Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Finally finished laying out the base outline and I'm guessing it 'may' not be an issue, since my altars will be ~120 blocks distant from each other. My worry stem'd from Jaded's BM instructional video. In the beginning she was having an issue with LP going to a distant altar but I don't recall how far away it was. Anyway, thanks for the infos.
Odd, we have no more visible quests, but bragging rights is the only one left not completed, but there are no quests available. We have finished the cobble quest, and the 100k drone quest was the last one completed. (we started bees late.)

an ideas what I'm missing or what's needed to open the missing quests.
Does anyone here know what biome and block i need to spawn wintry bees please? Snow from snowstorm with flowers, at a taiga biome, does not seem to work, so i`m not sure what could be wrong here.
Here's an odd one. Just set up my first altar [in it's perm location] in this world and my LP is slowly being drained from the altar. No other altars in this world and all orbs [a whopping 2] are in inventory. Network shows zero gain from lost LP.

Edit: Found out what's happening. Something with the altar's internal buffer eating my LP [it'll eat the first 1K if I understood correctly].
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spawn? should only need a scented hive in the tiaga biome,

That is basically what i did but no luck spawning the wintry hive.

Here is a img of my setup, as you can see, even with everything the wiki suggested, it failed and turned back on a artificial hive.

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I keep hitting a snag. I dunno if it's really bad luck or what but I have an issue getting to the iron stage. Mainly with gathering dirt to get stones. Twice now I've used up all my bonemeal to get as many saplings as I could, even set up a tree farm of sorts to let them grow on their own but I just stall out. Getting past this point so I can get all the food making items that need iron is a drag. Is there any means to assist in it? I hate stalling out with nothing to do but sit and wait for trees to grow just to get one sirt that hopefully gives me four stones to get the cobble to smash and sit and conti9nue waiting until I get enough to progress.
I keep hitting a snag. I dunno if it's really bad luck or what but I have an issue getting to the iron stage. Mainly with gathering dirt to get stones. Twice now I've used up all my bonemeal to get as many saplings as I could, even set up a tree farm of sorts to let them grow on their own but I just stall out. Getting past this point so I can get all the food making items that need iron is a drag. Is there any means to assist in it? I hate stalling out with nothing to do but sit and wait for trees to grow just to get one sirt that hopefully gives me four stones to get the cobble to smash and sit and conti9nue waiting until I get enough to progress.

It sounds like you're not crooking your tree leaves. using crooks to break the leaves drastically increases sapling drop rates. Your first 2 broken logs should be used to make a crafting table and crooks.

Other helpful hints:
If you're playing 'Home Sweet Home' map, there's a dirt chest under the dirt block that contains 7? more dirt.
Use your first 6 cobble to make a half-slab furnace [8 cobble half slabs in furnace shape]. Allows you to cook silk worms and fish.
Turn the next 3 cobble into stone and make a juicer to turn apples into apple juice [stretch the apple food value a little].
Turn the next 4 cobble into stone also and make the watering can. Fill the can with water [click on source block] and use the can to grow saplings. You should be able to get 13 cobble using no more than a single stack of bonemeal.

If you're lucky enough to get melon seeds, plant them right next to your tree, give them 4 dirt blocks to spawn melons with [5 block cross shape with melon seed in center], and bonemeal the seeds until fully grown [7 bonemeal used]. Now when you water the tree sapling, you'll also cause melons to grow.
After you have melons going, complete the food quest chains and use the iron reward to make cutting board [costs 1 iron] and shears. Use shears on leaves [you'll still get saplings and apples]. Use the cutting board + mixing bowl + melon slices to make fruit salad [improved food source].

If you're still having problems, or you want redstone as fast as possible, make sand and sift until you get Ancient Spores. Then sift soul sand until you get the Blood sapling. The wood from the Bloodwood tree can be used to make the Bloodwood Kama which acts like shears on leaves.
Edit: Found out what's happening. Something with the altar's internal buffer eating my LP [it'll eat the first 1K if I understood correctly].

Yes, this is correct. The altar has a 1k internal buffer that needs to fill.
Yes I am crooking my tree leaves, and yes I know of the dirt chest under the dirt block.
My first 6 cobble is used to make the slab furnace
Haven't gotten the stone to make a watering can yet, again I've stlled. bonemeals gone, waiting on trees. crooking trees don't give many saplings most the time, fewest I've gotten is 2.
I did get melon seeds and it is planted. I mined some of the blocks away to expand the area by the water source block, melons planted diagenal to it, it was bonemealed to fully grown.. has yet to make me a melon.

