[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Are you playing on peaceful by any chance?

Hurm, i did turn it on for a minute when in the nether. But i am pretty sure i put it back to normal. When i get home tonight i will double check. I will say the first time it happened, tho i had not gone to the nether yet.
Sorry, I completely forgot to have it in the image but it's only 4 blocks away and connected to a mana pool and is facing the runic altar.

Edit: I have no idea what happened but it suddenly worked when i loaded the game so anyway thanks for offering help.

Over the years, i have had this happen from time to time. Altar has a spreader with a full pool, recipe is valid yet it does not work. I found breaking the altar and just replacing it caused it to re-sync and work again.
Hurm, i did turn it on for a minute when in the nether. But i am pretty sure i put it back to normal. When i get home tonight i will double check. I will say the first time it happened, tho i had not gone to the nether yet.
Second possibility, it could be spawning in caves nearby or somewhere out of sight. I'd suggest installing something like journey map and using the minimap to see if it actually spawns (will not have an icon, just a red marker).
One of the easiest ways to find out if it's actually spawning somewhere else or not.

Can always remove the mod again after.

(Personally I hate the minecraft map system and would get lost or forget where things are without something like journey map, the atlas improves it but only slightly and not enough.)
Second possibility, it could be spawning in caves nearby or somewhere out of sight. I'd suggest installing something like journey map and using the minimap to see if it actually spawns (will not have an icon, just a red marker).
One of the easiest ways to find out if it's actually spawning somewhere else or not.

I thought about it spawning out of sight, as it has happened to me before (seeing 4 ants swimming outside your base wall is always fun lol). My current area is on the surface with a hollowed out area 2 blocks high underneath with a 2 block barrier between the trees and area below. I have even converted the surrounding area to dirt (grass is still spreading).
so got a crash report here on hand, it's just a waste i was playing on my lan, and i was all alone and crashed while looking into a furnace!! :/

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// My bad.

Time: 8/17/16 2:32 AM
Description: Unexpected error

java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.getTextLength(Matcher.java:1283)
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.reset(Matcher.java:309)
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.<init>(Matcher.java:229)
    at java.util.regex.Pattern.matcher(Pattern.java:1093)
    at net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation.func_150269_b(SourceFile:61)
    at net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation.func_150270_g(SourceFile:48)
    at net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation.iterator(SourceFile:147)
    at com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList(Lists.java:129)
    at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.func_146237_a(GuiNewChat.java:168)
    at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.func_146234_a(GuiNewChat.java:148)
    at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.func_146227_a(GuiNewChat.java:143)
    at net.minecraft.client.network.NetHandlerPlayClient.func_147251_a(NetHandlerPlayClient.java:696)
    at net.minecraft.network.play.server.S02PacketChat.func_148833_a(SourceFile:38)
    at net.minecraft.network.play.server.S02PacketChat.func_148833_a(SourceFile:9)
    at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:212)
    at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78765_e(PlayerControllerMP.java:273)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1602)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:973)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:898)
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.getTextLength(Matcher.java:1283)
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.reset(Matcher.java:309)
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.<init>(Matcher.java:229)
    at java.util.regex.Pattern.matcher(Pattern.java:1093)
    at net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation.func_150269_b(SourceFile:61)
    at net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation.func_150270_g(SourceFile:48)
    at net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation.iterator(SourceFile:147)
    at com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList(Lists.java:129)
    at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.func_146237_a(GuiNewChat.java:168)
    at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.func_146234_a(GuiNewChat.java:148)
    at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.func_146227_a(GuiNewChat.java:143)
    at net.minecraft.client.network.NetHandlerPlayClient.func_147251_a(NetHandlerPlayClient.java:696)
    at net.minecraft.network.play.server.S02PacketChat.func_148833_a(SourceFile:38)
    at net.minecraft.network.play.server.S02PacketChat.func_148833_a(SourceFile:9)
    at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:212)
    at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78765_e(PlayerControllerMP.java:273)

