[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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Going to have to add, any TFC Block Collapsing into a carpenter block and Railcraft Frame causes a some sort of lockup in minecraft with a continuous loop of attempting to collapse. My have just locked up the server...
I just switched from Java 8 to Java 7 but TerraFirmaPunk still will not launch. How in the world do you guys even play this game?
Or where is the correct place to go to find out what's wrong.
All other mods launch, just not TerraFirmaPunk...
I use Java8 with no problem, forge fixed their Java8 compatibility problem a while ago. My guess is the pack download failed. I have never successfully downloaded an FTB mod pack on the first try.
Help! Trying to play terrafirmapunk for first time, but it won't launch...

Do I need to use java 7?

Any advice would be appreciated.

crash report:
Loading modpack information for TerraFirmaPunk.xml...
loading map information...
loading texture pack information...
Adding Third Party Pack: 17 (TerraFirmaPunk)
Opening main window
Adding texture pack 1 (Soartex Fanver)
Adding texture pack 2 (Jadedcat Mixpack)
Adding texture pack 3 (Invictus)
Adding texture pack 4 (Faithful)
Adding texture pack 5 (JohnSmith Technicians Remix)
Adding texture pack 6 (Familiar yet Different)
Adding texture pack 7 (Love And Tolerance)
Adding map 1 (FTB Trident Default Map)
Adding map 2 (Agrarian Skies Default Map)
Adding map 3 (Agrarian Skies Flat Map)
Adding map 4 (Agrarian Skies Server Map)
Adding map 5 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.0)
Adding map 6 (FTB Pax Challenge)
Adding map 7 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.0)
Adding map 8 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.10)
Adding map 9 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.20)
Adding map 10 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.30)
Adding map 11 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.40)
Adding map 12 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.50)
Adding map 13 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.80)
Adding map 14 (FTB Normal)
Adding map 15 (FTB Insanity)
Logging in...
Beginning authlib authentication attempt
successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
Login complete.
Checking local assets file, for MC version1.7.10 Please wait!
Setting up native libraries for TerraFirmaPunk v Recommended Version MC 1.7.10
Syncing Assets:
Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_31\bin\javaw.exe
Pack: TerraFirmaPunk 1.7.10
Setting MinMemory to 256
Setting MaxMemory to 6144
[09:43:05] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[09:43:05] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:106) ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_31]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:98) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]

try launching without any texture packs and yes u need java 7
Going to have to add, any TFC Block Collapsing into a carpenter block and Railcraft Frame causes a some sort of lockup in minecraft with a continuous loop of attempting to collapse. My have just locked up the server...

Same thing happens when any of TFC blocks fall onto an upside down stair also,

there is an update on the way that will fix the falling block issue, as stated in the TerafirmaCraft bug fix reporting which will be implimented in a few days just wait for OneWolfe to get it uploaded and available and he will announce the pack update version
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try launching without any texture packs and yes u need java 7

Thanks for the reply,

I would really love to play this game, but unfortunately I am not techy enough to figure out why it won't launch. I tried uninstalling java 8 and installed java 7, but no go. I have uninstalled and re installed both the launcher and the mod pack multiple times, no go.

I do not have any texture packs installed.

I currently have terrafirmacraft installed on the default launcher, but that shouldn't matter, right?

Anyone else out there with an idea how to fix this to get it to launch?
Thanks for the reply,

I would really love to play this game, but unfortunately I am not techy enough to figure out why it won't launch. I tried uninstalling java 8 and installed java 7, but no go. I have uninstalled and re installed both the launcher and the mod pack multiple times, no go.

I do not have any texture packs installed.

I currently have terrafirmacraft installed on the default launcher, but that shouldn't matter, right?

Anyone else out there with an idea how to fix this to get it to launch?

A friend once ran into an issue with the download of a specific pack. Horizons. Turned out the download failed to get all the files. Have to tried switching download sites.
A friend once ran into an issue with the download of a specific pack. Horizons. Turned out the download failed to get all the files. Have to tried switching download sites.
Thanks for the replies...
No I have not tried a different site. I looked a little but couldn't find any. Supposedly the technic launcher has terrafirmapunk but I couldn't get the to work either.

How do you disable texture packs. Someone said that may be an issue. I am not currently running any textures, does this mod automatically include texture packs?
Thanks for the replies...
No I have not tried a different site. I looked a little but couldn't find any. Supposedly the technic launcher has terrafirmapunk but I couldn't get the to work either.

