January 28rd: v1.2! Making up for lost time!
- Misc. fixes on the especially funky GUIs (being off by a pixel and so forth)
- Updated to new(est) texture pack structure for Railcraft, Forestry, TwilightForest and Thaumcraft (Thanks Hawk Weisman!)
- Added in the Wind Turbine GUI I somehow completely forgot about (Redpower 2)
- Corrected false advertising by actually providing the promised services (Sickles, Flax seeds, Blast Furnace, Water tower, etc.)
- Fixed missing texture for IC2 construction foam (Thanks Nekojin!)
- Retouched Railcraft detector blocks. Tell me what you think!
- More Buildcraft support than I expected to accomplish! Yaay!
- Added complete CompactSolars support
- Began tentative XyCraft support. No idea what any of this stuff is, tell me if something seems wrong.
- Readded complete Advanced Machines support. Apparently there are two separate IC2 addons called Advanced Machines; now both are supported.
- My password.txt is now included in the main download, so you can have the same pack I do. Upload this tothe customizer if you trust my judgement! (Thanks T10a!)
I've been playing Minecraft for a good long while, and have been playing with mods for nearly as long. If you're anything like me, you've perhaps sought alternatives to the default textures that the mods provide. But texturepacks with mod support are few and far between, and 16x texturepacks with mod support are even more rare. I decided that I'd implement support for my absolute favorite pack, The Painterly Pack.
If you haven't heard of the Painterly Pack, head on over to the Painterly Pack site and give it a look-see. Rhodox, the architect of The Painterly Pack, has put a TON of work into it and it definitely shows. I daresay you shan't find another quite like it! If you like what you see, consider dropping by his site and buying the man a drink!
This pack involves a good amount of Painterly art, and a significant amount of my own work as well. The intention was to produce a pack that provides support for my favorite mods while still preserving the sprit and feel of the original Painterly. I saw that many of my favorite mods are included in Feed The Beast, so I thought, why not release it there?

Ores galores! Forestry Apatite and Thaumcraft Amber-Bearing Stone.

A cathedral! ExtraBiomesXL stairs and slabs, Forestry Stained Glass and Candles, Railcraft Metal Posts!

Inside a small factory! IC2 Macerators and some iron dust spillage.

A scientist accesses his mainframe's disk drive. No idea what he's doing with those rails and railbeds in a laboratory - ComputerCraft Monitor, Printer, DiskDrive, some miscellaneous Railcraft items, and a Forestry wrench.

A well-equipped soldier braves the wastes at the Far Perimeter! IC2 Tesla coils, Quantum Armor, HV cables, Mining laser, and ExtraBiomesXL Wasteland assets.

ERROR - CONTAINMENT FAILURE. Railcraft Tanks and Concrete, Twilight Forest Moonworms, Computercraft Advanced Monitor and Advanced Computers, IC2 Reinforced Doors and Reinforced Stone.

And now, to business. This pack wasn't originally designed for FTB support, so there's a few mods missing for now.
COMPLETE SUPPORT: The following mods have COMPLETE support - every existing item, GUI and block is textured: Industrialcraft 2, Computercraft, Ender Storage, Twilight Forest, Railcraft, AtomicStryker's Advanced Machines, Snyke's Advanced Machines, Chickenbones' Wireless Redstone, Iron Chests, Redpower 2, Advanced Solars
PARTIAL SUPPORT: The following mods have WIP-status support. This means that while a number of the blocks and items are textured, there are still some that aren't: Forestry, Factorization, Mystcraft, SoulShards, Buildcraft, Xycraft
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: The following mods are not currently supported, but support is planned: GregTech, GraviSuite, Steve's Carts, Thermal Expansion, Modular Force Field System
BONUS: The following mods are completely supported, but aren't part of the default Feed The Beast pack. I play with them myself, so I added support for them: FallenBeast's IC2 addons - DeFence and Advanced Generators, Immibis' Peripherals for Computercraft, Nandonalt's CoralMod (Continuation), Greg's Lighting, Vanilla with Sprinkles, Kaijin's Charging Bench, Balkon's WeaponMod, The CraftGuide, Shedar's Nuclear Control, and Thaumcraft 3! If you don't plan on playing with these mods and are starved for space on your hard drive, you can safely delete the requisite folders from your download.

- Download The Paragon's Painterly Addons!
- Head over to the Painterly site and download a pack! There's a very nifty customizer there, I highly recommend using that.
- Unzip both packages using your favorite archive utility. WinZip is my weapon of choice for Windows platforms, and StuffIt for OSX. Google can help you find and use both.
- Drag and drop all the files from The Paragon's Painterly Mod Support package into the unzipped Painterly package. If prompted, click "Merge And Replace." NOTE: OSX does not have this option. Appleheads are forced to navigate to every folder and move the individual files.
- Rezip the Painterly Pack, move it to your texturepacks folder, launch and done!

A huge thank you and all due credit to Rhodox for permission to create and distribute this pack and for making my Minecraft look so damn good all these years.

Okay! Let's play some Minecraft! (DropBox)
Hang on! My preferences differ somewhat! (Download for alternate textures, such as classic-style ingots)