-- Affected level --
    Level name: MpServer
    All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['tatfortit69'/90, l='MpServer', x=-2219.59, y=64.62, z=3134.51]]
    Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 625, 625
    Level seed: 0
    Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false
    Level generator options:
    Level spawn location: World: (-2488,95,2922), Chunk: (at 8,5,10 in -156,182; contains blocks -2496,0,2912 to -2481,255,2927), Region: (-5,5; contains chunks -160,160 to -129,191, blocks -2560,0,2560 to -2049,255,3071)
    Level time: 3577642 game time, 4059006 day time
    Level dimension: 0
    Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
    Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
    Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
    Forced entities: 98 total; [EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/2582564, l='MpServer', x=-2172.50, y=23.00, z=3214.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/962054, l='MpServer', x=-2227.72, y=17.00, z=3059.46], EntityZombie['Zombie'/965632, l='MpServer', x=-2203.50, y=35.00, z=3212.03], EntityZombie['Zombie'/965633, l='MpServer', x=-2200.59, y=44.00, z=3211.13], EntityCaveSpider['Cave Spider'/973342, l='MpServer', x=13.04, y=-28.62, z=22.23], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647625, l='MpServer', x=-2210.78, y=40.38, z=3136.55], EntityCaveSpider['Cave Spider'/940315, l='MpServer', x=35.82, y=-35.62, z=-6.80], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647628, l='MpServer', x=-2213.53, y=39.00, z=3133.53], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647672, l='MpServer', x=-2217.88, y=38.90, z=3136.26], EntityCaveSpider['Cave Spider'/939820, l='MpServer', x=-27.71, y=-34.62, z=-12.74], EntityItem['item.item.bone'/2567425, l='MpServer', x=-2158.53, y=64.13, z=3076.66], EntityOtherPlayerMP['Maryith'/1268662, l='MpServer', x=-2219.84, y=63.00, z=3129.53], EntityZombie['Zombie'/960807, l='MpServer', x=-2253.75, y=24.00, z=3139.19], EntityOtherPlayerMP['Maryith'/954395, l='MpServer', x=-2219.41, y=63.00, z=3126.13], EntityBat['Bat'/2647065, l='MpServer', x=-2281.44, y=35.00, z=3138.25], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/978492, l='MpServer', x=-2104.50, y=17.50, z=3094.13], EntityBat['Bat'/2649618, l='MpServer', x=-2296.00, y=32.57, z=3080.53], EntityBat['Bat'/2649619, l='MpServer', x=-2292.75, y=30.85, z=3080.72], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961074, l='MpServer', x=-2251.50, y=17.00, z=3072.00], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961073, l='MpServer', x=-2253.53, y=15.00, z=3075.41], EntityZombie['Zombie'/2597986, l='MpServer', x=-2161.50, y=18.00, z=3212.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/975175, l='MpServer', x=-2152.25, y=20.00, z=3083.91], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2575214, l='MpServer', x=-2267.50, y=20.00, z=3085.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/2597994, l='MpServer', x=-2268.50, y=23.00, z=3148.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2597993, l='MpServer', x=-2272.69, y=22.00, z=3145.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2597992, l='MpServer', x=-2270.50, y=23.00, z=3146.50], EntityItem['item.item.dyePowder.black'/2003022, l='MpServer', x=-2218.56, y=39.13, z=3138.53], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/963417, l='MpServer', x=-2354.50, y=32.50, z=3175.