Here is my go at EnderTanks:I'm not a good texture artist so could someone add support for ender tanks ( and enchanting plus ( ?
This is the texture:
(Ninja Edit: Corrected the file to reflect the changes the author made in v1.4)
(Ninja Edit 2: Left a guide layer visible - fixed version is here now)

In order to put it into the JSTR you have to add the following folder:[put texture png in here]
A word of warning: The current version (1.4) of EnderTanks has some sort of bug intertwined with CBs Enderchests - in that the Ender-Bucket sort of replaces the Ender-Pouch. Might be something solveable by tweaking the configs, but that is beyond me. You'll see what I mean when you start up FTB, forge gives you a warning at the first login.
I'm not going to cover EnchantingPlus - thats a tad bit too much for a mod, that most probably is not going to be a part of FTB in the near future.