[1.7.10] Omega Dawn [Survival] [Increased Difficulty] [Tech] [Magic] [Exploration] [WorldGen]

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Can you provide a bit more info on your Temperature and Sanity experiences?

Early game temperature is a pain to manage early game, especially if you are an a hot or cold biome. Your first night you might get frostbite, at least until you get some form of heating. Torches provide a little bit of heat (I reduced the heat they produce, as I found it was too easy to get heatstroke indoors in a house lit by torches) and camp fires provide a greater amount of heat.

Both Temperature and Sanity are supposed to be things that can affect you, but things you can "ignore" for a while to get on with building/exploring, just like hunger. It's just a case of getting the balance right between annoyance and enjoyable.

Full disclosure: we only played briefly with unchanged Enviromine. We loaded up a world, which is when I noticed that EM was in the pack, having missed it in the mod list, spent a decent chunk of the first day resolving keybind conflicts, and then explored. We had just begun poking around the ruins nearby when night came on, so we dug in where we were and promptly got frostbite and lost most of our hunger before the night was over.

Enviromine is the dealbreaker mod for me. If I had noticed it was in the pack, we wouldn't have even played it. My every experience with the mod has been frustrating and negative. To me, it feels like a mod that only adds repetitive and unproductive make-work. Its lack of a useful UI makes its behaviors feel arbitrary and random, and means that I've never come to understand its rules, even after hours of Crash Landing where EM is an enormous part of the experience.

So, with my profound distaste for Enviromine's style of play, my friend agreed and we tried pulling the mod entirely, but that wasn't possible as that made the server fail to start. So reducing the burden of EM's tasks was what we fell back on. Keeping thirst in felt thematic in a finite-water pack, and the thirst rules make intuitive sense, so it doesn't feel like random chance when you get thirsty.

TL;DR: I can't speak to how well your intended experience works, because Enviromine is the opposite of fun, but we couldn't yank it entirely.
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Full disclosure: we only played briefly with unchanged Enviromine. We loaded up a world, which is when I noticed that EM was in the pack, having missed it in the mod list, spent a decent chunk of the first day resolving keybind conflicts, and then explored. We had just begun poking around the ruins nearby when night came on, so we dug in where we were and promptly got frostbite and lost most of our hunger before the night was over.

Enviromine is the dealbreaker mod for me. If I had noticed it was in the pack, we wouldn't have even played it. My every experience with the mod has been frustrating and negative. To me, it feels like a mod that only adds repetitive and unproductive make-work. Its lack of a useful UI makes its behaviors feel arbitrary and random, and means that I've never come to understand its rules, even after hours of Crash Landing where EM is an enormous part of the experience.

So, with my profound distaste for Enviromine's style of play, my friend agreed and we tried pulling the mod entirely, but that wasn't possible as that made the server fail to start. So reducing the burden of EM's tasks was what we fell back on. Keeping thirst in felt thematic in a finite-water pack, and the thirst rules make intuitive sense, so it doesn't feel like random chance when you get thirsty.

TL;DR: I can't speak to how well your intended experience works, because Enviromine is the opposite of fun, but we couldn't yank it entirely.
That's fair enough, another tester/player likes Enviromine at the start, but eventually uninstalls it. Server most likely crashed as I have a minetweaker script that makes use of EM salt water bottles as a way to make salt.

I have adjusted settings in EM to try and make things less of a burden to manage, and added craftable items that can instantly restore your EM settings to 100%.

One of my games stuck me in a tagia biome, I ended up first night in a dirt hole, with no light, and had frostbite for 3 days. But, I survived that, and prospered (and suffered constant heatstroke from torches!).

It's does hit you straight away though, those progress bars start decreasing immediately, would be nice if there was a delay first (Bit like spice of life, where you can eat normally for a certain amount of meals before it kicks in).

At a minimum, use it for Hydration. Goes hand in hand with hunger.

