You have to make a controller or energy acceptor before you can do any AE. Another one is a decent cost for wireless. Just look at the quantum ring, you need 16 of those to get the two rings necessary for quantum, that's 16 energy acceptors.
is this a low pc friendly pack. If it isnt could you allow the ability to chosse between a low pc friendly version and the regular version?
true i just want to know if they can add mods that will let me play it at over 3FPS.Which mods would you like them to remove to make it "low PC friendly"? Many recipes rely on multiple mods in "Expert" mode... Removing even one mod might collapse the entire concept of the pack.
It's already got Fastcraft installed... You might try going through the thread to see if anyone's had luck with Optifine, although that apparently is a 50/50 proposition if it helps or makes things worse...true i just want to know if they can add mods that will let me play it at over 3FPS.
Do note that the rate at which the Runic Altar (and the Botanical Brewery, etc.) runs is directly tied to the rate at which you pump mana into it. With one basic spreader at a long distance from the Altar, yeah, some recipes might take a while. But if you upgrade your spreader, attach a Potency lens, situate it closer to to the Altar (directly adjacent or with a 1-block gap provides the best transfer rate), and/or just aim more spreaders at it, you'll see the time required decrease quite a lot. If you double the rate you're pumping mana in, the time it'll take to perform any operation will be halved.Been working my way thru the magic side of the pack. I really like how all four packs are blended together but you really need to look at the time length of some of the Runic Altar recipes. I am trying to make my Runic Matrix for a Thaumcraft Infusion Altar and this thing is going to take 30 minutes or more to finish...
Still enjoying it but waiting around for something like this to finish isn't a challenge, it is just boring.
Been working my way thru the magic side of the pack. I really like how all four packs are blended together but you really need to look at the time length of some of the Runic Altar recipes. I am trying to make my Runic Matrix for a Thaumcraft Infusion Altar and this thing is going to take 30 minutes or more to finish...
Still enjoying it but waiting around for something like this to finish isn't a challenge, it is just boring.
I think it is worth noting that the keywords I saw were "waiting around for something like this to finish isn't a challenge, it is just boring". This is extremely true for me in real life. I don't like to wait on anything. I have been trying solutions to the issue for awhile now. The latest and most successful is "don't wait". I do something else while the time is ticking by. At home I find a task that is easily dropped, or I am able to complete in the given time frame. When going someplace where waiting is probable I take a book or game set with me.Do note that the rate at which the Runic Altar (and the Botanical Brewery, etc.) runs is directly tied to the rate at which you pump mana into it. With one basic spreader at a long distance from the Altar, yeah, some recipes might take a while. But if you upgrade your spreader, attach a Potency lens, situate it closer to to the Altar (directly adjacent or with a 1-block gap provides the best transfer rate), and/or just aim more spreaders at it, you'll see the time required decrease quite a lot. If you double the rate you're pumping mana in, the time it'll take to perform any operation will be halved.
It's worth noting that any given spreader can only have one mana burst in the air at once. So, before the spreader can fire again, that burst has to either dissipate or hit something and be absorbed by it. Because of this, simply moving your altar closer to your mana pools may, if your altar is currently more than 10 blocks (or 15?) from the spreader(s) feeding it, increase the rate at which your altar can run by over an order of magnitude. That alone would reduce your 30-minute cook time to three minutes (unless, of course, your altar is already fairly close to the spreaders. In which case, upgrade them, add lenses, or just add more spreaders).
Time, or waiting, is a resource just like materials or the correct machine to process items. Adding time to a process is a bit different than just making something take more materials, or more steps. And then options to speed things up with either upgrades or with more machines also gives more options.
So while i can understand people who don't like to wait for processing, it's equivalent to not wanting to mine, or not wanting to have multiple crafting steps. To make a modpack harder, there has to be something that well, makes it harder![]()
We've had a few people on the server rushing things, putting in a large number of hours and working any exploit they can figure out. That's the game they seem to love. Others. myself included, want to take it a bit slower, and build huge things, put in railroads, etc. This can be frustrating at times on a server. One group is "look at fast we are going" while building their crappy bases. They get frustrated when not all of us care. Meanwhile, slower builders have to listen to the race going on, and 12 year olds bragging about who has the most million ingots of gold in their ME system. Evolved is a bit nicer than regular infinity since it has some frustration for everyone at all levels.
If you do make a server like this... let me know.Well, until it's time to go to work on Monday and you decide reading forums and sucking down coffee is needed.Maybe due to playing Evolved until 3am.
I'll argue some of your thoughts on difficulty, but not much. As with many things, we have multiple definitions for a word, and shades of gray with each definition. (I love Geometry, an exact definition of terms. Made things simpler than language.)
