Can you provide a bit more info on your Temperature and Sanity experiences?
Early game temperature is a pain to manage early game, especially if you are an a hot or cold biome. Your first night you might get frostbite, at least until you get some form of heating. Torches provide a little bit of heat (I reduced the heat they produce, as I found it was too easy to get heatstroke indoors in a house lit by torches) and camp fires provide a greater amount of heat.
Both Temperature and Sanity are supposed to be things that can affect you, but things you can "ignore" for a while to get on with building/exploring, just like hunger. It's just a case of getting the balance right between annoyance and enjoyable.
Full disclosure: we only played briefly with unchanged Enviromine. We loaded up a world, which is when I noticed that EM was in the pack, having missed it in the mod list, spent a decent chunk of the first day resolving keybind conflicts, and then explored. We had just begun poking around the ruins nearby when night came on, so we dug in where we were and promptly got frostbite and lost most of our hunger before the night was over.
Enviromine is the dealbreaker mod for me. If I had noticed it was in the pack, we wouldn't have even played it. My every experience with the mod has been frustrating and negative. To me, it feels like a mod that only adds repetitive and unproductive make-work. Its lack of a useful UI makes its behaviors feel arbitrary and random, and means that I've never come to understand its rules, even after hours of Crash Landing where EM is an enormous part of the experience.
So, with my profound distaste for Enviromine's style of play, my friend agreed and we tried pulling the mod entirely, but that wasn't possible as that made the server fail to start. So reducing the burden of EM's tasks was what we fell back on. Keeping thirst in felt thematic in a finite-water pack, and the thirst rules make intuitive sense, so it doesn't feel like random chance when you get thirsty.
TL;DR: I can't speak to how well your intended experience works, because Enviromine is the opposite of fun, but we couldn't yank it entirely.