As always, it's your game experience, adjust it to make it fun. I did that myself with Blast off and Crash landing, added/tweaked some mods to more of my "idea" of fun.
Enviromine is pretty cool if you're going for an ultra-hardcore feel, but this modpack just feels, sorta, normal hardcore. Even with Enviromine active. I love love love the way you have to go through different mods to get through the tech tree, though I wish that concept was explored a bit more.
Enviromine is pretty cool if you're going for an ultra-hardcore feel, but this modpack just feels, sorta, normal hardcore. Even with Enviromine active. I love love love the way you have to go through different mods to get through the tech tree, though I wish that concept was explored a bit more.
Suggestions always welcome.
I'm currently thinking about revising some AE2 recipes so they feature circuits, and looking at doing more with Oil and Rubber beyond what is currently offered. Oh, plus make paper making a bit more involved then 3 sugar cane in a crafting grid.

With Enviromine, I didn't want extreme hardcore, otherwise you are spending too much time just playing Enviromine, and not the rest of the mods. I feel Ultra-Hardcore is best reserved for HQM themed packs.

Enviromine is one of those mods that if you are not used to it, makes things really hard, but once you understand it, is easy to work around/with. That's why I added some advanced items/"foods" that'll restore your enviromine status bars instantly and some amulets that give passive bonuses when in your hotbar.
I think one thing that is happening is that village spawns and chest loot make skipping tech tiers too easy. Playing with chest loot lists, and disabling the TC village spawns would 100% fix these issues. Let's see... I think also making an in-game book explaining some of the changes and the new progression, for players who don't know how or don't want to spend time browsing through NEI and the minetweaker scripts like me, would be very useful. And, food is a bit shallow. Not only is there not much to do with it other than a few simple recipies, but it's really easy to sustain yourself with only 6-7 different types of food forever. Also baked potatoes still make you overheat lol, might want to see what's causing that.
I think one thing that is happening is that village spawns and chest loot make skipping tech tiers too easy. Playing with chest loot lists, and disabling the TC village spawns would 100% fix these issues. Let's see... I think also making an in-game book explaining some of the changes and the new progression, for players who don't know how or don't want to spend time browsing through NEI and the minetweaker scripts like me, would be very useful. And, food is a bit shallow. Not only is there not much to do with it other than a few simple recipies, but it's really easy to sustain yourself with only 6-7 different types of food forever. Also baked potatoes still make you overheat lol, might want to see what's causing that.
I'll take a look at chest loot, I don't mind if you get good stuff from dungeon raiding, as that's the risk you take (especially early game with your simple tools), villages though have always been a smash n grab affair, especially with modded.

Food I'm not changing. This is minecraft, not a cooking simulator. One of the reasons I really dislike Pams Harvestcraft, serious overkill. Still, if you now have 6-7 foods to keep you going, that's better than vanilla's 1 food type for life. Food in OD should only be an issue at game start while waiting for your first crops to grow, while you scavenge the landscape looking for your next meal.

Baked spuds still make you overheat? I'll check into that.
Some of my ideas I've been thinking about, as a way of extending gameplay (or to slow the "rush to Enderium/Tesseracts so other options can be explored), plus cross mod interaction (for tech users). At the moment these are all "on paper" ideas.

  • Steves Carts Galgordian replaced with XU Bedrockium
  • Recipes using Bedrockium also have an alternative to use Desh (from Galacticraft) - Getting to mars has big benefits
  • More use for Meteoric Iron (which you'll get from the moon), perhaps as an alternative for Invar?
  • Enderium recipe changed to use Bedrockium or Desh
  • Short Range teleportation recipes changed for a enderpearl alloy material (Translocator mod, etc)
  • Long Range/Interdimensional recipes changed for Enderium (Ender Chests, RFTools, etc)
  • More expensive paper recipe which makes pulp, and then a few ways to process pulp into varying amounts of paper (so magic only users are not totally "screwed")
  • Rubber recipes changed to not 1 for 1, so you need a good size farm. Plastic not made from rubber (or it can be, but more difficult)
  • Alternative inefficient source of Rubber (so not reliant on finding a rubber tree just to get into early tech)
  • More uses for BC oil, including making plastic (processes inspired by Factorio)
  • More recipes (where suitable) to feature water as a crafting component, so that finite water gamemode is more noticable
  • Adjustments to circuits and recipes that use them, with "magical" circuit alternatives being available (brain in a jar, etc)
  • AE2 recipes adjusted to use circuits
  • Thermal Dynamics Servos, Filters and Retrievers also to use circuits
  • Review chest loot tables (lower/remove steel ingots spawning, steel tools/armour fine as is, do you use them as a shortcut, or recycle them?)
Some of my ideas I've been thinking about, as a way of extending gameplay (or to slow the "rush to Enderium/Tesseracts so other options can be explored), plus cross mod interaction (for tech users). At the moment these are all "on paper" ideas.

