[1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

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Another phenomenal pack put out by Mr. Seymour and the Phoenix Team once again. I've been doing a lp since the day it dropped on the launcher and am loving every minute. Always love the unique packs you all come up with. Always a new challenge.

No problems just a weird little bug I found. When reloading my world/game after fully draining smeltery the smeltery is loaded with the ores I previously emptied. Not complaining LOL I just bust the smeltery and relog and build it again. Other then that another killer pack with a unique twist. Been playing damn near nonstop for a couple of days and I'm just building a nice lil base on my starter world. Not rushing thru. Keep up the good work!!

Just read thru all 37 pages of the thread and pretty sure I'm the first to see this one, hard to tell when 90 percent of the thread is almost the same few posts. LOL
i happen to have had not experienced any issues that caused a crash, even using optifine and fastcraft, and i personally think that the mod pack is fairly well done, while i screwed up the first time hqm quests and couldnt complete them cus i dialed b4 finishing the quest, and went off b4 finishing. otherwise, i am having good fun, and love the darkness, given there are no mobs. really takes random maps and the quests arnt too difficult(assuming u followed the instructions for the "normal"ish first world.)

overall, im having fun, and thats what counts. thank you Mr. Seymour and the Phoenix Team. ;)

edit, the only issue i see is that the version text on the custom main menu still reads 1.0.0 in 1.0.2, but thats hardly game breaking
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I love how people complain about something in the pack being overpowered, it gets changed and causes a bug, then complains the pack is unplayable.

Anyway, is there a work around for the traveler's gear being equiped and crashing the game? I posted the crash report before so I am not asking about that again, rather I can't enter the world I created and would rather not restart another if I don't have to.

This is from yesterday when I tried again. I have tried reverting to the previous version and back again but can't access it either way.


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I'm new to this thread so i have no idea if i'm doing this right. So, i have a problem with Pathfinder. So the empty dimension tabs in the dimension enscriber, it then changes and when I hover over it my game crashes. Anyone know how to fix this or have the same issue?
Make sure you put at least one dimlet in the tab. That prevents the crash. The author is aware of it (see a few pages back).
The current issues, which are very fixable if one were to exercise some thought are:
  1. Do not click on the Dialing Device with a Tinkers' pick
  2. Do not use the Gem of Eternal Density
  3. Certain Dimlet quests will not complete
  4. Remove Thermal Casting server-side.
I would hardly call that unplayable. If you happen to experiencing something not listed there, please, feel free to inform me. Keep in mind - most of these crashes did not occur during testing. We tested as much as we could for the two weeks prior to release. No, we didn't happen to right click a Dialing Device with a Tinkers' Pick, but even with the entire Phoenix Team testing, we did not have the time to test right clicking every block with every item.

Same goes for the Gem - we do not posses the time or resources to test every single item in the game with every update. We made that change because people were complaining that things were overpowered. And with the dimlets that occurred due to updating RFTools, along with the gem - neither would have occurred (and didn't) with our initial testing with the 1.0.0 release.

The Thermal Casting thing... well, yeah. That is our fault, and we've admitted it. But that one thing hardly makes the entire pack unplayable. Is there another bug people have been reluctant to inform me of that has led you to this conclusion?

I had never seen this either. If you've anything to contribute to the discussion on it, please do. We've been attempting everything in order to get it to stop, and we cannot seem to pin it down.

I only have one thing to say to people that complain about something being Overpowered....... If you don't like it ...... Don't use it... .Simple.
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I only have one thing to say to people that complain about something being Overpowered....... If you don't like it ...... Don't use it... .Simple.
This, this, this! No one is forcing you to play in a particular way. Don't like a mod? Remove it or don't use it. Don't like the way something is configured? Change it. Think that the pack needs a particular mod? Add it. It's your game! How you play it is up to you!

As to the complaints about the game crashing and bugs in the pack (not the regular bug reports, they're a good thing), so what? Welcome to modded Minecraft! Between the mixture of multiple mods and the fact that a dev can not predict every single thing a player might do bugs are going to slip by. Either accept it or don't play it, your choice. Personally, I've found this pack to be an absolute blast to play!
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This, this, this! No one is forcing you to play in a particular way. Don't like a mod? Remove it or don't use it. Don't like the way something is configured? Change it. Think that the pack needs a particular mod? Add it. It's your game! How you play it is up to you!

