Update to 1.0.2 which removes JMServer that causes that bug.Having the same issue here too. Posted a crash log earlier. Must be an issue with one of the mods (JourneyMap from my research).
Update to 1.0.2 which removes JMServer that causes that bug.Having the same issue here too. Posted a crash log earlier. Must be an issue with one of the mods (JourneyMap from my research).
Update to 1.0.2 which removes JMServer that causes that bug.
hey thanks for that, there was no scripts fold so i made one, still didn't work i tryed moving you fold in there nothing. it weird because the quarry's show it working on single play but the server is like yea na. Any more ideas ?Make sure you have a scripts folder in the root of your minecraft server. Also not all magic recipes are cross modded due to no support for their special crafting handlers.
Update to 1.0.2 which removes JMServer that causes that bug.
Whats your problem with them?I can vouch for the crash on startup.
Oh, and I noticed there's no fix for the bugged ExtraCells mods in the changelog; is that going to come later, or am I the only one having problems?
I tried this from the first page
Go to Options -> Advanced Options and set Download location to CurseCDN.
But the game is downloading within seconds, and starting as a fresh vanilla MC with no NEI
Fixed. If CurseCDN doesn't work, just try the closest location to you. Here in the east of the states Atlanta worked, and NEI has appeared.
I posted about it earlier, but essentially ExtraCells doesn't work; I can't attach the Fluid Terminal to my ME Network, the Wireless Fluid Terminal has no crafting recipe, and I can't use the ME chest to access any Fluid Storage Cells (it does change the block to show that it has a Fluid Storage Cell inside, but it's a bugged mess whenever I try to open it and look inside). I somehow managed to succeed in putting some lava into a Fluid Storage Cell with a Fluid Import Bus (which does attach to my ME Network, unlike the Export version which does not), but I can't even look at it, let alone get it back out again.Whats your problem with them?
There is alot of problems with the launcher right now and they are looking into it. The MFR crash is only from a few people and it works for hundreds of others. As of right now I can not duplicate the crash on my end. It may be a corrupted download on one of the servers. A work around for now would be to stay on 1.0.1 and once the launcher is sorted I will let everyone know so they can update.Pretty sure the download is broken, when I grab it from automatic server selection the download is 103MB about and when I grab it from CurseCDN it's 83MB
Downloading from automatic selection gets vanilla minecraft and grabbing from curse gets missing mods crash on bootup
Thanks Atlanta appears to work for me too. We just changing download locations for each update?![]()
config said:worldgen {
I:YelloriteDimensionBlacklist <
I:dimensionWhitelist <
I use CofhCore to generate all the ores. I disabled all the native ore gen from mods. There is Yellorite in the world.So, I've heard good things about this pack and decided to download. As I normally do, I sorted through configs and such to lower particles and do other stuff that reduces its load on my computer. While combing through the configs, I noticed that the generation of Yellorite ore was turned off. How do you go about getting Yellorite without the ore?
That is an issue with ExtraCells, when its fixed and I test it, it will be included in an update.I posted about it earlier, but essentially ExtraCells doesn't work; I can't attach the Fluid Terminal to my ME Network, the Wireless Fluid Terminal has no crafting recipe, and I can't use the ME chest to access any Fluid Storage Cells (it does change the block to show that it has a Fluid Storage Cell inside, but it's a bugged mess whenever I try to open it and look inside). I somehow managed to succeed in putting some lava into a Fluid Storage Cell with a Fluid Import Bus (which does attach to my ME Network, unlike the Export version which does not), but I can't even look at it, let alone get it back out again.
Ok, I was under the impression that CoFHCore controlled the frequency and max/min Y level that ores spawn, not whether the ore spawns or not. It's good to learn something new.I use CofhCore to generate all the ores. I disabled all the native ore gen from mods. There is Yellorite in the world.