How do you disable texture packs. Someone said that may be an issue. I am not currently running any textures, does this mod automatically include texture packs?

one way is to remove the download file in your HD and redownload everything. same with with resourse/texture packs files. open your HD drive where its located open it up minecraft and look for those 2 files in terms of textureing if it s blank it should be ok to load, if it fails than it might be a version crash on loading which caused the download to become corrupted from the launch. only seggestio all i can recommend is remove the TerrafirmaPunk mod pack completely and trying a clean install using the latest version. or it could be a bad FTB launcher version that can't launch it. if its the new launcher it should be ok as well. Some times making a .bat file can help increase the additional RAM to run the pack that should help as well.
Okay OneWolf, I have continued defeating the purpose of the modpack.

To decrease the time to get from iron ore -> ingot I have added some recipes to the Flaxbeard's crucible. I do not expect these to make it into the official mod-pack, but I thought the technique might be of interest.

I had to search all over and ended up reading the Flaxbeard's source code to get this working. My biggest stumbling block though was that you are using modTweaker 0.5D, but the current version is 0.8.1!

import mods.fsp.Crucible;

// Add melting recipes for poor iron ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:52>, "iron", 1);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:59>, "iron", 1);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:60>, "iron", 1);

// Add melting recipes for normal iron ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:3>, "iron", 2);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:10>, "iron", 2);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:11>, "iron", 2);

// Add melting recipes for rich iron ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:38>, "iron", 3);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:45>, "iron", 3);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:46>, "iron", 3);

// Add melting recipes for gold ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:50>, "gold", 1);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:1>, "gold", 2);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:36>, "gold", 3);

This is a little cheaty, it both costs no charcoal and doesn't take 15 in-game hours to process, but I also made it a little less efficient. I have normal ore giving 2 nuggets worth of metal, so it takes a little more than 4 ore per ingot. Poor and rich ore give one less and one more nugget each. Flaxbeard's also makes you cast ingots one at a time, so it isn't completely automated.

Recent versions of modTweaker also support dipping recipies, which someone mentioned earlier in the thread.
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Okay OneWolf, I have continued defeating the purpose of the modpack.

To decrease the time to get from iron ore -> ingot I have added some recipes to the Flaxbeard's crucible. I do not expect these to make it into the official mod-pack, but I thought the technique might be of interest.

I had to search all over and ended up reading the Flaxbeard's source code to get this working. My biggest stumbling block though was that you are using modTweaker 0.5D, but the current version is 0.8.1!

import mods.fsp.Crucible;

// Add melting recipes for poor iron ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:52>, "iron", 1);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:59>, "iron", 1);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:60>, "iron", 1);

// Add melting recipes for normal iron ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:3>, "iron", 2);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:10>, "iron", 2);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:11>, "iron", 2);

// Add melting recipes for rich iron ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:38>, "iron", 3);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:45>, "iron", 3);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:46>, "iron", 3);

// Add melting recipes for gold ores
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:50>, "gold", 1);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:1>, "gold", 2);
Crucible.addMelting(<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:36>, "gold", 3);

This is a little cheaty, it both costs no charcoal and doesn't take 15 in-game hours to process, but I also made it a little less efficient. I have normal ore giving 2 nuggets worth of metal, so it takes a little more than 4 ore per ingot. Poor and rich ore give one less and one more nugget each. Flaxbeard's also makes you cast ingots one at a time, so it isn't completely automated.

Recent versions of modTweaker also support dipping recipies, which someone mentioned earlier in the thread.

This does look pretty cool and I have been intending to give it a try especially for crafting the Galvanized and Gilded Iron variants. I never looked very far into these kinds of scripts because I wanted to keep most of the crafting centered around the TFC forge. The premise was to be mostly TFC with a few extra bits and a Steampunk feel to it instead of a one of those huge tech packs that just happens to have TFC in it. LOL

Definitely thank you for the effort and even bigger thanks for posting the scripts, I may use them in the future ;)

Also ModTweaker is not one of those really annoying mods shoving nasty updated messages in your face all the time so it was never on the top of my list of mods to update. I will get the latest one for the next pack update.

Thank you,
Yeah, TFC is awesome. I didn't know anything about it until I started playing your pack. I now consider it one of the best mods around.

My favorite thing about TFC is the terrain generation, especially the way ore spawns. With vanilla style ore spawning you can basically dig straight down in the chunk you start in and find everything you need. Adding mods just makes it worse with the rainbow cave effect. TFC gives you a reason to explore, to travel, and adds a lot more to see on the way.

