[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Yeah, it seems to happen when nether rack or any nether ore is veinmined. Not finding a solid culprit for it yet, doesn't seem to be as simple as rewinding either mod back to previous version, its probably a third mod not listed in the report thats causing the issue.
I usually forget to vein mine so I suspect that may not be the problem.
when tried to morph into wisp..
Okay, this one is due to an issue in Chisel, which will be fixed in the next update which shouldn't be too far out. If its not out by the time I'm ready to upload, I'll switch and test with previous version of either Chisel 2 OR Morph.

I have a bad crash. I was up around 200 Y and put an Angel Block to start an Ender farm
Have not been able to replicate this one yet. Tried in different areas on different saves.

I also had the mining in the nether problem, though with nether quartz.
Okay, I did figure out it was a Veinminer issue.

Revert to 27.1 version here http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/67133-veinminer/files/2235121

Its newer than the 0.1.0 pack version, but doesn't have the crash bug. I will report it to the dev after some testing.
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I love this pack! Is there anything I can do to support it? I'm a willing volunteer, a new (but growing fast and well) graphic artist, I had a few past experiences of being a staff, and am VERY often on my computer (accept in the mornings until 3pm on weekdays). I really want to help this pack grow in any way I can. :D
Evening. The test pack looks stable from my end so far. Progression start using AWG has certainly been faster than BoP, which is ironic since I've spent so much time staring at the mesas. :)

Couple of minor things I've noted:

- May want to check Project Red's configs, it has its own ore-gen. Copper is an early conflict, but Electroltine (sp?) can be particularly nasty - it gens a ton at same level as Lapis, so can push some of that out.

- Any chance at disabling MFR's sludge and sewage gen? It creates quite a bit in AWG's desert equivalents, though the overall frequency is nice if replaced with BC's Oil.

- I noticed most of the Forestry machines are disabled. This is intentional? I'm fine with removing bees etc completely (and Gendustry or Genetics as a byproduct), I think that's starting to become a bit overdone in some places.

- Personal note: I miss Mine and Blade. :) VeinMiner helps smooth that out at least, though with those huge Acacia trees you still need a Lumber Axe to take the whole thing down.

Thanks for the work here Caigan, its shaping up rather nicely.
I love this pack! Is there anything I can do to support it? I'm a willing volunteer, a new (but growing fast and well) graphic artist, I had a few past experiences of being a staff, and am VERY often on my computer (accept in the mornings until 3pm on weekdays). I really want to help this pack grow in any way I can
Currently, as I get back into the swing of things and continue to implement the various mechanics I have in mind, I'm not really looking for another person to help work on the pack. Not yet at least, that will possibly change later.

Right now the best help I can get is folks playing the pack, finding bugs, reporting them, chatting here, making suggestions. =)

- May want to check Project Red's configs, it has its own ore-gen. Copper is an early conflict, but Electroltine (sp?) can be particularly nasty - it gens a ton at same level as Lapis, so can push some of that out.
Ahh okay, I'll make sure to check on this. I'm pretty sure I disabled any oregen that matched CoFH's but I haven't caught up with what mods have changed and added more oregen.

- Any chance at disabling MFR's sludge and sewage gen? It creates quite a bit in AWG's desert equivalents, though the overall frequency is nice if replaced with BC's Oil.
With the change of terrain generation, I'll look into how these generate and decide then.

- I noticed most of the Forestry machines are disabled.
This isn't intentional and very odd o.O Definitely going to look into this when I have time.
Crashed multiple times on Rogue-like lower floors. (most likely same veinminer issue)

Any thoughts about nerfing Mekanism Obsidian Armour - 30 defense for ~3 diamonds is too cheap. Also Magical Wood weapons/tools with 8 free mods (+replace parts) isn't well balanced either, rapier that deals 22~ right off the bat with certus/nether quartz, and 40++ with upgrades/replaced parts, well.. take any weapon honestly.
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Ahh okay, I'll make sure to check on this. I'm pretty sure I disabled any oregen that matched CoFH's but I haven't caught up with what mods have changed and added more oregen.

This isn't intentional and very odd o_O Definitely going to look into this when I have time.

