[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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... Just wondering, why aren't Mekanism generators in this pack? I personally love the fusion reactor. But I'd understand if it was because the windmills are too OP for early game :)
o_O is it, I didn't see it in the mod list and I couldn't find the tech path to DT Fuel, Normally that path is through Lithium, but I didn't find it

DT Fuel is the ignition catalyst for the fusion reactor
o_O is it, I didn't see it in the mod list and I couldn't find the tech path to DT Fuel, Normally that path is through Lithium, but I didn't find it

DT Fuel is the ignition catalyst for the fusion reactor
did u try looking through "Salt"or/and "lithium dust" because im fairy sure i very recently emptied a drum of lithium into ae (the nei filter mod is being a tad tooo culling)
The Mekanism generators Mod is in the pack, I just can't bring up the uses for Lithium (liquid) to show it being refined into the blue stuff.

Nevermind, I found it, I don't know why it didn't show up before.
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For some reason my shop loyalty stopped going up again, seems turning in the trader tokens (square types) kick starts it again, perhaps turning in one of those can also stop it? Unfortunately I don't recall exactly what I was doing when it stopped counting.

Draconium ore can be found in RFtool dimensions, I'm assuming unintended as it's not available in any other heh
Framing Saw from Bibliocraft makes infinite 500 crates (does not get consumed upon crafting)

That's all I've noticed for now

edit: I somehow broke creepy flesh researchology quest, I can no longer detect/submit the items and the icon for it in the right side is gone. I can however spam claim whether I have flesh or not and get bags.
I wish I knew how to fix this because counting the flesh is getting quite tedious :p
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Just a note I keep forgetting to bring up. I'm not sure anything can be done but when the rep scores are able to be seen in the better questing book I can't see them as I'm colorblind. The lettering blends completely into the background. Which by my guess makes them red.
No complaints, no asking for updates, no note about broken anything, just a simple thank you for this great modpack! Since going back to college for a new degree I haven't had any money for new games, this modpack is filling that gap nicely and giving me plenty of good times. So thank you :)
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For some reason my shop loyalty stopped going up again, seems turning in the trader tokens (square types) kick starts it again, perhaps turning in one of those can also stop it? Unfortunately I don't recall exactly what I was doing when it stopped counting.
Hm, odd. Adding to Trello to investigate.

Framing Saw from Bibliocraft makes infinite 500 crates (does not get consumed upon crafting)
Dang, another one of these. Added to Trello.

I somehow broke creepy flesh researchology quest, I can no longer detect/submit the items and the icon for it in the right side is gone. I can however spam claim whether I have flesh or not and get bags.
Huuuh super weird. Maybe use /bq_admin reset command on JUST that quest? I will be adding higher quantity quests for the Researchology quests as well in the next update.

Just a note I keep forgetting to bring up. I'm not sure anything can be done but when the rep scores are able to be seen in the better questing book I can't see them as I'm colorblind. The lettering blends completely into the background. Which by my guess makes them red.
Not much I can do on my end for the coloring of the Scoreboard text, but there will be multiple quests to track your reputation (10 for each track). It'll give you a rough estimate of where you are in the track at least, and the quest text will reflect how much you need for that Tier.
Yea... was figuring there wouldn't be a thing you could do. Still felt it was worth asking. Gives me another reason to buy those color vision correcting glasses
i saw some one mention it above but for me it's not tracking any of the reputation between the books. and i haven't gotten it to start let alone stop and start again.
Crafting a "DirtChest 9000!" gives you more FMC than you started with. The materials to make it are only 10 FMC but the chest in total is 110 FMC because the chest contains a book when opened.
hi i just wanne know if anny one knows why the quest in the book just desaperes after a while, i am playing on a freinds server and its pretty egnoring the ook looks like this http://prntscr.com/cj18k1 Pless help and hope u can read my bad english :)
Anyone think they can help me with the following error i'm getting running the game? Appears to happen randomly from what I see. I can be playing for hours or just launching the mod from the launcher. Running the latest Ferret Business from the Curse Launcher with JRE 8.101. I think I have the recommended 4gb of ram allocated.

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000720415f2, pid=7028, tid=4404
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_25-b18) (build 1.8.0_25-b18)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.25-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# V [jvm.dll+0xa15f2]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# e:\Users\Rob-PC\Documents\Curse\Minecraft\Instances\The Ferret Business\hs_err_pid7028.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0

Edit: I went ahead and posted the full log from the path it mentions in the above error. It can be found here http://pastebin.com/Zz1Dfjtw.
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how do you make caigans head. the description says skelly skull and name tag and so mystical items but don't say which.
I have been playing this pack with a couple of my friends on a private server and I have a question... are the reward bags going to be fixed so that you're not getting end game items out of basic bags?
I already have a Cowl of the Abyssal Depths, which is the Infused Ichor helmet and I only starter Thaumcraft today. We also ended up with 4-5 Terra Shatterers, the Terra Truncator and 3 pairs of Boots of the Meteor...

With all the talk about balancing earlier in the thread regarding Draconic Evolution, I thought that something like this wouldn't happen.
It doesn't seem very balanced to me at all...
i saw some one mention it above but for me it's not tracking any of the reputation between the books. and i haven't gotten it to start let alone stop and start again.
HQM reputation tracks were left in on accident, they don't track between books (HQM uses its own reputation system, while BQ uses the Scoreboard system built into vanilla)

Crafting a "DirtChest 9000!" gives you more FMC than you started with. The materials to make it are only 10 FMC but the chest in total is 110 FMC because the chest contains a book when opened.
Oh, I didn't realize it gives you a book.

hi i just wanne know if anny one knows why the quest in the book just desaperes after a while
That's a new one to me, huh. Is the server using Cauldron or any other server thing? Have any mods been added? Is the server being played with online mode=false in the server.properties?

how do you make caigans head. the description says skelly skull and name tag and so mystical items but don't say which.
I'll add a note into the quest text about where the instructions are (lexica botania, Misc section).

It doesn't seem very balanced to me at all...
Balance of a mod itself and balance of blind bags are two separate things.

Mod balance itself is something I'm only going to be cutting down at the edges at, because getting everything balanced with a pack this size would take a ton of work, and is not really the goal. So naturally some things will be better than others, but I want to at least try to make it so that nothing is too insanely out of place (at least not without a bunch of work or extreme luck, like Draconic Evolution items)

As for Blind Bags, those are rewards for actually doing the quests. You can buy them, sure, but their cost is supposed to be prohibitive to that. The most basic of blind bag blind bags have a 1% to 2% chance of dropping the highest tier bag at most.

The goal with blind bags, partially, is eventually to give almost any item in the pack to the player, which can then interest them in a different mod they might not have known about. Yes, even end game items.

But I will agree that the blind bags need more rebalancing (both the chance for a basic blind bag of blind bags to drop an amazing bag, and quest rewards giving legendary blind bag of bags), due to the rebalancing of Blind Bag contents in a previous update. There is a lot less middle to late game items in the Amazing bags, which has left them with mostly more End game items.
Just starting playing the pack today. I like the idea of completing orders. I have a basic question about upgrading tools. I get the paper hammer early. I made a stone hammer head. Can I upgrade the tool without having enough iron to make the tool forge? I tried it in a crafting station but it didn't work. I made sure the hammer is completely repaired.
i have some quest that say complete, and unclaimed rewards. the thing is i haven't done them yet and they won't let me turn in the items.
crystals and essences - the basic of artificing and alchemical distillation.
protecting your assets - Barrel improvement
Magical flowers - Strength of the earth and power and elegance