[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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How do I turn of light beacon that appears after I die?
How do I turn off auto-sort in my inventory? It happens a lot, but I never notice what triggers it.
For the first, go into Journeymap options (J by default, then the button with a bunch of sliders) and there should be an option in there for death waypoints (the Waypoints dropdown, uncheck Create Deathpoints). If all you want to do is remove that particular beam, instead go into Waypoints instead (J -> the flag button) and click Remove beside the death waypoint.

For the second, that's a keybind in Minecraft's Options -> Controls menu. (Inventory Tweaks heading, "Inventory Sorting")
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Which of them exacly ?I have alredy removed journeymap because I dont need it but idk which others need to be in in order to play without having to overload my RAM
Journeymap and Aura Cascade are the only two I believe, everything else has associated quests. (At least from what I can remember)
I can't touch my tombstone. What do I do?

EDIT: Never mind I had to stand atop of it.
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is there any way to level up shields from tinkers defense? i have been using them to block attacks but they have gotten no exp at all.
Quick question...Dark Steel Armor doesn't appear to be craftable. Is it something you have to get as a reward or in a chest or something?
Bug: On initial startup screen all backgrounds and buttons show up as purple and black squares with no text. This is not a major problem as I know where the single player button is and After the first screen all is good, but I thought I would report it anyway
Quick question...Dark Steel Armor doesn't appear to be craftable. Is it something you have to get as a reward or in a chest or something?
U can get them from reward bags though I forget if it's epic or legendary bags. Also u can craft them but the recipe has been changed in this pack to need tartarite to craft the pieces.
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Bug: On initial startup screen all backgrounds and buttons show up as purple and black squares with no text. This is not a major problem as I know where the single player button is and After the first screen all is good, but I thought I would report it anyway
It's a known issue. A work around for it that I have seen and done in this case is to first download the 1.0.3 version and then update it to .4 version
Am I the only one who cant use flux crystals?
I have been able to use them as long as I'm not using the farm manager with it. Some people are reporting issue with seed infusers the cutter and refiner but all of that works for me. The only one I can't get to work is the farm manager due to massive lag when looking at it. I have just set mine up with powering each piece of soil and using autonomous activators and a vacuum hopper
how does one get super gunpowder? there's no recipe also how can i fix the crash from tinkers arrows and bows?
I have searched this thread and googled all kinds of terms and can't find any reference to this problem - or even to any list of changes between versions of the ME4 pack - so I'm hoping somebody will know what I'm talking about...

We're running 1.0.3 (started before 1.0.4 came out and server owner didn't want to mess with it). I'm aware that at some point there was a bug with assembling Tinker's Construct arrows on the tool station/forge causing crashes, but I can't even get to that stage, because the stencil table has no option for creating fletching or arrowhead patterns. We've received several arrowheads as quest rewards, but we can't use them because we can't make fletchings. How do you make those patterns?

Are you sure they are just not hiding under the NEI list? Try hitting O (by default) when you are in the Stencil Table
Anyone has a guide on how to use Steve's Factory manager to automate Oreberry farming? I'm not even sure which type of cable I should be using. I can kinda manage with the "programming", but it's not interacting with the oreberry, even when it has berries on it.

Admittedly, I'm pretty much a noob with that mod, and the only time I used it for something was to auto-craft stone hammers in Crash Landing.

how does one get super gunpowder? there's no recipe also how can i fix the crash from tinkers arrows and bows?
It's an item you're supposed to find. It's hidden somewhere in the Miner's Delight^4 zone.

And the crash I think is related to trying to fire a TiCon bow without available TiCon arrows.
Trying to see what a "Pearcel" does in a Chemical Decomposer (via NEI) crashed my Client.

Not if pre-exsisting enchantments exceed the normal anvils level cap.
I've been repairing a Dark Steel Chestpiece I got from a reward bag, with Protection X and a couple other "lvl10" enchants, for a while now. Unless that changed in 1.0.4
Anyone has a guide on how to use Steve's Factory manager to automate Oreberry farming? I'm not even sure which type of cable I should be using. I can kinda manage with the "programming", but it's not interacting with the oreberry, even when it has berries on it.

First don't assume youtubers always know the best way. Cause in this case they are way off.
A EIO farm will work with oreberrys just fine. Just remember to include a hoe.

Edit: This is a fully functional EIO ore berry farm.

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No it's not intentional. I'm guessing they have a missing texture in their server, which messes it up for them.