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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Acar
Age: 24
Magiks: ice

Personalty: Loves the comfort of others and jokes around but can be very serious we needs be

Backstory: Acar lived with his Dad and sister. His mum died in child birth while having his sister. He loved his family but always a tiny part of him hated his sister,Jess for indirectly killing his mum. This hatred boiled up inside of him for years as they grew up. His anger was further increased when his sister learnt magik before he did. She discovered she had the power of water. She always kept a bottle of water with her encase of emergencies. Everything was fine until one day Jess and Acar went down to the pub.On the way home an argument broke out. It was in the middle of winter so all the water was frozen leaving Jess only able to use her bottle of water. She threatened to use it and Acar dared her to. Even taking a few drunken punches at her. Eventually she lifted the water out of her bottle and shot it at Acar. Fear suddenly took over Acars body as the anger he had been saving up all this years let loose. He screamed and concentrated as hard as he could on the water flying towards him. Then time slowed down. Acar could see the confusion on his Jess's face. He didn't understand until he look at the water. It had been turned to ice. He had turned it to ice. He laughed. Finally he had a magik. The magik of ice. Acar isn't sure why he did what he did next. Maybe it was the anger, the alcohol or maybe just the excitement. But he sent the ice shard back at his sister. It slashed her next. A blood poured from the wound as Acar had acknowledged what he had done. He ran as fast as he could to the towns doctor. Jess was taken in and Acar was left standing outside. Alone, in fear. He went back to the path were he had attack his sister, the ice shard still lying on the floor. His sister blood dripping from it. He stared at it for a while before picking it up. He returned home were his dad waiting for him and embraced him. Acar began to cry, his tears freezing as they slide down his face. On that day Acar swore to protect those in need in the name of his sister, Jess.

Equipment: Ice Shard - Carries it around as a reminder.

Stats (25) total:
Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defence: 4

Magical abilities:

Ice Armour: Passive +2 armour for 3 turns. 3 turn cooldown
Ice Aura: Party is infused with ice and takes 1 less damage from all physical attacks for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
Soothing Wind: Heals 1 health. Can be used X number of times per battle where X is magical skill

Sorry for repost. I couldn't edit previous post for some reason.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Caitriona 'Cait' Feardorcha
Age: 24
Magiks: Dark

The red ribbon around her neck hides the scar left by a grievous wound. Her skin is incredibly pale, almost unnaturally so, and she feels cold to the touch.

Theme song:

Cait projects an aura of smug indifference. She refuses to even try and be friendly, preferring unpleasantry and snideness to conversation. Even when she has done wrong, she shows no sympathy or remorse for her actions.

Deep down, Cait views herself as a blight on the world. She views herself as a harbinger of misery and death, and so acts the way she does in order to prevent others from becoming close to her. After all, those who grow close to her always end up dying. She walks into battlefield after battlefield, hoping each time that it will be the one in which she meets her end. Despite her desire to die, she refuses to countenance suicide, viewing it as the ultimate indulgence after all she has done to be able to leave the world at a time and place of her own choosing. Maybe she hopes that her death would be a redemption of sorts, standing and fighting to the end rather than running or hiding.

Cait grew up with her parents on the outskirts of Pert, where the risk of attack was much greater. There were a couple close calls, but otherwise her childhood was mostly normal, though all attempts by the teachers to discover her magical affinity were in vain. It seemed whatever power she housed was lying dormant.

One night, when she was 13, a small band of goblins snuck into Pert, intent on doing as much damage as they could and sneaking back out. Her parents, used to keeping one eye open at night, managed to hide her in the cupboard just before the goblins arrived. Trapped inside, all she could hear were sounds: shouting, screaming and worse. Curled into a ball at the bottom, she lay unmoving, tears streaking slowly down her cheeks as the noises eventually faded to an uncanny silence that brought no peace. That time in the cupboard seemed like an eternity, though in truth it was only about an hour from the goblins' arrival to the time when they were beaten back. When she was found in the cupboard, she was pale and shaking, her eyes screwed tightly shut as if she could change reality by pretending that what she had seen, what she had heard, hadn't happened at all. She didn't even speak for weeks afterwards.

