Ez storage lacks a analog to the storage bus. Ay least I think it doesn't
It's definitely the poor mans AE.
Never heard of storage networks.
I'd like a block that gives access to storage drawers interface.
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Storage Networks does that :3 It's does a lot of of what AE can do, except for autocrafting, remote automation and stupid amounts of storage. However, you can set a a lot of that stuff up with other mods c: Currently in my test world, I have it passively autocrafting 64 of certain items I find myself needing a lot via Buildcraft Autocrafting table. It's slow, but it works. I haven't tested with the autocrafting mechanic in RFTools yet, but I'm sure you can get it to work.
I also have it set so that when I put ores in any of my chests, it will automatically process said ores.
For large amounts of storage, just use Alchemical Chests from Project:E or Diamond Chests.
And yes, it can see Storage Drawers. And even most tanks I've tested it, you you can keep track of liquids. It's actually really helpful for Advanced Generators because I can remotely see how much fuel is in before I have to go on a hunt for more BC oil

It's an awesome mod and definitely a mod that goes unnoticed by a lot of people. Hell, I scavenge CurseForge every morning, looking for neat mods to try out and I didn't even notice it till earlier today.
TL;DR: Storage Network is a good AE substitute