Well, if you don't distribute all of them. : ) I'm not stuck up on people distributing my content but it'd be a dick move if someone copy-pasted all of my scripts into their pack and called it theirs! loldoes it actually matter wich ones? The minetweaker/modtweaker scripts in minecraft/scripts folder?
Yea, Belathus is supposed to fix that. hahaAlso, HQM edit mod is enabled by deafult. Does it suposed to be so?
Your quest data/config need to be the same in both server and client. Perhaps you forgot to update your client too?So I just came back to this pack after a fairly long hiatus, so rebuilt my server and downloaded an updated client. Currently running on 2.0.1 and every time that I log in, I can't open the quest book. Now I know I'm supposed to disable edit mode, but from looking at the configs, it appears it is off. When I execute /hqm quest, it tells me: Questing mode is already activated.
So, my question would be: How do I open the quest book?
Checking the server logs, there is nothing around the time I attempt to open the book, so it doesn't look like there is an error.
That was it, forgot to do the client side. Thank you very much.Your quest data/config need to be the same in both server and client. Perhaps you forgot to update your client too?
You should be able to use stone gears from BuildCraft. I've tried to unify the gears as much as possible to use mostly Thermal Foundation gears, and Buildcraft where the TF gears don't exist (like stone and wood).Mhh ...i would craft me a Stirling Generator...a quest says too i should do this...but i wont work?
I cant click on the Ender IO BasicGears for the recipe...the recipe from wiki gives me stónegears from buildcraft..
Are here something changed? And why gives me NEI than the recipe wich wouldnt work?
How can i make a generator now?
Yeah, that machine frame thing was a mistake. I'll be removing that in the next update.Have tried a little bit...but the normal Recipe with the Furnace wont work...must make a mashine chassis or so (dont remember the exact name)..
That makes this generator a little bit heavier to make..
So the gears would be okay....havent the mats for this mashine thing...so i must wait
If you want to mess up existing worlds, sure@belathus - As for RWG not spawning rivers and oceans, I've been using a small mod called Streams to fix that; small tributaries flow into wider rivers which are supposed to empty into either lakes or oceans. It doesn't add 'river' or 'lake' biomes though, just adds the water on top of whatever biome was originally there. Streams is 100% compatible with Biomes O'Plenty and RWG.
Yeah, I have been putting change logs on Github. I also post them here, under a new post, when I release a new version.Are changelogs over on GitHub now? The ones on the main post are missing a few versions![]()
Yes. It is because Project Red only recently added copper, silver, and tin generation (as well as electrotine), and I didn't notice it when updating the mod. It'll be disabled in the next version and all basic ore generation will be handled by CoFH.Is it intentional for WLR to have copper/tin/silver ore gen enabled in the ProjectRed config? If it is intentional, is it also intentional to have the resistances set to 0, the maximum generation rate as I understand it?
It would seem this results in 2 distinct copper/tin/silver ores being generated in the overworld, given that copper/tin/silver are also defined in the cofh configs.
Is anyone able to shed some light on the reasons for this?
Yes. It is because Project Red only recently added copper, silver, and tin generation (as well as electrotine), and I didn't notice it when updating the mod. It'll be disabled in the next version and all basic ore generation will be handled by CoFH.
Admittedly, I haven't done much with peridot/ruby/sapphire. Honestly, I don't see much value in spawning them in the world. Even the BoP gems have little value. If I recall, diamond tools are better in every way, just a little rarer.Thanks for the quick reply!
Are peridot/sapphire/ruby disabled for modpack balancing purposes?
Edit: Looking at the configs, is it perhaps that you instead use the ruby/sapphire from bluepower? Does vanilla emerald then fill the peridot/emerald role?
Edit2: I am also seeing that BoP seems to generate all three (peridot/sapphire/ruby). Do these fill the role of the disabled ProjectRed analogs?