[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Something about Player Interfaces. I read people mentioning them, but I never tried myself.

Apparently, they're a block tied to your inventory, so just plug it into your storage system, then go nuts with opening bags.

Or an Autonomous activator set to right-click, with a vacuum hopper feeding into your system.

Just tried the autonomous activator and it's using the bags and not spitting out the loots so warning to anybody else don't use that method
I thought it was a good idea to use one of those high explosives to clear out reds.
View attachment 15095

I did find a better way.
Use the scyth to dig down every 5 blocks.
A scyth is as effective and a pick on the monster eggs.
And you can just click once to take out the silverfish. If it's strong enough. But that's easy.
And 5 blocks is the size of the skystone wool location.
It'll take a bit of time but far less than poking around randomly or lagging out do to fish.

That is actually a real-time gif right?
anybody have any clue as to why my farm manager doesn't even show the options for farm size (3x3 or anything else really)?
anybody have any clue as to why my farm manager doesn't even show the options for farm size (3x3 or anything else really)?
I wouldn't recommend using the farm manager right now. With the version currently on me4 the farm manager is causing massive lag from memory leaks. A work around is by powering each block and using autonomous activators and vacuum hoppers for automation.
I wouldn't recommend using the farm manager right now. With the version currently on me4 the farm manager is causing massive lag from memory leaks. A work around is by powering each block and using autonomous activators and vacuum hoppers for automation.
how are you powering the blocks because I can't seem to do it by either tesseract, conduit or energy cell
EDIT: it's just a visual bug, the seeds do grow
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how are you supposed to get villagers and such for all those enticing crystals and similar items that require a villager soul vial? vanilla breeder and ender IO spawners both don't seem to work
how are you powering the blocks because I can't seem to do it by either tesseract, conduit or energy cell
EDIT: it's just a visual bug, the seeds do grow

I don't know which machine it was (cutter, refiner of farm manager), but I also had massive lags trying to grow seeds.. (also with latest version of the pack)
i have one problem. i made shiney seed and grow like 2 stacks chunks ok cutter works great but u need 4 smooth shiney shards do get one shiney ingot but refiner dont give any ingot same are like 16 legendary reward bag shards no reward bag at all .... is it bug or i doing something totaly wrong ?
how are you supposed to get villagers and such for all those enticing crystals and similar items that require a villager soul vial? vanilla breeder and ender IO spawners both don't seem to work
Two of the community spatial areas - Endside and Amusement Park - have villagers in quantity. Amusement Park for certain has spawners there. Just don't break them!

Wasn't aware one way or the other that breeding was nonfunctional. That's perplexing. I don't know enough about vanilla villager breeding to know what might be missing.
Wasn't aware one way or the other that breeding was nonfunctional. That's perplexing. I don't know enough about vanilla villager breeding to know what might be missing.
First of all thanks, secondly regarding the breeding I am not really familiar with the vanilla mechanics either but the two breeders I tried to build didn't work. Either I am just not building it properly or the villagers need sunlight to breed
First of all thanks, secondly regarding the breeding I am not really familiar with the vanilla mechanics either but the two breeders I tried to build didn't work. Either I am just not building it properly or the villagers need sunlight to breed
The mechanics of the breeders is basically creating a mini village of sorts that does need access to the sky in order for it to work and since you're basically in a obsidian sphere with a bedrock ceiling you would have to build it outside the sphere and that's even if it works in that dimension which I don't know if it does. But yeah just the mechanics of how the breeder works won't operate inside. Best to do the spatial areas end side or amusement park like the other poster said. Though I haven't been to end side yet amusement park really doesn't seem worth the cost of the cookies.
The mechanics of the breeders is basically creating a mini village of sorts that does need access to the sky in order for it to work and since you're basically in a obsidian sphere with a bedrock ceiling you would have to build it outside the sphere and that's even if it works in that dimension which I don't know if it does. But yeah just the mechanics of how the breeder works won't operate inside. Best to do the spatial areas end side or amusement park like the other poster said. Though I haven't been to end side yet amusement park really doesn't seem worth the cost of the cookies.

Actually it does require sunlight. You had it mostly right though. A vanilla breeder requires that you create a miniature village. A village in vanilla is as simple as creating "houses" however for a door to count it has to have sunlight within 3? or so blocks of it. So in this map that means you'll have to not only build your breeder outside your area, but you'll also have to break all the obsidian above it.
the entire area is inside a giant obsidian sphere
Actually it does require sunlight. You had it mostly right though. A vanilla breeder requires that you create a miniature village. A village in vanilla is as simple as creating "houses" however for a door to count it has to have sunlight within 3? or so blocks of it. So in this map that means you'll have to not only build your breeder outside your area, but you'll also have to break all the obsidian above it.
the entire area is inside a giant obsidian sphere

It's not really a sunlight factor though it needs to just see the sky for it to register as a mini village. Sunlight technically doesn't have anything to do with it.

On another note can anybody tell me if there's a bug or something right now with ender io farming station? I have one down its powered and it has an axe a hoe and seeds and it's not doing anything. I tried replacing the garden soil with dirt and nothing. It's plenty lit up. I don't know if it's a position issue of the station I did have it on the same level and now it's one block below the dirt. I'm confuzzeled.
It's not really a sunlight factor though it needs to just see the sky for it to register as a mini village. Sunlight technically doesn't have anything to do with it.

On another note can anybody tell me if there's a bug or something right now with ender io farming station? I have one down its powered and it has an axe a hoe and seeds and it's not doing anything. I tried replacing the garden soil with dirt and nothing. It's plenty lit up. I don't know if it's a position issue of the station I did have it on the same level and now it's one block below the dirt. I'm confuzzeled.
Mine is working fine, one block above the dirt blocks. Garden soil works too. Beware of the size limits, they depend on the capacitors.
Done almost all of the packs quests, except cookiiezz.... and I'm still missing some secrets, did all the trophies. Susie, Simba, direwolf, retloh, and chisel. Can't figure out what am I missing. I know that there's a drive with boni bacon, which I got from some kind of reward bag but the quest book doesn't register it. It shows 93% completed so I'm guessing that the boni one isn't the last one. Anyone info would be appreciated
I never realized how black Octuple cobble looks o.O

Also, anyone else find the very very large supply of octuple cobble? Never crafted one, I now have over 400, and all I did was mine for maybe 5 minutes. xD

Now I just need to find a fast way to get the Octuple Cookie >>