Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Something which sprung to mind with me last night when I was doing a bit of playing, is that luck with loot bags can have a big impact on your play. I don't mean things like getting your hands on a full set of armour or anything like that, I'm talking about the stuff that you can't craft. Spawn eggs and Hives are an immediate example (yes, I know that to a degree you can craft hives).

I got the spawn eggs loot reward, which had two mooshroom eggs, so I could spawn them, breed them, and then of course shear two of them and get cows. I didn't have to worry about trying to get a grass area to spawn them (which I've had very limited success with at the best of times). The mooshrooms also went a step further as they can be milked for mushroom soup which made that go with the flow quest really easy.

I also got a blizz egg in that same bag, which means that I can spawn it, trap it in a re-usable safari net and then chuck it in an auto-spawner to get blizz rods out of them. Again, this is going to make the gelid cyrorothium (sp?) quest a lot easier.

I'm a bit torn on these sort of rewards, as I know that it's luck, but I also know that you end up with getting a lot of loot bags, so there is a reasonable chance of having some quests easier because of your rewards.
Both mooshrooms and blizzes/blazes can "easily" be gotten if you look into what some items do.
Only open spoiler if you want to know how since its quite literally a spoiler.
Mooshrooms can be gotten as soon as you can sift larger amount of sand and dirt by getting grass seeds for a passive mob spawning area(non desert/ocean/river) for a cow.
Followed by sifting for ancient spores which when used on cows makes a mooshroom(mycelium can be gained through other means as well).
Blizzes can be found in the winter biomes quite easily by simply having snow and ice blocks(not sure of this but empirically this seems to be the case) present they will spawn regardless of light level, but following other normal hostile mob spawn rules.
Blazes can also be gotten from the obvious location of the nether fortresses as per usual minecraft.

All of them can be captured with golden lasso(non hostile)/safari net for storage to reduce entity cap or to put in a minefactory spawner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Though I like Mariculture because for me, no block is better looking than Limestone. Sandstone just don't stand a chance against Limestone, easy to get and it looks really good.

Also Mariculture has the custom blocks and those are fun also.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am really not sure I like mariculture... Its caused immense lag in all my non skyblock worlds ive tried it in. Adds in yet-another jewelery mechanic (to go with the completely unused jewelry slots TiC adds). The fish icons all look like melted crayons. And how many MJ powered ore doubling systems do we actually need with "yet another variant on a furnace thing". The fish breeding stuff is cute, but, we already have bees as a way to get stuff from nothing - and which work in the Gendustry machines.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What this pack needs is a biome changer mod or does it have something already?

You could force biome change through Thaumcraft if you wanted to. Magic biome gravity spawners are awesome.

Agrarian Skies has something really different going for it seeing as it is a skyblock using Biomes Aplenty (well I am anyway) so the possibilities are endless.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What this pack needs is a biome changer mod or does it have something already?
blood magic has a ritual for that as well, with more options than just magical forest as a result.

as an aside if you are just doing it for bees, the apiary upgrades for the gendustry stuff can bypass the issue as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as an aside if you are just doing it for bees, the apiary upgrades for the gendustry stuff can bypass the issue as well.

I use the same method I've used with bees in other packs. Use the acclimatizer to make a +5 both temp/+5 both humidity princess and drone, breed a bunch of drones with that pair, and then grab those traits off the drones with the bee addon machines of your choice and apply them to all your bees.

In the long run it is easier to do that once than to fiddle with biomes or build multiple bee areas in different biomes, particularly since anybody serious about bees is going to be inoculating them to change other traits.

The gendustry industrial apiaries are definitely nice for working up your first sets of industrious, imperial, and cultivated bees so that you can make alvearies. They're also really good for tree-breeding as their pollen-gathering mechanic is much quicker/easier than using sieves in alvearies. Combine that with the advanced mutatron and getting whatever species you want is trivial.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had five red heart canisters the other day. Now I have none.

They don't drop when you die normally, so has this pack been changed to make it happen?

Or is there a Nether mob that destroys them? Because I'm pretty sure I had all five while in the Nether as I had the five extra hearts. But after suffering a couple of near explosions from our and surviving but then deciding to leave the Nether I appear to be missing them.

I'm not posting this in bugs as I'm can't recreate it as I have no more cannisters so I'm venting here as I'm not happy about losing them and wanted to see if anyone else had this happen?

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
I had five red heart canisters the other day. Now I have none.

They don't drop when you die normally, so has this pack been changed to make it happen?