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/2553214, l='MpServer', x=-2288.50, y=17.00, z=3095.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/963415, l='MpServer', x=-2363.50, y=23.50, z=3180.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/2644593, l='MpServer', x=-2218.50, y=18.00, z=3055.50], EntityClientPlayerMP['tatfortit69'/90, l='MpServer', x=-2219.59, y=64.62, z=3134.51], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2553210, l='MpServer', x=-2289.50, y=17.00, z=3093.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/2639989, l='MpServer', x=-2296.94, y=11.00, z=3132.53], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/2639990, l='MpServer', x=-2296.50, y=11.00, z=3137.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/961901, l='MpServer', x=-2311.50, y=25.50, z=3160.50], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647738, l='MpServer', x=-2215.68, y=38.94, z=3137.45], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647741, l='MpServer', x=-2218.50, y=39.03, z=3138.44], EntityBat['Bat'/2586947, l='MpServer', x=-2292.09, y=20.29, z=3110.44], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647740, l='MpServer', x=-2210.53, y=39.40, z=3132.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/785773, l='MpServer', x=-2342.50, y=39.50, z=3117.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/730988, l='MpServer', x=8.93, y=-34.62, z=35.13], EntityZombie['Zombie'/2657615, l='MpServer', x=-2249.38, y=29.00, z=3212.94], EntityXPOrb['Experience Orb'/2582095, l='MpServer', x=-2264.50, y=63.25, z=3169.47], EntityZombie['Zombie'/2597973, l='MpServer', x=-2162.50, y=18.00, z=3214.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/960123, l='MpServer', x=-2349.50, y=35.50, z=3125.50], EntitySquid['Squid'/1087080, l='MpServer', x=-2213.53, y=39.00, z=3132.47], EntityItem['item.item.dyePowder.black'/2586719, l='MpServer', x=-2211.25, y=39.13, z=3133.13], EntitySquid['Squid'/1087082, l='MpServer', x=-2214.51, y=39.39, z=3136.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/972170, l='MpServer', x=-2181.31, y=10.87, z=3211.26], EntityZombie['Zombie'/972168, l='MpServer', x=-2182.28, y=11.00, z=3210.13], EntityZombie['Zombie'/972169, l='MpServer', x=-2185.70, y=11.40, z=3211.30], EntityBat['Bat'/2626210, l='MpServer', x=-2288.31, y=23.51, z=3109.75], EntityCaveSpider['Cave Spider'/972163, l='MpServer', x=19.04, y=-34.62, z=21.03], EntityItem['item.item.dyePowder.black'/2608554, l='MpServer', x=-2212.44, y=39.13, z=3132.97], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961690, l='MpServer', x=-2243.41, y=24.00, z=3070.00], EntityItem['item.item.string'/2578865, l='MpServer', x=-2257.56, y=36.13, z=3135.88], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961688, l='MpServer', x=-2226.65, y=16.00, z=3058.31], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961689, l='MpServer', x=-2235.00, y=13.00, z=3072.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/961686, l='MpServer', x=-2338.50, y=36.50, z=3146.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/961684, l='MpServer', x=-2349.50, y=31.34, z=3143.44], EntityZombie['Zombie'/1189768, l='MpServer', x=41.46, y=-42.62, z=6.20], EntityFallenKnight['Fallen Knight'/2648202, l='MpServer', x=-2264.25, y=21.00, z=3076.00], EntityFallenKnight['Fallen Knight'/2648203, l='MpServer', x=-2261.78, y=21.00, z=3072.34], EntitySquid['Squid'/1647805, l='MpServer', x=-2215.53, y=39.52, z=3135.41], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/2648204, l='MpServer', x=-2265.50, y=21.00, z=3076.