She was taken to a nearby doctor, a kindly man who often treated the locals after each fight. The doctor took her in, and looked after her whilst she came to terms with what had happened to her and her family. The doctor and his son lived together after the death of his wife, and so could sympathise with her pain to a certain degree. The doctor was frequently busy, and so much of the time was spent with his son. The two grew close, each finding in the other something that they had been missing, and coming to terms with their losses together. Cait slowly learnt to smile again, and see some joy in the world. She had viewed herself to be a cursed child, but slowly the darkness began to fade from within her.

Unfortunately, the nature of this world was not one that tolerated peace for long. The sound of the door being kicked down once more shattered the calm of the evening. A cry from downstairs, cut off. The son and the daughter huddled together upstairs, as foot falls echoed through the downstairs and then began to climb the stairs. The doctor's son grabbed a knife from the room and tried to defend her as they burst in, but he was but a callow youth, and they were experienced ork raiders. The fight lasted seconds, and the knife skidded across the floor to land near her as the body of the boy she had grown to love thudded to the floor. Truly, all she touched turned to ashes and dust, meat and bones. Despairing of her very existence and fearing her fate at the hands of the orks, she took the knife and dragged it across her own throat.

Her vision was filled with roaring darkness, as power erupted from her even as the blood gushed from her throat. As it dispersed, cries of horror resounded throughout the room as the corpse that had been lying on the floor crawled to its feet. Unused to seeing necromantic magiks, the orks tried to flee, but found the stairs blocked by the shambling corpse of the doctor. Cait's vision blurred as the undead tore into the orks, blood and viscera flying from the danse macabre. Lying in a crimson pool, she felt her body grow colder and colder as the two zombies, their grisly work completed, returned. Their faces were still fixed in the horror that had consumed them in the moment before their death, but to Cait's eyes they looked on her as if she were a monster, a demon that brought death to them and desecrated their rest. Overcome with revulsion in her last breaths, she willed them to disappear, hoping for one mercy as her sight faded.

She awoke, unknowing of how much time had passed. Two small piles of ash marked the floor where the zombies had stood. Remembering the events before she passed out, her hand flew to her throat, feeling the outline of a gruesome scar that had somehow healed itself. She felt the darkness flowing through her body as her powers, fully awakened, circulated throughout her. Swept along in the tide, she heard two tiny voices, familiar for the past three years. What they said before their consciousness dissipated is something she has never disclosed to anybody, and it is doubtful whether she even remembers herself. Walking almost as if in a stupor, she raised the orks who lay on the stairs. Tying a ribbon around her neck to hide her wound, she followed them into the darkness, allowing what remained of her instincts to lead her to their lair.

The next time a patrol was in the area, the orks of that lair were all found dead, clutching at their throats amid a pile of ash and dust. Nobody could tell what had happened. Raiding didn't seem to be the motivation, after all, nothing had been taken. There was an odd case in one of the tents that seemed to be empty, but maybe the orks had found it that way.

Ornate staff - This long handled staff is wrought out of a dark iron, and bears a skull motif at the very top.
Stats (25 total):

Health: 5
Armour: 3
Agility: 3
Strength: 1
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: 6
Magical defence: 3

Magical abilities (3 total):
Arise in Undeath: Rolls magic skill. Each whole 10 in the roll causes a zombie to be raised e.g. rolls of both 34 and 37 would both result in 3 zombies, whereas 29 would only produce two zombies. Each zombie has stats of 1 across the board. 2 turn cooldown.

Soul Incorporation: Cait sacrifices any number of zombies currently raised, and regains that number of hitpoints.

Choking mist: Cait channels a mist infused with malevolent spirits that seek to choke all those trapped within. Has no cooldown, and attacks all enemies in range.

Enemies hit by the mist do not take damage, rather they receive as many stacks of 'Mist' as they would have received damage points. 1 stack of mist decays at the end of each character's turn.

