32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Next up: Log turner, also has white background!
I just doublechecked - the version online at the moment does not have any backgrounds, where there should be none. =) So I take it your version is slightly too old. ;)
Redlownloading the EBXL part should take care of that. Curveball: The logturner (geez, I did not even know such a thing existed^^) had a few single white pixels. Unacceptable! I fixed that. ;)
Hey guys. Great work with all the mod textures, they fit so well with the John Smiths theme!
Although I was wondering if there are any plans to texture Immibis' industrial tesla coils? All the ARS forcefield stuff is done but it would be sweet to have some textures for the new modular tesla coils too :D
Thank you for your kind words. =)
I am sorry, but at the moment, all of us are busy with creating textures for only those mods, that are part of one of the "big three" - Mindcrack, DW20 and Ultimate, as that's the goal we're trying to reach: Get the JSTR to a 100% status of support for these three. So while Immibis might come along sometime in the future, there are no immediate plans to do so.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
possibly a dumb question, but are all changes automatically pushed to the (relatively new) jstr patcher? for example:
{21:31 CET} <ADDED> "Cactus paste" in extrabiomes.png

so if i run the patcher, will i get this very recent update to the pack?

forgive me if the answer to my question is documented somewhere. i did look over the jstr website, but i must admit, it was a pretty cursory examination.

EDIT: my apologies for being a dunce! i ran the patcher and noticed that it shows a date modified of 4/2/13 for extrabiomes, so i answered my own question. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The logturner (geez, I did not even know such a thing existed^^)

Everybody always forgets it...I have watched many a Let's Play screaming "Use the log turner!" as they keep placing and breaking logs. ;)

Very appreciative of the work you all do!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[...] are all changes automatically pushed to the (relatively new) jstr patcher?
Though you found the answer yourself already, yes those changes go 'live' as soon as the tweaked versions of the mod-zips have finished uploading.

Next up: [...]
I'll put it on the ToDo list - but for now... you are not going to throw one error at me at a time, are you? ;) I'll wait a bit and then fix them together in one go. =)

Everybody always forgets it...I have watched many a Let's Play screaming "Use the log turner!" as they keep placing and breaking logs. ;)

Very appreciative of the work you all do!
That's my fault - I tend to use wooden planks way more than 'pure' wood. And I'm scared of redwood forests (well, at least my framerate is^^). I would bet there's tons of other stuff I never came to use in all those mods. Vajra, anyone? Heard it's a mighty tool - but the times I crafted it still equal zero. :D

And finally, thank YOU all for your kind words and continuous support! You people are the best!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far, that is the last one I found. I'll start a list and hit you up once a week if I find any more. Thanks again for being so responsive!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far, that is the last one I found. I'll start a list and hit you up once a week if I find any more. Thanks again for being so responsive!
I know I said I would not do it. Yeah. Fine. So I still did it. Even though I said I wouldn't. Bah. Sue me! Me no carez! Me do what me want to! Huzzah. And such. o_O

(I'm low on caffeine - but the Extended Forth Boot Disk is fixed now)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
a few of the MFFS blocks like the capacitor, extractor, and projector have a button in the top-right of the GUI. This button is invisible in JSTR. Fortunately, you typically only need that button when you first setup the system. But it's kind of a pain to have to swap texture packs so you can see how your block is configured.

Nearly completely unrelated to that-- I saw in the change log that there is are alternate nano suit textures. Where can I find those? I poked around, but didn't see anything that looked like it. Probably poking in the wrong location... thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nearly completely unrelated to that-- I saw in the change log that there is are alternate nano suit textures. Where can I find those? I poked around, but didn't see anything that looked like it. Probably poking in the wrong location... thanks!
Check the "armor" folder inside the "ic2" folder. There's a file named "nano_1_alt.png" in it, which is the alternative version.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check the "armor" folder inside the "ic2" folder. There's a file named "nano_1_alt.png" in it, which is the alternative version.
actually, I found it in the armor/ic2 folder. Flipped from what you said, but your post is what lead me to look there. I had assumed that was all default MC stuff, so I didn't even check it.

Do you know of a solution for the disappearing MFFS power buttons?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
actually, I found it in the armor/ic2 folder. Flipped from what you said, but your post is what lead me to look there. I had assumed that was all default MC stuff, so I didn't even check it.

Do you know of a solution for the disappearing MFFS power buttons?

Which version of MFFS are you using? Looking at the current GUI's I don't see any hint of having buttons in the top right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pardon me if it has been covered already but the Uncrafting Table seems to have it's original Vanilla GUI and not a JohnSmithed one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everybody always forgets it...I have watched many a Let's Play screaming "Use the log turner!" as they keep placing and breaking logs. ;)

Very appreciative of the work you all do!
The Crescent Hammer (and the Prototype Omnitool I think) will do the same job. Boy was that a relief when I discovered that there were tools to do that. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which version of MFFS are you using? Looking at the current GUI's I don't see any hint of having buttons in the top right.

I'm using MFFS2.3.0.3, for MC 1.4.7 (using the FTB/Mindcrack pack)
Here's a comparison of the GUI for the capacitor. The projector and extractor are also missing the power selector
Is it something on the client side? I haven't tweaked with the texpack at all, and I'm not loading any funky clientside mods. These screenshots are from creative, but I get the same thing in SMP as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm using MFFS2.3.0.3, for MC 1.4.7 (using the FTB/Mindcrack pack)
Here's a comparison of the GUI for the capacitor. The projector and extractor are also missing the power selector
Is it something on the client side? I haven't tweaked with the texpack at all, and I'm not loading any funky clientside mods. These screenshots are from creative, but I get the same thing in SMP as well.

I'm stumped here. I downloaded the latest version of the mindcrack pack, and these are how the stock GUIs look.

EDIT: I found out what the problem is, I'm uploading a fix now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when i go to run the jstr patcher, i get a popup stating that there's a new version of the patcher (v1.2 as opposed to v1.1, which is what i have now). the popup mentions going to the texture artists site to download the updated version, but as far as i can tell, the only version linked to from the jstr site is v1.1, so...

how do i get v1.2? :D

edit: so i found v1.2 here: http://soartex.net/texture-patcher/ but i'm guessing it won't work until configs are updated server-side?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when i go to run the jstr patcher, i get a popup stating that there's a new version of the patcher (v1.2 as opposed to v1.1, which is what i have now). the popup mentions going to the texture artists site to download the updated version, but as far as i can tell, the only version linked to from the jstr site is v1.1, so...

how do i get v1.2? :D

edit: so i found v1.2 here: http://soartex.net/texture-patcher/ but i'm guessing it won't work until configs are updated server-side?

1.2 just splits the mods versions into two branches, 1.5 and pre 1.5. Ignore that popup and continue using the patcher as normal.

Glow will update the patcher download once he is done with github integration, which will be very cool.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, is the rolling changelog still updating and have there been any updates to the 1.4 version of the pack since March 21? It makes sense to me that people will be working on 1.5 now but I need to do at least one more custom pack merge for the FTC server and don't want to miss anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, is the rolling changelog still updating and have there been any updates to the 1.4 version of the pack since March 21? It makes sense to me that people will be working on 1.5 now but I need to do at least one more custom pack merge for the FTC server and don't want to miss anything.

Yea, that was my bad. I hadn't updated the link to the new rolling changelog in the op. The banner at the top should take you to the updated changelog.