My concern with Project Red stems more from the Electroltine gen. I got burned in early game for Lapis (TiCo Fortune adding) over on another pack due to it. That's an even bigger concern in this pack, since RFTools uses quite a bit of Lapis too. There is a 'resistance' setting that should be tweakable; I believe my suggestion in the other pack was to bump it to to 6-8 range. That should cut the overall gen in half, if I'm reading the notes right.

More info on Forestry - seems its NEI only. I was able to create a Carpenter 'manually' from the normal bronze and glass (I know this one by heart - its usually a 'quick and dirty' way to a Mekanism Cardboard Box).

Perhaps its not loading everything? Partial log below, I can post a full one later if needed, since its repeatable.

[09:49:13] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Starting NEI Filter scripting. This might take a moment to load all the modules...
[09:49:13] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Engine: JAVASCRIPT
[09:49:14] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureLogInterceptor]: Log parsing appears to have failed. Attempting to dig the data out of FML directly...
[09:49:14] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureLogInterceptor]: NEI has entered the ready state. Sending data to culling system. List contains 0 entries.
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading table of contents for module: custom_nei_filters, 1.0, Author: denoflionsx
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Bootstrap setting found. Loading: Bootstrap.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: ThermalExpansion.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: Mekanism.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: BuildCraft.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: AppliedEnergistics2.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: Tcon.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: MFR.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: ForgeMicroblock.js
[09:49:15] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading: ExtraUtilities.js

Any thoughts about nerfing Mekanism Obsidian Armour - 30 defense for ~3 diamonds is too cheap. Also Magical Wood weapons/tools with 8 free mods (+replace parts) isn't well balanced either, rapier that deals 22~ right off the bat with certus/nether quartz, and 40++ with upgrades/replaced parts, well.. take any weapon honestly.

The 'quick' way to nerf Mekanism as a whole would be to remove compressed diamond/coal/redstone. In a pack that can grow diamonds, that may not be an overall bad thing (depending on how much RF is required to make one). But that's Caigan's call - I've already done enough damage to 'Mek in the other pack. ;-)

One last thing - the 'Single Player' tooltip on the menu needs updating. It still says to use BoP. :)
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Hey, Caigen. I have a big suggestion that might help you out. A kind of hybrid of people just helping by making suggestions, posting bugs, ect. And making it so people who know what their doing can point out things in the code that might need to be changed, or possibly writing things for the pack as suggestions.
This is what I propose:
1. You could make a gitHub Page for certain files in the modpack. The files I'd suggest would be the following:
a. The file or files that store the text in the quest book. This is so that people can look through it and see things like typos, and if they want, create a branch that they can use to propose fixes, quests, or stories, as well as make it easier for people to report bugs, as people can point out the exact point where they bugged out, and maybe if they know what they're doing, propose a solution.
b. A list of the current mod list, with version numbers. This is so that people who frequent certain mods more than yourself or others, could post when a mod needs updating.
c. (I completely understand if you don't post this one), some of the config files of the mods being added, removed, or changed, to see if someone could find a better alternative, such as what the main FTB packs did with BoP (ie. disabling most biomes to allow the rest to be easily found and explored).​
2. Possibly using the github page to report issues, as github projects come with a bug reporting system, which could be useful for people reporting bugs, and moving the focus of the forum page to something more a kin to suggestions and discussion, rather than as a method of reporting bugs that may be missed, as posts in forums sometimes are.
Any thoughts about nerfing Mekanism Obsidian Armour - 30 defense for ~3 diamonds is too cheap.
oh this armor i knew about it when someone asked for good non magic mod armor i choose to not say obsidian armor because of what it is (i knew exactly what it was)
he 'quick' way to nerf Mekanism as a whole would be to remove compressed diamond/coal/redstone. In a pack that can grow diamonds, that may not be an overall bad thing
then alot of things get more expensive by several times in mekanism and its not the only tech mod in the pack so people will just move to one of the other 2 mods(thats assuming they even started mekism ) , ender io being a specially enticing becuase it has a quest line unlike the other 2 (te and mekism)keep in mind te and ender io would still have there normal recipes , back to mekism the amount of those alloys that are used is quite alot and u need them for power storage blocks for machines for upgrades power cable and alot more stuff too

after thought: why exactly am i defending mekinism ?
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then alot of things get more expensive by several times in mekanism and its not the only tech mod in the pack so people will just move to one of the other 2 mods(thats assuming they even started mekism ) , ender io being a specially enticing becuase it has a quest line unlike the other 2 (te and mekism)keep in mind te and ender io would still have there normal recipes , back to mekism the amount of those alloys that are used is quite alot and u need them for power storage blocks for machines for upgrades power cable and alot more stuff too

after thought: why exactly am i defending mekinism ?

