[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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If you open up your character data in an NTB editor you can try deleting things perhaps even individual items in your satchel. Or even move them out of the satchel. It would be time consuming to find the right item having to check the server etch time though. You could also remove all your held items or at least the satchel if you wanted to try it quickly.
But before you start tinkering copy that save file.
Oh and if worst comes to worst remember that as admin you can use /hqm edit to give you a book that lets you reget most of the quests.
The problem with removing the satchel is that it contains every last item I've obtained on the map inside the storage cells... when the game exited, I'd almost filled the satchel full so it could be one of the last item I put into it, as for the editor, could you recommend one? PM me, as I don't think they will allow you posting about it.
I had a 3x3 fluxed crystal farm with automation and efficiency upgrades, and I decided to expand it with a basic range upgrade. I planted 5 universal seed seeds, 4 theobromine seeds, and 1 of greater, epic and legendary reward bag seeds, and left my farm unattended for two or so minutes. Then i noticed huge fps drop(to 3-5 fps), and since other fluxed-crystal machines causes fps drops i checked my farm. This is what i get from just two minutes of my farm working 2015-01-26_17.51.41.png
Some time ago I asked bout removing enchants from items, in my case that was Satchel with Soulbound and I wanted Holding..and I didn't get any info bout that. Today I figured out a way to actually do it, if u take the enchanted item, put it in crafting table, then right below it put a activated Division Sigil and then a book. With this method you will remove one enchant each time you do this. So I thought I would share this info with someone who didn't know.
Got to the overworld quest, went and explored the mountain and cave, grabbed the brown wool...and now I'm stuck, as I can't find my way home.

After the frustration that was Ice Castle and Reds, I think I'm done with this pack.

As for constructive criticism: I feel like the level design got lazier the further into the pack I went. This is further reinforced by the fact that later levels have far less objectives. It went from levels providing a challenge but being adequately rewarding (Biosphere is a great example of this) to just areas with loads of spawners and not many chests. Sure, the 2 or 3 chests an area would have would contain legendary bags, but once you have flying and some decent armor (not to mention a legendary bag farm), those chests are honestly pretty lackluster. The maps stopped being fun around Miner's Delight^4. That was the first map that just felt like it was designed to kill me without regard for actual enjoyment. Rotunda^4 wasn't actually that bad, although Ice Castle and Reds are most definitely the largest offenders in the 'kill players, no rewards' category.

Ice Castle is just 'hey, lets see what I can do with ice blocks and creepers', with lackluster rewards at best. Reds needs to be scrapped. A solid block of Silverfish Eggs is not only anti-fun, but can be hell on servers if your players decide to get creative (I decided TNT would be the most efficient way to find the wool. One server crash later, I was mining by hand). If you're insisting on keeping Reds the way it is, at least make a stone path down to the wool itself, so players can manually feel out the path with their pickaxe, instead of having to mine an egg, kill some silverfish, and repeat, hoping they find the skystone box.

Lastly, the Overworld. It's a neat concept, and the Dwarven Fortress was really nice. The problem is not everyone is going to bring stacks upon stacks upon stacks of torches with them. I myself had Night Vision via Ender IO and Flying, so I just flew where I needed to go. I proceeded to lose my spawn point, as I didn't think to note down the coordinates; I assumed (wrongly) that there would be a method of exit at the wool.

Furthermore, the way back into The End seems to be bugged, unless flying is mandatory at this point, as jumping into the end portal to what I assumed was home just left me on a platform in the end, with nothing in sight. After flying around aimlessly for a while I found the portal and the dragon egg that took me back into the facility, but had I not had flying, I would have been stuck there, short of killing myself (which, if the design is intended this way, needs to be changed).

I agree with a substantial portion of this having obtained the "hypercubed" wools just last night. Ice Castle wasn't terrible, just stupidly annoying (I might be biased as I had a silk touch hammer that had Knockback on it on me at the time, but whatever). Reds was a giant fricking piece of nope. I got lucky as I managed to find the, as I call it, "Space-Time Fleecy Box" relatively quickly. The only reason I might go back there is just to harvest the AE2 stuff there, and even then...

