[16x] The Painterly Addon Pack!

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Alex Forge

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will we ever see direwolf20 modpack support? Because I'm using that now and OMG this is my most favorite TPack ever.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019

And now, to business. This pack wasn't originally designed for FTB support, so there's a few mods missing for now.

COMPLETE SUPPORT: The following mods have COMPLETE support - every existing item, GUI and block is textured: Industrialcraft 2, Computercraft, Ender Storage, Twilight Forest, Railcraft, Advanced Machines (Covered by IC2 support), Chickenbones' Wireless Redstone, Iron Chests, Redpower 2, Advanced Solars

PARTIAL SUPPORT: The following mods have WIP-status support. This means that while the most important of the blocks and items are textured, there are still a handful that aren't: Forestry, Factorization, Mystcraft, SoulShards

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: The following mods are not currently supported, but support is planned: GregTech, Buildcraft, GraviSuite, Steve's Carts, Thermal Expansion, Modular Force Field System

I would love to help you work on filling in art for the remaining mods that are not supported if you like.
Send me a PM and we can get to working on it!
Imagine how great this texture pack can look with support for all mods!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any news? Sorry, but the community might be getting impatient, and we would like more texture support please.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Made an account to say your work is killer. Really. I make textures for a few things/games and decided to try someone else's work for once. AWESOME. I'm using your pack right now, but I've created temporary textures for TE/Factorization/BC for self use until you can find time to do them!

Advanced solars, Factorization grinder with a BC hopper, Dark Iron/Lead blocks, craftpacket maker/stamper, TE Powered furnace/Igneous extruder, every gear, and a Factorization battery box. I'm not too satisfied with my TE textures yet. Too dark.
Could you upload those please? They look cool!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll think about uploading my pack (It's got everything the Mindcrack hardcore pack has except GUIs complete) if we don't see any updates within the week. Texturing isn't a quick job (his work is pretty damn good), Paragon probably has some life stuff going on.
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Hawk Weisman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll think about uploading my pack (It's got everything the Mindcrack hardcore pack has except GUIs complete) if we don't see any updates within the week. Texturing isn't a quick job (his work is pretty damn good), Paragon probably has some life stuff going on.
That's awesome of you, man! Thanks so much for all the work you put into the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hello everybody, it's me! I'm sorry for the lack of updates/contact; I'm afraid things have been a little less than ideal on my end.

I've had some personal troubles I've been dealing with, so this is the actually the first I've even looked at this thread or even thought about the project since the last update; and I regrettably have little work to show for that lost time. I'm looking at the calendar now and it's been over a month since then, so I thought I'd at least comment and let everybody know that the project hasn't been abandoned, it was just temporarily placed on the back burner. However, things are looking up now, and this coming weekend is mostly free for me so all should be returning to normalcy soon. Unfortunately, I can't make any real promises.

As of right now, I'm adding that long-promised "Alternates" download for people who aren't afraid to do a little manual adjustment to their pack; within you'll find the classic-style ingots, some alternate ore textures, and other miscellaneous stuff. Thank you, Hawk Weisman for the inspiration on this point.

And now, to actually reply to the thread I've been neglecting:

Hey, nice job! Keep going with those textures! Also, could you give us the password you have in your Painterly pack, so we can all use your variant? Thanks! :)
Thank you for the encouragement, and that password suggestion is a great idea! I will include the password in the package for the next "real" update, hopefully sooner rather than later.

I'm no pro, but I thought maybe I'd contribute in case anyone would like to use them...
Also, have you considered making a customizer? :p
Nicely done! I'm no pro either, so any help is more than welcome! I guess that was a bit of false advertising on my part, to say that Redpower has "complete support". I keep forgetting that I'm not just texturing for my private pack anymore, so I tend to overlook things here and there. The next update will be mainly concentrated on fixing "false advertising", so I don't exaggerate my progress or overblow my own success :p. As for the customizer... that DOES sound awesome, but it's pretty far down the road I think :D. For now, the separate download idea will have to do.

