[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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What you mean Its being replaced with Fluxed Crystals 2?
Next version, both Magic Crops and Fluxed Crystals 2 will be in the pack. There will be recipes to convert Magic Crop Seeds into Fluxed Crystal seeds. In 0.1.2, Magical Crops will be removed.

The reason is its much harder for me to balance Magical Crops how I'd like, and its simple for me to add new Fluxed crops to cover more materials and items than Magical Crops has.
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Is there a list of what quests are currently released? Since I noticed as I started to progress that a number of quests are not released at the moment (AE2).
Is there a list of what quests are currently released? Since I noticed as I started to progress that a number of quests are not released at the moment (AE2).
This is probably something I should add to the main post of the page.

Currently, the completed quest lines are :
  • Botania
  • Extra Utilities
  • MineFactory Reloaded
  • EnderIO
  • Progressive Automation
  • Natura
  • Biomes o Plenty (removed next version)
  • Simply Jetpacks
  • Backpacks
  • Bibliocraft
  • Armourer's Workshop
  • Chisel
  • Malisis Doors
  • Decocraft
  • Iron Chests
  • Open Modular Turrets
There are one or two I'm forgetting, but those are the ones off the top of my head.

Next version, the following will be completed :
  • Draconic Evolution
  • Aura Cascade
I would like to put something in I have been playing this mod pack for a while. I have enjoyed it a lot, I have seen this pack move fast and slow and I liked that. Folks putting mod packs together balance the mods and then bug fix is super super time consuming. Not to mention the quest creation and the grammar the wording the rewarding OMG. I want everyone to remember that the pack is still being worked on and updated will come but lets give Caigan a break. Also Caigan does a good job updating us and even replying to us unlike some mod pack creators. I am amazed how much the quests work you hard, and the rewards are good. I have LP this for a while and this is a pack I would replay, restart (which I have), and start the quest book over and over. So please Caigan do what you think is right, the more personal you make this pack the better we can relate to the pack. Take your time nothing can be done fast and not done right. I would rather have an update in a month or two then have a bug destroy or ruin my fun. Ah got that out now back to farming.
[...]Not to mention the quest creation and the grammar the wording the rewarding OMG. [...] Also Caigan does a good job updating us and even replying to us unlike some mod pack creators. I am amazed how much the quests work you hard, and the rewards are good.[...]
Could not have said it better myself. I found this pack only maybe a week ago and this is by far the most polished and well made I've seen. The writing is just amazing! And bags... ah who doesn't love bags!

I'm also one of those who likes to start maps over and over again, but at the moment I'm a bit conflicted about continuing the current world or waiting the next update since removing BoP and changing worldgen is going to need a map reset anyway... I'm not rushing for the update, I'd rather wait a year than get something that breaks, but it'd be nice to know if update _might_ be released in a few days or few weeks or few months.
Will the BB be updated with more items in the next update? I'm planning on another video of 25-a-tier for the release of the new update!
Yeah, bunch of new blind bags, some for Aura Cascade, updated bags for Botania, and Draconic Evolution gets very special bags due to the power of the mod (only small chance getting something other than a replacement awesome blind bag or a single draconium ingot)
I just started with this modpack today, and I LOVE it! It's just what I've been looking for!

I have one question though. I was mining in Singleplayer, and I see a nametag on the minimap, it says "CyaNideEpic" or something like that. So, I dig to where the nametag is, and there is what looked like a player, next to a zombie. I killed the zombie, and then dropped down into where the player was. He starts attacking me, and I kill him with my iron sword.

I can morph into him, and he is slightly shorter than my normal form.

UPDATE: I have now found DylanJK and Sethbling.
so, is BOP being removed next update?

So if Biomes o Plenty is out does that mean we have to start all over?
i believe this was already answered no u wont need to start all over

found the quotes of someone else asking it
If BOP is removed then it means new world/restart?
Nah, it'd remove BoP trees, flora, and blocks. Any BoP Biome gets converted to a default biome.
i believe this was already answered no u wont need to start all over

found the quotes of someone else asking it
The blocks/bibliowood stuff won't magically convert though...I'm probably better off starting over unless I manually convert to vanilla wood in creative or something...meh. Thanks for the answer though. My bad about repeating a question, just started playing the pack in August. Usually I try to read the thread, but 90+ pages is a little steep XD.
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Bilbiocraft items in exotic wood colours should be completely emptied before you start.

Plus you might want to replace you floors depending on what wood you have for it.
I just started with this modpack today, and I LOVE it! It's just what I've been looking for!

I have one question though. I was mining in Singleplayer, and I see a nametag on the minimap, it says "CyaNideEpic" or something like that. So, I dig to where the nametag is, and there is what looked like a player, next to a zombie. I killed the zombie, and then dropped down into where the player was. He starts attacking me, and I kill him with my iron sword.

UPDATE: I have now found DylanJK and Sethbling.

You can package the heads with a crate and submit it to the SAG Mill, just like the other crates. It isn't a big source of income, but it is nice.
I have one question though. I was mining in Singleplayer, and I see a nametag on the minimap, it says "CyaNideEpic" or something like that. So, I dig to where the nametag is, and there is what looked like a player, next to a zombie. I killed the zombie, and then dropped down into where the player was. He starts attacking me, and I kill him with my iron sword.
These are Celebrities added by the Headcrumbs mod.

With the removal of Lycanites next version, Headcrumbs is also being removed as part of slimming down the modpack slightly. Major reason I added Headcrumbs was for the variety of heads from Lycanites. You can still make custom player heads a few ways, like with Botania.

So if Biomes o Plenty is out does that mean we have to start all over?
No, unless you want to. Removal of BoP will remove the grass layer on certain biomes, and the leaves from some trees. It'll give some biomes a sort of wasteland look. The biomes themselves will convert to valid ones.

Bilbiocraft items in exotic wood colours should be completely emptied before you start.
I take it you mean Bibliowoods : Biomes o Plenty edition furniture? Or ones painted with the Furniture Paneler?

The former was removed a while back when Bibliocraft added the Furniture Paneler. The latter, I believe the textures for them will just default to the error texture (pink and black checkerbox) if the texture its referencing is no longer there. I could be wrong though.
Whoa, that does warrant a reset like 65% of my home is biomes o plenty blocks and I'm in a mystic grove biome ( a couple of oak trees, but mainly magic trees and jacarandas)

I kinda wanna start over anyways. I wanna see how much I can do with aura cascade/botania versus thermal expansion/extra utilities.
Absolutely loving the modpack, looking forward the the new version. However, I've discovered a loophole which means a simple 2 machine set up is churning more bags of coins and chits than I can handle. On investigation, there's something seriously wrong with the automation of shipping crates. I don't want to put detail here in case I ruin it for other people, unless you want me to, Caigan... Would you rather I PM you with the details?
Many thanks!