I've removed many things I felt just make MC too easy with "lazy" ways of doing things. I always felt MC should be an "engineering puzzle", connecting all the pieces, crossing your fingers that it works, dealing with the mess when it doesn't.
I'm sure the pack includes the classic enchanting table recipe chunk loader by chicken bones too. I could be wrong
After using it so much, yeah the barrels/drawers really feel a bit lazy *chuckles* takes about half the thought-process away when planning item-ducts and such pipe systems.
So I'm actually really having fun at the moment doing it a bit more old-school and actually having to think about what I'm doing how now when it comes to storage and filtering. (Well I still love drawers and barrels, but having a break from them sure is very interessting!

And it makes many of the pipes/filters actually worth using again. They had so little use when all the filtering is done by the storage-block itself already.
And nope, the chickenbone chunkloader seems not in the pack. So at the moment you only have the railcraft chunk loaders avaible. (not that I completly dislike that, the chickenchunk is a bit on the "lazy" side, too, but when you need several of them and feeding them all with enderpearls it can be tricky. Especially when you're like me who rather builds a base very big than watching chunk boarders, hehe)
Just need to plan an enderman-spawner for the future *writes even more stuff on the to-do list*
(*mumbles* nothing against having the chickenbone chunkloader, too, if you just forgot to add them

Heh, and I always thought I'm the only one who trashcans most lootbags. *chuckles*
I understand their purpose in a skyland-world, since you really have a hard time finding chests. And it seems the chests under the island, in the cages, have a high chance for giving you lava and water buckets. (I think I got now 14 new buckets just from raiding four of these cages, hehe)
Though I have to say I'm a bit pre-damaged when it comes to lootbags. Seeing another modpack - quiet some time ago - where you could pretty much build your entire tech with only lootbags and what's inside (so just having a really powerful mobfarm was enough). I still look sometimes into one or two, but when I get something that I feel is wrong to get, it goes right into the trashcan.
So I see them a bit like the rubble piles: Give me random stuff that is okay to get at any point of the game. What falls out of this gets trashed *chuckles evilly*