  • Steves Carts Galgordian replaced with XU Bedrockium
  • Recipes using Bedrockium also have an alternative to use Desh (from Galacticraft) - Getting to mars has big benefits
  • More use for Meteoric Iron (which you'll get from the moon), perhaps as an alternative for Invar?
  • Enderium recipe changed to use Bedrockium or Desh
  • Short Range teleportation recipes changed for a enderpearl alloy material (Translocator mod, etc)
  • Long Range/Interdimensional recipes changed for Enderium (Ender Chests, RFTools, etc)
  • More expensive paper recipe which makes pulp, and then a few ways to process pulp into varying amounts of paper (so magic only users are not totally "screwed")
  • Rubber recipes changed to not 1 for 1, so you need a good size farm. Plastic not made from rubber (or it can be, but more difficult)
  • Alternative inefficient source of Rubber (so not reliant on finding a rubber tree just to get into early tech)
  • More uses for BC oil, including making plastic (processes inspired by Factorio)
  • More recipes (where suitable) to feature water as a crafting component, so that finite water gamemode is more noticable
  • Adjustments to circuits and recipes that use them, with "magical" circuit alternatives being available (brain in a jar, etc)
  • AE2 recipes adjusted to use circuits
  • Thermal Dynamics Servos, Filters and Retrievers also to use circuits
  • Review chest loot tables (lower/remove steel ingots spawning, steel tools/armour fine as is, do you use them as a shortcut, or recycle them?)

I think having more uses for BC oil is a great idea.
I rarely get to the enderium stage and have never dealt with bedrockium, so I have no opinion on that.
I like the idea of more "circuitry" in recipes.
Seems like your ideas are good ones.
I like Omega Dawns' world generation with all the ruins and such, and the poor ores idea.
I struggle with Enviromine. I understand and accept the concepts but I find myself tweaking the configs down to non- pain in the ass- levels. I got tired of the drops of water running down my screen all the time. :-)
I'd be cool if there was a rf powered air conditioner/ heater that could keep rooms at proper temps instead of having to run around with something in inventory.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the next update.
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I think having more uses for BC oil is a great idea.
I rarely get to the enderium stage and have never dealt with bedrockium, so I have no opinion on that.
I like the idea of more "circuitry" in recipes.
Seems like your ideas are good ones.
I like Omega Dawns' world generation with all the ruins and such, and the poor ores idea.
I struggle with Enviromine. I understand and accept the concepts but I find myself tweaking the configs down to non- pain in the ass- levels. I got tired of the drops of water running down my screen all the time. :)
I'd be cool if there was a rf powered air conditioner/ heater that could keep rooms at proper temps instead of having to run around with something in inventory.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the next update.
At the moment, a bucket of oil and a bucket of water in an induction smelter will make some sulfur (Having to use the Induction Smelter, closest matching machine for recipe inputs and outputs, just means manipulating buckets). Fuel and water will make more sulfur.
Rubber and sulfur in induction smelter will make some raw plastic (inefficient recipe), oil and coal will make more plastic (more efficient).
TE machine frames need rubber bars, not plastic, as TE will be your first tech path (along with mek crusher and RC rolling machine), branching out into MFR, EnderIO and Mekanism with plastics.
You need 4 raw rubber to make one rubber bar now, instead of 1 for 1. You can get rubber from other sources instead of rubber trees, it's just more efficient/easier with rubber trees.
Discovered that the Galacticraft Refinery is more energy efficient at making fuel, so I've made it craftable using the BC refinery and plastics.

