[1.7.10] Shattered

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You could always do a hit and run on the nether. Take just a cheap pickaxe, grab what you can and escape. You might get lucky with your nether spawn.

Good call on the ash version. I'll integrate that. Wasn't sure exactly on the best ratio for MFR fert to Forestry fert. So I thought 50% to start with.


Yeah I understand. In the end I agree that apatite should be the best source for fertilizer. That's why I think it shouldn't be more than 6, that's still 2 below the sand-recipe for apatite.
And once you have a sewer and composter getting industrial fertilizer is usually only a matter of patience, so giving it a really weak recipe, for the times that you simply find no new apatite to process, shouldn't be a problem in this case.
So maybe even just 1 with the sand-recipe and 4 with the ash-recipe. A quiet bad ratio, but at the same time it's from fully renewable ressources.

Ah and yeah, usually I do that with the nether... make a quick portal, run in grab what I need and run out.
This time I want to make it right from the beginning, with an extra portal room, some way to close it of with a lever-pull (it is the portal to the nether after all... :D). So taking a few things slower this time.
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Found a new problem for you, 9 pink slimeballs make an et futurum green slime block instead of a pink slime block in a crafting table.

So I got bored & built a simple cheat machine, just a harvester feeding a loot recycler, feeding some auto crafters & one single coal gen running off the wood, getting everything I could ever need from epic/legendary bags, game seems over now only thing left to do is leave the planet & head for the stars if there is any point in doing so ?.

Ps I made it so simple to show you how easy it is & why I feel ancient trees should be removed from the loot recylcer usable items table.
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Nice. Mod conflict. I'll get that changed. Are you able to cheat in the correct item?


Ps I made it so simple to show you how easy it is & why I feel ancient trees should be removed from the loot recylcer usable items table.

Works off of chest loot which is the only way you're getting those trees anyway, I think, so might as well remove Ancient Trees completely unless it is filling some important role. Thing is, you can do this sort of thing with any automatable chest loot so the real problem is the loot recycler itself. I've been dumping a mob grinder into a loot recycler for awhile now mostly for EIO ingots so I don't have to use the arc furnace.

Can disable the recycler recipe itself in the mod's config or make a very long global blacklist and/or recycler blacklist, both of which are supported. :p
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Phew... one thing I notice for sure in the pack: I'm far to used to having jabba or storage drawers around *laughs*
Actually have to work with filters and trashcans again in my automation since I don't have a "holds only 1 type of item and has a void upgrade" around. Really looking forward to using the Bins from mekanism once I reach this tech-state, at least all the old-school filtering is easier then *smirks*

Making a peat bog farm and include a fermenter for some extra power generation sure takes alot of steps to think about. ^^"

And I notice again, that forestry farms are totally chunkloader-unfriendly cause of the space they need, heh. Guess I need a good way of farming enderpearls or just let my base unload once I explore a bit outside. ^^"
(unless the world anchor of railcraft need some other fuel than ender pearls in this pack?)
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So I got bored & built a simple cheat machine, just a harvester feeding a loot recycler, feeding some auto crafters & one single coal gen running off the wood, getting everything I could ever need from epic/legendary bags, game seems over now only thing left to do is leave the planet & head for the stars if there is any point in doing so ?.

Ps I made it so simple to show you how easy it is & why I feel ancient trees should be removed from the loot recylcer usable items table.
Set whatever goals you want. There's no HQM to force you to do X & Y.

Hmm, I added Ancient Tree Saplings to the blacklist and when I tested they wouldn't go into the recycler. Unless I'm missing something. Can you post a screenshot of your setup? A lootbag farm is a good goal, but it should have some challenge to it.
Wait, recycler? That's the Lootbag recycler (I think the mod has one), not the thermal recycling recycler? If so, I feel so stupid!