What you have done with TFP though is a major improvement. In TFC the world is empty, there is nothing to do once you've reached the top of the tech-tree because the land is an empty wilderness. You have added new sights and points of interest, ancient runes and strange other-worldly places. You've also at least doubled the end-game content (assuming someone actually gets to electricraft).

Going through your quest book I've progressed from the stone age to iron production in almost pure TFC. Even as I branch out into other mods my TFC forge room is still a necessity for tools and armor, and I will need to advance to TFC steel to get top tear equipment. In my opinion though the TFC mechanics are a little too punitive, especially for industrial level production.

The problem I've been having is bridging the gap from the middle-ages to the industrial revolution. I feel like once you have steam level tech in place everything should open up, and the draconian TFC mechanics should be relaxed. TFC is still the center of the pack though, and its' products should still be required in the higher tier machines. I just think there need to be more alternatives in the late game.

I've been thinking about building a little tech mod pack so I could play around with Railcraft without all the restrictions of TFP. Every time I think about it though I remember that there is no where to go and no reason to go there in normal modded Minecraft. I think TFC is the one thing Railcraft has been missing all these years.

I've also noticed that the quests in the late game haven't gotten as much attention as the earlier quests. I don't know how easy it is to collaborate with HQM, but I would be willing to help fleshing out the text at least.
I've also noticed that the quests in the late game haven't gotten as much attention as the earlier quests. I don't know how easy it is to collaborate with HQM, but I would be willing to help fleshing out the text at least.

The first three months of this project were filled with excitement and enthusiasm but all that really dropped off in January so there was a lot of writer's block in the quest book right around the RailCraft chapter, and I have yet to actually see, (YouTube being the key part of the word 'SEE") anyone get that far in the quest book, (Including myself). I did want to try and compress everything into a simpler yet more challenging quest line. Having over 600 quests is a lot of work for one guy.

I have been starting a new pack with a lot more magic and fun involved so I have kind of put TFP on the shelf for now. I will definitely continue to put out updates and bug fixes but don't plan to make any major changes in the near future. There is also a lot of IRL getting in the way at the moment and should continue to be a factor until some time in July :(

I am glad how much everyone has enjoyed this pack. It started out as a few mods for me and some server mates to add more fun to TFC and has really turned into something much greater :D

Thanks again everyone! :D
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The problem I've been having is bridging the gap from the middle-ages to the industrial revolution. I feel like once you have steam level tech in place everything should open up, and the draconian TFC mechanics should be relaxed. TFC is still the center of the pack though, and its' products should still be required in the higher tier machines. I just think there need to be more alternatives in the late game.

There are really only a few options out there for industrial level production that work with TFC or make sense as a large scale semi automated foundry. I think it might be possible to work the RailCraft Blast Furnace in there some how, but I would like to see the progression through Flaxbeard's maintained. I might be able to take advantage of the Rolling Machine and the Rock Crusher too.
how does one log in to your server sir? me and a friend wanted to see what the update looks like and when we downloaded the server file and got the server up and running, everytime one of us joins our server mc just crashes and shuts down
Hello, great modpack i bet. Unfortinately i cant check it out =(

Having the same issue as Skoob.
Trying to connect to a local server - causing client crash
Server window got the following error: [Netty IO #2/ERROR] [FML/]: NetworkDispatcher exception
Server and client builds both downloaded through FTB client

here are the logs https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bc3c560696b1dde9c264 fml client and server

I found "Attempting connection with missing mods" in the logs, but it looks very strange, sometimes missing mods list is blank, sometimes it includes every mod installed

Please, help me to figure it out
Hello, great modpack i bet. Unfortinately i cant check it out =(

Having the same issue as Skoob.
Trying to connect to a local server - causing client crash
Server window got the following error: [Netty IO #2/ERROR] [FML/]: NetworkDispatcher exception
Server and client builds both downloaded through FTB client

here are the logs https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bc3c560696b1dde9c264 fml client and server

I found "Attempting connection with missing mods" in the logs, but it looks very strange, sometimes missing mods list is blank, sometimes it includes every mod installed

Please, help me to figure it out

yeah i can play in single player fine but when I go to log in to friends server he made, it just crashes minecraft altogether
Previous version doesnt has this problem. both client and server v1.0.2.1 builds are available on the FTB Launcher - look for a "Recommended" select next to the "Download Server" button. Thanks to OneWolfe for this advice
I think there may be an issue with diamonds. I just found a kimberlite vein, mined about 20 blocks and have no drops at all.