I agree with that assessment (especially given which pack I play regularly - the digital miner requires a nether star, and solar/wind power require Mariculture titanium); As I said, that was the quick way of doing it. My preferred way would be config options that allow you to tweak how much of each material is consumed in the Metallurgic Infuser.

I did a lot of my mid-game power gen using Mek's bio-generators (which was one of the few things not fiddled with in that pack). Probably could have stayed on that too (instead of going to big reactors), since I had access to at least one 9x9 wheat field on fertilized dirt (plus golems and hopperhocks). A 3x6 plot was generating enough wheat for two bio-generators (at my modest power use), when manually harvested. The only thing it could not keep up with very well was the Electrolytic Separator, which I pulled out now and then for my jetpack.
I haven't even touched Mek simply because I am way more comfortable in the other mods we have. TE has all my automation needs and anything it doesn't cover I use EnderIO.

TiC has everything I need weaponry wise as well, and with Life Steal I don't have to worry about armor at all.
Crashed multiple times on Rogue-like lower floors. (most likely same veinminer issue)
Yep looks like the same veinminer issue. Did you try reverting to the same version I mentioned before?

More info on Forestry - seems its NEI only. I was able to create a Carpenter 'manually' from the normal bronze and glass (I know this one by heart - its usually a 'quick and dirty' way to a Mekanism Cardboard Box).
Weird. I'll check the INPure culling, it might be overdoing it.

Perhaps its not loading everything? Partial log below, I can post a full one later if needed, since its repeatable.
Oh, that culls things with the same filter in a mod, so it only shows ONE of them (IE instead of 300 different microblock items, it only shows one of each kind)

The 'quick' way to nerf Mekanism as a whole would be to remove compressed diamond/coal/redstone.
Hmm, I'll have to carefully consider my options.

Any thoughts about nerfing Mekanism Obsidian Armour - 30 defense for ~3 diamonds is too cheap. Also Magical Wood weapons/tools with 8 free mods (+replace parts) isn't well balanced either, rapier that deals 22~ right off the bat with certus/nether quartz, and 40++ with upgrades/replaced parts, well.. take any weapon honestly.
Sounds like Signalum weapons are no longer top dog, yeesh.

Honestly, things like this I'm hesitant to nerf TOO much. The focus of the pack is learning all the mods within it, with a side goal of the shop and trader aspects. I'm not after a super heavy amount of balance, only in extreme cases, and some of these MIGHT constitute that.

Remember that, no matter what, many folks will gravitate to the 'path of least resistance' whenever they can. I can't stop em, only slow em down a bit.

1. You could make a gitHub Page for certain files in the modpack. The files I'd suggest would be the following:
I've been considering something similar to this, though it won't be anytime soon. I'm still getting back into things, but I've also got medical stuff back at the forefront of my RL, so I'm going to need to balance the two. Getting a serious thing like that up is a good initial investment in my time, so we'll see if I get that up soon or not.

a. The file or files that store the text in the quest book. This is so that people can look through it and see things like typos, and if they want, create a branch that they can use to propose fixes, quests, or stories, as well as make it easier for people to report bugs, as people can point out the exact point where they bugged out, and maybe if they know what they're doing, propose a solution.

This one isn't an easy thing to do, with how the quest book files are handled. Pointing out bugs is pretty simple with how we currently do it, but having two HQM files and merging them, at this time, is a headache and a half, as you can really only do it by loading two separate instances, and copying the changes by hand.

b. A list of the current mod list, with version numbers. This is so that people who frequent certain mods more than yourself or others, could post when a mod needs updating.
This is something I've been meaning to update the Mod List page with, and its a good idea.

c. (I completely understand if you don't post this one), some of the config files of the mods being added, removed, or changed, to see if someone could find a better alternative, such as what the main FTB packs did with BoP (ie. disabling most biomes to allow the rest to be easily found and explored).
I don't understand why some folks would consider config files something that shouldn't be shared.