This is when my bonemeal starts to run out, I get stalled and the slow growth of trees and the few saplings from crooking makes dirt making a slow and agonizing prossesss. It gets to the point my food runs out as my trees take far to long to grow on their own. I cant do much at this point but stand still to keep my hunger dropping as slow as posible. That makes for a rather boring game.
Tell you what was fustrating... I am in a grassland like everyone else does and I'm moving along fine trying to push out of wood age, trying to make the clay bucket and crucible... it doesn't dawn on me until 5 game hours later that it hasn't ever rained. 5 more hours pass still no rain so I'm having to push for the iron bucket which takes forever. Than about a half hour after I have my bucket and it doesn't matter anymore, it rains. I would have restarted earlier but I got the reward giving me all the animal eggs, which is beyond awesome.
anyone know why I would have 180 quest in total, 180 unlock and 180 completed, but Bragging Rights only shows 76% completed?
anyone know why I would have 180 quest in total, 180 unlock and 180 completed, but Bragging Rights only shows 76% completed?

there are some quests that need a condition before they're unlocked
though I don't know what quests they are and what their conditions are
This "McAurey's" quest is f***** insane. How many parts are there to it? I keep thinking I'm getting to the end, only to find yet another set of 40 items I need to make.
Tell you what was fustrating... I am in a grassland like everyone else does and I'm moving along fine trying to push out of wood age, trying to make the clay bucket and crucible... it doesn't dawn on me until 5 game hours later that it hasn't ever rained. 5 more hours pass still no rain so I'm having to push for the iron bucket which takes forever. Than about a half hour after I have my bucket and it doesn't matter anymore, it rains. I would have restarted earlier but I got the reward giving me all the animal eggs, which is beyond awesome.
glass bottle is so much easier, it can fill the barrel and doesn't use the source block (and no need to look for 12 crushed iron)
Yes I am crooking my tree leaves, and yes I know of the dirt chest under the dirt block.
My first 6 cobble is used to make the slab furnace
Haven't gotten the stone to make a watering can yet, again I've stlled. bonemeals gone, waiting on trees. crooking trees don't give many saplings most the time, fewest I've gotten is 2.
I did get melon seeds and it is planted. I mined some of the blocks away to expand the area by the water source block, melons planted diagenal to it, it was bonemealed to fully grown.. has yet to make me a melon.

This is when my bonemeal starts to run out, I get stalled and the slow growth of trees and the few saplings from crooking makes dirt making a slow and agonizing prossesss. It gets to the point my food runs out as my trees take far to long to grow on their own. I cant do much at this point but stand still to keep my hunger dropping as slow as posible. That makes for a rather boring game.

If this is the case...then you are RNG's bitch. Welcome to the club...and here's some KY. The only other suggestion I can make, given your horrible luck, is to make a small mob spawning room [for bones and flesh]. Other than that, I'm outta ideas to help you along.

Edit: I don't believe you mentioned it, and I know I didn't are working with Oak saplings, right?
glass bottle is so much easier, it can fill the barrel and doesn't use the source block (and no need to look for 12 crushed iron)
Clay bucket works too! I agree that rain early on is a huge pain. Usually make oak barrel [for rain collection] right after crafting table and crooks.
Yes I am crooking my tree leaves, and yes I know of the dirt chest under the dirt block.
My first 6 cobble is used to make the slab furnace
Haven't gotten the stone to make a watering can yet, again I've stlled. bonemeals gone, waiting on trees. crooking trees don't give many saplings most the time, fewest I've gotten is 2.
I did get melon seeds and it is planted. I mined some of the blocks away to expand the area by the water source block, melons planted diagenal to it, it was bonemealed to fully grown.. has yet to make me a melon.

This is when my bonemeal starts to run out, I get stalled and the slow growth of trees and the few saplings from crooking makes dirt making a slow and agonizing prossesss. It gets to the point my food runs out as my trees take far to long to grow on their own. I cant do much at this point but stand still to keep my hunger dropping as slow as posible. That makes for a rather boring game.
melons won't spawn on hardened clay, you need to put dirt next to the stem

also you can go fishing; stand in the water and cast the rod straight up, guaranteed successfull cast

also keep a tree apart and seed it with a silk worm, you can cook the extra worms for food[DOUBLEPOST=1409436158][/DOUBLEPOST]
Clay bucket works too! I agree that rain early on is a huge pain. Usually make oak barrel [for rain collection] right after crafting table and crooks.
but glass doesn't require any water to get (only 3 cobble hammered twice) handy if starting rain doesn't come