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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since I've had no feedback regarding the transmuter concept, I'll ditch that one and work on a Nature shaman/berserker concept based around bears that's been in my head recently. ("Wearing the bear shirt" is an actual Viking term.)

Basically, twin axe shaman who studied bears moreso than his actual teacher, believes "the Great Bear provides."


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Since I've had no feedback regarding the transmuter concept, I'll ditch that one and work on a Nature shaman/berserker concept based around bears that's been in my head recently. ("Wearing the bear shirt" is an actual Viking term.)

Basically, twin axe shaman who studied bears moreso than his actual teacher, believes "the Great Bear provides."
You don't watch LindyBeige do you?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I got my berserker info from the History Channel. Apparently they got off on red cap mushrooms, and were the first earliest recorded furries.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Seems like dark magik fits better though - shadow magic needs, you know, shadows. Dark is more about forbidden shit.
I agree with this actually. Shadow magic is using shadows to your benefit. Creating a weapon out of shadows, shadow tendrils, shadowsense, shadow puppetry, that sorta thing. Dark I'd think is more "evil" or "taboo" magics. Now, besides his mask, how does astora use shadows at all?
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Jul 31, 2013
Name: Nahiri (might change)
Magic: Lightning
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Though mostly silent you shouldn't get in her way. She likes to discover, experiment and create new things.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert):
Nahiri's mother died after giving birth to her. Her father snapped and became very violent as a result and thus her early years weren't the greatest. However her brother, Darien was often able to calm her dad before things went too out of control or able to use his holy magic to restore the damage that was done. She lost count of the times he saved her by now.

One night, after her dad had an exceptional bad day she left home together with her brother, to live together with Eron, a friend of her brother. After her brother brought her to Eron he quickly left saying he had to take care of something. When he returned there was blood on his blade and she haven't seen her father ever since nor did she ever talk about him.

Since this moments things quickly got better for her. Its during this time she learned how she could manipulate electricity and she became pretty much obsessed with it and how it interacted with other materials. She also helped Eron with the smithing he did and used the knowledge and skill in smithing she gained from it to experiment further with how her lightning interacted with metals.

By accident she created what she calls an Hedron. A metal device that reacts in weird ways with electricity. Eron, nor Darien where not impressed by them as they didn't saw the use in it and wanted her to stop her weird experiments and do more useful things then wasting metals on useless things. Nahiri quickly had enough of the argument and threw a lightning bolt towards Eron. However the few Hedrons she created so far started affecting it and what once was one small lightning bolt not meant to cause much harm quickly became two amplified versions of it, one going for Eron the other for Darien.

Eron was able to evade the bolt, however Darien had less luck and the bolt hit him directly. The damage the bolt did was much greater then Nahiri had planned and caused Darien to loose conscious and to this day the path the bolt took to the ground is still visible in his skin.

Eron, who taught that Nahiri went mad quickly casted some fire spells in her way in the hope that she would have to flee so he could check if Darien was alright. However the spells he casted got also affected by the Hedrons and the fire scattered all over the place, leaving Nahiri unharmed. Eron was perplexed and surrendered when he saw that Nahiri was ready to throw another bolt at him.

Because of this she now have the support of both Eron and Darien to work on the Hedrons and was able to make much smaller versions of them though she if far from done experimenting with them.
Equipment: A simple sword and plenty of Hedrons she can deploy whenever she thinks they are needed
Stats (25 total):

Health: 6
Armour: 4
Agility: 4
Strength: 1
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defense: 4

Magical abilities (3 total):
Node setup: Nahiri creates a Hedron and chooses either ally or enemy and magical skill or accuracy(1 turn cooldown)

Network Overload: Nahiri sends a powerful electric pulse to the network, targeting every enemy in the network. The damage increases for each node that targets an ally (2 turn cooldown)

Network shielding: Nahiri can use the nodes to change the targets of spell casted by her enemies that are part of the network to allies that are in the network. (Nahiri is always allowed to change the targets to herself as she is always part of the network) (Changing targets can only be done on Nahiri's turn and doesn't take up a whole turn to do. Changing the target also has no cooldown)