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2648206, l='MpServer', x=-2264.56, y=21.00, z=3072.06], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2648207, l='MpServer', x=-2263.13, y=21.00, z=3070.25], EntityZombieCat['entity.GraveStone.GSZombieCat.name'/2567310, l='MpServer', x=-2182.50, y=64.00, z=3210.50], EntityCaveSpider['Cave Spider'/938404, l='MpServer', x=-22.94, y=-28.62, z=-3.43], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961700, l='MpServer', x=-2265.50, y=32.00, z=3128.09], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/961701, l='MpServer', x=-2355.50, y=27.50, z=3142.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961698, l='MpServer', x=-2276.26, y=36.08, z=3137.38], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961696, l='MpServer', x=-2274.06, y=36.00, z=3139.44], EntityZombieCat['entity.GraveStone.GSZombieCat.name'/2567305, l='MpServer', x=-2293.50, y=17.00, z=3140.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961697, l='MpServer', x=-2254.75, y=24.00, z=3139.77], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/972219, l='MpServer', x=-2189.50, y=23.50, z=3094.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/2648208, l='MpServer', x=-2255.53, y=16.00, z=3076.28], EntityItem['item.item.dyePowder.black'/2584728, l='MpServer', x=-2212.75, y=39.13, z=3132.22], EntityItem['item.item.string'/2575256, l='MpServer', x=-2279.09, y=17.13, z=3089.38], EntityBat['Bat'/2587621, l='MpServer', x=-2261.13, y=32.32, z=3124.69], EntityZombie['Zombie'/960708, l='MpServer', x=-2261.00, y=18.00, z=3077.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/960709, l='MpServer', x=-2254.16, y=15.00, z=3073.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/960706, l='MpServer', x=-2263.19, y=14.00, z=3064.81], EntityZombie['Zombie'/960707, l='MpServer', x=-2249.28, y=16.00, z=3073.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/2577384, l='MpServer', x=-2294.50, y=23.00, z=3136.50], EntityBat['Bat'/1744077, l='MpServer', x=-2218.44, y=36.10, z=3116.31], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/964306, l='MpServer', x=-2344.50, y=28.50, z=3198.50], EntityCartChest['entity.MinecartChest.name'/964307, l='MpServer', x=-2322.50, y=29.50, z=3197.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/2581447, l='MpServer', x=-2296.50, y=19.00, z=3133.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/961771, l='MpServer', x=-2223.47, y=36.60, z=3110.51], EntityBat['Bat'/2656205, l='MpServer', x=-2139.25, y=27.99, z=3110.56], EntityItem['item.item.arrow'/2565834, l='MpServer', x=-2181.66, y=71.13, z=3190.13], EntityZombie['Zombie'/965631, l='MpServer', x=-2202.59, y=44.00, z=3213.69], EntityItem['item.item.bone'/2681051, l='MpServer', x=-2264.00, y=21.13, z=3072.75], EntityItem['item.item.bone'/2422481, l='MpServer', x=-2263.63, y=29.13, z=3127.31], EntityBat['Bat'/2643410, l='MpServer', x=-2152.75, y=22.98, z=3104.53], EntityBat['Bat'/2643412, l='MpServer', x=-2281.25, y=16.00, z=3099.56]]
    Retry entities: 0 total; []
    Server brand: fml,forge
    Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
    at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(WorldClient.java:373)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(Minecraft.java:2444)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:927)
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)

