I've got a couple questions if you don't mind
Firstly and most importantly
I need silicon for circuits, but the minechem recipe doesn't seem to work and I also don't seem to be allowed to make a sag mill to get it that way. I'm a bit stumped.
Secondly and less likely for you to answer..
Also I've been told to progress a certain quest line I need to find personal literature of the crew. The carpenter safes in their rooms were empty and i've found a few hidden safes around the ship but nothing that progresses it beyond the beginning. These books /are/ physically on the ship somewhere, right? I don't want to crawl through the vents and tear the ship down to its hull for nothing.
Well, I was about to write about the recipe being a shaped one on a workbench, but you've figured that on your own, great job!

I will answer the second question, I'll just put it in spoiler below, so some people who do not want spoilers wil not see them

I remember there being like 3 items, that are important to story progression on the ship(apart from your diaries, or course). After that there are I think 3 more items, one of which lies in a 1k me storage cell you obtain by completing one of the first ae quests. 2 others are actually located inside the spatial storage cells(hello there, Material Energy
). One of those cells is obtained as a reward for a quest for the Entropy Manipulator, the other will be given to you once you complete the quest for the first one. And a spoiler:

There is nothing in the ventillation, apart from the "fresh" air