Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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For some reason, the high oven will process ore dust but NOT ore gravel and ore sand as of 3.1.1.
I only post that because I remember using ore gravel before.
Due to being able to use Ore Dictionary machines (or just Jabba barrels) to convert dusts back to gravel ore blocks, then smash them back down to more ore dust blocks from normal Ex Nihilo (El Aquilo?) mechanics.

Seems like a nice workaround would be to allow more block types to be smelted, not just to dictionary e.g: oreDustIron to oreIron. That complicates the steel works configuration though.
Due to being able to use Ore Dictionary machines (or just Jabba barrels) to convert dusts back to gravel ore blocks, then smash them back down to more ore dust blocks from normal Ex Nihilo (El Aquilo?) mechanics.

Seems like a nice workaround would be to allow more block types to be smelted, not just to dictionary e.g: oreDustIron to oreIron. That complicates the steel works configuration though.
What version are you using?
That was fixed in 3.x
What version are you using?
That was fixed in 3.x
I'm on 3.0.1, and have to smash my ore sand and gravel down to ore dusts to be able to smelt it in my high oven. What specifically are you referring to having been fixed? The exploit, or being unable to smelt ore gravel/sand in the oven?

I haven't even tried them anywhere else for that matter. The ingot triplication is too awesome for me to bother elsewhere.
I'm on 3.0.1, and have to smash my ore sand and gravel down to ore dusts to be able to smelt it in my high oven. What specifically are you referring to having been fixed? The exploit, or being unable to smelt ore gravel/sand in the oven?

I haven't even tried them anywhere else for that matter. The ingot triplication is too awesome for me to bother elsewhere.
Ah. I'm talking about the exploit. Where you could convert the ore dust back to the ore gravel. Infinitely.
Ah. I'm talking about the exploit. Where you could convert the ore dust back to the ore gravel. Infinitely.
Ah! Yeah, on mobile so no terribly verbose. I meant it as, he asked "why can't I smelt ore gravel/sand?" and I answered "because it was exploitable (so then was changed)".

BTW, just thought about this more...does this mean NOTHING will smelt the precursors? We HAVE to combine and smash broken gravel and crushed sand to get down to ore dusts or ore dust blocks? I previously was just dumping the output of my gravel seives right into a smeltery, and the pieces would meet and combine into ingot quantities. Those days are over unless I re-add them to the ore dictionary myself?
I don't know if it's a problem on the modpack side or on the mod's side, but today I was messing with filing cabinets and this happened...


In the cabinet suddenly appeared tons of mob essence source blocks, idk how. At the time, I was exporting some leather armor that was sitting in that cabinet to another filing cabinet via fuzzy export bus. The cabinet that originally contained the leather armor was linked to the network with a storage bus. And yes, it's possible that there was mob essence in the AE lines that couldn't go anywhere (I checked and the fluid storage drives are full), but I did not think for a moment that the mob essence would drop in the filing cabinet...The mob essence can't be placed in the world or in tanks or crafted with buckets or whatever.

Well, there's that then..I guess I'll just end deleting the mob essence source blocks, but figured I'd post it here just in case.

I'm using the recommended build and playing solo.

Edit: also, I've tried exiting and relogging, to no luck.
Every time I try to break a Mariculture Fluid Tank containing Natural Gas it breaks instantly and seems to vanish. I'm breaking it near a vacuum hopper attached to my ME network but it isn't going into the network.

BTW, just thought about this more...does this mean NOTHING will smelt the precursors? We HAVE to combine and smash broken gravel and crushed sand to get down to ore dusts or ore dust blocks? I previously was just dumping the output of my gravel seives right into a smeltery, and the pieces would meet and combine into ingot quantities. Those days are over unless I re-add them to the ore dictionary myself?
I'm on 3.1.1 and the items are smelting properly in my smelteries. I haven't tried the block forms, but I would think they'd work.
For some reason, the high oven will process ore dust but NOT ore gravel and ore sand as of 3.1.1.
I only post that because I remember using ore gravel before.

I just put 12 blocks of iron and 6 blocks of ferrous (aka Nickle) in my 2 tall smeltery and also got an unexpected result of 120 invar ingots + 5 ferrous ingots and 1 iron ingot (with 1 iron block not melted).
That comes out to 14 ingots and 4 bars.

I then did 2 iron and 1 ferrous block and got the expected output of 27 invar ingots.

It sounds like that might be an issue regarding the smeltery size. My conclusion is you melted more than it could hold (probably because it melted at the same time) and instead of waiting to melt more, it just discarded the amount it couldn't hold.

But the work around I guess is to have a taller smelltery in proportion to the amount of blocks you put. So if you were gonna put 18 blocks worth of stuff, make sure smeltery is 3 levels tall instead of 2. I haven't tested this so no guarentee even that would work, but it's worth trying seeing that it works fine with lower amounts.

I was told [in another thread] that the ability of the High Oven to melt down ore gravel/sand was removed in an early version of AgS. You can guess why.

I too assume the missing alloy blocks/ingots are a result of the Smeltry being full. However, the Smeltry has a capacity meter within the GUI. Throwing 18 blocks into a 2-high Smeltry, whether alloying or not, does not cause this meter to ever come close to the full mark. I also experienced missing materials when I tried to alloy 12 blocks of Copper with 4 blocks of Tin. Again got back much less than 16 blocks of Bronze. Keep in mind all the of the blocks should alloy since, in every case, the lesser number of blocks in the recipe will melt first [ex Tin, Ferrous]. If the Smeltry is full, it should prevent some blocks converting to molten form [and in the case of Invar it does...I have to output a block of Invar to get the rest of the Iron molten]. I'll build my Smeltry bigger when I get more than a starter build going [just really derping around now].

