[1.7.10] MindfoldParad0x [HQM][Adventure][Skyblock]

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I've got a couple questions if you don't mind

Firstly and most importantly
I need silicon for circuits, but the minechem recipe doesn't seem to work and I also don't seem to be allowed to make a sag mill to get it that way. I'm a bit stumped.

Secondly and less likely for you to answer..
Also I've been told to progress a certain quest line I need to find personal literature of the crew. The carpenter safes in their rooms were empty and i've found a few hidden safes around the ship but nothing that progresses it beyond the beginning. These books /are/ physically on the ship somewhere, right? I don't want to crawl through the vents and tear the ship down to its hull for nothing.

Well, I was about to write about the recipe being a shaped one on a workbench, but you've figured that on your own, great job! ;)

I will answer the second question, I'll just put it in spoiler below, so some people who do not want spoilers wil not see them ;)
I remember there being like 3 items, that are important to story progression on the ship(apart from your diaries, or course). After that there are I think 3 more items, one of which lies in a 1k me storage cell you obtain by completing one of the first ae quests. 2 others are actually located inside the spatial storage cells(hello there, Material Energy :p). One of those cells is obtained as a reward for a quest for the Entropy Manipulator, the other will be given to you once you complete the quest for the first one. And a spoiler:
There is nothing in the ventillation, apart from the "fresh" air :D
hmm. I guess i shall have to just keep going

so far i've found a few things. the memory log from the medical bay and the book inside. the log for PR book that mentions needing repair. Erics tablet and a document you can print out of one of the computers. Nothing triggered anything new so it keeps feeling like I'm still missing something. Maybe once i get to the spacials I will be able to get started. It just felt like something should have progressed by now.

hah and then i do one more quest and it gives me the book i was looking for. sheesh. I need to stop making posts. Seems like i always figure it out right after.

Or maybe i should have been making more to speed myself along all this time XD
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Me and Myrilla have been having fun with this pack. Day one has all but drifted away but we feel confident with our progress.


I suppose having an extra pair of hands around helps speed things up considerably.
Yes, that is some decent progress for a day of work! Surely, having 2 or more people speeds things up, especially if you have shared quest rewards option. Still, it is more than possible to do alone.

That is a very interesting solution you have - farms on the top of the ship! Most of testers(including me) prefer to do farms in the crew rooms, and use the observatory as a tree farm. Most people do not even consider ship having a roof, that you can build on. Glad you are enjoying the pack!

I see you have completed some AE quests. Make sure, that you didn't miss the book in one of the 1k storages you were given! That book should be unreadable, but it should trigger one of the hidden Secret quests.
Updated the modpack to 1.7, changelog:
*Updated ParadoxMod, changes:
*EntityCards should now render correctly on shelves and on ground(Item Cards should also render, but it might be glitchy(no crashes thou))
*WAILA now shows the Paradox/Max Paradox in devices that have a paradox storage
*WAILA now shows the Paradox required and the current card in the apperifier
*WAILA now shows the amount of RF in RF Paradox Generators
*WAILA now shows the cooldown remaining on the Handy Paradox Generator
*WAILA now shows the amount of Fluid Paradox in the Paradox Liquifier and Liquid Paradoxifier
*WAILA now shows the amount of Potentia inside the Thaumic Paradox Generator
*WAILA now shows the growth percentage on Pink Vines
*Pink Vines can now get bonemealed to increase their growth.
*Re-balanced the costs of lots of stuff:
*Copper: 70>50[Poor Copper 7>5]
*Iron: 90>60[Poor Iron 9>6]
*Tin: 100>70[Poor Tin 10>7]
*Gold: 150>120[Poor Gold 15>12]
*Lead: 90>60[Poor Lead 9>6]
*Cinnabar: 100>60
*Amber: 110>50
*Zinc: 110>90
*Quartz: 150>60
*Infused Ores: 150>80
*Lava: 30>35
*Ghast: 100>60
*Iron Golem: 100>55
*Fixed: Potentia Generator having 1 Paradox upon placing
*Quest Changes:
*Basic Survival: Restructured some quest positions.
*Basic Survival:Much pink, such growth requirements reduced: 4096>1024
*Basic Survival: Apperifying Peacefulls requirements reduced: 256,128,64,64>92,24,24,12
*Basic Survival: Village On a Station requirements reduced: 12,1,1>3,1,1
*Power Array: Finally should've fixed the Iron and Steel tank quests.
*Power Array: Restructured some quest positions.
*Sockets Of The Machines: Restructured some quest positions.
*Added a new questline: Deep Dark Fears(51 quest in total, 9 available from the beginning)
*Added JABBA.
*JABBA: Crafting recipe of a barrel changed
*JABBA: Upgrade tiers changed
*EnderIO: Added some recipes
*EnderIO: Spawner Cost for spawning things reduced by 1000%
New quests and some of the earlier ones made easier? Nice.
I hate to be a bother asking for a link to the server files. But the launcher still doesn't have them for download.
Here you go. Unfortunately, DarkxElocius(the guy who maintains the topic) is currently unable to use his PC, so there will not be a link to the serverpack in the launcher for quite some time.
Also, do not forget - the serverpack contains a fresh world inside itself, and, for the client I rename it each update, so your worlds do not get reset, I can't do the same for the server. So, make sure to overwrite the world distributed within the serverpack with the one you play on. There should be no problems with that.
I've been having a great time playing this pack, and I have a quick question. Are we supposed to have gotten a platinum/shiny item card? I ended up with two silver item cards and no platinum. Just wanting to see if that was a glitch or on purpose. Thanks!!
I've been having a great time playing this pack, and I have a quick question. Are we supposed to have gotten a platinum/shiny item card? I ended up with two silver item cards and no platinum. Just wanting to see if that was a glitch or on purpose. Thanks!!
I do not know why there are 2 silver cards, but it seems like no cards were forgotten, so it is fine. Yes, there is no platinum/shiny card,
You are supposed to obtain platinum by pulverising ferrous/nickel
Glad that you are enjoying the modpack :)
Hi, I just found your pack today and I'm having a lot of fun so far :D Really love the Paradox mod it adds a different concept that I've never seen in modded minecraft. Keep up the good work!
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Finally giving this pack a go and it is great!

