Why do you have 1024 laser drill pre-chargers?
Hellfish can be killed by using /cofh kill all. I will be turning off the ender modifier on infernal mobs in the next update because it keeps causing that issue. But 1024 laserdrill pre-chargers? o.0 that 256 laser drills...
Ha Ha

That is one of my test worlds. I had 1024 laser pre-chargers to run the 256 laser drills that I was trying to see if I could get iridium. I used those screenshots as a example for the other guy to help narrow down his lag problem. The large hell-fish lag is because of the 8 ender quarries constantly un-covering hell-fish nests. I wanted the example to include real lag

It's kind of funny though that a handful of hell-fish can eat up 20 times more resources than such a large array of laser drills..
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