Phew... one thing I notice for sure in the pack: I'm far to used to having jabba or storage drawers around *laughs*
Actually have to work with filters and trashcans again in my automation since I don't have a "holds only 1 type of item and has a void upgrade" around. Really looking forward to using the Bins from mekanism once I reach this tech-state, at least all the old-school filtering is easier then *smirks*

Making a peat bog farm and include a fermenter for some extra power generation sure takes alot of steps to think about. ^^"

And I notice again, that forestry farms are totally chunkloader-unfriendly cause of the space they need, heh. Guess I need a good way of farming enderpearls or just let my base unload once I explore a bit outside. ^^"
(unless the world anchor of railcraft need some other fuel than ender pearls in this pack?)

I've removed many things I felt just make MC too easy with "lazy" ways of doing things. I always felt MC should be an "engineering puzzle", connecting all the pieces, crossing your fingers that it works, dealing with the mess when it doesn't.
I'm sure the pack includes the classic enchanting table recipe chunk loader by chicken bones too. I could be wrong :D
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What I may do is remove the loot recylcer mod & restart or even remove loot bags, I hate lucky blocks & the likes rng has no place in challenge type packs, I'm Okay with the rubble piles :)

Here goes just disabled the loot bag mod, looks like I dont have to touch configs.
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What I may do is remove the loot recylcer mod & restart or even remove loot bags, I hate lucky blocks & the likes rng has no place in challenge type packs, I'm Okay with the rubble piles :)

Here goes just disabled the loot bag mod, looks like I dont have to touch configs.
Fair enough. I'll look into it a bit more. They are supposed to replace dungeon chests (as no dungeons really) but if there is an easy way to make them, then that breaks the mod really (let alone the pack). Plus, it gives another automation option, as there is a way to automate opening them.
Getting some from mob farms is fair enough, but crafting them from a tree is a no no.
loot bags can be nice sometimes but really a lot of times they break progression giving you mid-late game materials and items way too early.

As for lucky blocks/chance cubes I don't like the concept of these in ANY serious pack, they are ok in troll and sadistic packs that specifically have the intention of messing with the player.
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loot bags can be nice sometimes but really a lot of times they break progression giving you mid-late game materials and items way too early.

As for lucky blocks/chance cubes I don't like the concept of these in ANY serious pack, they are ok in troll and sadistic packs that specifically have the intention of messing with the player.
Yeah, I don't like the troll ones, unless it's designed purposely for entertainment purposes.

Hmm, what if in this pack I make them a very rare chance of a drop from mobs, and also put them into the rubble loot lists? Can provide a nice bonus if you are lucky, but not something you can really farm. It's pretty much the same as finding a tech ruin that has some useful tech that provides a small shortcut (Like finding a solar panel or a wind turbine)
Update so far its been more interesting with out loot bags, my next idea is to add HQM just for the limited lives (say 3 lives then its all over) & to give players a hint of what direction to progress as I found it hard at the start, lets face it I was making the the wrong furnace !! & invested a lot of mats (for what I had at the time) I did get to use most all later on so..:)

I was thinking of rewards like a stick, no really a stick, come on stop laughing, a stick can be handy, the idea would be pointers not reward items.
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I've removed many things I felt just make MC too easy with "lazy" ways of doing things. I always felt MC should be an "engineering puzzle", connecting all the pieces, crossing your fingers that it works, dealing with the mess when it doesn't.
I'm sure the pack includes the classic enchanting table recipe chunk loader by chicken bones too. I could be wrong :D

After using it so much, yeah the barrels/drawers really feel a bit lazy *chuckles* takes about half the thought-process away when planning item-ducts and such pipe systems.
So I'm actually really having fun at the moment doing it a bit more old-school and actually having to think about what I'm doing how now when it comes to storage and filtering. (Well I still love drawers and barrels, but having a break from them sure is very interessting! :) )
And it makes many of the pipes/filters actually worth using again. They had so little use when all the filtering is done by the storage-block itself already.