As to the complaints about the game crashing and bugs in the pack (not the regular bug reports, they're a good thing), so what? Welcome to modded Minecraft! Between the mixture of multiple mods and the fact that a dev can not predict every single thing a player might do bugs are going to slip by. Either accept it or don't play it, your choice. Personally, I've found this pack to be an absolute blast to play!

We're doing our best to solve all bugs we find. But indeed. It is not always easy. There are so many things that can go wrong.
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I only have one thing to say to people that complain about something being Overpowered....... If you don't like it ...... Don't use it... .Simple.
The philosophy of "don't like it, don't use it" works well when discussing the possibility of removing entire mods from a pack, particularly kitchen-sink packs, but isn't always an option for themed packs these days. When "don't use it" simply means ignoring specific mod-mechanics, a significant segment of the playerbase representing the challenge-oriented playerbase is left without a real solution. It seems simple enough to tell them to just-don't-use-it, but its like me telling Build-oriented players that they can have tons of fun just building with cobblestone and if they don't like the aesthetics they can just focus on tech instead.

Perhaps I find a particular generator creates too much energy too easily. For many play-styles it might be simple to simply ignore that generator and pretend it doesn't exist. But for many types of player its a significant immersion-breaker; the knowledge that there's a Win-Button available to bail you out the instant you face any sort of obstacle can ruin the game of a challenge-oriented player.

This isn't in reference to anything in particular; I'm not even sure which OP stuff we're discussing, this is just a gentle reminder that a blanket "don't use it" statement only works as a
"duh" solution for certain types of players, not all.
I have a few suggestions to make, having played through the entire questline now.

I'd like to recommend adding EMC back to gold, diamonds, dark matter and red matter, but upping the crafting cost of the Gem of Eternal Density like the Transmutation Table, as well as removing the iron to gold, gold to diamonds and diamonds to emeralds recipies using the Philosopher's Stone. I also think the bag quests should be listed earlier on, at least before the mining quests. It'd make those first few mining trips much more bearable. I also feel like the Chronomancer's Hourglass could be better explained in the Clockwork Phase part of the questline. At least expand the quest to cover the Hourglass of Light, which is REALLY useful when mining.
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Most players that have been around the block will know & expect some of these issues as a pack develops, the team are so well respected in the scene its little wonder they were asked to join ftb, McJty from what I can see is developing a very interesting & fun mod that can replace a very well know mod, & then some, some parts of the mod I have tested & love some parts I think are a little pointless, I can have had fun learning the mod & for me that's the point of it all, if its enjoyable have fun if not move on & find a pack & mods that are fun for your own style of play, & have loved & hated some of the many, many packs I have tested in the last 4 months.

My 2 cents on the ProjectE, Its often a major game changing mod, as in it changes your own style of play & for most makes it laughable at a certain point, for me I just dont like the mod, but like most mods I find the odd part useful, I do use the stone to transmute item to item & get pearls & the likes as needed, the table I will not make for now anyway (self restraint is key) maybe at the end when I have done all in the pack I may make some of the old flowers like back in the 125 days.

All In all, I like it so far & use this pack as a form of relaxing, its peaceful so no mobs to gank you, the inventory gets to me at times when multi crafting but at that point I go load up a new pack to test or one I have been enjoying, it all boils down to can you please all the people all the time, it often ends in disaster when one tries, I would say to the Phoenix team stick with the core ideas & run with it some will love it, others not so much, its all down to personal preference...ain't that what what life is....

Now lets back to the main point, helping each other with game issues.
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Just a couple of Ideas, Mr Seymour why not add any one that starts a LP or stream to the OP, this could help some of the new & future players get to grips a little faster, McJty I wonder would it be hard to add a sorting type block to link to the dialer to maybe sort the dims into a more user friendly & easier to find system, later on you end up with a lot of dims & it can be hard to find the one you are looking for in the scrolling list, if there is a block & I missed so sorry or if its not worth the trouble just ignore, only a silly quality of life idea.
Just wanted to say thanks to the Phoenix Team for creating this pack. I've gotten to the point in the quest line where it's just waiting for MOAR EMC and I have to say I've rather enjoyed it. Granted, the limited inventory space really frustrated the crap out of me, even with bags, you have to stop every few seconds to clear the few slots in the hotbar.
Personally, I would rather have EMC values on diamonds considering how many of them you need just for the ProjectE quests. It's already possible to make them using EMC, just in a roundabout way that may have been overlooked. Pulverized gold still has an EMC value, just takes time to smelt it and then toss it in with the philosopher's stone.

