[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Quest "Getting a Power-up!" doesn't detect crafting the Ultimate Energy Cube.

Version 1.0.1
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I have a question and am not sure if anyone has noticed or not. Recently, I started working on the late stages of How the World Changes, primarily with summoning Banshees and capturing them (No Halos Here). I realized I was out of Brew of Revealing and decided to make some more. The odd thing is I cannot. I throw all of my items into the Kettle and the water changes color, but when I try to bottle some, I get a Water Bottle back. It's seemingly with all recipes for the Kettle. Did something change or this just something derpy with my game?

Edit: Never mind. It was just me being impatient and thinking I could speed through it. When I slowed down what I was dropping in, the potion came together. Weirdness... I never did go that slow in the past, but maybe I did. Eh, no worries though. Now back to the annoyingly painful quest.

Also, one other thing. Getting the Heart of Gold for Who's the Fairest of them All was next to impossible. My mirror actually told me once that there was someone finally, but even after hitting all my villagers with a Looting III Arthana, I got nothing... So unfair...
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Yeah I'm not enjoying the Heart of Gold thing, I did look it up and sounds like 0.01 is the default value for it though, so I guess they're that way in vanilla Witchery. I spotted a small mistake in an instruction in the questbook, I can't remember which quest I'm afraid, but I think it might be the making the spectral stone quest - the quest tells you the instructions are on (I think) page 69 of Circle Magic, but they're actually on page 71 (once again, I think). Page 69 is the necromantic stone, which is one of the ingredients, not the actual ritual itself.

Thanks for the great pack, and for the new fixes, those are quest things I had problems with, glad they're sorted!
Second time that HQM crashes my world and corrupts my data... The only way to fix is by removing the HQM files and then restarting your game, but you loose all progress... And that's a lot if you played 200+ hours. Will the mod pack developer fix this issue? And is there any way i can get my progress back or is it all lost again?
Edit in a HQM edit book and possibly a void chest. Complete all the quests you completed previously. If you claimed the reward previously then you can use the void chest to void the new rewards. Then just void the chest and the edit book.

Only option I know of.
"/hqm edit" might be the command to get the book.
Edit in a HQM edit book and possibly a void chest. Complete all the quests you completed previously. If you claimed the reward previously then you can use the void chest to void the new rewards. Then just void the chest and the edit book.

Only option I know of.
"/hqm edit" might be the command to get the book.
Can I trigger a quest using some command? Because quests that should be there aren't and i don't remember how i unlocked them.
So quick question on Witchery: can Spectres despawn? Reason I ask, I performed the summoning and tried to do the binding too quickly. I messed up and was dropping my items but the Spectre spawned before I could. I quickly flew up from it into a nearby tree (5-10 blocks away) I observed it for a moment and waited till my flight recovered. I noticed him go behind a tree on the other side of my circle. I flew back in only to discover he wasn't there. It seems as if he vanished. Is it possible they despawn? I know I didn't capture it because the Spectral Stone is empty. Add to the fact I have a fence up around my Witchery area to boot, plus a wall around the entirety of my base and I'm wondering where the thing went.

Edit: So, that was not a Spectre on second thought. It was a Poltergeist. Ugh... I needed it and I screwed it up and it just vanished... To add insult to injury, I summoned a Spectre next and died, lol. Then I had a great time escaping the Spectre, who trailed me outside my base and into the ocean. I managed to escape and get back inside and reclaim my things before using my Key of the King's Law to annihilate that jerk.

Anyways, new question on that front. Will a Spectre/Banshee/Poltergeist attack you when you're wearing Necromancer's Robes? I remember that undead ignore you when you wear them, so I wasn't sure.
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Anybody else having problems with shears and botania flowers/petals in this new version? I'm not able to get flowers with shears from agricraft botania flowers, only petals. Halp?
Anybody else having problems with shears and botania flowers/petals in this new version? I'm not able to get flowers with shears from agricraft botania flowers, only petals. Halp?
The rule is: you only get half as much flowers with shears as you get petals from normal harvest, i.e. a plant that has a gain of 10 will yield 4 petals but only 2 flowers when you shear them. If the gain on your plants is less than 5 you will only get a single petal from the plant.
My apologies, I should have been clearer. My plants are all 10/10/10, and my problem is that I'm not able to get flowers at all while using regular vanilla shears, only petals. (I might have been right clicking instead of left clicking, will update to confirm whether or not I'm a moron in the next 24 hours.) I am fairly certain that left clicking with shears breaks the crop sticks and thus one must right click with shears to get "silk touch" products rather than regular (ie cactus plants vs cactus green, flowers vs. Petals etc.) Tell me if I'm wrong on that last bit. I will update within 18 hours as stated earlier in my post.
My apologies, I should have been clearer. My plants are all 10/10/10, and my problem is that I'm not able to get flowers at all while using regular vanilla shears, only petals. (I might have been right clicking instead of left clicking, will update to confirm whether or not I'm a moron in the next 24 hours.) I am fairly certain that left clicking with shears breaks the crop sticks and thus one must right click with shears to get "silk touch" products rather than regular (ie cactus plants vs cactus green, flowers vs. Petals etc.) Tell me if I'm wrong on that last bit. I will update within 18 hours as stated earlier in my post.

