[1.7.10 | Unlisted] Obscurity - Jampacked 2 Winner

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... I don't think any light prevents spawning in the deep dark.

This is correct. The only thing which stops spawning is to cover every surface with glass or half slabs.

Light's main role in the deep dark (other than... well... being light) is to prevent the shadows from eating your fleshy bits.
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One thing you might want to have a check
There're two creative chests at the spawning point and the item can be changed by putting other items into it. This will possibly give you an infinity supply of any item available without cheating (maybe this can be regarded as cheating as well)
Sorry for my bad English

This is definitely cheating. Will be fixed at some stage. https://github.com/SnowShock35/Obscurity/issues/137. In the meantime people will need to use the same willpower they use to not enable creative mode in order to resist the urge to abuse the creative strongboxes ;)
I had the same issue twice. Try using the following command to get rid of all the item entities: /cofh killall item
You might need to be in a compact machine/dimension but I don't think it's necessary since it's chunk loaded.
I did some testing on 1.1.16: This issue happens when an Animal Farmer and Vacuum hopper are both near a chicken egg farm. The Animal Farmer will collect the items first before the Vacuum hopper can suck it in. Once the Animal Farmer is full it spits the additional eggs out on top and the Vacuum hopper sucks them in. However, for some reason when this happens it dupes the eggs several times and eventually overflows up to the point that there are thousands of item entities on the floor lagging the game.

Nice catch. The duping appears to be a bug in Progressive Automation as I can reproduce it with no other mods installed. The vacuum hoppers make it worse as they will pull items away from the farmer causing it to collect the item, with a chance of duping a second time. Infinite loop = EGG CITY! See https://github.com/Vanhal/ProgressiveAutomation/issues/177 for more information.
My golems seem to be inhibited by an Interdiction Torch just like aggressive mobs. I do not think that was happening prior to the last update.
This is standard interaction between these two mods. It happens even with only Reliquary and Thaumcraft installed. I don't think it's fixable. May I suggest Paving Stones of Warding if you wish to protect your minions from harm?
Hey, when you're in a compact machines, are the chunks outside still loaded? Like, in the radius of the compact machine.
Sorry was trying to quote myself earlier. Interdiction Torches are interacting with my golems the same way they interact with aggressive mobs. I don't think this was happening prior to the last update. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Please see comment three messages above. In reply to your first comment. Looks like known interaction between the mods. Not much that can be done by this modpack author. If I had to guess it's something that would need to be fixed by the Reliquary author to whitelist golems.
This is standard interaction between these two mods. It happens even with only Reliquary and Thaumcraft installed. I don't think it's fixable. May I suggest Paving Stones of Warding if you wish to protect your minions from harm?

It's not my golems are in harm's way. My base has a fair amount of torches and so the various things I have golem's doing is inhibited. Such as guards who can't get close enough to the mob to attack him. Also had some decanting area issues. I would think since the golems are a passive mode (in game play) they would not be affected by the torch.
Heya folks... During my upgrade from 15 (I know, I know) to 16... I lost all my quests, so I had to cheat the Quest Book (OP edition) and reset all our quests... here's my problem...
We had completed 1. Entering Darkness... 100%... but after doing the reset I can only get to 96% completed, I think I am missing Mob Masters... I have also completed all the other quests in the other quest lines that we finished before...

Note: we had to create a new world from scratch and we copied our characters over with all the machines we had made... it was either this or start from scratch, which we did not want to do...
Heya folks... During my upgrade from 15 (I know, I know) to 16... I lost all my quests, so I had to cheat the Quest Book (OP edition) and reset all our quests... here's my problem...
We had completed 1. Entering Darkness... 100%... but after doing the reset I can only get to 96% completed, I think I am missing Mob Masters... I have also completed all the other quests in the other quest lines that we finished before...

Note: we had to create a new world from scratch and we copied our characters over with all the machines we had made... it was either this or start from scratch, which we did not want to do...

Go jump off a cliff.
No, really. There's a hidden quest that completes the first time you die. This unlocks the Mob Masters quest.
Thanks, chestplate fixed the problem. I maintain that all light sources are inferior to Hyperenergetic Nitor
Hyperenergetic Nitor is the best light source for keeping players alive and away from shadows while exploring.

Interdiction torch is the best light source if you want lots of light in one place and to keep mobs away.

Magnum torch is the best if you want lots of light in once place and to prevent mobs spawning. I think chandelier does similar.

Arcane Lantern is the best if you want to light a huge area and don't really care about mobs.
It's not my golems are in harm's way. My base has a fair amount of torches and so the various things I have golem's doing is inhibited. Such as guards who can't get close enough to the mob to attack him. Also had some decanting area issues. I would think since the golems are a passive mode (in game play) they would not be affected by the torch.
Interdiction torch affects *all* mobs. Even sheep. In fact it affects all entities *except* players and bosses.

There is a later version of Reliquary about which seems to have configuration options for pushable entities. I created this issue on GitHub (in between the site going down due to DDOS). https://github.com/SnowShock35/Obscurity/issues/200
And also, how the hell are we supposed to deal with spiders that have 36 thousand health points? I eventually ended up doing /cofh killall spider since it was taking forever smashing it with my invar frying pan.
any ideas on how to get a million stone? best idea i have is an ender quarry with the silk touch upgrade
And also, how the hell are we supposed to deal with spiders that have 36 thousand health points? I eventually ended up doing /cofh killall spider since it was taking forever smashing it with my invar frying pan.
Step 1. Remove Optifine
Step 2. ______
Step 3. Profit!

In all seriousness it will fix it. Über-Spider is a known interaction with Optifine per an earlier comment in this thread I remember reading.