use. stacks and stacks of sand
Oh yeah I almost forgot about this.

So. I spoke to my Skype Chat about it. (We talk about more than Thaumcraft~ ;]) and to AM2's author himself about this. Honestly? I think this is too much for one person alone to make into a thread. I think this thread has the right idea of making it a community thing so I support this direction more than myself just making a cheat sheet.

You could argue that it wouldn't be too much for me alone because in a sense the Cheat Sheets are a community project. Well like I said, this thread exists as a Community topic. So why should I step on it's toes?

Sorry guys. An AM2 Cheat Sheet It ain't happening. At least not by me. Love the mod though.

what about making a thread explaining the exact stats of the shapes, comps and mods and detailed functionality of the spell grammar? it could co-exist with this spell collection thread (and even assist it - the better people understand the mechanics, the better they could come up with new spells)
What is the contingency spell you guys use?
I like to use this one:
Contingency damage: self
Dispel, heal, regen, shield

Is there any problem with this spell? Anything that could go wrong? Anything better?
I might throw in an AOE+Knockback+Disarm+Slow+3x Buff Power, if you can afford it (don't use Entangle---Entangle stops mobs from being knocked back, whereas Slow + 3x Buff Power is virtually identical to Entangle, but works with Knockback).

As for "better", I don't know if this counts, but I use my Contingency slot to prevent me from dying, rather than defensive utility:
Contingency: Health, Self
--> Mark, Divine Intervention​
(Basically, I auto-bamf outta there when my health gets low, but I leave a Mark so I can Recall right back as soon as I heal and buff up)

While I'm here, I have two questions re: Contingencies:
  1. Contingency: Damage --- Does it proc whenever you're hit, or only if you actually suffer health damage? I have a lot of armor and protective enchants, so even when I'm being hit a lot, I'm not taking damage. I'd rather save my Contingency until I actually take damage.
  2. Contingency: Death --- Is there a use for this beyond revenge? (My reading of it is it triggers at your death, rather than as a method to save you from dying.) I suppose Mark could be used to enable you to TP back to your death point, but I think Contingency: Health is the best place for that strategy since it helps you not die.
Lastly, I've seen some examples of offensive contingencies in this thread---for example, using Ignition to set mobs on fire, and giving them a Contingency: Fire effect that procs with some additional deadly effect. I've never tried this myself, and I have no idea if it works (I didn't think you could apply Contingencies to entities other than yourself), but if it does, then it's the only way I know of to divide a spell up into sequential steps (rather than have everything trigger at once).
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what about making a thread explaining the exact stats of the shapes, comps and mods and detailed functionality of the spell grammar? it could co-exist with this spell collection thread (and even assist it - the better people understand the mechanics, the better they could come up with new spells)
I think this is a great idea. With mad respect to Mithion, AM2 is one of the worst documented mods out there for communicating how much is possible---the Arcane Compendium is full of outdated and outright wrong information (e.g. the "Blind" component is utterly useless on anyone other than players... even though its entry specifically refers to casting it on Dark Mage mobs; the "Disarm" component, on the other hand, is quite handy against mobs).
It makes you drop what's in your hand right. What would an enemy mage hold their spellbook with.

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