A New Technological Feel

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok. What is the primary focus of this mod?

Is Ore processing (Doubling) and/or RF generation and/or Power/Fluid/Item transport primary things you have a potential new take on? or just things that might be included to allow the mod to be used standalone?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok. What is the primary focus of this mod?

Is Ore processing (Doubling) and/or RF generation and/or Power/Fluid/Item transport primary things you have a potential new take on? or just things that might be included to allow the mod to be used standalone?
THIS! Design your mod with an idea beyond the machines, and your mod will be better then making a mod 1 machine at a time with no overarching idea(s).

Rotary Craft: Real life mechanics in Minecraft
GregTech: IC2 is too short and has no end game
TE3: Easy on the server but add useful functions.
AM(2): Magic mods are usually rebranded Tech Mods with tools and armor as their main items
TC(4): Magic mods can be more then tech named differently and should be more then just tech mods with a arcane power source
Witchery: Real life folklore on magic and witches in Minecraft

Great mods fit a goal and make the mod fit it.

For example, I want to make a mod that combines a LOT of mod helmets. Many mods have a helmet with special functions unique to that helmet in that mod. Which sucks of one wants to have one suit of armor but has 150 mods with 100 or so helms with unique, irreplaceable functions.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Configs. Why didn't I think of configs.

Big reactors has size config.

The only issue I have with being standalone, yet still use RF, is the implementation of grinders/furnaces and the such which are inevitably similar to TE's pulverizer/powered furnace.
I'm fully aware of that. I'm the one using CoFHLib in my mod for the api, but if I add an "Electric Furnace" powered by RF, I'm going to get an incredible amount of hate, particularly from fanboys, for "copying". That's the only reason I'm weary of using it, because people can be extremely idiotic.

Basic machines. Include them to be standalone, don't include them to be te dependent.

But let me explain how the current multiblock system works, just so you guys get the idea.

Could work with owerheat/owerclocking or something.
THIS! Design your mod with an idea beyond the machines, and your mod will be better then making a mod 1 machine at a time with no overarching idea(s).

From the ideas here multiblock machines seems to be a way to go. Probably the multiblock version of the basic machines as first, then some unique one. Maybe the good old multi block tank could come in too.

Maybe multi block pipes(2x2,3x3 i hope you got what i mean) carrying more liquid /items? At least br had problems with fluid IO (the most basic solution is to build the reactor and the turbine right next to each other,or use tesseracts). its could be a solution.
-interface to pull liquids from tanks, and have interaction with regular pipes
-some kind of connector block to connect them,valid pipes look like this:
p: pipe
c: connector


The only thing whitch is not remade from ic2 is to turn everything into a generic material (in ic's chase scrap),then turn this generic stuff into some thing whitch can be used to get basic materials from it. Seems to be the most proper way, because its does not needs to check whats the input (you can ban items if you wish, or just decrease the chance of getting it for certain items like stone), removing compatibility issues. You could probably do some kind of ore dicted ingot/gem duplication. Most mods oredict their materials, and since they are duplicated all ower.

Use rf to be more compatible, and the cohf core provides kinda generic ore generation. I did not tried but i think i could turn off all ore gen from every mod and use the cofh core as the interface.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All that said: Tech mods ideas I'd like to see refined:

* Multiblock ore & alloy processing machines based on real life equivalents. In RL, Iron Ores, Gold Ores, and (for example) aluminium ores are handled differently. Bauxite is first reduced to Alumite and them to aluminium via a high voltage process. Some Iron Ores are magnetically seperated, and gold ore is different again. A "process all ores" single block device is really really lame. Likewise, alloys are produced differently: Bronze is formed by mixing molten copper and tin.

* "BIG" passive RF: I am really REALLY tired of the forestry/MFR/other "automatic tree farm" feedback loop to produce infinite coal to produce infinite power thing. Big Reactors is nice, but non renewable. RF needs "native" geothermal / wind / solar power that scales up to Big Reactor type levels.

* Quarry - There are no RF native quarry alternatives. I'd like a quarry alternative that doesn't require importing a non RF power system.

* Railcart based item & fluid transport: Itemducts are annoyingly simple to craft for what they provide. The ability to move items anywhere with a recipe that just incorporates ingots and glass... how does that work exactly? I'd love an tech mod where moving stuff around used minecarts and rails as its first order mechanic.

* No "action at a distance farming blocks". MFR and Forestrys "farms" somehow do all their farming without any part of the farm actually moving. I want a farm with some kind of harvesting arm / actual agent that does the harvesting. Its a tech mod, not a magic mod.

