I'm really new to modded minecraft with my only real experience being Agrarian Skies, and I'm lost here as to how transport rf and fluids and stuff without fluiducts and pipes. Are the ender io energy conduits the only way?
I'm really new to modded minecraft with my only real experience being Agrarian Skies, and I'm lost here as to how transport rf and fluids and stuff without fluiducts and pipes. Are the ender io energy conduits the only way?
Could you try to disable Roguelike and then proceed?I just crashed! Happened while I was exploring over some ocean. Crash reports confuse me, but here it is.
How do I fix it? :c
Here you go. Thank you!Added a server section to the OP. If you want to want your server added, give me a format of :
- [Public (no whitelist) or Private (whitelist)?] server, [Name of the server] ([Owner]) : [IP of the server]
- -[Rules]
- -[If you have Cauldron or something similar to it, mention it, as well as important plugins]
- -[Additional notes, for example, Teamspeak, Website, etc.]
- Optional mods that are not used:
- [Mods]
Have allocated 4GB Ram.
Have Java 1.7.0_67 64Bit
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
AMD Cuad Core 3 GHz
AMD Radeon 6670 1024MB
But I only get 1FPSAnd How do I disable the WLR Server Chats at a Singleplayer game ?
Ingame you can type /leave or /irc disconnect If you really dont want the irc chat then just disabled eirairc or delete the jar
MultiMC, Fastcraft, turning off VSyncOkay thanks. And how do I increase the FPS? Or my system is just too weak for the package?
Verify that java and javaw are being ran by your dedicated video card.All done. FPS 1 - 2.
I need the optional mods that aren't used.Here you go. Thank you!
WHITELIST Server, MAYHEMSANCTUM (mrdeadlocked) : mayhemsanctum.com
-NO Griefing/Stealing. Be mindful of what you chunkload. Be civil.
-Cauldron setup with essentials, Worldborder, Pregenned worlds.
-We have a teamspeak setup. If you want to join put in application at /r/Mayhemsanctum
What an honor to see you here!As a modpack developer I know how annoying mod suggestions can be so I hesitated a bit to recommend this. That said, since you used Tabula Rasa to add some blocks I thought pointing out another mod that allows you a bit more flexibility.
Go check out Quadrum. Not only can it add blocks, it can add items, and those blocks and items can have a wide range of properties. Mining level, light emitting, can be dropped from mobs, if it is food, and pretty much anything and everything you could wish. It also allows for different textures for different faces of a block, something that I think is lacking in Tabula Rasa. Combined with Minetweaker to add recipes and you can pretty much build almost anything you'd like.
Opps. ProjectRed/Blue and CHococraft are disabled. Everything else is on.I need the optional mods that aren't used.