Enderium change made. It's basically the "endgame" resource for most technology, but isn't really the "endgame resource" with other mods present. Gives a reason for going into space, or gets you building a bedrockium generating setup (which would be a slow process, or quicker with a lot of diamonds).
I've disabled XU water gen, and am considering disabling it's cobble gen, as it does make it easier to generate those resources. I believe in Thermal Expansion you can specify water and lava cost for generating cobble/stone, etc. I may add a tiny cost so using it's extruders is not a simple place and forget affair.

Steves carts now have more recipe changes. Harden Stablised metal can be made from Meteoric Iron, and "Galg" tier stuff made from either Desh or Bedrockium. Some recipes changed to remove "pointless" sub crafting.

I may make some MFR machines require more expensive components, to represent the "ease of use" that MFR provides. Most of the other mods need additional resources apart from RF to operate.

Paper is now made from "wood pulp" which is either 8 sugar cane and a bucket of water, or 4 sawdust and a bucket of water. You can then do a 2x2 craft for paper, or use a carpenter or rolling machine for more efficient crafting.

I've noticed that CoFHcore has a config option to slow down tree growth, I've adjusted this value to see how it behaves. Hopefully there will be a bit of deforestation early game before you can have a series of tree farms up and running.

Due to mod incompatibilities, I've downgraded Mekanism back to Version 7 so that crafting of circuits is not broken, and the crusher is again available as an early game poor ore processor for coal/redstone/gems.

I did some research into heat and the effect on the body, and the Enviromine team are spot on with when things occur, problem is that 24 hours is compressed into 20 minutes, so gradual effects in RL are a constant battle in Minecraft. You need those sweat particles as a warning, but they get annoying. I am considering disabling heat and insanity by default, just leave thirst. Give the challenge from mobs, food and recipe changes, and not some bars on screen. If anyone wants the challenge, they can enable those options.

Just got the last 4 bullet points above to look at (oh, and teleport stuff) and fix a few weird errors that have cropped up.
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I've just submitted updated pack to FTB team.


Ancient Trees
Buildcraft Compat
Matter Overdrive
Scotts Tweaks

Recipe/Config changes:
Enderium now requires bedrockium or desh ingots for crafting
More expensive recipe for crafting paper (needs more cane and water, and most efficient pressed in a machine)
Some AE2 components now include circuits
Various crafting options for plastic (see below)
More "magical" components allowed for crafting of circuits, plus increased costs
More OreDict manipulation to tidy things up
Tinkers Smeltery cannot be used to make mod alloys, bypassing the intended crafting process. Likewise, you cannot cast gears.
EnderIO cannot make Enderium
New recipes for Ender Chests/Bags; Thermal Dynamic Servos, Retrievers & Filters; Mekanism Solar Panels
Cheaper Recipe for EnderIO farming station (felt it was unfair on diamond usage considering it uses tool durability)
Big Overhaul on Steves Carts Recipes. No Galgordian ingots now, can use Bedrockium or Desh ingots instead. Hardened Metal made much easier to make (removed excessive crafting chain)
Thermal Expansion machines now require Rubber Bars instead of plastic sheets.
Heat & Sanity disabled by default (feel free to enable to make things harder)
Sand, Gravel & Weathered Stone now have landslide physics enabled
Trees should be slower to grow

PneumaticCraft now introduces a new way of obtaining plastic. I've used this new system along with my tweaks to give multiple options of various efficiency for crafting plastics.

MFR Raw Rubber can now be obtained via dandelions, spruce saplings, jungle saplings or from rubber trees. 4 raw rubber is crafting to a rubber lump, which is cooked into a rubber bar.
Apart from 1 recipe, MFR plastic is no longer obtained from Rubber (the exception is 1 sulphur and 4 rubber bars will make 3-4 raw plastic in an induction smelter)
Using Oil, Fuel or LPG (new liquid from PneumaticCraft) combined with coal will make Raw Plastic in an Induction Smelter. Using LPG is most efficient.
Place the raw plastic in a Railcraft rolling machine to make plastic sheets.