* EnderIO type pipes. With multiblock machines this is less of an issue, but EnderIO allows its item, fluid, and energy pipes to all share a single block. This is awesome. If you do pipes that is. Which I rather hope you don't.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All that said: Tech mods ideas I'd like to see refined:

* Multiblock ore & alloy processing machines based on real life equivalents. In RL, Iron Ores, Gold Ores, and (for example) aluminium ores are handled differently. Bauxite is first reduced to Alumite and them to aluminium via a high voltage process. Some Iron Ores are magnetically seperated, and gold ore is different again. A "process all ores" single block device is really really lame. Likewise, alloys are produced differently: Bronze is formed by mixing molten copper and tin.

* "BIG" passive RF: I am really REALLY tired of the forestry/MFR/other "automatic tree farm" feedback loop to produce infinite coal to produce infinite power thing. Big Reactors is nice, but non renewable. RF needs "native" geothermal / wind / solar power that scales up to Big Reactor type levels.

* Quarry - There are no RF native quarry alternatives. I'd like a quarry alternative that doesn't require importing a non RF power system.

* Railcart based item & fluid transport: Itemducts are annoyingly simple to craft for what they provide. The ability to move items anywhere with a recipe that just incorporates ingots and glass... how does that work exactly? I'd love an tech mod where moving stuff around used minecarts and rails as its first order mechanic.

* No "action at a distance farming blocks". MFR and Forestrys "farms" somehow do all their farming without any part of the farm actually moving. I want a farm with some kind of harvesting arm / actual agent that does the harvesting. Its a tech mod, not a magic mod.

* EnderIO type pipes. With multiblock machines this is less of an issue, but EnderIO allows its item, fluid, and energy pipes to all share a single block. This is awesome. If you do pipes that is. Which I rather hope you don't.

Different machine for different ores is good.

The gheothermal is done with the magmatic dynamo, any other alternative is too op. Mekanism has a power generator whitch generates power from being in lava. But multi block power gen is good.
Since XU has a quarry,its generators can be treated as basic stuff, and theres a solar one.

Hydraulicraft has the kind of farm what you want to see. Definietly a good idea.
Forestry at least needs a certain structure to be built.

For the pipe question, right now they are the easiest way. The new setup must do something better, like transfer more items at once.And theres also must be a reason to do that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All that said: Tech mods ideas I'd like to see refined:
* "BIG" passive RF: I am really REALLY tired of the forestry/MFR/other "automatic tree farm" feedback loop to produce infinite coal to produce infinite power thing. Big Reactors is nice, but non renewable. RF needs "native" geothermal / wind / solar power that scales up to Big Reactor type levels.

* Quarry - There are no RF native quarry alternatives. I'd like a quarry alternative that doesn't require importing a non RF power system.

* Railcart based item & fluid transport: Itemducts are annoyingly simple to craft for what they provide. The ability to move items anywhere with a recipe that just incorporates ingots and glass... how does that work exactly? I'd love an tech mod where moving stuff around used minecarts and rails as its first order mechanic.

* No "action at a distance farming blocks". MFR and Forestrys "farms" somehow do all their farming without any part of the farm actually moving. I want a farm with some kind of harvesting arm / actual agent that does the harvesting. Its a tech mod, not a magic mod.

* EnderIO type pipes. With multiblock machines this is less of an issue, but EnderIO allows its item, fluid, and energy pipes to all share a single block. This is awesome. If you do pipes that is. Which I rather hope you don't.

Ender Quarry, Digital miner?

Not sure how much you are aware of 1.7 changes in mods but EnderIO has it's own farmer in 1.7 which is non renewable as you have to feed it hoes or axes depending on farm type. It's a single block too so no dual harvester/planter or multiblock required.

As for wanting movement, modders tend to steer away from that to save FPS or constant block updates to servers.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
XU, Im sorry, is an example of how mods should not be made. Its a conglomeration of discordant, unbalancing and downright silly ideas that really pollute the good things it has. Unstable ingots, the tools made therefrom, pink generators. Potion generators. Really detract from its good ideas: a mining dimension (with a stupid way to get to it), a village market place and a few others.
Deciding what to keep and what to not - its a mod I'd just rather not include at all in any pack if I had a choice.

EnderIOs yet-another-all-in-one-farming-magic-block and attempt to make powered spawners is the principal reason I, likewise, am looking for an alternative to that mod now too.

I really like mods like Big Reactors - they do one thing, and they do it well. And if I want loads of power in my world I pull in that mod, and thats what I get. There are just too many mods that either don't have "one thing", or if they do, also have loads of "other things" - all of which consume java memory, permgen space, texture memory and thus can't "just be ignored".