I also had a question about getting microblocks [covers, hollow blocks, etc] to work with RedNet cabling. In this thread, Drijen showed an somewhat easy method of enabling Immibis' microblocks for various cabling. I realize we're not using Immibis' blocks in AgS, but is there a similar workaround? And/Or is there any remote control redstone solution in AgS?
With Agrarian Skies The Quest Your First Stone Everything Is Except The Quest Is Not Recognizing The Cobblestone In My And My Friends Inventory So We Cannot Progress With The Quests.
Every time I try to break a Mariculture Fluid Tank containing Natural Gas it breaks instantly and seems to vanish. I'm breaking it near a vacuum hopper attached to my ME network but it isn't going into the network.

I'm on 3.1.1 and the items are smelting properly in my smelteries. I haven't tried the block forms, but I would think they'd work.

Did you check the hopper itself it has a small internal storage.

With Agrarian Skies The Quest Your First Stone Everything Is Except The Quest Is Not Recognizing The Cobblestone In My And My Friends Inventory So We Cannot Progress With The Quests.

try throwing the items on the ground them picking them back up that usually works if it cant detect it the first time.
Go with the flow mob essence first and second tier quests have their repeatability inverted.

edit: Whoops, just saw this has already been reported like 7 pages ago. My bad Dx
Is there a way to craft the cracked seared bricks in 3.1.1? Its required to complete tinkerer in bragging rights, but it has no recipe that i can find.
Did you check the hopper itself it has a small internal storage.

The hopper is literally feeding directly into an ME interface. If it had picked up the tank, it would have gone into the network before I could walk over to the controller. Besides, the hopper is surrounded by blocks so the tank wouldn't even be able to reach the hopper; it would just be bouncing around in midair quite visibly and able to be picked up.
So far in my 3.1.1 AS server, I've had an issue twice so far where there were a ton of items on the ground (once from mob farm killing, another time from someone breaking a chest) completely grind the server itself to a halt.

In our previous AS server and other MC servers, we had way more items on the ground before and at worst it caused frame rate issues, not server issues. It didn't cause ticks/second issues either, but it basically froze the server instead.


The graph continued to rise til it hit about 25kms ping, then I went to the tracking->dimension tab and killed items on ground and it resumed working normally.
Server is running locally and I'm connected as localhost, so this isn't a result of network connection loss.
The whole time, TPS remained steady just under 20ms/t

Also, here are my server start params, which are the default provided with the server:
java -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:permSize=128m -jar FTBServer-1.6.4-965.jar nogui

Any insight into the issue?

Ok so I've been having issues with this critical problem. After doing some testing, I was able to figure out the EXACT cause and how to replicate this bug on single player even.

This issue which freezes the internal or multiplayer game server is caused by having a full inventory and trying to pick up a large quantity of items.

This bug is caused by HQM. Disabling "HQM - The Journey (4.0.5)" completely fixed this problem.

So, yeah, since this is the 2nd major critical bug I've reported directly caused by HQM, I can only start assuming they follow some poor coding practice. I guess at this point this bug should be reported where ever they receive their bug reports, if such a place exists and if it isn't reported yet.

Found their repository and opened a new issue there :3
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I too assume the missing alloy blocks/ingots are a result of the Smeltry being full. However, the Smeltry has a capacity meter within the GUI. Throwing 18 blocks into a 2-high Smeltry, whether alloying or not, does not cause this meter to ever come close to the full mark.
If the Smeltry is full, it should prevent some blocks converting to molten form [and in the case of Invar it does...I have to output a block of Invar to get the rest of the Iron molten].


And/Or is there any remote control redstone solution in AgS?

Full? I've had tons of stuff in my smeltery and high ovens...way more than I'd expect them to hold, and it just makes a giant column of molten metal. Occasionally it glitches visually, and I see a column of metal sticking out the top.

Second Q, have you looked at Tinker's Mechworks signal busses/terminals? They've worked well for me to make a lever control my auto-spawners, without actually having a cable running between them. Also to cleanly control 5 sets of lights disabling my mob spawner, from one cable termination (running up 20 blocks to the roof).
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When was the dictionary conversion ore dup glitch fixed? Cause I'm using 3.1.1 and it's still working.
this is probably meant for forestry or minefactory reloaded, but when I was playing jadedcat's lovely skyblock mod, a harvester was harvesting a lepidopterist's chest. not exactly gamebreaking, but had me scrarching my head, till I found it in my ae network.
Don't want to look through all these post at the moment, but I have a problem with AS. Any time I try to get on the main AS world, I get "internal tick loop". Can post a log if needed.
I was playing this map and having a lot of fun, but it then crashed and when I pulled it back up, My world was flickering. I could see through the floor to the second level of my base, i could see my wiring in the floor and things were getting rendered all over my screen where they shouldn't have. Enities like chests stay in place and I am unable to see through them. Does anyone know what caused this or how I can fix it?
I am on a mac and this happens only on my Agrarian Skies world not on my testing world.
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