[1.7.10] The Dark Trilogy [PUBLIC BETA]

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Not sure if this is a problem with the launcher or what, but whenever I try to download the pack, I end up with a vanilla fresh install of 1.7.10 and that's it. No mods, no forge, no nothing. This happens with only this modpack, and it happens with 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
Not sure if this is a problem with the launcher or what, but whenever I try to download the pack, I end up with a vanilla fresh install of 1.7.10 and that's it. No mods, no forge, no nothing. This happens with only this modpack, and it happens with 1.0.0 and 1.0.1

Go to Options -> Advanced Options and set Download location to CurseCDN.
Need more crash log stuffs, that you think is important isn't the cause more than likely.
well the thing is the rest was literally just a ton of FMLFileResourcePack:<mod name>, but whatever, let me get that log. link: http://pastebin.com/tfwPviEC
unless, you want me to get the fml-client-latest.log and take the last of it. Here let me grab that.

OK restarted the game and it worked.... so time to try out an awesome mod pack!
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Extremely nice modpack with a good amount of dificulty but not imposible. Been lovin´ it but around 4 hours of playtime I got really strange crash log. I´m just gonna leave it here:


I started up the mod pack, it crashed on first try but now its fine, I am playing on a super flat world and this is my preset:
the only problem is that when I load up the world, I don't know how to get the little vegetable bunches on the ground, as farming is the main food source in superflat. Anyone know how to get the vegetable buches to spawn with a preset? I know this is sorta off topic, but I really want those bunches...
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Really happy with this pack. I'm getting massive frame drops after I go into and come out of the nether. I did install Fastcraft as recommended but I'm struggling here. Any suggestions?

I'm running a fairly strong system. I7 3770k overclocked with a GTX 770, I'm running 16 gigs of ram of which I've allowed 5 gigs to Minecraft. My used memory hovers around ~1300 mb, never goes much higher.

This seems strange.
Loving the modpack so far though I've come across a really interesting clientside crash bug.

Running a server and whenever someone dies no matter the distance from their spawn point, they manage to crash locally. Server stays fine though. Has there been any reports of this at all from others?
I have a suggestion:

You could add those OP mods, but have a really expensive recipe to get access to it. For example morph you would need a powered morph core which you need to recharge before morphing back (Different mobs require different amounts of power, then they will change the power requirements as you use them). Another example is Mystcraft: To create a Mystcraft world you will need some kind of "Mystical power source" or something like that to keep the world up, or else if you are in the world, the screen will blackout and only the chat functions. You would need someone to power it up if you are in a server. If you are in singleplayer, you are basically screwed. If you are outside the world, the portal (or book) would not be functioning and if you still try to enter, it will still try to do it but it will play a mystical sound and if you are trying to enter by a portal, you get thrown out. If you try to use the bookstand, it will throw you back about 2-4 blocks.

Tell me what you think!
I have a suggestion:

You could add those OP mods, but have a really expensive recipe to get access to it. For example morph you would need a powered morph core which you need to recharge before morphing back (Different mobs require different amounts of power, then they will change the power requirements as you use them). Another example is Mystcraft: To create a Mystcraft world you will need some kind of "Mystical power source" or something like that to keep the world up, or else if you are in the world, the screen will blackout and only the chat functions. You would need someone to power it up if you are in a server. If you are in singleplayer, you are basically screwed. If you are outside the world, the portal (or book) would not be functioning and if you still try to enter, it will still try to do it but it will play a mystical sound and if you are trying to enter by a portal, you get thrown out. If you try to use the bookstand, it will throw you back about 2-4 blocks.

Tell me what you think!

I would also like to add a few "OP"-mods (you could change the recipes, so far as they are no longer "OP"), unfortunately the Modlist is final :(
I find the modpack without these "OP"-mods awesome, but these do not change that i miss some mods.
I dont think morph has any place in a pack like this,
And mystcraft is really not needed ( side note there is a mod in the works call RFTools that might require power to run ages)

@GAsplund you really need to play the pack to see why they dont fit. Just look at angel wings recipe, for example.
I was looking at this pack, and I know the modlist is final, but what is the reason for not including Steve's Factory Manager? It appears to have been included in a previous version of the pack however I couldn't find any references to it in changelogs and such. I have thread searched for it, and found nothing but a crash logs.
Hey quick question i just started a server and well it says there are tons of custom recipes which mostly are cross the mods but when i started it up and had a looking at them etc thermal, blood magic they all looked the same is there a config i have to change?
Hey quick question i just started a server and well it says there are tons of custom recipes which mostly are cross the mods but when i started it up and had a looking at them etc thermal, blood magic they all looked the same is there a config i have to change?
Check the quarry recipe, it is a good way to tell. Machine frames should require steel, as well
Loving the modpack so far though I've come across a really interesting clientside crash bug.

Running a server and whenever someone dies no matter the distance from their spawn point, they manage to crash locally. Server stays fine though. Has there been any reports of this at all from others?

Having the same issue here too. Posted a crash log earlier. Must be an issue with one of the mods (JourneyMap from my research).
dam not they are all the same lol i don't know why
Make sure you have a scripts folder in the root of your minecraft server. Also not all magic recipes are cross modded due to no support for their special crafting handlers.