Magical abilites
Network Binding : Upon creation the Hedron selects two random characters on the team that got chosen by Nahiri (they can't target Nahiri, nor can one Hedron target the same character twice) and connects them to the Hedron network
Magical disturbance : When the targeted characters use an ability they gain -1 to the stat that got chosen by Nahiri if the character is an enemy
Magical focus : When the targeted characters use an ability they gain +1 to the stat that got chosen by Nahiri if the character is an ally
Health: 2
Armour: 1
Agility: 1
Strength: 1
Accuracy: 1
Magical skill: 1
Magical defense: 1

I think that is good enough for now
Last edited:


Aug 22, 2014
A place
Since I've had no feedback regarding the transmuter concept, I'll ditch that one and work on a Nature shaman/berserker concept based around bears that's been in my head recently. ("Wearing the bear shirt" is an actual Viking term.)

Basically, twin axe shaman who studied bears moreso than his actual teacher, believes "the Great Bear provides."

I mean, my point is, humans only use those magiks, so it doesn't really seem to fit. However if you could explain it as earth magic, say, you could have it.

'no feedback'


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
@lenscas you need to mention how the hedrons can be destroyed - I propose just any attack would do it. Plus, I don't think there's any need for the character choice to be random - just let yourself decide.


Aug 22, 2014
A place
I agree with this actually. Shadow magic is using shadows to your benefit. Creating a weapon out of shadows, shadow tendrils, shadowsense, shadow puppetry, that sorta thing. Dark I'd think is more "evil" or "taboo" magics. Now, besides his mask, how does astora use shadows at all?
The attack for lifesteal is a shadow, enrage is him losing control of his shadows, life energy is in anyone's blood.


Jul 31, 2013
@lenscas you need to mention how the hedrons can be destroyed - I propose just any attack would do it. Plus, I don't think there's any need for the character choice to be random - just let yourself decide.
attacking would do, I'm not sure about the stats of those things yet.

I didn't originally plan to make me able to target people as the Hedrons are supposed to be a bit chaotic. Also to prevent me from being able to setup a good network on my allies and then just pick an enemy and activate network overload. Though depending on the stats of the things that might not be an issue. (I also want a as short as possible cooldown on that ability and making the targets random sounded like a good starting point to get cheese to make the cooldown as small as possible and then buff it from there if necessary )


Aug 22, 2014
A place
Name: Nahiri (might change)
Magic: Lightning
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Though mostly silent you shouldn't get in her way. She likes to discover, experiment and create new things.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert):
Nahiri's mother died after giving birth to her. Her father snapped and became very violent as a result and thus her early years weren't the greatest. However her brother, Darien was often able to calm her dad before things went too out of control or able to use his holy magic to restore the damage that was done. She lost count of the times he saved her by now.

One night, after her dad had an exceptional bad day she left home together with her brother, to live together with Eron, a friend of her brother. After her brother brought her to Eron he quickly left saying he had to take care of something. When he returned there was blood on his blade and she haven't seen her father ever since nor did she ever talk about him.

Since this moments things quickly got better for her. Its during this time she learned how she could manipulate electricity and she became pretty much obsessed with it and how it interacted with other materials. She also helped Eron with the smithing he did and used the knowledge and skill in smithing she gained from it to experiment further with how her lightning interacted with metals.

By accident she created what she calls an Hedron. A metal device that reacts in weird ways with electricity. Eron, nor Darien where not impressed by them as they didn't saw the use in it and wanted her to stop her weird experiments and do more useful things then wasting metals on useless things. Nahiri quickly had enough of the argument and threw a lightning bolt towards Eron. However the few Hedrons she created so far started affecting it and what once was one small lightning bolt not meant to cause much harm quickly became two amplified versions of it, one going for Eron the other for Darien.

Eron was able to evade the bolt, however Darien had less luck and the bolt hit him directly. The damage the bolt did was much greater then Nahiri had planned and caused Darien to loose conscious and to this day the path the bolt took to the ground is still visible in his skin.