-- System Details --
    Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
    Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
    Java Version: 1.8.0_25, Oracle Corporation
    Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
    Memory: 972229320 bytes (927 MB) / 1932001280 bytes (1842 MB) up to 3817865216 bytes (3641 MB)
    JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx4096m -Xms256m -XX:PermSize=256m
    AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
    IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 6
    FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 126 mods loaded, 125 mods active
    States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
    UCHIJAAAA    mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    appliedenergistics2-core{rv2-stable-10} [AppliedEnergistics2 Core] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    LambdaLib|Core{1.2.3} [LambdaLib|Core] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    MCVanillaTweaks{1.0} [Mariculture - Vanilla Tweaks] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    OpenEye{0.6} [OpenEye] (OpenEye-0.6-1.7.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    WitchingGadgetsCore{1.1.10} [Witching Gadgets Core] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    <CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BinniePatcher{1.8.2} [Binnie Patcher] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    LambdaLib{1.2.3} [LambdaLib] (LambdaLib-1.2.3.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.1.3} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.3-327.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    academy-craft{1.0.4} [Academy Craft] (AcademyCraft-1.0.4.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    AccidentallyCircumstantialEvents{1.12.9} [Accidentally Circumstantial Events] (accidentallycircumstantialevents-1.12.9.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    AgriCraft{1.7.10-1.5.0} [AgriCraft] (AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.5.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    appliedenergistics2{rv2-stable-10} [Applied Energistics 2] (appliedenergistics2-rv2-stable-10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Baubles{} [Baubles] (Baubles-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    Thaumcraft{} [Thaumcraft] (Thaumcraft-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    arcanearteries{5} [Arcane Arteries] (ArcaneArteries0.8.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (Waila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Automagy{0.28.2} [Automagy] (Automagy-1.7.10-0.28.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    bagginses{2.1.1} [Bagginses] (Bagginses-2.1.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    betterbuilderswands{0.6.1} [Better Builder's Wands] (BetterBuildersWands-0.6.1-1.7.10r80+358ee26.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BiblioCraft{1.11.5} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.11.5][MC1.7.10].jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ExtrabiomesXL{3.16.1} [ExtrabiomesXL] (extrabiomesxl_1.7.10-3.16.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BiblioWoodsEBXL{1.4} [BiblioWoods ExtraBiomesXL Edition] (BiblioWoods[ExtraBiomesXL][v1.4].jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Mantle{1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191} [Mantle] (Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2b.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Natura{2.2.0} [Natura] (natura-1.7.10-2.2.1a2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BiblioWoodsNatura{1.5} [BiblioWoods Natura Edition] (BiblioWoods[Natura][v1.5].jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry_1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    BinnieCore{2.0-pre14} [Binnie Core] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Botany{2.0-pre14} [Botany] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ExtraBees{2.0-pre14} [Extra Bees] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ExtraTrees{2.0-pre14} [Extra Trees] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Genetics{2.0-pre14} [Genetics] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BiomeTweaker{2.0.182} [BiomeTweaker] (BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-2.0.182.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BlockProperties{0.1.5} [Block Properties] (BlockProperties-1.7.10-0.1.5.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    AWWayofTime{v1.3.3} [Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry] (BloodMagic-1.7.10-1.3.3-17.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Botania{r1.8-249} [Botania] (Botania r1.8-249.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ForbiddenMagic{1.7.10-0.575} [Forbidden Magic] (Forbidden Magic-1.7.10-0.575.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    guideapi{1.7.10-1.0.1-20} [Guide-API] (Guide-API-1.7.10-1.0.1-20.