I noticed that the Wireless Redstone item "Wireless Remote" has no texture.
Thanks for bringing this up, I see exactly what you mean! I'm looking at the spritesheet now (for the last released download) and while my sprites are clearly there, they still show as the default ingame (tested on WRCBE 1322). Perhaps the mod is for some reason referring to the default texture path rather than the texturepack's path? I have no real insight, sorry. ChickenBones would have a more informed answer.

I don't wanna be a bother about it, but Paragon, when are we gonna see the classic-style ingot pngs?
No bother at all! I did totally leave you hanging for more than a month. You'll find the classic ingot textures in the "Alternates" download.

Will we ever see direwolf20 modpack support? Because I'm using that now and OMG this is my most favorite TPack ever.
I'm glad you like the pack! I'm aiming for complete FTB support; if the mod is available through the FTB launcher, support is planned. Aim for the moon, right? :p

I would love to help you work on filling in art for the remaining mods that are not supported if you like.
Send me a PM and we can get to working on it!
Imagine how great this texture pack can look with support for all mods!
Replying publicly as a general announcement: I'd be great if this pack to became a community effort, so help would be very much appreciated. I'm only one person and my performance so far has been subpar, at least as far as "regular updating" goes. I'm also not terribly familiar with all of the mods (Factorization is practically an enigma to me) so that's another reason. After all, the very spirit of Minecraft MP is to collaborate on projects, so why not here as well? That being said, if anybody has any contribution they'd like to make, please, do so - new textures, new screenshots, whatever!

I'll think about uploading my pack (It's got everything the Mindcrack hardcore pack has except GUIs complete) if we don't see any updates within the week.
Please, upload your pack anyways! Whether you opt to collaborate here or post in your own thread, you have my full support in this venture (for whatever that's worth). More is better!


Hawk Weisman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Paragon and Zarren, thank you both so much! By the way, the current Thaumcraft textures don't match up with the ones in the new release - I think Azanor changed some stuff. Just a heads up - I fixed mine in Photoshop and can upload it if you like.


Jul 29, 2019
I figure that the way MC will handle TPacks in the future will make it a pain in the ARSE to update the pack quickly, eh?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I figure that the way MC will handle TPacks in the future will make it a pain in the ARSE to update the pack quickly, eh?
Not really, it's going to be a pain in the ass to transfer but it's going to be a little easier on him after the transfer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Love the add-on pack, integrated perfectly... except for one thing. Hardened Construction Foam's texture is missing - it's a bright pink block!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just pushed an update! I made more progress than I expected this weekend, but somewhat less than I wanted. Cheers!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you thought of NEI support? So it doesn't look ugly as heck when you browse the recipes for an item? Because it shows a cut off crafting menu texture when you browse the crafting. For now, I recommend for a smooth experience to disable the show crafting funtionality of NEI and use Craftguide until it is fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got Gregtech blocks about 90% skinned and the items are 99% done. If you would like to pack those in until A) you get the time to replace them with your own art or B) you like them and decide to keep them, I'll upload em here. Default gregtech isn't the most.. visually pleasing mod out there. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cbqjcmceto7vk41
Anyone, feel free to use this as you please.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right now, I'm working on Powercraft support. Powercraft on it's own is OK, just without Painterly textures just doesn't seem right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NEI ... shows a cut off crafting menu texture when you browse the crafting. ... I'm working on Powercraft support.

I noticed that! Very annoying! Unfortunately, it may prove to be beyond my control. NEI appears to be referring to the same texture file as the crafting table does, but only for that segment of the GUI. The rest of the GUI is a single file, so while I could texture that file to match with the crafting tables', it'd look off when displaying any machine recipe. I'll try to think of something.

Also, I'm looking forward to seeing your work on Powercraft!

I've got Gregtech blocks about 90% skinned and the items are 99% done.

And a job well done, too! Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause: I think we have our first official community contribution! I guess it's time to change the banner at the top of the OP... :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And, as an unexpected suprise, Secret Rooms mod support! It was a quick job, so feel free to improve it Paragon, or anyone else who wishes to! And yes, Powercraft is still being worked on, don't worry :)
Secret Rooms support is attached to this post.


  • SecretRoomsPainterly.zip
    6.1 KB · Views: 188