I edited this line in the COFH config.
That shouldn't be causing any lag, it just makes sure there is no buildup in itemducts.
If you really want to download my world and see if it is just as laggy for you, here you go. I've basically turned off and ripped apart a lot of the world trying to diagnose the problem, you probably should run it on peaceful because I removed my magnum torch to check that.
It's definitely the itemducts. look what happened when I placed a DSU besides your ducts.

It also fixed the lag.
Seems like my setups don't cause the issue.

I think it's the multiple inputs. Several input ducts decide to fill 1 crucible, only one gets through and the other one travels around indefinitely.
If you keep your systems small and clean, you should be on the safe side. Or collect the extra cobblestone, you're going to need it.
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