I think that having to grind things out is definitely a form of difficulty, even if the player controls it all. I was totally in control of my game last night, and then decided i'd rather start bees, go mining, and run around the world, rather than bang my head against botania some more. (A mod i haven't done until now.) My choice in some ways. I play to have fun. Wasn't having fun, did something else. Found it 'difficult' to keep working with flowers.
The things not in a players control, even as small as zombies attacking while mining, as you mentioned, a more fun route. They can also mix nicely with other non-random factors. Personally, i'd have made the mobs much harder, and lowered ore rates significantly, and upped power needs on many things. For the player that sits and watches a battery charge, yes, this is boring. But i think the pack has an advantage in you need to do 12 things at once. So while doing some other things, your ores process, power charges up batteries, bees mutate, etc.
And yes, magic is much harder than tech. Kudos and Curses to whoever put those recipes together.
We've had a few people on the server rushing things, putting in a large number of hours and working any exploit they can figure out. That's the game they seem to love. Others. myself included, want to take it a bit slower, and build huge things, put in railroads, etc. This can be frustrating at times on a server. One group is "look at fast we are going" while building their crappy bases. They get frustrated when not all of us care. Meanwhile, slower builders have to listen to the race going on, and 12 year olds bragging about who has the most million ingots of gold in their ME system. Evolved is a bit nicer than regular infinity since it has some frustration for everyone at all levels.
The concept of one modpack with different settings to be brilliant. I just want another flavor with more agressive fauna, and less resources so you have to deal with the critters more.
The most fun i ever had in minecraft was the old MiningDead server. Try doing IC2 when the only way to get rubber was hunt creepers, who only spawn in caves below level 30.![]()
I'm debating working on project for a more frustrating version of evolved with a custom map. I love the idea of a player just loading infinity to play, but it's tough to ramp things up just with recipes and configs. What I'm thinking of is using a few plugins for building a world with the the old Cityworld map, surrounded by a wasteland, and a plugin to ramp up the mobs. Ideally would like to use lycanites mod, since the mobs and events are so fun, but not possible with the restriction of keeping things to normal infinity download for players. I think a world less rich in resources and a few tweaks to recipes could make for a much more challenging version of Infinity.
I'd love to see infinity add a few more mods to the pack, used in different flavors of the pack, and turned off entirely in others.
That part is flat out wrong. We wrote a guide. It's in game. Try playing a pack before criticising it.
Our goal here is to create a pack that will extend your gameplay without introducing massive amounts of grind.
In the tech tree, we have locked the most powerful items (Like Applied Energistics sorting systems) behind gates unlocked by progressing through other mods. On top of this, we have changed up the recipes of a lot of your favorite items by bringing in ingredients from other mods. For example the Basic Machine Frame needed for most Thermal Expansion machines requires parts built with Tinkers Construct, Forestry, Buildcraft, and Railcraft.
That's actually exactly the point of the pack. To force you into mods you wouldn't otherwise use.
there's just so many different things we need to build.
The other option is to gate advanced tech behind lower tech, ie add progression. This is the route we have decided to go down for this first iteration.
What we may be able to do is create true integration and give each item several different recipes taken from a variety of mods giving you the chance to choose what recipe you want to use. However that is a massive undertaking and maybe something for the future.
Could i get advice on where to start? I don't want to spend an hour in NEI just to find out what I can make with a couple of sticks.
We are currently working on the getting started guide that will be easily accessible in game.
That part is flat out wrong. We wrote a guide. It's in game. Try playing a pack before criticising it.
Notch deciding that a 1M^2 box you make with no tools can hold 1,728 gold ingots (47,347 lbs.)? Seriously, why?
Ok, but you're ok with:
Skeletons, zombies, giant spiders and a creature known as a creeper come to life and trying to kill you.
When they do kill you, you come back to life. As many times as you want.
Structural mechanics and integrity that are in complete violation of all laws of physics
A magic purple wall that lets you go to hell and get golden rods from flame throwing flying octopi , while dodging an amalgamated abomination of pig and zombie with a sword, a black poisonous skeleton come to life with a sword and a house sized white flying flame throwing octopi that sound like a demonic baby.
Any and all mods that add to or enhance vanilla minecraft in general.
Because otherwise, by your own logic, you should be playing vanilla Minecraft in peaceful mode, planting crops and raising animals, while living in a house built to current Uniform Building Code.
Now, freely moving things with big inventories (like chests) lets you bypass all inventory restrictions. Dollies and chest transporters give you a debuff for your trouble, as a tradeoff. Putting them inside another inventory such as a bag bypasses that. These are abuse points.
That is just abusing the game rules; abusing the approximations to the simulation of a consistent world.
Yes, you 'live' in a world with your own set of rules and your own simulation of your 'vision of reality'. Good for you. No one is criticizing it. After all, its a sandbox game and everyone plays their own style.I "live" in a world where (...)
I live in a world where (...)
I live in a world with (...).
And I live in a world where (...)
I live in a world where (...)