Lord know how long this bug has been around, And still! nothing!
Straight from the config file (other than the bold and underlining).# Disable the uncrafting function of the uncrafting table. Provided as an option when interaction with other mods produces exploitable recipes.
B: DisableUncrafting=false
Wouldn't the lightning produced from drinking destabilized redstone through a straw have the same effect?
Straight from the config file (other than the bold and underlining).
for some reason, i think the GT`s lightning rod actually tracks his own lightning, which is more likely to be "fake".Gregtech knows how to discern "fake" lightning from real weather, I beleive it to be possible i think
for some reason, i think the GT`s lightning rod actually tracks his own lightning, which is more likely to be "fake".
i`m pretty sure it would be easier and controllable to implement this way.
Gregtech knows how to discern "fake" lightning from real weather, I beleive it to be possible i think[DOUBLEPOST=1378011189][/DOUBLEPOST]
A lot of recipies are legit things to be uncrafted, Punishing people who do the right thing isn't the way to fix a problem
Well actuallyWhat...?
Gregtech knows how to discern "fake" lightning from real weather, I beleive it to be possible i think
Somebody somewhere decided they couldn't go straight to the bathroom and back from a class in school. Therefore, everyone now needs a bathroom pass to go to the bathroom. Same rule applies here, and with laws and government.A lot of recipies are legit things to be uncrafted, Punishing people who do the right thing isn't the way to fix a problem
Somebody somewhere decided they couldn't go straight to the bathroom and back from a class in school. Therefore, everyone now needs a bathroom pass to go to the bathroom. Same rule applies here, and with laws and government.
I've had instances on servers where CC is disabled so people can't grief. I personally love CC so I quit the server. Sometimes, you either have to deal with it, or go find somewhere else that does it right.
Or the twilight forest developer could do it right, Or the gravity gun developer, By the way, Does anyone else know of any other exploits that are active and i can make videos about?
while config does fix it, the problem is, that it`s like chopping your hand off when snake bit your finger, instead of using a cure.What exactly are they doing wrong? It is a crossmod exploit that you can even turn off in the config, I don't really see how they could do it better, unless they implement hardcoded workarounds for ever possible mod combination that maybe exists somewhere, which isn't really reasonable to expect.
What exactly are they doing wrong? It is a crossmod exploit that you can even turn off in the config, I don't really see how they could do it better, unless they implement hardcoded workarounds for ever possible mod combination that maybe exists somewhere, which isn't really reasonable to expect.
What the version of TF in that vid?
Because as far as I know, this doesn't work anymore, the TF portal does a fake lightning now.
A new fad is using the lightning from activating a division sigil.
I stand correctedUnleashed 1.1.3
By the way, Does anyone else know of any other exploits that are active[...]?