I guess its also understood that "Drawing stuff" has costs. But (on that basis) Azanor should exclude all the particle effects he uses in Thaumcraft? Drawing a farm, farming should not be a problem. And the clever use of non block entities - or just drawing stuff in empty space (ala buildcrafts quarry arms) - can avoid block update issues associated with "moving" farm parts.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Thats ment to be random stuff, but not as bad as open blocks.
If you don't want that quarry, theres also eng toolbox with an interesting mining system.I had crashes with digital miner. Ender quarry is a really clean way to do it,ment to be used on servers. Like the ender thermic pump by not letting the lava to flow. Its mostly not the drawing part, its the calculations behind.

Agreed br is a really good mod, has only one goal, but it does it right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Making yourself willfully blind to options does not make those options disappear.

But really, you remove mods because you didn't like one or two features they had? You know how much amazing stuff I would cut if I did that?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I definitely agree with him about extra utilities. Openblocks is definitely worse. I swear those drums cause lag just by having them show in NEI. I wouldnt mind if someone "took inspiration" from some of the most useful things in certain mods and made them go the tech mod route so I can have a more cohesive experience.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
I'm fully aware of that. I'm the one using CoFHLib in my mod for the api, but if I add an "Electric Furnace" powered by RF, I'm going to get an incredible amount of hate, particularly from fanboys, for "copying". That's the only reason I'm weary of using it, because people can be extremely idiotic..

Oh sweet irony
- how many "powered" furnaces are there in modded MC.
(Some idiots may need reminding that TE's furnace is almost a carbon copy of IC2's)​

If some kind of powered furnace fits within your mod- then add it. Internal continuity is significantly more important. If your mod has its own unique quirks/feel, and the 'machine' you add fits in then go for it.
(likewise don't add one just because everymod has one/people keep asking)​
Don't compromise your design on the inane whining of others- they'll winge anyway regardless of what design decisions you make.

Design your game in a way you'll find fun to play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is literally so much feedback I have no idea how to reply to it. Thanks to the lot of you.

I've got an idea of what direction I'm going to take this and what I'm going to do with it. I'll start a new thread (or convert this one) once I've got an up and running mod going.

One final task though, and probably the most difficult, coming up with a good name. Literally, the hardest thing in development.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh sweet irony
- how many "powered" furnaces are there in modded MC.
(Some idiots may need reminding that TE's furnace is almost a carbon copy of IC2's)​

If some kind of powered furnace fits within your mod- then add it. Internal continuity is significantly more important. If your mod has its own unique quirks/feel, and the 'machine' you add fits in then go for it.
(likewise don't add one just because everymod has one/people keep asking)​
Don't compromise your design on the inane whining of others- they'll winge anyway regardless of what design decisions you make.

Design your game in a way you'll find fun to play.

Agreed with this. Make what you want to make.

But sorry @Celestialphoenix, I do have to pick on you here - when it comes down to it, no, TE's furnace isn't actually a copy of IC2's in any way. *Completely* different codebase, RS control, variable power output, ore unification, and reconfigurable sides. Also, it cooks food more cheaply, as it takes considerably less energy to prepare a steak as opposed to smelt an ore.

But if the definition of copy is now "furnace that doesn't burn coal," then 1) that's an extremely shortsighted and stupid definition and 2) it is absolutely a copy. In the same way that a cell phone is a copy of two tin cans and a string, as you could potentially use them to communicate around a corner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is literally so much feedback I have no idea how to reply to it. Thanks to the lot of you.

I've got an idea of what direction I'm going to take this and what I'm going to do with it. I'll start a new thread (or convert this one) once I've got an up and running mod going.

One final task though, and probably the most difficult, coming up with a good name. Literally, the hardest thing in development.

No problem. Maybe you should post the new thread about your mod and then we can help you name it. Makes it easier for all of us. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for the REALLY lame suggestion but... how about naming it MultiTech, shortened as T+ or MT


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Agreed with this. Make what you want to make.

But sorry @Celestialphoenix, I do have to pick on you here - when it comes down to it, no, TE's furnace isn't actually a copy of IC2's in any way. *Completely* different codebase, RS control, variable power output, ore unification, and reconfigurable sides. Also, it cooks food more cheaply, as it takes considerably less energy to prepare a steak as opposed to smelt an ore.

But if the definition of copy is now "furnace that doesn't burn coal," then 1) that's an extremely shortsighted and stupid definition and 2) it is absolutely a copy. In the same way that a cell phone is a copy of two tin cans and a string, as you could potentially use them to communicate around a corner.

Fair play mate- I could of phrased that a lot better.