[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for all the question's, but I was wondering about bee's. Mainly the breeding, and how it can be done with only one biome type? I'm just wondering, and it's no big deal, but if they are suppose to work, then gendustry mod would help in only having one Biome. However if there just there as a byproduct then never mind:)
Ocean works as a normal temp normal humidity biome, but other than that, there are ways to change the biome with the magic mods.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Digging the pack so far, I just have a suggestion of adding a simple quality of life mod called Super Crafting Frame if that's a kind of feedback that is welcome. It really helps to cut down a bit on some of the more tedious and oft-necessary crafting from vanilla and more importantly from Magic Crops.
It's great for early game and I imagine up until you get all the way to the lofty goal of a rad AE2 system.
I totally understand if it's something you want people to have to earn though, and I reckon that Bibliocraft's Fancy Workbench kinda fills this niche, but feels a bit fiddly to me. The crafting frames just feel like they work well with the little to no GUI storage solutions like JABBA and Storage Drawers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it possible to get something like Project Red Integration/Transmission added to the pack? There aren't really any good redstone mods here currently, BC gates are extremely wonky and seem to have issues with block updating or something (they tend to work correctly once for redstone stuff, and then mostly stop working until the game is reloaded or the gate is removed and replaced, IE they will trigger every dropper in a dropper chain the first time they get a signal, then the second time half or less of them will trigger), they are also rather expensive for basic redstone transmission (100k+ RF per gate). I spent over half a million RF setting up a simple dropper system for autocrafting botania flowers, and in the end it didn't even work right and I had to resort to *shudder* vanilla redstone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it possible to get something like Project Red Integration/Transmission added to the pack? There aren't really any good redstone mods here currently, BC gates are extremely wonky and seem to have issues with block updating or something (they tend to work correctly once for redstone stuff, and then mostly stop working until the game is reloaded or the gate is removed and replaced, IE they will trigger every dropper in a dropper chain the first time they get a signal, then the second time half or less of them will trigger), they are also rather expensive for basic redstone transmission (100k+ RF per gate). I spent over half a million RF setting up a simple dropper system for autocrafting botania flowers, and in the end it didn't even work right and I had to resort to *shudder* vanilla redstone.
If you can't handle the vanilla redstone, I suggest you look into the redcrystal from automagy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you can't handle the vanilla redstone, I suggest you look into the redcrystal from automagy.

I can "handle" it, it's just annoying, clunky, and after a point negatively effects game performance.

I can't really look into automagy because I'm nowhere near that level of progression in this pack, and I feel like by the time I get there it wont matter anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm looking for slimes to make a toad and it is extremely hard.

Is there any way to spawn slimes in the pack by chance? Or maybe a way to fine a slime chunk?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or maybe a way to fine a slime chunk?

There is at least one website where you can enter your world seed and it will tell you the slime chunks, it usually works fine for modded worlds. I forgot the name of it, but it shouldn't be too hard to find on google.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. At once I warn, with English at me it is bad so I write through the translator. I hope you will be able to understand me.
At me such here problem: I downloaded yours модпак, I established, single game works perfectly.
I downloaded your server, I established on the home computer, everything works perfectly.
But, when tried to put the server on a hosting (the address I won't specify yet, I don't know, can it is impossible), problems began. Initially, at installation of the server on a hosting there were problems at generation of the world. It simply wasn't created and gave out the krash-ravine in each attempt.
But I solved this problem by creation of the card in the single and its transfer on a hosting.
Now other problem.
The server is started, I come, but when I progruzhat new чанк which wasn't прогружен earlier, the server right there crumbles and gives out the krash-ravine.
Krash-log it is applied.

I ask to help. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, Richard.


  • rash-2015-02-28_13.33.12-server.txt
    23.2 KB · Views: 112


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I noticed chapter 10 of the quest book got really laggy once the quests for what I assume to be the Attuned Stone (Charged), Necromantic Stone, Spectral Dust, Ritual Chalk and Brazier, opened up. Every other page is fine so far, so I'm assuming there is something about one of those items that the quest book doesn't like.

Also the quest "Moving More Mana" to make an Elven Mana Spreader rewards two full mana tablets that don't have a visible mana charge bar, even after emptying and recharging them. They seem to work normally otherwise. The other quests that reward mana tablets are fine, so I'm guessing there is something wrong with that specific quest reward.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A bug: I put two stacks of cobblestone in a Mariculture furnace and crashed. When I relogged the upper furnace with the cobble was gone. The crucible furnace is very buggy atm... maybe newer version will fix that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A bug: I put two stacks of cobblestone in a Mariculture furnace and crashed. When I relogged the upper furnace with the cobble was gone. The crucible furnace is very buggy atm... maybe newer version will fix that?
I had this same problem with Limestone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm looking for slimes to make a toad and it is extremely hard.