Eron, who taught that Nahiri went mad quickly casted some fire spells in her way in the hope that she would have to flee so he could check if Darien was alright. However the spells he casted got also affected by the Hedrons and the fire scattered all over the place, leaving Nahiri unharmed. Eron was perplexed and surrendered when he saw that Nahiri was ready to throw another bolt at him.

Because of this she now have the support of both Eron and Darien to work on the Hedrons and was able to make much smaller versions of them though she if far from done experimenting with them.
Equipment: A simple sword and plenty of Hedrons she can deploy whenever she thinks they are needed
Stats (25 total):

Health: 6
Armour: 4
Agility: 4
Strength: 1
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defense: 4

Magical abilities (3 total):
Node setup: Nahiri sets up a node in focusing either 2 characters on her team or 2 opponents. The characters it focuses on are chosen randomly (not the team they they focus on). If a node focuses an ally it either gives +1 magic or +1 precision on abilities. Else it gives -1 to one of those instead (the players that are being focused on are now considered part of the network). The nodes stay during the whole battle but can be destroyed by characters

Network Overload: Nahiri sends a powerful electric pulse to the network,potentially targeting every enemy that has a node targeting him/her. The damage increases for each node that targets an ally but decreases for each node targeting an enemy.

Network shielding: Nahiri can use the nodes to change the targets of spell casted by her enemies that are part of the networ to allies that are in the network. (Nahiri is always allowed to change the targets to herself as she is always part of the network)

I think that is good enough for now
It's mostly fine, but the nodes will need testing to balance.


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
Haven't quite finished reading the thread yet, but here:

Name: Erildus Oritun
Age: 27
Magiks: Fire, Shadow
Appearance (picture or description): Armored Warforged (if allowed, otherwise enhanced human) Soldier. Has a sort of flamethrower built into his body. Non-typical for a warforged, he lacks built in weapons such as blades or spikes.
Personality: Always seems to be quietly searching for something. Is fairly gentle but is also a brutal opponent.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert): You have a strange gap in your memory of your life before the age of 16. You don't remember learning how to fight, only knowing that you did. You also had an innate ability to produce fire with simple concentration, although produce large amounts is difficult and fatiguing. You made your way in the world by providing fire to those who had no way of producing it themselves.
Equipment: Armored plates, flamethrower, flash powder (weaker and expensive alchemical gunpowder), and a simple looking longsword

Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defense: 2

Magical abilities (Italics represent spells/activated abilities, Bold represents an innate power):
Darkness (Can make the area around cloaked in complete darkness)
Infravision (Can see in the dark for a fair distance, Darkness reduces it to within striking distance)
Create Fire (Creates an amount of fire, which can be manipulated through practice, based on how much focus is put into the ability)

@LivingAngryCheese please let me know if something would be outside of the world or my magical abilities


Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Haven't quite finished reading the thread yet, but here:

Name: Erildus Oritun
Age: 27
Magiks: Fire, Shadow
Appearance (picture or description): Armored Warforged (if allowed, otherwise enhanced human) Soldier. Has a sort of flamethrower built into his body. Non-typical for a warforged, he lacks built in weapons such as blades or spikes.
Personality: Always seems to be quietly searching for something. Is fairly gentle but is also a brutal opponent.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert): You have a strange gap in your memory of your life before the age of 16. You don't remember learning how to fight, only knowing that you did. You also had an innate ability to produce fire with simple concentration, although produce large amounts is difficult and fatiguing. You made your way in the world by providing fire to those who had no way of producing it themselves.
Equipment: Armored plates, flamethrower, flash powder (weaker and expensive alchemical gunpowder), and a simple looking longsword

Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defense: 2

Magical abilities (Italics represent spells/activated abilities, Bold represents an innate power):
Darkness (Can make the area around cloaked in complete darkness)
Infravision (Can see in the dark for a fair distance, Darkness reduces it to within striking distance)
Create Fire (Creates an amount of fire, which can be manipulated through practice, based on how much focus is put into the ability)

@LivingAngryCheese please let me know if something would be outside of the world or my magical abilities
You need a good backstory if you're making a character with 2 schools of magic


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Haven't quite finished reading the thread yet, but here:

