[1.7.10] Post Finem (after the end) [Tech][HQM][Hardcore] version 1.1.0

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I'm quite enjoying this modpack. I'm glad minechem is in here as the only time I tried it was with Material Energy ^3, and I couldn't stand that modpack.
It's challenging, but I haven't died yet. I'm in a forest biome, but apparently at a high altitude, so hypothermia almost got me in the beginning., until I found some lava to steal.

Question: Is there a way to auto insert from the Igneous Extruder to the Deconstructor, and then automatically pull from the Deconstructor to a chest?
if you load it before trying to modify it, it shouldn't crash. Something weird about NBT data that doesn't get set during the crafting but loading the weapons sets the NBT data and then the gun mod table won't crash. I'll add a note in the quest book about this next update.

Thanks for the hint. Guess that was the reason as well, that the questbook didn't recognize the items after crafting. (used the edit-questbook to finish them before trying to load them first, so not sure about that ^^)


Question: Is there a way to auto insert from the Igneous Extruder to the Deconstructor, and then automatically pull from the Deconstructor to a chest?

What you need to remember when working with MineChem is that their machines seem to only accept input from the top and output to the bottom. Besides that "What Brenn_ said" :]
I need to move my machines then. I had water inputting into the side, but from igneous extruder, it wasn't working.
Does those GIANT balls of death spawn anytime in the world, or have I just not been paying attention and they have been there all this time? Also, I thought Darksteel Armor that's been upgraded with a vibrant crystal didn't have durability because you could charge it?
Does those GIANT balls of death spawn anytime in the world, or have I just not been paying attention and they have been there all this time? Also, I thought Darksteel Armor that's been upgraded with a vibrant crystal didn't have durability because you could charge it?
Yes they spawn any time of day.
Nope Darksteel gets the durability wear reduced depending on the level or empowerment. Starting at 50% with tier 1 and going up to 95% damage reduction at max tier. You can repair it with ingots and experience in an anvil (I recommend the darksteel anvil).
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Yes they spawn any time of day.
Nope Darksteel gets the durability wear reduced depending on the level or empowerment. Starting at 50% with tier 1 and going up to 95% damage reduction at max tier. You can repair it with ingots and experience in an anvil (I recommend the darksteel anvil).

Thanks. Those Giant balls-o-death are everywhere. I took out one and the area around my base was clear. After a few hours I count 6 in the area now:( I have to say that I would like to build a Mech from Flans and just bomb them.lol
As usual, my post will be a collection of a bunch of unrelated things.

By the "giant balls of death," I assume you are referring to the silverfish balls?

Is there any way to change the biome of an area? I assume not, but it's worth asking, as I'm not familiar with all of the mods in the pack.
I am using the Mekanism Digital Miner in a way it was never meant to be used. On a related subject, I now have an area right next to my base where I have a dirt/grass section. (Desiring to keep the same color of grass as I expand the dirt area is why I ask about biome-shifting)
Any suggestions for cellulose generation better than just decomposing logs?

As always, I'm still having fun playing, but have realized that I finally need more power. Hey, now that I have that digital miner I can get the rest of the uranium/yellorite I need to build a reactor!

A quest bug: The chargepad/robit quests seem to need the proper metadata, so charged versions will not detect the quest (as I discovered when Icrafted them with part-full energy cells)
As usual, my post will be a collection of a bunch of unrelated things.

By the "giant balls of death," I assume you are referring to the silverfish balls?

Is there any way to change the biome of an area? I assume not, but it's worth asking, as I'm not familiar with all of the mods in the pack.
I am using the Mekanism Digital Miner in a way it was never meant to be used. On a related subject, I now have an area right next to my base where I have a dirt/grass section. (Desiring to keep the same color of grass as I expand the dirt area is why I ask about biome-shifting)
Any suggestions for cellulose generation better than just decomposing logs?

As always, I'm still having fun playing, but have realized that I finally need more power. Hey, now that I have that digital miner I can get the rest of the uranium/yellorite I need to build a reactor!

A quest bug: The chargepad/robit quests seem to need the proper metadata, so charged versions will not detect the quest (as I discovered when Icrafted them with part-full energy cells)

Oh I thought he was just talking about ghasts, the silverfish balls I've not seen them spawn but I think they come from a special creeper, not sure really until I see it happen, but yea I have noticed they pop up from time to time outside on the surface and sometimes underground too.

No sadly there are no good tech mods that have any biome changing capabilities that I know of, plenty of magic ones now... but no magic mods in this pack.

Nope, I believe that wood is the best thing for cellulose.

I tried to cut the power loop in 0.1.3 but both TE and EIO refuse to cooperate with me.

Thank for the report, that will be fixed in 0.1.3 now.
Phew, slowly getting to the point of an autospawner from ender io for enderman. (the safari-net-recipe is nice to not just use the MFR one too early :) Would make things too easy with standard-recipe). And slowly getting to the point where I guess I start with Mekanism or build an Big Reactor for maybe one day having enough energy for better base defense ^^"

Really like the pack so far, especially since it has the "Actively defend your base!"-aspect you don't see often. So having the turrets instead of just walls.