For Pneumatic Plastic first you need 4 PC refineries, pump in oil and apply heat to the refineries (lava works slowly). No ongoing fuel cost. This will split the oil into 4 liquids (Gasoline, LPG, Diesel, Kerosene). Pump LPG and coal into (block name forgotten!) along with heat and air pressure to make liquid plastic. Pump this hot liquid plastic into a plastic mixer so it cools down, making White Plastic Sheets (optional, you can add dye to the liquid plastic, or colour it in a crafting grid). Plastic Mixer will heat up, so it needs to be kept cool (use ice/heat sinks).

If you cannot find oil, then you can put 1 raw plastic and 1 slimeball (or similar) in a pressure chamber to make 1 pressurized plastic, which when crafted with dye will make PC plastic sheets.

Because plastic is used a lot, the most efficient option is the PC refinery to produce LPG (You can make more LPG from refinery byproducts)
I'm hoping these changes will make oil much more useful and interesting to work with (as in, you have to build something) and recipe changes provide a crafting bonus if you explore space. With more expensive recipes to encourage use of other mods to achieve goals.

Key starting technology you will need:
Rolling Machine (Used for paper, plastics as well as metals)
Mekanism Crusher (For making use of Poor Ore Coal, Redstone, Diamonds, Emeralds)
Induction Smelter (For Oil/Plastic option)
Tinkers Smeltery (For 2x normal ore processing)

Recommended Early Game Diamond Usage:
PneumaticCraft Refinery (4 diamonds needed in total)
Pulverizer or SAG Mill (to progress beyond 2x ores)

Exploration Tips:
Go explore. Seriously. You may find useful technology in those industrial towers, or sitting on platforms out in the wilds.
Check out dungeons. A dungeon run may be more beneficial than mining, although may be more risky.

General Tips:
Get food production established first along with a source of water. You won't get far with any mod if you can't keep yourself fed & watered.
Those broken railcraft water towers might be useful.
If resources are tight, see what you can recycle using Crude Tools. That Iron Chestpiece may not be as useful compared to an Iron Pickaxe.
Hide during a blood moon until you are established.

Matter Overdrive note:
I haven't touched recipes for this mod. Honestly not sure how it's defaults will fit with the rest of the pack. They do look expensive, and resources are supposed to be rare to craft it's components. Needs a long term gameplay to get a feel. Expect changes at later date.
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Wow, didn't notice the update until just now. I'll play it this weekend and give you some feedback.
Wow, didn't notice the update until just now. I'll play it this weekend and give you some feedback.
I've noticed one major "error" which I only spotted when using my resource pack, latest update to project red adds copper, silver & tin ore generation. This needs to be disabled.

Update the ProjectRed.cfg with the below:

# world generation
# Toggle generation of structures, or increase resistance to lessen chances for generation.

"world generation" {
  B:"Copper Ore"=false
  I:"Copper Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Copper Ore retrogen"=false
  B:"Deviating Lily"=true
  I:"Deviating Lily resistance"=0
  B:"Deviating Lily retrogen"=false
  B:"Electrotine Ore"=true
  I:"Electrotine Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Electrotine Ore retrogen"=false
  B:"Marble Caves"=false
  I:"Marble Caves resistance"=4
  B:"Marble Caves retrogen"=false
  B:"Peridot Ore"=false
  I:"Peridot Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Peridot Ore retrogen"=false
  B:"Ruby Ore"=false
  I:"Ruby Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Ruby Ore retrogen"=false
  B:"Sapphire Ore"=false
  I:"Sapphire Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Sapphire Ore retrogen"=false
  B:"Silver Ore"=false
  I:"Silver Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Silver Ore retrogen"=false
  B:"Spreading Moss"=true
  B:"Tin Ore"=false
  I:"Tin Ore resistance"=0
  B:"Tin Ore retrogen"=false
  I:"Volcano resistance"=16
  B:"Volcano retrogen"=false

I've also added recently Immersive Engineering into the pack, sods law it got released just after doing the pack update :P
Do you have an idea how long before updating again - with Immersive Engineering? I may wait for that update before playing.
Do you have an idea how long before updating again - with Immersive Engineering? I may wait for that update before playing.
Looking at it at the moment. Will submit this weekend, as that config change is a vital change. Other changes/improvements are minor.

