Whitelist Server Arelia FTB | Mindcrack 8.3.2 | A friendly community server! | Expensive Recipes Disabled!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: galaxyminer5322
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft since Beta 1.2
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I have been playing FTB since the launcher was released but have been playing modded minecraft since 1.2.5.
  • My favorite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I think my top 2 fav mods would be gregtech and redpower. This is becasue they all you to do so much more in the game and add alot of cool blocks to build with.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I most enjoy build complext technical things like auto sorting systems, auto smelting systems and much much more.

Added! Welcome to the server! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: _Castiel
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: 2+ years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I haven't played much, I have been trying to look for a ftb server to learn.
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I really don't know, I really like the thaum craft stuff and buildcraft.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I really like making really big things and have the biggest and baddest systems every, I really like to compete.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: _Castiel
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: 2+ years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I haven't played much, I have been trying to look for a ftb server to learn.
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I really don't know, I really like the thaum craft stuff and buildcraft.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I really like making really big things and have the biggest and baddest systems every, I really like to compete.

Added! Welcome to the server :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you see me in game, just ask! Sorry I can't be around a lot at the moment, I'm currently moving houses, in temporary accomodation and have the internet speed of a snail. It's lucky I can open this page, never mind get on a server! Naturally, opening this server came at a bad time for me, but I'm doing my best to work through it, I hope you can appreciate that! Of course, if I found willing and trustworthy administrators; they could assign people plots too.

If u can. Get on the server if u have some time. Two of the big machines blew up cause of incorrect power setup and there is no way off of the higher floors without falling.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: the_s4rg3
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: 2+ years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I haven't played on servers very often, I'm looking for a server that has people that actually get on :p
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I prefer Thaumcraft and Gregtech, although I'm not too into either.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I like playing on a server where it's small and I know everybody. I'd also like to record videos sometime.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey It's Legend I have been playing this server and so far i'm loving it but Unfortunately I have come to the point where I would like to get a nano saber. It says I need a rolling machine which is banned understandably to make an advanced alloy which requires a mixed metal ingot. That can only be made through rolling machine. Normally I would wait for a mod to get on but I live in the US so no mod is ever on for me. Anything I can do?
Thanks If you can do it
P.S. I hope I'm not being a tard about this


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey It's Legend I have been playing this server and so far i'm loving it but Unfortunately I have come to the point where I would like to get a nano saber. It says I need a rolling machine which is banned understandably to make an advanced alloy which requires a mixed metal ingot. That can only be made through rolling machine. Normally I would wait for a mod to get on but I live in the US so no mod is ever on for me. Anything I can do?
Thanks If you can do it
P.S. I hope I'm not being a tard about this
The rolling machine shouldn't be banned. I'll check the server config and get online to have a look as soon as my internet feels like it's up to it (*sigh*). Sorry about that!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Someone explain to me why the rolling machine shares a data value with world anchors? xD You should now be able to craft and place rolling machines.[DOUBLEPOST=1362689308][/DOUBLEPOST]
  • My in-game name: the_s4rg3
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: 2+ years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I haven't played on servers very often, I'm looking for a server that has people that actually get on :p
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I prefer Thaumcraft and Gregtech, although I'm not too into either.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I like playing on a server where it's small and I know everybody. I'd also like to record videos sometime.

Added! Welcome to the server :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Someone explain to me why the rolling machine shares a data value with world anchors? xD You should now be able to craft and place rolling machines.[DOUBLEPOST=1362689308][/DOUBLEPOST]

Added! Welcome to the server :)
Thanks Robo!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:T_Killa14
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:2+
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:2-3 months
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are:Buildcraft and industrialcraft because i have played with just ehm in the past and had a blast and having them intigrated into other ods is just amazing.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is:Building creative and detailed builds that have a purpose to them and exploring ever faset of the game.
  • Reccommended by Intervention-Good friend of mine
(Sorry for the bad spelling)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Rilrom
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Quite a long time, played Tekkit extensively and have recently moved to FTB in the past months.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: See above.
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: Forestry and Thaumcraft. Forestry due to bee-keeping and thaumcraft just because it interests me overall.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I enjoy this as it involves thinking and logic, combine this with a friendly community and group projects and I'll enjoy myself for a long time to come.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Lamp218
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft since the first Halloween update came out.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I've been playing FTB since the 1.2.5 Insanity Map came out.
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I absolutely adore the Extra Bees mod. Bees are what I aim for whenever I play MindCrack. I am a big fan of BuildCraft and GregTech machinery as well.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I love the ability to do anything I so please (within the rules of course.) I normally build a small castle-esque area and just go wild with my bees and everything, trying to automate everything organically. I'm not a big fan of decimating the landscape.
  • Thank you for reading over my application!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: motokazieracer
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Minecraft, almost 2 years :)
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: almost 3 months
  • My favorite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: My favorite Mods are: Thaumcraft, and Bees. I like thaumcraft because you can make really cool things, and its like magic! I like bees because i think their fun, and they can give u some valuable things if you get the right bee, I also like this mod because it takes time to get those valuable things, and its not instant.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: having fun with friends, and others on a server, building cool things, and pranking (if allowed)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The following...
  • My in-game name:T_Killa14
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:2+
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:2-3 months
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are:Buildcraft and industrialcraft because i have played with just ehm in the past and had a blast and having them intigrated into other ods is just amazing.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is:Building creative and detailed builds that have a purpose to them and exploring ever faset of the game.
  • Reccommended by Intervention-Good friend of mine
(Sorry for the bad spelling)

  • My in-game name: Rilrom
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Quite a long time, played Tekkit extensively and have recently moved to FTB in the past months.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: See above.
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: Forestry and Thaumcraft. Forestry due to bee-keeping and thaumcraft just because it interests me overall.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I enjoy this as it involves thinking and logic, combine this with a friendly community and group projects and I'll enjoy myself for a long time to come.


  • My in-game name: Lamp218
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft since the first Halloween update came out.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I've been playing FTB since the 1.2.5 Insanity Map came out.
  • My favourite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: I absolutely adore the Extra Bees mod. Bees are what I aim for whenever I play MindCrack. I am a big fan of BuildCraft and GregTech machinery as well.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I love the ability to do anything I so please (within the rules of course.) I normally build a small castle-esque area and just go wild with my bees and everything, trying to automate everything organically. I'm not a big fan of decimating the landscape.
  • Thank you for reading over my application!

  • My in-game name: motokazieracer
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Minecraft, almost 2 years :)
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: almost 3 months
  • My favorite mods and the reasons I like them in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: My favorite Mods are: Thaumcraft, and Bees. I like thaumcraft because you can make really cool things, and its like magic! I like bees because i think their fun, and they can give u some valuable things if you get the right bee, I also like this mod because it takes time to get those valuable things, and its not instant.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: having fun with friends, and others on a server, building cool things, and pranking (if allowed)
have been accepted! Welcome to the server :)