At 1 and 2 stacks, characters are afflicted with -1 and -2 Accuracy respectively. Once they acquire 3 stacks, they must roll against a magic attack each turn, with the magic skill of said attack equal to the number of stacks of mist currently on the character.
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
Name: Acar
Age: 24
Magiks: ice

Personalty: Loves the comfort of others and jokes around but can be very serious we needs be

Backstory: Acar lived with his Dad and sister. His mum died in child birth while having his sister. He loved his family but always a tiny part of him hated his sister,Jess for indirectly killing his mum. This hatred boiled up inside of him for years as they grew up. His anger was further increased when his sister learnt magik before he did. She discovered she had the power of water. She always kept a bottle of water with her encase of emergencies. Everything was fine until one day Jess and Acar went down to the pub.On the way home an argument broke out. It was in the middle of winter so all the water was frozen leaving Jess only able to use her bottle of water. She threatened to use it and Acar dared her to. Even taking a few drunken punches at her. Eventually she lifted the water out of her bottle and shot it at Acar. Fear suddenly took over Acars body as the anger he had been saving up all this years let loose. He screamed and concentrated as hard as he could on the water flying towards him. Then time slowed down. Acar could see the confusion on his Jess's face. He didn't understand until he look at the water. It had been turned to ice. He had turned it to ice. He laughed. Finally he had a magik. The magik of ice. Acar isn't sure why he did what he did next. Maybe it was the anger, the alcohol or maybe just the excitement. But he sent the ice shard back at his sister. It slashed her next. A blood poured from the wound as Acar had acknowledged what he had done. He ran as fast as he could to the towns doctor. Jess was taken in and Acar was left standing outside. Alone, in fear. He went back to the path were he had attack his sister, the ice shard still lying on the floor. His sister blood dripping from it. He stared at it for a while before picking it up. He returned home were his dad waiting for him and embraced him. Acar began to cry, his tears freezing as they slide down his face. On that day Acar swore to protect those in need in the name of his sister, Jess.

Equipment: Ice Shard - Carries it around as a reminder.

Stats (25) total:
Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defence: 4

Magical abilities:

Ice Armour: Passive +2 armour for 3 turns. 3 turn cooldown
Ice Aura: Party is infused with ice and takes 1 less damage from all physical attacks for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
Soothing Wind: Heals 1 health. Can be used X number of times per battle where X is magical skill

Sorry for repost. I couldn't edit previous post for some reason.

OK, feedback time:

1. Your personality still makes literally zero sense. Add at least two more sentences and correct that so it makes sense.

2. Please try to use proper grammar. Encase does not mean in case. There should be a space after a full stop. Next does not mean neck.

3. I do like the new backstory. It seems much more interesting and shows good promise for the rest of the rp.

4. Ice armour - this is no longer passive. Replace the word passive with 'gives'.

5. Ice aura is still not fixed, go back and look at J's post if you can't remember the correction.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Character sheet:

Name: Astora
Age: 19
Magiks: Shadow

Personality: He is arrogant and snobby and always puts himself in the forefront. He acts like the smartest person in the room even if he knows that he is wrong. He will always treasure his life over others.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert): Astora always put himself above others even though he had no right to. He was neglected and abused since birth, especially by his mother, as he was a bastard child from a prostitute that his father had knocked up when he was drunk. He was always made fun of at school, he couldn't even take a few steps out of his house without somebody reminding him of his fathers mistake. His parents never gave two shits about Astora and always preferred his older (and more dashing) brother. After 18 years of constant torment and abuse, one day he finally snapped. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was done being treated like an insignificant spec of dust. In a blaze of fury he murdered his family in cold blood. In that moment, something unlocked in him, as of this moment was a key that had unlocked something deep within. He unlocked his Shadow Magik. Realizing what he had just done, Astora used his Magik on the family's heirloom, a horned mask. This allowed him to hide in plain sight and Astora has been hiding ever since.

Twin daggers he had used to kill his family. Their souls have latched onto it and he keeps them as a reminder to never go too far.

Dark Mask - can conseal the wearer in a dark shroud that confuses all that look upon it and the wearer.

Stats (25 total):

Strength: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defence: 3

Magical abilities (3 total):

Enrage - +2 to magik skill and strength when on 1 health

Redemption - can give up 1 health to give a friendly character +2 for any other stat (for the rest of the fight). Can sacrifice multiple health point and for each point sacrificed, another +2 skill points will be added to a friendly character.