Is there any way to spawn slimes in the pack by chance? Or maybe a way to fine a slime chunk?

Here you go -

You are indeed correct Raetac, there are also slime seeds but they are late game or you can use a slime chunk finder just enter your seed and and your X and Y co-ords and it'll highlight all nearby slime chunks. This one works excellent with modpack worlds I find - http://chunkbase.com/apps/slime-finder


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A bug: I put two stacks of cobblestone in a Mariculture furnace and crashed. When I relogged the upper furnace with the cobble was gone. The crucible furnace is very buggy atm... maybe newer version will fix that?

I had this same problem with Limestone.

I had this problem when using MultiMC if either of you are using MultiMC try switching to the FTB launcher Regrowth seems to run better for me and a few other on the FTB launcher.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any chance you can add Ender IO to the modpack?

Since the beginning of this modpack has a focus on Ender tech, Ender IO would make some sense in the setting, but also it would fill in a lot of gaps needed in the game. Firstly, the cosmetic uses of ender IO and it's capacity to concentrate several types of pipes into a single block (item transport pipes, RF pipes, AE2 pipes, Redstone signals, and fluid transport pipes, all in one space) would be extremely useful - with the added bonus of easily concealing them. Secondly, there are no easy mob transport mechanics in the game - I still don't fully understand the witch's hand (and if I understand anything at all, it's one of the four pathways in advanced witchery that allows for it), and Ender IO's soul bottles make that tremendously easier for the middle game (where it's mostly needed).

Also, could you consider adding in Extra Cells, and Thaumic Energistics as plug ins for AE2? High storage capacity for fluids and essentia would become very handy for endgame.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had this problem when using MultiMC if either of you are using MultiMC try switching to the FTB launcher Regrowth seems to run better for me and a few other on the FTB launcher.
I already use the FTB launcher, so it can't be this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any chance you can add Ender IO to the modpack?

Since the beginning of this modpack has a focus on Ender tech, Ender IO would make some sense in the setting, but also it would fill in a lot of gaps needed in the game. Firstly, the cosmetic uses of ender IO and it's capacity to concentrate several types of pipes into a single block (item transport pipes, RF pipes, AE2 pipes, Redstone signals, and fluid transport pipes, all in one space) would be extremely useful - with the added bonus of easily concealing them. Secondly, there are no easy mob transport mechanics in the game - I still don't fully understand the witch's hand (and if I understand anything at all, it's one of the four pathways in advanced witchery that allows for it), and Ender IO's soul bottles make that tremendously easier for the middle game (where it's mostly needed).

Also, could you consider adding in Extra Cells, and Thaumic Energistics as plug ins for AE2? High storage capacity for fluids and essentia would become very handy for endgame.
All three of these are focused on compacting down the space requirements and make things almost too simple for my liking. As such none of these will be going in, primarily because I actually rather like space being required to achieve things - this is why I really like Mekanism and Railcraft. If you need more fluid or essentia storage then what's available in the pack already then tough luck and I question whether you actually need that much at all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having an odd issue with items/blocks vanishing from existence.

The first occurrence was when I tried to "smelt" some fish in the crucible in an attempt to get some leather. (Tried to bypass using the altar). I left the area to go tend to the gardens while waiting and upon returning the bottom half of the crucible multiblock structure was missing. It was as if someone had mined it however it did NOT trigger any block updates to the surrounding as the top half of the crucible still had the graphic of it when in its multi block form. I thought it was just a one time thing but just now I had quite a few items vanish from my inventory (nothing I can't cheat back in but that's beside the point).

Of course I tried to drop items on the ground and regrab them to force an update/sync (this is on local, not remote/lan) as well as a inv tweaks sort. No, I did not misplace said items. Reloading the world did not fix this nor would I expect it to as this would force a save...

The only error I found in the console was:
Exception in thread "Thread-397" [07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 40, Size: 39
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:635)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75144_a(SourceFile:206)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at invtweaks.forge.ClientProxy.slotClick(ClientProxy.java:93)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at invtweaks.InvTweaksContainerManager.click(InvTweaksContainerManager.java:266)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at invtweaks.InvTweaksContainerManager.leftClick(InvTweaksContainerManager.java:253)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at invtweaks.InvTweaksContainerManager.move(InvTweaksContainerManager.java:160)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at invtweaks.InvTweaksContainerSectionManager.move(InvTweaksContainerSectionManager.java:41)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at invtweaks.InvTweaksHandlerAutoRefill$1.run(InvTweaksHandlerAutoRefill.java:196)
[07:00:06] [Thread-397/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]:     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

This actually happened around the time when I noticed items missing as I had accessed the furnaces, although it was before.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are some TC recipes disabled? I've tried to make slime bow limb, but I can't. What is the best bow that I can make in this modpack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm kinda stuck at the bee stage. trying to make the modest hive and well it doesn't want to work. you can use any type of princess and drone correct?