I've heard rumors that there is a bug in the latest version of agricraft. The shears trick is also not working in other modpacks on this version of it.
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3rd time my world is gone...My game didn't even crash this time and i closed it normally.Came the next day and started the game and it gave me this error: http://pastebin.com/vNhyHJse .Its still in the saves but it doesn't show up when i click singleplayer.Probably because the world is corrupted. I'm really mad and i will not play regrowth until the hqm world corrupting is gone.My friends are experiencing it too. I hope the mod pack developer will see this and fix it.
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Operating System: Windows 8.1 (amd64) version 6.3
Java Version: 1.8.0_77, Oracle Corporation

You'll want to update your Java, at a minimum. I think the latest is 1.8.0_102. Tell your friends to check their Java versions as well.
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Operating System: Windows 8.1 (amd64) version 6.3
Java Version: 1.8.0_77, Oracle Corporation

You'll want to update your Java, at a minimum. I think the latest is 1.8.0_102. Tell your friends to check their Java versions as well.
Thanks for the information will see how it works i will also try to downgrade the hqm mod maybe that fixes things. Now i gotta go back and redo all the 14 quest lines again...
Thanks for the information will see how it works i will also try to downgrade the hqm mod maybe that fixes things. Now i gotta go back and redo all the 14 quest lines again...

Just on general principle, it's good to make sure that Java is kept up-to-date. Many of the updates are to patch security issues.
I've heard rumors that there is a bug in the latest version of agricraft. The shears trick is also not working in other modpacks on this version of it.
I believe this was confirmed as an agricraft issue.

With Botania flowers, there is a workaround by having a Jaded Amaranthus available when you need actual flowers (i.e. floating flowers). In most cases, though, the petals are more useful.

Need actual Cactus (usually due to playing with bees)? Convert a slimeball or three using Botania (alchemy catalyst) and grow regular ones as usual.

And so on; Most items of this nature should have workarounds, it just requires sniffing around in NEI or vanilla mechanics a bit. Certain items stump me however. One Botania item (Teru Teru Bozu) requires sunflowers to craft and feed for effect. That required an Oxeye Daisy and an alchemy catalyst, but that flower is no longer available through agricraft. I caved in here, and cheated in a couple stacks of sunflowers to feed it. :)
I believe this was confirmed as an agricraft issue.

With Botania flowers, there is a workaround by having a Jaded Amaranthus available when you need actual flowers (i.e. floating flowers). In most cases, though, the petals are more useful.

Need actual Cactus (usually due to playing with bees)? Convert a slimeball or three using Botania (alchemy catalyst) and grow regular ones as usual.

And so on; Most items of this nature should have workarounds, it just requires sniffing around in NEI or vanilla mechanics a bit. Certain items stump me however. One Botania item (Teru Teru Bozu) requires sunflowers to craft and feed for effect. That required an Oxeye Daisy and an alchemy catalyst, but that flower is no longer available through agricraft. I caved in here, and cheated in a couple stacks of sunflowers to feed it. :)

The flower conversions with the alchemy catalyst are a loop with any vanilla flower. So just keep throwing a flower at it and you'll eventually get a sunflower. Maybe set up some bees to keep you generating new flowers to convert?
I believe this was confirmed as an agricraft issue.

With Botania flowers, there is a workaround by having a Jaded Amaranthus available when you need actual flowers (i.e. floating flowers). In most cases, though, the petals are more useful.

Need actual Cactus (usually due to playing with bees)? Convert a slimeball or three using Botania (alchemy catalyst) and grow regular ones as usual.

And so on; Most items of this nature should have workarounds, it just requires sniffing around in NEI or vanilla mechanics a bit. Certain items stump me however. One Botania item (Teru Teru Bozu) requires sunflowers to craft and feed for effect. That required an Oxeye Daisy and an alchemy catalyst, but that flower is no longer available through agricraft. I caved in here, and cheated in a couple stacks of sunflowers to feed it. :)
ALL vanilla flowers can be cycled through with the alchemy catalyst. Also worth noting, for all those 2 block high vanilla flowers - you can use bonemeal on them to get an extra one, and you actually get one of each of them from one of the garden stuff quests in the first chapter.