Fortunately, I saw your post before I did the whole Overworld quest part, so I sort of knew what to expect going in, but even so. Using the Deep Dark as a way to move between the End and the Overworld is finicky at best. On that topic, I wholeheartedly agree with you on the Overworld: Great concept, but it needs work (and maybe some hints to bring torches in the quest book itself).

As for the way back into the End being bugged... Not really. On the platform below the egg's chamber, there's a piece of bedrock with some white lights (Can't remember if they're the XU Lapis Caeleastris blocks, or if they're just Chisel Anti-Blocks), if you put a button on the bedrock and press it, you'll be teleported back to the Reflection Pool chamber. When I found it, it already had a button there, so again, another issue that needs to be remedied as it's highly doubtful that the player will carry buttons around with them.

As for one thing that pissed me the hell off, personally, no idea about other players, was that stupid gauntlet run in the Nether to get the brown wool... It just felt super unimaginative and almost designed to absolutely annihilate players that have weaker computers and/or were badly prepared. I mean, really, 32(?) Wither Spawners in a row and a spawner starts operating once a player gets within a 16-block radius of one and if you're standing on one, another one or two are well within range. That's three Withers the player has to deal with at once. The only good thing is that the Withers might blow up the spawners for you, but that tends to be luck of the draw. I know enough AFTER the fact that I should've looked into Tartarite weapons (and armour) for dealing with Withers, but even so...

Most complaints aside, I do have to sing this pack's praises for how well done the first half of the gameplay is. There are a few points where the gameplay is finicky, but I can handle that. My only big wish is that there were some additional storage options outside of wooden chests, Sky Stone Chests, Caches and the Strongboxes in the Observatory. I would say to add Jabba to the pack, but Parcel would probably counter with the TE Caches and I see why. It's pretty easy to get your mitts on Tin right from the get-go, they're "easy" to upgrade (which I half-agree on; upgrading Jabba tiers is simple, but storage capacity isn't), and it's easier to move Caches around. One thing that Jabba has over Caches is that you can just walk by and see how much of something is in the barrel, you need (as far as I know) to pick a Cache up to actually see how much is in it.

I do have one recommendation though: Add most inventories to the Holoinventory config blacklist. While useful to find those annoying-to-find EIO Item Buffers and seeing if item processing is finished, it very quickly gets overwhelming if you have a fairly dense physical storage area like I do, at least up until I can get AE2 working.

Yeah... That's my two cents worth on this. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the pack and, like anything else, it just needs refinement and some additional tweaks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have the rest of the trophies to locate and to explore the community spatial areas.
I had a 3x3 fluxed crystal farm with automation and efficiency upgrades, and I decided to expand it with a basic range upgrade. I planted 5 universal seed seeds, 4 theobromine seeds, and 1 of greater, epic and legendary reward bag seeds, and left my farm unattended for two or so minutes. Then i noticed huge fps drop(to 3-5 fps), and since other fluxed-crystal machines causes fps drops i checked my farm. This is what i get from just two minutes of my farm workingView attachment 14384

It has been fixed with all of my machines.
Which is fantastic to hear. I do have some questions as to Fluxed Crystals, but rather than clutter up Parcel's thread, I'll head over the FC thread on the MCF to ask.
Feel free to join #jaredlll08 on EsperNET(this is for anyone that wants to know anything)
Some time ago I asked bout removing enchants from items, in my case that was Satchel with Soulbound and I wanted Holding..and I didn't get any info bout that. Today I figured out a way to actually do it, if u take the enchanted item, put it in crafting table, then right below it put a activated Division Sigil and then a book. With this method you will remove one enchant each time you do this. So I thought I would share this info with someone who didn't know.
As I recall, people did mention the method of item+book = enchanted book. I was not aware of the division sigil method, so that's very helpful, thank you.
at least up until I can get AE2 working.

