First things first, I'm having a lot of fun playing this modpack, many thanks for putting this together.
As a side note, I believe nobody here has pointed out that the server download is missing forge (I know one can install it easily but most mod packs come with it and I sort of got used to the ease of just clicking that lauchserver.bat ;-) More important, it is also missing NEI that should be present on both server and client side.
Now to what is really bugging me : how the hell did you guys manage to get steel? TE quest line starts pretty straight of with the blast furnace that requires blaze powder or readymade magmacream balls. The first thing I did of course was go to the nether and harvest as many blaze rods as I could, plus soulsand and nether bricks for good measure!
Imagine how disappointed I was coming back home with all these goodies and discovering you cannot craft blaze powder from blaze rods ! You need a bloody pulverizer of some sort to do that which of course requires steel (not to mention special mariculture glass)... So I have been scavenging my map for cinderpearls or readymade steel tools loots that I can smelt down. After hours and hours and well over a terabyte of worldsave generated terrain, I only have found one steel sword and no desert biome.
I guess my best chance would be to go down mariculture genetics from now on to get to nether fish that will produce blaze powders but this seems overcomplicated considering it is quest number 2 of the TE quest line so my question is am I missing something here?
I guess I have been quite unlucky with my seed having found absolutely no warm biome within 16 000 blocks around my spawn but still, it may also be me not seing the obvious...