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    TConstruct{1.7.10-1.8.8.build988} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.8.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BloodArsenal{1.2-5} [Blood Arsenal] (BloodArsenal-1.7.10-1.2-5.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Core{7.1.16} [BuildCraft] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Builders{7.1.16} [BC Builders] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Transport{7.1.16} [BC Transport] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Energy{7.1.16} [BC Energy] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Silicon{7.1.16} [BC Silicon] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Robotics{7.1.16} [BC Robotics] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Factory{7.1.16} [BC Factory] (buildcraft-7.1.16.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    BuildCraft|Compat{7.1.5} [BuildCraft Compat] (buildcraft-compat-7.1.5.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (Railcraft_1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    chisel{} [Chisel 2] (Chisel2-
    UCHIJAAAA    CarpentersBlocks{3.3.8} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.8 - MC 1.7.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ChiselFacades{1.7.10-2.10-cricket} [Chisel Facades] (ChiselFacades-1.7.10-2.10-cricket.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    climatecontrol{0.6.beta57} [Climate Control] (ClimateControl-0.6.beta59.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    TravellersGear{1.16.6} [Traveller's Gear] (TravellersGear-1.7.10-1.16.6.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    companions{1.7.10-0.1.2} [Companions] (companions-1.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    craftingtweaks{1.0.82} [Crafting Tweaks] (craftingtweaks-mc1.7.10-1.0.82.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    inpure|core{1.7.10R1.0.0B9} [INpureCore] (INpureCore-[1.7.10]1.0.0B9-62.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    CreeperCollateral{1.7.10R1.0.0B3} [CreeperCollateral] (CreeperCollateral-[1.7.10]1.0.0B3-15.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    CustomMainMenu{1.1} [Custom Main Menu] (CustomMainMenu-MC1.7.10-1.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Enchiridion{1.3} [Enchiridion] (Enchiridion 2-1.7.10-2.0.2a.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Enchiridion2{2.0.2a} [Enchiridion 2] (Enchiridion 2-1.7.10-2.0.2a.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    endercore{1.7.10-} [EnderCore] (EnderCore-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    EnderZoo{1.7.10-} [Ender Zoo] (EnderZoo-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    EnhancedInventories{1.7.10-1.1.9} [Enhanced Inventories] (EnhancedInventories-1.7.10-1.1.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ExtraTiC{1.4.6} [ExtraTiC] (ExtraTiC-1.7.10-1.4.6.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    gadomancy{} [Gadomancy] (gadomancy-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    GardenContainers{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Containers] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    GardenCore{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Core] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    GardenStuff{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Stuff] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    GardenTrees{1.7.10-1.7.0} [Garden Trees] (GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.7.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    GraveStone{2.16.1} [GraveStone] (GraveStone-2.16.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    HardcoreQuesting{4.4.4} [Hardcore Questing Mode] (HQM-The Journey-4.4.4.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    inventorytweaks{1.58-147-645ca10} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-1.58-147.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    JABBA{1.2.2} [JABBA] (Jabba-1.2.2_1.7.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    launchgui{1.0.0} [LaunchGUI] (LaunchGui-1.7.10-1.5-8-client.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    magicalcrops{1.7.2 - 0.1 ALPHA} [Magical Crops] (magicalcrops-1.7.10_0.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    MagicBees{2.4.3} [Magic Bees] (magicbees-1.7.10-2.4.3.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Mariculture{1.7.10-} [Mariculture] (Mariculture-Deluxe-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    MariTech{1.0} [Marine Technlogy] (Mariculture-Deluxe-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    Mekanism{9.1.0} [Mekanism] (Mekanism-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    MekanismGenerators{9.1.0} [MekanismGenerators] (MekanismGenerators-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    millenaire{6.0.0} [Millénaire] (millenaire-6.0.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    MineTweaker3{3.0.10} [MineTweaker 3] (MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.10B.