Key thing with IE is I'll change it's recipe so you get more blocks for your steel. It's heavy on steel usage for "normal" machines. Given the reduced ore gen in OD, it'll hurt doing anything in IE.
I've looked through this entire thread and searched online for a solution but have not found out how to get this modpack to run...

When I download the modpack then start it I get an error message:

Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation
The mods and versions listed below could not be found
Forge: minimun version required is 10.13.3

I've installed forge on this PC before for TerraFirma and it is still installed.

I tried downloading and installing a version higher than the one above with no luck.

I'm sure this is something stupid I'm overlooking but I'd welcome some help getting this running, the modpack looks awesome and I'd really love to play it.

I can post the log file if needed.

I've looked through this entire thread and searched online for a solution but have not found out how to get this modpack to run...

When I download the modpack then start it I get an error message:

Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation
The mods and versions listed below could not be found
Forge: minimun version required is 10.13.3

I've installed forge on this PC before for TerraFirma and it is still installed.

I tried downloading and installing a version higher than the one above with no luck.

I'm sure this is something stupid I'm overlooking but I'd welcome some help getting this running, the modpack looks awesome and I'd really love to play it.

I can post the log file if needed.

Damn, my fault. Forgot to let the FTB team know that forge version updated, so it won't work. So easy to overlook things when compiling a mod pack. Will get that resolved for the next version.
Derp Fix update has been submitted.

* Required forge version updated (Major derp!)
* Disabled Project Red Ore gen (apart from new ore) and it's dye plants
* Added Immersive Engineering
* Some tweaks to IE recipes (2 key component parts give 2 items instead of 1, but also require rubber/plastic). Conveyer recipe also changed.
* Couple of other minor tweaks for good measure
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Derp Fix update has been submitted.

* Required forge version updated (Major derp!)
* Disabled Project Red Ore gen (apart from new ore) and it's dye plants
* Added Immersive Engineering
* Some tweaks to IE recipes (2 key component parts give 2 items instead of 1, but also require rubber/plastic). Conveyer recipe also changed.
* Couple of other minor tweaks for good measure
Thanks so much!!
Still waiting for it to update but am excited to play!!!!
Thanks so much!!
Still waiting for it to update but am excited to play!!!!
Pack is now updated. Yell at me if something doesn't work :p

(Side note, I'm investigating TPS issue in my brand new world. Might just be the result of being in a Blood Moon (on day/night 2!). Things were fine up till then.)

Edit: I believe it's the Grove Sprites from Primitive Mobs. I recommend disabling them in the config for the time being.
Last edited:
So I started a new world, found myself on a small island with a bigger island nearby. This was just a grassy biome, few trees, minor hut ruins, and a couple of industrial ruin towers, oh, an a meteor right in the middle. This is where I'm having to call home. Gathered seeds like mad, scraped together some flint, and have managed some flint tools and basic repairs of a tiny hut. I'm on about day 5 and I haven't yet had chance to start mining! Plus I've died about 4 times. Had a blood moon on day 3, which was a nice monster pit farm (killed a Thaumcraft rare, resulting in a loot bag containing gold, ender pearls and other stuff, very nice!) then got stuck the following day/night with a thunder storm which meant more monster hunting/fleeing.
Current problems are:
Lack of wood - I've almost chopped down every tree on the island, none of my saplings have yet grown. There is another island I've spotted with some different trees on, may have to go on an expedition and look into other ways of increasing growth speed.
Food - Got a farm growing, combined with the occasional passive mob kill am just about managing to keep hunger under control.
Mining - what with dealing with mobs/hunger, finding time to mine is hard. Need Tin and Copper to progress.

Overall, enjoying it like hell. Survival balance feels about right if you start with nothing and it's presenting some challenges to work around. May need to denerf the tree growth a bit, depends on other solutions.