I don't understand what you mean, you start with an AE system and some drives, reward bags drop many more, and storage buses rain from the sky. You get to the point where you can make your own AE2 stuff long before you "need" to.
I don't understand what you mean, you start with an AE system and some drives, reward bags drop many more, and storage buses rain from the sky. You get to the point where you can make your own AE2 stuff long before you "need" to.
Storage buses do not convenient storage make. The AE system only really kicks off if you're lucky enough to get a reward bag of interfaces; until that time you have no way to do any kind of automated input-output this side of Inclusion Chamber ^4. Where I find this most significant is in the use of a strongbox to carry things on the go; I take one with me when e.g. mining, load it up as my inventory fills up, and then plop it down on an item buffer when I get back to base. It pulls from the strongbox and pushes into an interface, easy-peasy. Shoving things into a storage bus'd inventory is nonviable because it'll eventually fill up.

(On a related note, is there a similarly convenient way to empty a satchel? I don't know of any, making strongboxes actually more convenient.)
Just Wanting to know, anyone having problem with invisible zombie or skeletons??? I am getting these mobs where it is just almost impossible to kill.
I've had mobs be totally invisible sometimes after I died. I've found that if you unload and reload the area they'll be visible again.
Ok I just played around with Fluxed Crystals in creative and I didn't realize you need 250RF/t per Powered Soil + 4k RF per growth tick until now. Now I know what I did wrong previously. The upgrades seem kinda not working as intended. The efficiency upgrade is useless as it only decreases the 4k RF per tick. The speed upgrade breaks the whole thing making plants grow to mature from every previous state at random(or cutting the time to grow by so much that the plant goes through multiple grow cycles in one growth tick).
I've got a big problem I need someone to solve... I've been playing on a personal server with a friend for the last couple of days and I'm all the way just past NetherSphere^4. I Looted a lot of the AE Drives from the Direwolf(enderIO) place, cant remember what the spatial drive is called, I decided to to replace all my drives I had with the 64k drives but I didn't have enough room on my person to carry them all at once, I started putting all my drives into my resonant satchel(with Holding IV enchant) but the server kicked me and gave me this error - Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.IOException: Packet was larger than I expected, found 34371 bytes extra whilst reading packet 48 - every time I join the server this happens and I t kicks everyone off the server with the same error but only when I join, I've done client and server restarts.
Normally I would just delete my Character data or reset the server from start but im 90% through the quest book and my entire AE storage system is on my player. Also there are no crash reports =(

That's a known bug and one that probably never will get fixed since it's a crossmod problem which is hard to fix without removing features from one of the mods.
Storage discs store their inventory in so called NBT-data. Most if not all Mods that add backpacks/satchels store their inventory in NBT-data too.
Now if you cram the huge ass NBTdata from the cells into somekind of backback you exceed a certain limit that NBTdata has ->overflow-> you corrupt your playerfile.

You're lucky if you can take the discs out of the satchel with a thirdparty program, but most likely your only options are to either restore playerdata from backup(if you have) or delete the backpack/whole playerdata.

And for the future: Never put storage discs in any kind of portable storage or any storage that exceeds the capacity of a doublechest(AE storage is an exception ofc)
Storage buses do not convenient storage make. The AE system only really kicks off if you're lucky enough to get a reward bag of interfaces; until that time you have no way to do any kind of automated input-output this side of Inclusion Chamber ^4. Shoving things into a storage bus'd inventory is nonviable because it'll eventually fill up.

A storage bus turns any chest or cache into a small (or large if you get some resonant caches as rewards) drive, and they are easy to filter. A double chest with a storage bus is pretty much a 1k drive. They input/output just fine.

Inventory tweaks is in and you can just instantly dump everything at once with space, or various other short cuts (shift double click etc.), carrying a box around and picking it up and dropping it all the time seems like a lot of extra effort.
I don't understand what you mean, you start with an AE system and some drives, reward bags drop many more, and storage buses rain from the sky. You get to the point where you can make your own AE2 stuff long before you "need" to.

Thus far, I've had rather bad luck when it comes to reward bags giving AE2 things, I think the earliest I got some useful things was just after Rotunda, for the most part, I just kept getting weapons & tools from bags, a couple of 1k Drives notwithstanding. That, and I like to ensure I have a "stable" (and, preferably, self-sufficient) power supply before getting into AE2 as I've gotten distracted in the past to the point where my power supply has died because I didn't throw more fuel in to a generator, and because I didn't have access to my stuff...

Also, you need the Inscriber Presses to really do much of anything outside of what reward bags get you, and you get those roughly around Inclusion Chamber^4, if I'm remembering right.