Twisted Soul - a basic dark magik attack that gives Astora +1 health point per damage dealt (3 turn cooldown)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
Character sheet:

Name: Astora
Age: 19
Magiks: Dark

Personality: arrogant, snobby and selfish, always thinks hes right however he is lonely.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert): Astora always put himself above others even though he had no right to. He was neglected and abused since birth, especially by his mother, as he was a bastard child from a prostitute that his father had knocked up when he was drunk. He was always made fun of at school, he couldn't even take a few steps out of his house without somebody reminding him of his fathers mistake. His parents never gave two shits about Astora and always preferred his older (and more dashing) brother. After 18 years of constant torment and abuse, one day he finally snapped. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was done being treated like an insignificant spec of dust. In a blaze of fury he murdered his family in cold blood. In that moment, something unlocked in him, as of this moment was a key that had unlocked something deep within. He unlocked his Dark Magik. Realizing what he had just done, Astora used his Magik on the family's heirloom, a horned mask. This allowed him to hide in plain sight and Astora has been hiding ever since.

Twin daggers he had used to kill his family. Their souls have latched onto it and he keeps them as a reminder to never go too far.

Dark Mask - used to hide in plain sight

Stats (25 total):

Strength: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defence: 3

Magical abilities (3 total):

Enrage - +2 strength boost when on 1 health

Redemption - can give up 1 health to give a friendly character +2 for any other stat (for the rest of the fight)

Twisted Soul - a basic dark magik attack that leaves the enemy stunned (3 turn cooldown)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

At first I thought, hey this might need a bit of work but.... it's actually decent. Here's my feedback:

1. Your magik appears to actually be shadow magik. Please could you just change the word dark to shadow

2. The personality, like Tom's, could do with lengthening... and grammar.

3. Backstory seems good, if a little aggressive

4. The Dark Mask does what exactly?

5. Your abilities, unusually, could actually do with buffing.

Enrage: I think you could receive +2 to strength and magik skill if it's only on 1 health.

Redemption: Health is valuable, so I'd add a part which says that you can spend multiple health points in one turn if you wish.

Twisted soul: As you're going to be sacrificing health, maybe you should replace stuns enemies with gains 1 health per damage dealt with this ability.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For redemption, would every health point I sacrifice, would it add another +2 to a friendly characters' skill for that fight?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Acar
Age: 24
Magiks: ice

Personalty: Loud and adventerous however very emotional and short tempered. Will do anything for those he loves. Very honorable

Backstory: Acar lived with his Dad and sister. His mum died in child birth while having his sister. He loved his family but always a tiny part of him hated his sister,Jess for indirectly killing his mum. This hatred boiled up inside of him for years as they grew up. His anger was further increased when his sister learnt magik before he did. She discovered she had the power of water. She always kept a bottle of water with her encase of emergencies. Everything was fine until one day Jess and Acar went down to the pub.On the way home an argument broke out. It was in the middle of winter so all the water was frozen leaving Jess only able to use her bottle of water. She threatened to use it and Acar dared her to. Even taking a few drunken punches at her. Eventually she lifted the water out of her bottle and shot it at Acar. Fear suddenly took over Acar's body as the anger he had been saving up all this years let loose. He screamed and concentrated as hard as he could on the water flying towards him. Then time slowed down. Acar could see the confusion on his Jess's face. He didn't understand until he look at the water. It had been turned to ice. He had turned it to ice. He laughed. Finally he had a magik. The magik of ice. Acar isn't sure why he did what he did next. Maybe it was the anger, the alcohol or maybe just the excitement. But he sent the ice shard back at his sister. It slashed her next. As blood poured from the wound Acar acknowledged what he had done. He picked her up and ran as fast as he could to the towns doctor. Jess was taken in and Acar was left standing outside. Alone, in fear. He went back to the path were he had attack his sister, the ice shard still lying on the floor. His sister blood dripping from it. He stared at it for a while before picking it up. He returned home were his dad waiting for him and embraced him. Acar began to cry, his tears freezing as they slide down his face. On that day Acar swore to protect those in need in the name of his sister, Jess.

Equipment: Ice Shard - Carries it around as a reminder.

Stats (25) total:
Health: 4
Armour: 5
Agility: 3
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 3
Magical defence: 4

Magical abilities:

Ice Armour: Give +2 armour for 3 turns. 3 turn cooldown
Ice Aura: Party is infused with ice and takes 1 less damage from all physical attacks for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
Soothing Wind: Heals 1 health. Can be used X number of times per battle where X is magical skill

Sorry for repost. I couldn't edit previous post for some reason. again sorry for the respost