I've mentioned it before on Reddit :
Take 2 modpacks with the same mods, including HQM.
Most likely, their config files are going to be fairly similar, while their HQM quests will most likely be insanely different.
Being 'protective' of your config files seems a bit...I don't know, a waste of energy? Not exactly that, but you can get my meaning.

I haven't even touched Mek simply because I am way more comfortable in the other mods we have. TE has all my automation needs and anything it doesn't cover I use EnderIO.
And welcome to one of the focuses for the pack : every major and most minor mods will have quests, and by following them, you at least get to learn a bit about all these different mods' items and blocks.
Huh odd.

Strange, what issues do you have with MultiMC?

The alternate you could do is install forge yourself to a new profile on the basic MC Launcher.

Basically, unless I use certain smaller packs straight from MultiMC, it always instantly crashes the instant I launch anything. Honestly, I can wait till Thurs for it to be on the launcher. I don't know if it is a common Mac issue, or just user error, I just prefer Forge. If I wasn't lazy, I could download the stuff, and just use them in Forge... lol.

Edit- Forgot to say, it has been probably a year since I used MultiMC, but it just left a really bad taste and I never went back.
Is it normal to get a ton of dungeon gen (the mossy cobblestone rooms with a spawner and a couple chests)? Maybe I'm exploring too much, but I have seen several spawned in pairs right next to each other.

And on the subject of nerfing, are enderium swords supposed to give +20 hearts damage? The top Botania and Thaumcraft swords are like +7 for comparison. Enderium is easy enough to get as well, just 4 ender pearls plus some shiny/silver/tin ingots in a smeltery.
Anyone else feeling that the current biomes generated are slightly too big?

Jetpack + glider or Sojourn/Globetrotter belt + Traveler boots helps dealing with it though.

And yes - downgrading Veinminer fixed the crash I was having.

When I was talking about Magical Wood weapons/tools, this is how broken TConstruct magical wood weapons are early on (not leveled)
  1. full Magical Wood Cleaver adding 8 mods (all certus quartz)
  2. replacing large plate and large sword blade with Enderium (cheap and super strong) ones and two paper tool rods (2000 durability left with these two, still way more than good durability)
  3. adding 3 additional mods - all certus
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I've been considering something similar to this, though it won't be anytime soon. I'm still getting back into things, but I've also got medical stuff back at the forefront of my RL, so I'm going to need to balance the two. Getting a serious thing like that up is a good initial investment in my time, so we'll see if I get that up soon or not.
Try looking up a DIF Tool, or difference tool. A diff tool basically takes what's different in one file, and changes it in another one.
For example:
File 1

File 2
My name is Oliver

Would result in:
My name is Oliver
I have to go back to Chicago for a day some time this week to deal with the last of the legal work for the death in our family. If there are not many critical bugs and it does not interfere with the travel plans, the hope is to send this to the FTB team Thursday.
Unfortunately, due to this issue I warned about, I'm going to delay submission of the modpack to the FTB Team until early next week.

This'll give me a bit more time when I'm not on the trip to hammer out a few more bugs, while also giving you folks a bit more time to put the new update through its paces.

If I have time, I'll try to get the Power Contracts changed (I have to art up a few new items for it and work out the scripting for them. You will no longer crate Flux Capacitors, but special items I'm going to add to Ferret Shinies mod itself).
Yeah, updating to Chisel- fixes the issue for me.
Excellent, just tested myself and confirmed.

I still need to test the veinminer/roguelike dungeons issue, and figure out the Forestry NEI issues as well.

More info on Forestry - seems its NEI only. I was able to create a Carpenter 'manually' from the normal bronze and glass (I know this one by heart - its usually a 'quick and dirty' way to a Mekanism Cardboard Box).

Found out the reason for this is NEI Integration does not have support for the new Forestry update, so integration is disabled for now.
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  • full Magical Wood Cleaver adding 8 mods (all certus quartz)
  • replacing large plate and large sword blade with Enderium (cheap and super strong) ones and two paper tool rods (2000 durability left with these two, still way more than good durability)
  • adding 3 additional mods - all certus
that sounds bugged replacing parts that give modifiers should not be allowed if the modifier cant be taken when the part leaves . vannila tinkers material wise it means u cant swap paper parts out if there is not a modifier available on the item when u attempt to swap it out .
yes having shiny ore spawn in world gen does have that effect on the perceived cost of enderium