My Question is this. Is there an end game? As in will we(I) be able to stop he clock/or reset is? From what I read in the logs they were able to destroy the paradox and live for awhile, so i was thinking/hoping we would be able to do the same.
I forgot to get an end of day 2 progress report. So instead have a warning about why you should never use a lever on the appearifier when spawning entities, MYRILLA


That is just hillarious! Imagine, what would've happen to your game if the map wasn't a skyblock :D

Finally giving this pack a go and it is great!

My Question is this. Is there an end game? As in will we(I) be able to stop he clock/or reset is? From what I read in the logs they were able to destroy the paradox and live for awhile, so i was thinking/hoping we would be able to do the same.

Thanks for the positive feedback!
Yes, there are 3! Possible endings you can get.
The answer to your second question lies in the spoiler below. Also spoilers inside of spoilers are some nasty "game spoilers" ;)
Well, the logs sure say, that the team did resolve the paradox before... but there were 6 of them at that point. Now the paradox is so serious, that you are the only one left... It depends on how well you perform - I think that it is pretty obvious, that if the time reaches zero - nothing good will happen.
You are unable to stop the timer, but you can extend time - at this point I think, that you have more secret coins than you need to complete the secrets(I mean in general, should you complete all the quests) so it is pretty save to spend some.
There is a way to "stop" the timer, though in a very specific way, that I will not spoil to you ;) And no, that does not requires 100% quests done.
Or you can always edit the .ddat file in the world save folder to set the time left for however long you want it to be. As we've mentioned - the modpack is about having fun, and if the timer stops you from that - feel free to "disable" it.
Does anyone have a list of what is safe to salvage from the Ship and whats not? I have read the entire forum and seen someone ask about the computers, and it was said not to mine the gold ones? I want to expand the observatory all the way back through the living quarters but don't want to break something important.
Does anyone have a list of what is safe to salvage from the Ship and whats not? I have read the entire forum and seen someone ask about the computers, and it was said not to mine the gold ones? I want to expand the observatory all the way back through the living quarters but don't want to break something important.

You can break anything you want - there really is nothing important on the ship, as long as items do not fall into the void. There are no redstone/computercraft/command block systems. Computers are totally fine to break too. If you want - you can break the ship completely, every block there is, and then rebuild it into a floating island - the quests/endings will stay unaffected.
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I was wondering if you have any plans on adding Thermal Dynamics? It is the rework of the Thermal Expansion Ducts that is now a stand alone mod.
I was wondering if you have any plans on adding Thermal Dynamics? It is the rework of the Thermal Expansion Ducts that is now a stand alone mod.
No, Thermal Duct is not planned to be included for a several reasons:
1) The modpack has enough ways to transer items/fluids/rf as it is(you have Extra Utilities, Translocators, Ender IO and Blue Power)
2) Thermal Duct requires new CoFH core, which requires one of 13## releases of forge, in which the liquid code got changed - that means, that we would need to update each mod, that has something to do with liquids (Railcraft, Extra Utilities, OpenBlocks, etc) even including the Paradox Mod! And, to sum this point up, not all of the mods have the updates to the new system - I am not sure about Railcraft or OpenBlocks, and HQM sure has no updates. Also, that means that the ParadoxMod needs to be updated. Don't you think that this is way too much work just to add 1 mod?
3) Thermal Duct requires new CoFH core, which, unfortunately, breaks the map for some unknown reasons.
Does any know of a video/pictures of a good Paradox setup? I have read some tips on a few videos I watched, but none of it makes sense to me. I watched all the videos on YouTube, but it seems like every one does more off camera so it shows nothing on that system. I have almost finished the first quest page, but have little in the way of resources, ie ingots.

I understand how the item cards work, but not what options that can speed it up. I know about engines also, but there are still slow.
It all really comes down to the paradox liquifier. The appearifier seems to be able to take as much paradox as you can slam into it at once but the engines only make so much. But with a liquid solution you can run multiple engines at once all feeding into a tank that feeds the appearifier. There are also better engines, although the energy intake of each step up is rather signifigant and can drain your power supply quickly if allowed to run unchecked.
It all really comes down to the paradox liquifier. The appearifier seems to be able to take as much paradox as you can slam into it at once but the engines only make so much. But with a liquid solution you can run multiple engines at once all feeding into a tank that feeds the appearifier. There are also better engines, although the energy intake of each step up is rather signifigant and can drain your power supply quickly if allowed to run unchecked.

You don't happen to have any screen shots of a liquid setup? It just keeps coming back to you are only able to have one paradox producing block under the thing that you place item cards in.