Or is there a Nether mob that destroys them? Because I'm pretty sure I had all five while in the Nether as I had the five extra hearts. But after suffering a couple of near explosions from our and surviving but then deciding to leave the Nether I appear to be missing them.

I'm not posting this in bugs as I'm can't recreate it as I have no more cannisters so I'm venting here as I'm not happy about losing them and wanted to see if anyone else had this happen?
make a test world and cheat them in


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
anyone able to help me with a redstone power grid problem.

here's the problem,
the conduits keep loseing there conection. what do I mean by this well that simple every time I look at machine theres a 50/50 chance that it no longer has power even though it's still connected to the same redstone energy conduit that was supplying it power not 5 sec before. and it's not just the power that's doing this it's also the liquiduct and item duct. one min they are working and the next they have stopped. the only way I have found to fix the issues is to pull them up and replace them, which is fine if you only have a few conduits but when you have 500 to 1000 of them placed this can be a problem after you have pulled them up and finished placing them again some have stopped working AGAIN.

anyone got any suggestions advice.

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
anyone able to help me with a redstone power grid problem.

here's the problem,
the conduits keep loseing there conection. what do I mean by this well that simple every time I look at machine theres a 50/50 chance that it no longer has power even though it's still connected to the same redstone energy conduit that was supplying it power not 5 sec before. and it's not just the power that's doing this it's also the liquiduct and item duct. one min they are working and the next they have stopped. the only way I have found to fix the issues is to pull them up and replace them, which is fine if you only have a few conduits but when you have 500 to 1000 of them placed this can be a problem after you have pulled them up and finished placing them again some have stopped working AGAIN.

anyone got any suggestions advice.
ban your troll friend?


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
anyone able to help me with a redstone power grid problem.

here's the problem,
the conduits keep loseing there conection. what do I mean by this well that simple every time I look at machine theres a 50/50 chance that it no longer has power even though it's still connected to the same redstone energy conduit that was supplying it power not 5 sec before. and it's not just the power that's doing this it's also the liquiduct and item duct. one min they are working and the next they have stopped. the only way I have found to fix the issues is to pull them up and replace them, which is fine if you only have a few conduits but when you have 500 to 1000 of them placed this can be a problem after you have pulled them up and finished placing them again some have stopped working AGAIN.

anyone got any suggestions advice.

Could you get a screenshot of that? It sounds quite strange and could be a corner case bug.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok so the first picture shows the energy cell and the 2 connecting redstone energy conduits which are working and powering the me system

the second shows in the chat box what you get using the debugging tool by shift clicking on the conduit next to the one connected to the me controler

the third picture shows the conduit next to the one mentioned above and this one is ment to be powering the pulverizer
and the forth shows the pulverizer not getting power

it's not just me on the server having this issues every one is having trouble with the TE3 duct's.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have also had TE derping out in AgS.
My sorting room got completely screwed by multiple itemducts "absorbing" items. right click witha spanner spewed all the stuck items in the pipe in the first instance, and crashed the server with an exception in a ticking entity in the 2nd.
At least twice ive had power not being routed to devices and again, I had to shift right click each piece and replace the entire segment, and it just started working again.

Additionally TiC has stopped saving any changes to my knapsack.

Gerald Huppertz

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok so the first picture shows the energy cell and the 2 connecting redstone energy conduits which are working and powering the me system


it's not just me on the server having this issues every one is having trouble with the TE3 duct's.

We are having the same issue on a private server I run for 4 friends. We are running 2.1.2 and I find that randomly my treefarm has no saplings planted. When I check the planter it has no power. The conduits are connected and the harvester 4 conduits back has power, the energy cell is full and dynamos are providing power. I have to replace all 4 conduits between the harvester and the planter to fix it. This is a small self contained power plant for the treefarm. This randomly happens at a few other connections as well on my 2 other power plants. Seems very odd.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. I do play on a server. Even at home in single player as... it has protected me numerous times from the world corruption that can occur if a client sided exception causes the mc process to terminate. Isolating the server from client is such a good idea I think it should be something FTB does by default: spin up a server instance for each mod every time "launch" is clicked.

The stuffed pipes problem and TiC knapsack occurred on a map that a friend and I had started in monster, and converted the mod pack to AgS to get the HQM quest progression. I thought that it might be related to the conversion, but the universal config made the switchover quite seemless. I did add AM2 and Witchery to the mix.

The energy not being transmitted happened in a 'vanilla' AgS server instance. and made me start to suspect TE3 is not all that stable.
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