And nope, the chickenbone chunkloader seems not in the pack. So at the moment you only have the railcraft chunk loaders avaible. (not that I completly dislike that, the chickenchunk is a bit on the "lazy" side, too, but when you need several of them and feeding them all with enderpearls it can be tricky. Especially when you're like me who rather builds a base very big than watching chunk boarders, hehe)
Just need to plan an enderman-spawner for the future *writes even more stuff on the to-do list*

(*mumbles* nothing against having the chickenbone chunkloader, too, if you just forgot to add them :p )

Heh, and I always thought I'm the only one who trashcans most lootbags. *chuckles*
I understand their purpose in a skyland-world, since you really have a hard time finding chests. And it seems the chests under the island, in the cages, have a high chance for giving you lava and water buckets. (I think I got now 14 new buckets just from raiding four of these cages, hehe)

Though I have to say I'm a bit pre-damaged when it comes to lootbags. Seeing another modpack - quiet some time ago - where you could pretty much build your entire tech with only lootbags and what's inside (so just having a really powerful mobfarm was enough). I still look sometimes into one or two, but when I get something that I feel is wrong to get, it goes right into the trashcan.
So I see them a bit like the rubble piles: Give me random stuff that is okay to get at any point of the game. What falls out of this gets trashed *chuckles evilly*
I'll review lootbags mod. Most likely end up disabling it's recycling block so it's just the bags, make them a lower drop rate from mobs (already half default) and give them a low chance of dropping from "non-respawning" rubble piles. It's getting that right balance. I'm a sucker for mystery boxes originating with IC2 scrap boxes. The various piles of scrap from thermal recycling can also be turned to boxes and opened.

You've got TE Caches and Meks Bins as barrel alternatives (although I do love simple barrels).
And I notice again, that forestry farms are totally chunkloader-unfriendly cause of the space they need, heh. Guess I need a good way of farming enderpearls or just let my base unload once I explore a bit outside. ^^"
(unless the world anchor of railcraft need some other fuel than ender pearls in this pack?)

I cheated in admin anchors wherever I wanted chunkloading. My personal stance on the issue is that chunkloading is a technical limitation, not a gameplay feature. In a perfect world---from a player perspective---all of it would be loaded all the time, seamlessly. I'm fairly sure you can change/add fuels in the railcraft config, and/or remove the fuel requirement entirely as well.
Change my stance a little bit when running servers, obviously.

And yeah, I have probably over 100 caches deployed. Caches and bins don't have the nice upgrades you find in stuff like JABBA or Storage Drawers, though. ;) Instead of being able to use specific void upgrades you have to build overflow into any/every system where a full container would cause problems.
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Waaah, TE caches... I totally always forget about them!
Thanks alot for this hint, totally will look at them now *cheers*

Getting admin anchors, yeah that would be a way. I agree that chunk loading in singleplayer is always a weird issue.

There are cases were it's actual fun to work with them, like in Railcraft with the anchor-carts so the train makes long distances completly on it's own or in rotarycraft were I kinda want to test it's own chunkloader to see it's mechanic.
Besides that, I understand them for Servers, important there when several people play, but in singleplayer I just don't want to care about chunk boarders and just make my base as I want to build it, hehe. And probably will make a few more little bases on other islands. (like I don't see where a mob farm would fit into my current design... maybe on an other island and then using Railcraft to get the things back to the main base!)

So while usually I'm totally against using such way for myself, I might end up doing the same way and use admin anchors (and normal world anchors when it comes to actually using trains, but again, in this case it's a fun aspect to work with when planning trains on long distances)
I cheated in admin anchors wherever I wanted chunkloading. My personal stance on the issue is that chunkloading is a technical limitation, not a gameplay feature. In a perfect world---from a player perspective---all of it would be loaded all the time, seamlessly.
I've been saying this exact same thing for years. Trying to make a gameplay element out of it is a bit silly.

Hey twisto :p
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I've been saying this exact same thing for years. Trying to make a gameplay element out of it is a bit silly.
In an ideal world, mod blocks that need to be loaded should do it automatically, just for the block (aka block loading). We don't need the contents of an entire chunk loaded just to run a BC pipe system (for example), or a farm (from mod of your choice). They should load themselves, and the blocks they affect/interact with. Hell the BC quarry loads itself now, and I believe a couple of other automated mining methods do.

Chickenbones chunk loader should have been in the pack. My derp.
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So they're coming in then? That would be great *nods alot*
Can live with crafting one of these chunk loaders :D (so no need to cheat in the anchors anymore)

And well in an ideal world everything would be boring... so I guess we're better not living in one and have to deal with chunk loaders *grins brightly*