This pack is the first time I've ever used a number of mods and it's refreshing to see the diversity.

Well done.
Recently finally made an account, so I figured I'd comment on a few modpacks I've been playing recently. :)

This pack is a strange one. I don't think it's for me in the end. The inventory thing and the unskippable darkness in a peaceful pack is a bit too much in the vein of annoyance in place of challenge. I don't like being annoyed.

I did have a rather... unique introduction to the pack too. I tried it when it just came out, and nobody was talking about the...issues with minetweaker yet.

First go, I create a world, jump in, and spawn on a platform near an island at sea. It's pitch black. And mobs are everywhere. 'B-but this is supposed to be a peaceful pack? Maybe only RFTools dimensions have monsters?' and there's other parts to the mod? Welp, I eventually wade ashore at the mainland, blindly. And survive until day somehow. I quickly put together some basic tools and a small house and find some sheep to make a bed to avoid those stupidly dark nights, thank heavens.

Boom. Everything gone. And on fire. Much frowning and weeping.


Peaceful mode! Huzzah! Still annoying dark. But I get some basic farms up and do some branch mining in a caveless world. But I get to the quest to make return trip machines, as, like, the second quest. After much super-exciting walking up and down stairs to ferry mined metals I get the resources and redstone and such, getting a smeltery going. But I need ender pearls for one of the dimensional thingers. In a peaceful pack. With no seemingly special way go get ender pearls. With no direction. 'Wow,' I thought, 'I expected way more out of these modpack makers than these useless sparing quests.' Eventually I cobble together a philosopher's stone, using the glowstone from the warp-in platform and make an ender pearl that way. And thankfully I had just enough for it. And hey, since I have like two dozen dimensional shards worth half a million each from casual small-scale mining at y=10, why not use them? Cue power flower.

Welp, I win minecraft. In my first mining run I found loads of platinum and now have stuff better than grape-flavored tools with next to none of the difficulty. I have a gateway to essentially creative mode with ProjectE's power flowers. Now what?


The next day I poke and prod in the forums and find out it was a minetweaker fail, and give it another go!
Ahh, much more sense. Wood! Who knew that you could make futuristic interdimensional teleporters out of slabs and planks of oak wood? The scientists are going to be so embarrassed when they realize simple carpentry you can do in your garage is the secret to instantaneous transportation between worlds. Still annoyingly dark, which would be an awesome and scary mod in a horror or combat pack, but the danger of tripping and falling into a shallow pit is not exactly nervewracking. Still annoying to cart things around. Couldn't I just mess around with RFTools in another pack without being irritated by having no inventory? It's nice as a tutorial to the mod. And the quests are super-clear and great that way. Some of the best I've seen, once they make sense with minetweaker working. But... I could watch a video too, much more quickly.


I'm sure the pack will have its fans. I just really don't think I'm one of 'em. Maybe it has some interesting perk over a kitchen sink pack with RFTools set to peaceful that I'm not seeing, to offset being a pain, but it didn't show it to me or hint that it was there. So I think I'll take a pass on this one. Good luck with the pack!
I agree with the unskippable nights thing, although I suspect that has to do with the dynamic worlds not using a standard day/night cycle.

I also agree that being able to craft the futuristic interdimensional gizmos out of wood was...insane? Ludicrous? I dunno. I have to recommend we look into some way to ensure that the player either brings these things with him or can easily acquire them via a reward, with an appropriate "techy" recipe as an alternative if the player feels like teching towards it.

In the meantime I'm enjoying the pack as a means to learn some mods I have zero familiarity with. As a GT player I find everything ridiculously simple (my first world is absolutely rich in ores for some reason) but for me the challenge is in learning the new toys rather than in acquiring them.