Only a bit frustrating thing I noticed is, when you try to recultivate your surrounding, with a little forest and so. Since with ghast and blaze spawning (Ghasts on day too) it gets quiet difficult to not see everything burn up again. (same goes for anything build out of wood)
Guess it gets better, when you actually have a defended perimeter around your base with towers that (hopefully) shoots down any Ghast that comes too close.
So is anyone doing/using a vanilla mob/drop spawner in this pack? It seems that because of all the pigmen that spawn there are very few skeletons, zombies, and even ghast lately and was wondering if a tower spawner will even work on this map? I know it would, but it seems that it would be mostly pigmen. I know MFR/EnderIO has spawners, but for early game they are not much help.lol I thought I would ask before making a huge tower spawner and it only spawning pigmen.
So is anyone doing/using a vanilla mob/drop spawner in this pack? It seems that because of all the pigmen that spawn there are very few skeletons, zombies, and even ghast lately and was wondering if a tower spawner will even work on this map? I know it would, but it seems that it would be mostly pigmen. I know MFR/EnderIO has spawners, but for early game they are not much help.lol I thought I would ask before making a huge tower spawner and it only spawning pigmen.

Was lucky enough to find a zombie-spawner underground so didn't think about making a mobtower.
But when you get a few (five) skulls together there are these "Zombie/Wither/Skeleton Spawner" from this gravestone-mod.
Cannot say exactly how they work (still trying to gather the skeleton-skulls for crafting one) but if they act like a normal spawner, that might help out... if you can get the skulls together first of course ^^"

What I think makes a mob-tower very difficult however I guess is the gravity... you will need lots and lots of pillars to keep the tower in place. ^^"
Was lucky enough to find a zombie-spawner underground so didn't think about making a mobtower.
But when you get a few (five) skulls together there are these "Zombie/Wither/Skeleton Spawner" from this gravestone-mod.
Cannot say exactly how they work (still trying to gather the skeleton-skulls for crafting one) but if they act like a normal spawner, that might help out... if you can get the skulls together first of course ^^"

What I think makes a mob-tower very difficult however I guess is the gravity... you will need lots and lots of pillars to keep the tower in place. ^^"

I totally forgot about gravity! Yeah that would take an insane amount blocks as you said. I will look into the gravestone spawners. Thanks for the help.
RehabOholic said:
Power Loop?
Lava buckets have burn time.

You can make a loop to get infinite (though slow-ish) power.
-Lava buckets in an octadic stirling generator
-The power fuels a magmatic crucible (or, come to think of it, the MFR lava fabricator, if you can make that)
-Fluid transposer the liquid lava into buckets, and use enderio item conduits to shift full/empty lava buckets around from the transposer to the generators.

It generates a 700k RF surplus per block of cobble you feed into the crucible.

In regards to mob traps, I haven't done anything more than a 2-wide trench (with conveyor belts) around my base, leading into a grinder, and get enough mob drops from that. If I need XP, I can just run around outside at night and kill stuff, with Mekanism armor I get from the grinder.

Edit: It would be really nice (though probably infeasible, if not impossible) if there were a way to have revitalizing the world do something about the mob spawning--like getting rid of all the surface obsidian in a given area will disable the blaze/magma slime/pigman/ghast spawns in that region
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Lava buckets have burn time.

You can make a loop to get infinite (though slow-ish) power.
-Lava buckets in an octadic stirling generator
-The power fuels a magmatic crucible (or, come to think of it, the MFR lava fabricator, if you can make that)
-Fluid transposer the liquid lava into buckets, and use enderio item conduits to shift full/empty lava buckets around from the transposer to the generators.

It generates a 700k RF surplus per block of cobble you feed into the crucible.

In regards to mob traps, I haven't done anything more than a 2-wide trench (with conveyor belts) around my base, leading into a grinder. If I need XP, I can just run around outside at night and kill stuff, with Mekanism armor I get from the grinder.

The trench is something I did in crash landing, and it worked good.. Thanks for reminding me.

As for the power, that sound cool, but I like the Metho,myhi... well the stuff from plastic/rubber.
What mod is changing stack size for items? I know some food decay and will not stack, but rotten flesh, carrots, etc only stack up to 16.
Lava buckets have burn time.

You can make a loop to get infinite (though slow-ish) power.
-Lava buckets in an octadic stirling generator
-The power fuels a magmatic crucible (or, come to think of it, the MFR lava fabricator, if you can make that)
-Fluid transposer the liquid lava into buckets, and use enderio item conduits to shift full/empty lava buckets around from the transposer to the generators.

It generates a 700k RF surplus per block of cobble you feed into the crucible.

In regards to mob traps, I haven't done anything more than a 2-wide trench (with conveyor belts) around my base, leading into a grinder, and get enough mob drops from that. If I need XP, I can just run around outside at night and kill stuff, with Mekanism armor I get from the grinder.

Edit: It would be really nice (though probably infeasible, if not impossible) if there were a way to have revitalizing the world do something about the mob spawning--like getting rid of all the surface obsidian in a given area will disable the blaze/magma slime/pigman/ghast spawns in that region
I really didn't want folks to use the power loop thing but honestly it's a fairly weak option compared to a rubber farm due to the material investment and speed of it.
Infeasible yes imposible no.. would just need a mod that changes it so mobs can't spawn on dirt or grass, or makes it so they only spawn on a small list of blocks.

@RehabOholic Yes it's Spice of life that altars the stack size of edible stuff, apparently zombie flesh is in that list.