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    MobProperties{1.0.2} [Mob Properties] (MobProperties-1.7.10-1.0.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    modtweaker2{0.9.6} [Mod Tweaker 2] (ModTweaker2-0.9.6.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    MouseTweaks{2.4.4} [Mouse Tweaks] (MouseTweaks-2.4.4-mc1.7.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons{} [NEI Addons] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons|Developer{} [NEI Addons: Developer Tools] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons|AppEng{} [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons|Botany{} [NEI Addons: Botany] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons|Forestry{} [NEI Addons: Forestry] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons|CraftingTables{} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    NEIAddons|ExNihilo{} [NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo] (neiaddons-
    UCHIJAAAA    neiintegration{1.1.2} [NEI Integration] (NEIIntegration-MC1.7.10-1.1.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    NetherOres{1.7.10R2.3.1} [Nether Ores] (NetherOres-[1.7.10]2.3.1-22.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Quadrum{1.2.0} [Quadrum] (Quadrum-1.7.10-1.2.0.B13-universal.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ResourceLoader{1.0} [Resource Loader] (ResourceLoader-1.0.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    AS_Ruins{14.6} [Ruins Spawning System] (Ruins-1.7.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    Sanguimancy{1.7.10-1.1.9-35} [Sanguimancy] (Sanguimancy-1.7.10-1.1.9-35.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    SimilsaxTranstructors{} [Similsax Transtructors] (SimilsaxTranstructors-
    UCHIJAAAA    squidless{0.6.1} [Squidless] (squidless-1.7.10-0.6.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    StorageDrawers{1.7.10-1.10.1} [Storage Drawers] (StorageDrawers-1.7.10-1.10.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    StorageDrawersForestry{1.7.10-1.1.2} [Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack] (StorageDrawers-Forestry-1.7.10-1.1.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    StorageDrawersMisc{1.7.10-1.1.2} [Storage Drawers: Misc Pack] (StorageDrawers-Misc-1.7.10-1.1.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    StorageDrawersNatura{1.7.10-1.1.1} [Storage Drawers: Natura Pack] (StorageDrawers-Natura-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    supercraftingframe{} [Super Crafting Frame] (supercraftingframe-
    UCHIJAAAA    TCBotaniaExoflame{1.0} [TCBotaniaExoflame] (TCBotaniaExoflame-1.7.10-1.4.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    tcinventoryscan{1.0.11} [TC Inventory Scanning] (tcinventoryscan-mc1.7.10-1.0.11.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    tcnodetracker{1.1.2} [TC Node Tracker] (tcnodetracker-1.7.10-1.1.2.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    thaumcraftneiplugin{@VERSION@} [Thaumcraft NEI Plugin] (thaumcraftneiplugin-1.7.10-1.7a.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ThaumicExploration{0.6.0} [Thaumic Exploration] (ThaumicExploration-1.7.10-1.1-53.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    TiCTooltips{1.2.5} [TiC Tooltips] (TiCTooltips-mc1.7.10-1.2.5.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    WailaHarvestability{1.1.6} [Waila Harvestability] (WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.10-1.1.6.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    wailaplugins{MC1.7.10-0.2.0-23} [WAILA Plugins] (WAILAPlugins-MC1.7.10-0.2.0-23.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    witchery{0.24.1} [Witchery] (witchery-1.7.10-0.24.1.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    WitchingGadgets{1.1.10} [Witching Gadgets] (WitchingGadgets-1.7.10-1.1.10.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
    UCHIJAAAA    IguanaTweaksTConstruct{1.7.10-} [Iguana Tinker Tweaks] (IguanaTinkerTweaks-1.7.10-2.1.6.jar)
    UCHIJAAAA    ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
    UD    BiomeTweakerCore{2.0.182} [BiomeTweaker Core] (minecraft.jar)
    CoFHCore: -[1.7.10]3.1.3-327
    AE2 Version: stable rv2-stable-10 for Forge
    Mantle Environment: Environment healthy.
    TConstruct Environment: Environment healthy.
    NetherOres: -[1.7.10]2.3.1-22
    AE2 Integration: IC2:OFF, RotaryCraft:OFF, RC:ON, BC:ON, RF:ON, RFItem:ON, MFR:OFF, DSU:ON, FZ:OFF, FMP:ON, RB:OFF, CLApi:OFF, Waila:ON, InvTweaks:ON, NEI:ON, CraftGuide:OFF, Mekanism:ON, ImmibisMicroblocks:OFF, BetterStorage:OFF
    Launched Version: 1.7.10-Forge10.13.4.1614-1.7.10
    LWJGL: 2.9.1
    OpenGL: GeForce 9200/integrated/SSE2 GL version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation
    GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.
Anisotropic filtering is supported and maximum anisotropy is 16.
Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.

    Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
    Type: Client (map_client.txt)
    Resource Packs: []
    Current Language: English (US)
    Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
    Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
    Anisotropic Filtering: Off (1)
Question about Regrowth Version 1.0.0
How am i mean to be able to store RF power???
As i am unable to find Mekanisim Energy Cells in the NEI as ac raftable item

Why is this ??
And what else can i use to Store RF ??

I am currently looking at having a tree Farm creating Charcoal, and feeding floating Endoflames and then using the mana in a fluxfield to create RF with Nature
But i am unabble to pull out the fluxfield with Emerald or Wooden pipes.. so i need it transfered into a Storace Cell of some type
Question about Regrowth Version 1.0.0
How am i mean to be able to store RF power???
As i am unable to find Mekanisim Energy Cells in the NEI as ac raftable item

Why is this ??
And what else can i use to Store RF ??

I am currently looking at having a tree Farm creating Charcoal, and feeding floating Endoflames and then using the mana in a fluxfield to create RF with Nature
But i am unabble to pull out the fluxfield with Emerald or Wooden pipes.. so i need it transfered into a Storace Cell of some type
Energy Cubes are in NEI, but since I have to use MT to force show them, they'll only be visible the first time you load into a world after launching your client. ie. if you exit to title screen then load in again, they won't visible in NEI until you relaunch your client.
MT=MineTweaker. It's a mod that allows the pack creator to adjust certain recipes (like making the crafting table with a hatchet, or the piston with a lever).
Hi Everyone :)

I looked through the forum, but did not find my answer, so I decided to ask here. Maybe someone had that issue too.

Why my Rannuncarpus does not plant Forestry saplings? Is there any other way to auto-plant forestry saplings?

I made a nice setup of an automated tree farm using Botania to gain saplings for my fermenter --> biogas engine. It works perfectly with vanilla saplings, but when I tried to use sapling from Forestry, Rannuncarpus did not want to plant them. Tested with Oak - normal Oak works good, same oak put into treealyzer and named Apple Oak does not work at all. My aim was to get my hands on Mahoe and put it ultimatelly into that farm, and now I think it will not work since Rannuncarpus will not cooperate.

Any ideas? Please help.

BTW. Compost from GardenCore does not work with fermenter, only compost from Forestry could do the job; don't know if that was intentional, just mentioning.
Im having an issue crafting the Mekanisim Configurator
Ive got the required items in the correct places...
Stick on the bottom, lapis on top, Enriched alloy Left and right, and an Energy tablet in the midle (ive tried fully charged and fully empty)
It just wont create the item

Ok.. Got it figured out
I was using the energy tablet from a quest reward, that has the code 5534:1
The recepie needed a crafted Energy tablet with the code 5534
Last edited:
I can't seem to use any shears to get actual plants, just the byproducts. Cactus gives cactus green on right click, flowers give dye, etc. All of the crops in question are 10/10/10, I haven't updated any mods, and have even tried backing up my save and reinstalling Regrowth, with no love. I've seen a few posts about this on and off, but most seem to point to plants being underdeveloped, which mine aren't. That said, I did see a post from a few months back that something like this was a known bug in Agricraft 1.5.0, which seems to be the version that the recent Regrowth release is using. This has pretty much halted my progression at this point with several quest lines.

Update, I've done a fresh install of Regrowth, and started a completely new world, and still this issue persists for me. 10/10/10 seeds, but shears just give me dye or petals, where I would expect to get flowers, cactus, etc. Surely I'm not the only person running into this? This pretty much halts progression with bees, Botania, and likely a few other quest lines, as I need cactus, poppy, and dandelion at the very least.

I found the bug registered against the 1.5.0 version of Agricraft on GitHub, with a note that there was no intention to fix it as he was working on 1.9 (at the time). Any thoughts, other than going back to an older version of Agricraft, or Regrowth as a whole?
Update, I've done a fresh install of Regrowth, and started a completely new world, and still this issue persists for me. 10/10/10 seeds, but shears just give me dye or petals, where I would expect to get flowers, cactus, etc. Surely I'm not the only person running into this? This pretty much halts progression with bees, Botania, and likely a few other quest lines, as I need cactus, poppy, and dandelion at the very least.

I also ran into this last night. You do get cactus from the cactus seed reward quest. Just grow the cactus the old way until it gets fixed. As for the flowers, sadly atm bone meal is the only way i know of to get them.
Void seed seems un-craftable. searched the thread and didn't see anything recent. My little brother tried both crafting with the both the valid methods (that thaumcraft pot thing and the higher tier version of it, sorry want to play not look up names.) He tried a seed crafted from wheat, analyzed seed, iron seed. None of them crafted the void seed.

There was no reference to this on the first page or in the known issues. (I know this is a thorough explanation of the research. I know how little people care for those that don't search. I also googled void seed and regrowth with no results that brought me any understanding of the issue, if there is one.

MP on server. two players on when attempted. I attempted it to. Doubted it would work though as I still lack the research. He has the research.