Besides, I'm a bit of an "old-school" player in that I prefer traditional item/block storage up to a point where I'm really hard pressed to store things in an organized way, then I'll start looking into alternative storage methods.
Got to the overworld quest, went and explored the mountain and cave, grabbed the brown wool...and now I'm stuck, as I can't find my way home.

After the frustration that was Ice Castle and Reds, I think I'm done with this pack.

As for constructive criticism: I feel like the level design got lazier the further into the pack I went. This is further reinforced by the fact that later levels have far less objectives. It went from levels providing a challenge but being adequately rewarding (Biosphere is a great example of this) to just areas with loads of spawners and not many chests. Sure, the 2 or 3 chests an area would have would contain legendary bags, but once you have flying and some decent armor (not to mention a legendary bag farm), those chests are honestly pretty lackluster. The maps stopped being fun around Miner's Delight^4. That was the first map that just felt like it was designed to kill me without regard for actual enjoyment. Rotunda^4 wasn't actually that bad, although Ice Castle and Reds are most definitely the largest offenders in the 'kill players, no rewards' category.

Ice Castle is just 'hey, lets see what I can do with ice blocks and creepers', with lackluster rewards at best. Reds needs to be scrapped. A solid block of Silverfish Eggs is not only anti-fun, but can be hell on servers if your players decide to get creative (I decided TNT would be the most efficient way to find the wool. One server crash later, I was mining by hand). If you're insisting on keeping Reds the way it is, at least make a stone path down to the wool itself, so players can manually feel out the path with their pickaxe, instead of having to mine an egg, kill some silverfish, and repeat, hoping they find the skystone box.

Lastly, the Overworld. It's a neat concept, and the Dwarven Fortress was really nice. The problem is not everyone is going to bring stacks upon stacks upon stacks of torches with them. I myself had Night Vision via Ender IO and Flying, so I just flew where I needed to go. I proceeded to lose my spawn point, as I didn't think to note down the coordinates; I assumed (wrongly) that there would be a method of exit at the wool.

Furthermore, the way back into The End seems to be bugged, unless flying is mandatory at this point, as jumping into the end portal to what I assumed was home just left me on a platform in the end, with nothing in sight. After flying around aimlessly for a while I found the portal and the dragon egg that took me back into the facility, but had I not had flying, I would have been stuck there, short of killing myself (which, if the design is intended this way, needs to be changed).
I was able to make it to the Ender Dragon Egg and nab it, I stripped all the roses *edit* and dirt *edit* off the start point, and built a platform out to the chest and then saw the ender thing out in the distance, and used up all my bags got some blocks and headed over that way, but if it hadn't been for the blessings of the RNG i wouldn't have made it I had like 16 blocks of potash left to build with by the time I nabbed the egg and some pressure plates which helped me nab the egg. Has anyone else gotten the egg?
I was able to make it to the Ender Dragon Egg and nab it, I stripped all the roses *edit* and dirt *edit* off the start point, and built a platform out to the chest and then saw the ender thing out in the distance, and used up all my bags got some blocks and headed over that way, but if it hadn't been for the blessings of the RNG i wouldn't have made it I had like 16 blocks of potash left to build with by the time I nabbed the egg and some pressure plates which helped me nab the egg. Has anyone else gotten the egg?

I got it in my world after returning from the Overworld section of the quest line. I already knew that the island was there as I found it by accident when I came back to the starting island to loot the small island below it, but decided to leave it.
Thus far, I've had rather bad luck when it comes to reward bags giving AE2 things, I think the earliest I got some useful things was just after Rotunda, for the most part, I just kept getting weapons & tools from bags, a couple of 1k Drives notwithstanding. That, and I like to ensure I have a "stable" (and, preferably, self-sufficient) power supply before getting into AE2 as I've gotten distracted in the past to the point where my power supply has died because I didn't throw more fuel in to a generator, and because I didn't have access to my stuff...

Also, you need the Inscriber Presses to really do much of anything outside of what reward bags get you, and you get those roughly around Inclusion Chamber^4, if I'm remembering right.

