Pack code:SkyMyst [FTB & Curse]
Hero Wanted:
Sword and wrench skills needed
Exp. saving the world pref.
Jetpack and lemonade provided!
Most of the world is simply gone and with it the majority of it's resources. Warning: The images below may be too disturbing for the young and infirm.
A theory has been put forth that the world that we once knew and loved could be recreated using what little technology we have been able to recover from the devastation.
But who has the skills, the tenacity and fortitude to accomplish a task of this magnitude? Will it be YOU?
Thanks to The Electric Cake!
Thanks to The Green Assassin!
Thanks to PicklesAndOnions!
Author's Note:
The terrain is randomly generated. This will result in a different playing experience from one seed to the next. Some seeds may result in character death upon spawning and loss of the starting inventory (the jetpack!). In this circumstance it's best to quit to title and create a new world.
Also, carefully consider the "y" coordinate you place the portal to the Blackstone Dimension because it will be the same in that dimension as where you create it. Hint: sea level is y=64.
Pack code:SkyMyst [FTB & Curse]
This pack was designed to be moderately challenging.
The terrain generation is floating islands over void and doesn't extend below
y=30; so there is no redstone, diamonds or gold (except the rare gold gravel) in
the overworld. You need to go to the Nether for nether ores to get these.
The terrain also has few caves so mob spawning can be quite intense.
The pack does have "Special Mobs" but those are blacklisted in the overworld as
that would be overpowered. They'll be most prevalent in the RFTools dimensions.
The number of mods was limited partly to prevent players from "cherry picking" taking
the easy parts of different mods and ignoring the more difficult.
Different seeds will influence the early game in different ways; often significantly.
From mob spawning, to mining, what food is available - practically every
aspect of the early game is affected. This, I think, makes this pack very easy
and enjoyable to play more than once.
Now on to the silliness.
The terrain generation is floating islands over void and doesn't extend below
y=30; so there is no redstone, diamonds or gold (except the rare gold gravel) in
the overworld. You need to go to the Nether for nether ores to get these.
The terrain also has few caves so mob spawning can be quite intense.
The pack does have "Special Mobs" but those are blacklisted in the overworld as
that would be overpowered. They'll be most prevalent in the RFTools dimensions.
The number of mods was limited partly to prevent players from "cherry picking" taking
the easy parts of different mods and ignoring the more difficult.
Different seeds will influence the early game in different ways; often significantly.
From mob spawning, to mining, what food is available - practically every
aspect of the early game is affected. This, I think, makes this pack very easy
and enjoyable to play more than once.
Now on to the silliness.

Hero Wanted:
Sword and wrench skills needed
Exp. saving the world pref.
Jetpack and lemonade provided!

A theory has been put forth that the world that we once knew and loved could be recreated using what little technology we have been able to recover from the devastation.
- Adventure Backpack by JavierDarkona
- AgriCraft by InfinityRaider
- AOBD 2 by ganymedes01
- AppleCore by squeek502
- Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
- AromaBackup by Aroma1997
- BNBGamingLib by BloodNBonesGaming, Parker8283, Superckl, Blargerist
- bspkrsCore by bspkrs
- Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
- ChickenChunks by Chickenbones
- Chisel 2 by warlordjones, tterrag1098, TheCricket26, Drullkus
- Clay WorldGen by EwyBoy
- CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
- CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
- CoFH Core by CoFH team
- Custom Main Menu by Lumien - Granted
- D3Core by DoubleDoorDevelopment
- DenseOres by RWTema
- Dimensional Control by BloodNBonesGaming, Parker8283, Superckl, Blargerist
- Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies by Dr Cyano
- Enchiridion by joshiejack
- Enchiridion by joshie
- EnderCompass by MrIbby
- EnderIO by CrazyPants
- ExtraTiC by Glassmaker
- FastCraft by Player - Granted
- FastLeafDecay by Olafski
- Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
- HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
- InfiniBows by Myrathi
- INpure Core by denoflionsx
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- JABBA by ProfMobius
- JourneyMap by techbrew
- LaunchGUI by TehNut
- Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
- McJtyLib by McJty
- Metallurgy by Shadowclaimer
- Modular Systems by pauljoda - Granted
- Natura by mDiyo
- NEI Addons by bdew
- NEI Integration by Tonius
- NetherOres by skyboy026, powercrystals
- Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
- Not Enough Keys by Mr_okushama
- Resource Loader by Lumien
- RFTools by McJty
- Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
- Special Mobs by FatherToast
- StartingInventory by bspkrs
- Steve's Workshop by Vswe
- The Spice of Life by squeek502
- TiC Tooltips by squeek502
- Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
- Tinker's Mechworks by mDiyo
- TorchTools by DoubleDoorDevelopment
- ttCore by tterrag
- Waila by ProfMobius
- Waila Harvestability by squeek502
- Wawla by Darkhax
But who has the skills, the tenacity and fortitude to accomplish a task of this magnitude? Will it be YOU?
The terrain is randomly generated. This will result in a different playing experience from one seed to the next. Some seeds may result in character death upon spawning and loss of the starting inventory (the jetpack!). In this circumstance it's best to quit to title and create a new world.
Also, carefully consider the "y" coordinate you place the portal to the Blackstone Dimension because it will be the same in that dimension as where you create it. Hint: sea level is y=64.
1.1.5 Updated mods that were crashing the pack
1.1.4 Updated mods
1.1.3 Added EnderIOAddons and replaced ttcore with EnderCore. And, updated supporting mods.
1.1.2 Removed Modular Systems mod as it caused crashes, the mod author seems to have abandoned it, and it wasn't necessary for quest completion. Set Aroma backup to every 30 minutes (anyone who thinks that's too often can easily edit the config file - look in the config folder for aroma1997/AromaBackup.cfg)
1.1.1 Removed legacy mod and minor config tweaking
1.1.0 - Fixed progression breaking bug - block to create portal to "Blackstone dimension" changed from metallurgy steel to tinkers' steel and the item was changed from prometheum sword to steel pickaxe. The quest book was changed to reflect this.
- another legacy mod was removed.
- configuration file tweaking
1.0.1 - A complete rewrite of the informational text to make clear the progression for finding resources. Included the RFTools guide for dimensions in the players starting inventory. Fixed ExtraTiC so now Metallurgy is available for Tinkers' tools. Added a button to the main menu that opens the SkyMyst forum thread in a browser. Updated mods. Removed legacy mods.
1.1.4 Updated mods
1.1.3 Added EnderIOAddons and replaced ttcore with EnderCore. And, updated supporting mods.
1.1.2 Removed Modular Systems mod as it caused crashes, the mod author seems to have abandoned it, and it wasn't necessary for quest completion. Set Aroma backup to every 30 minutes (anyone who thinks that's too often can easily edit the config file - look in the config folder for aroma1997/AromaBackup.cfg)
1.1.1 Removed legacy mod and minor config tweaking
1.1.0 - Fixed progression breaking bug - block to create portal to "Blackstone dimension" changed from metallurgy steel to tinkers' steel and the item was changed from prometheum sword to steel pickaxe. The quest book was changed to reflect this.
- another legacy mod was removed.
- configuration file tweaking
1.0.1 - A complete rewrite of the informational text to make clear the progression for finding resources. Included the RFTools guide for dimensions in the players starting inventory. Fixed ExtraTiC so now Metallurgy is available for Tinkers' tools. Added a button to the main menu that opens the SkyMyst forum thread in a browser. Updated mods. Removed legacy mods.
Pack code:SkyMyst [FTB & Curse]
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