Name: Erildus Oritun
Age: 27
Magiks: Fire, Shadow
Appearance (picture or description): Armored Warforged (if allowed, otherwise enhanced human) Soldier. Has a sort of flamethrower built into his body. Non-typical for a warforged, he lacks built in weapons such as blades or spikes.
Personality: Always seems to be quietly searching for something. Is fairly gentle but is also a brutal opponent.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert): You have a strange gap in your memory of your life before the age of 16. You don't remember learning how to fight, only knowing that you did. You also had an innate ability to produce fire with simple concentration, although produce large amounts is difficult and fatiguing. You made your way in the world by providing fire to those who had no way of producing it themselves.
Equipment: Armored plates, flamethrower, flash powder (weaker and expensive alchemical gunpowder), and a simple looking longsword

Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defense: 2

Magical abilities (Italics represent spells/activated abilities, Bold represents an innate power):
Darkness (Can make the area around cloaked in complete darkness)
Infravision (Can see in the dark for a fair distance, Darkness reduces it to within striking distance)
Create Fire (Creates an amount of fire, which can be manipulated through practice, based on how much focus is put into the ability)

@LivingAngryCheese please let me know if something would be outside of the world or my magical abilities
There's a few issues here.
  • You generally can't have two schools of magic unless you provide good reasoning in the backstory. You supplied none.
  • Furthermore, you covered the fire well, but how does he know shadow magic? You never even mentioned it.
  • You can't be a warforged. You have to be human. You could be a magical cyborg if you have a good backstory reason behind it.
  • Honestly, "he doesn't remember his past" is a bit of a cop-out for not writing a proper backstory. Your character's past is an important part of the character himself.
  • I don't think a flamethrower is going to work for this. It's generally a fantasy theme, and you don't get any tech past maybe steam powered. It's gonna be weird to have it in there.
  • "You made your way in the world by providing fire to those who had no way of producing it themselves." You've always lived in pert. You haven't left for much more than maybe a hunting trip or enemy raid. You won't be providing fire for those out in the world. Mostly because anyone not in pert is assumed dead. There's hostile races everywhere who kill humans on sight. And I'm sure in a fantasy type scenario everyone would be fairly well versed in making fire themselves.
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Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
Okay going off of feedback.

Name: Erildus Oritun
Age: 27
Magiks: Fire
Appearance (picture or description): Human wearing a sort of clockwork device powered by a fire elemental that can shoot fire a short distance. Also wearing dark blue leather armor.
Personality: Sometimes hostile to others, but he always keeps a coin handy for children on the street. He hates the cold and any form of magic that revolves around it.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert):

Erildus grew up in the center of Pert as an orphan. His parents died earlier than his memory, fighting to protect him. Typically a smaller child, Erildus was never left alone by the other orphans (of which there were many), so he often found himself alone, tinkering with small clockwork mechanisms. Around ten years old, Erildus discovered that he could manipulate fire to his liking. He used this to help fight off the hostile creatures that attacked the village almost everyday. During the down time he used his skill with small contraptions to set traps for enemies, before discovering that a device that makes a big display of flame is far more scary and effective. So with the help of a summoner and an enchanter, he trapped a small fire elemental in a magical cage, and channels its energy into a more projectile form of flame. During one of the many fights, he lost his best friend Merdia to an ice spike in the chest. As she died in his arms, he swore to hunt down her killer, but has so far been unable to find him. Ever since, he has always hated cold magic, and has never been quite the same.

Equipment: Leather armor, flamethrower (for lack of a better term), and a simple looking longsword with many hidden clockwork features. Also carries some equipment to make some simple traps.

Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defense: 2

Magical abilities (Italics represent spells/activated abilities, Bold represents a passive power):
Sense Heat (A sort of sixth sense, Erildus gets a strange feeling when anything hotter than boiling water is nearby)
Manipulate Flame (Erildus has an innate ability to manipulate flame into whatever form he desires, although larger amounts or long periods of time drain him)
Fire Resistance (Due to his familiarity with fire, Erildus has gained a slight resistance to it)

Some quick questions for @LivingAngryCheese

1. Where does the food come from? Is it all from hunted creatures?
2. About how many people are in the village?
3. Is the village a bunch of huts or are there more concrete stone buildings?