Besides, I'm a bit of an "old-school" player in that I prefer traditional item/block storage up to a point where I'm really hard pressed to store things in an organized way, then I'll start looking into alternative storage methods.
I'm a bit similar, I didn't start using the supplied AE system until I hit Miners Delight, and I'm still storing most of my "junk" in actual chests. I have so many shields (which I'll never use, don't see a need) and various tools.
I just finished the pack and basically I agree with @SteamCrunk and @Geo Terra - first part of the game was awesome and then... well lets say that everything beyond Idea Machine is worse and worse.

And I'm NOT talking about Ice Palace/Reds or anything involving tons of mobs because those have VERY easy solutions once you use appropriate tools (little HOWTO on that topic in spoiler tag below. don't read if you prefer to find solutions by yourself)

As a general note - most mobs don't fly.. sooo just invest in wings = win. In redstone meltdown you can find 2 octo-cookies so you can make wings really early... or you can try your luck growing legendary reward bags which may contain wings too.

As for anything with tons of spawners - AE cannon with paintballs. It's 1glowstone per 8 paintballs so dirt cheap. Shot and it will create light source at impact spot... like cannon with torches :) just create a hole and shot until all is well lit.

As for Reds - block of unstable ingots allows you to see thru blocks. No explosions, (almost) no digging etc.. took me maybe 1min.

As for Nether and withers - just ignore them :) fly straight to the end of tunnel and collect wool. If you rly want to kill spawners then just fly under the tunnel and dig up right under the spawner. If you are not good at guessing where exactly is the spawner and prefer the easy/lazy mode then use Exchanger with clear glass or something similar.. just exchange the floor of a tunnel=win.

As for Ice Palace - you don't need to deal with creepers at all.. if you really want to kill spawners then use cannon. Fly near spawner and shoot all blocks around spawner so that all newly spawned creepers instantly fall down. Then just fly directly on top of spawner and break it. You MAY be caught in some explosion but it's rare.

I'm talking about lack of design ideas and feel of progression after the Idea machine. It's just that the 'go here and take wool' is not a cool quest design. At first I thought that these are just a placeholders for adding more lore/quests later but I can see Parcel is already working on sth what I assume is another mappack so I guess that's not the case. It feels like there is a huge potential there which was never used.
Another thing is that some of quest are.. well.. kinda pointless. The best example of that would be the 'collect XYZ metal/alloy'. The problem is that 90% of those are completely useless. I started with alumite, then moved to vulcanite (because I had TONS of it early on) and then straight to tartarite. There is no real benefit of using anything in between so those quests are in fact the same as 'collect XYZ wool' - put it in VM and forget about it. While the wool quest is OK as a progression checkpoint, the metal quests seems redundant. Personally I like quest which reward you with something you will need later. Like for example "make haz-mat suit" because next quest will involve diving in lava.

Another thing - not used mechanics/ideas - First time I saw the ancient trees saplings I was like 'wow, that is cool, instead of mining (which you cant really automate in me^4) I'll have to come up with a design to automate planting/chopping those trees (because afaik farming station can't automate them) and then decomposing them to get certain metals'. I was excited about that idea for a while but soon it became apparent that I'll never run out of resources because of mining delightx2 and thermal mining. Because of that the whole sapling-chain-quest is kinda pointless too. It's like "make this item" and then never use/need it.

Another thing - reward bags. For example - maybe I'm weird but I instantly voided absolutely all weapons/armor. What you get is not even close to what you already have. Custom made tools/weapons are just MUCH MUCH better. The only exception would be very early game but in general it is pure junk.
Second example - drums of XYZ - 90% of this stuff is useless, and getting sth useless while paying for it very much (I mean cookies:reward bad ratio) is just meeeeh.
Also there is a problem with balance when it comes to certain rewards. Random element of it is sometimes game-breaking.. as in getting wings from your first legendary vs not getting it at all.

Bottom line is: less quests but more meaningful, less junk in good quality reward bags, better balance(less randomness) when it comes to most powerful items and maybe slower tech progression but that is more of a personal thing.

It's definitely still one of the best packs I've played and I respect the huge amount of time and effort put in creating it. THANK YOU for many hours of good entertainment. Looking forward to ME^5 :) ( or ME^-1?)