[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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I got the Deep Space ForgeCraft drive.. but its empty other than some mobs at the bottom of the chamber. I know i didn't overwrite the chamber as the last one in the drive was Inclusion chamber^4.. so if anything would have overwritten it would be that but it didn't. Earlier in the thread someone said it was Dimension 38, but there is no folder for dimension 38? So i'm kinda confused as to wth this means. Unless its a joke drive?

If you started your game before 1.0.4, you will have to manually add dim38 to your saved game files. You should be able to copy it from the templates folder.
I think there's a bug. I can't seem to pick up liquid adamantine in buckets, so I have no way of collecting it. Any help?

For the molten metals, I put 4 casting basins around an enderthermic pump, then set item conduits to pull the blocks into the tesseract feeding back into my me storage & powering the pump. It is slower than pumping the liquid into drums, but you don't have to set up something to turn it into blocks later.
Is there a way to limit the range of an enderthermic pump? I was trying to drain the cryotheium in the biosphere but its also draining the reactor. And upon investigating, it also drained the lava and water I had in the Observatory...

My solution was to move the reactor higher (to the observatory) when I rebuilt it when I restarted the game with the 1.0.0 release. Before that I was just replacing the cryothium every time I used the pump.
Is there a way to limit the range of an enderthermic pump? I was trying to drain the cryotheium in the biosphere but its also draining the reactor. And upon investigating, it also drained the lava and water I had in the Observatory...

No way to limit it. Sorry.
For the molten metals, I put 4 casting basins around an enderthermic pump, then set item conduits to pull the blocks into the tesseract feeding back into my me storage & powering the pump. It is slower than pumping the liquid into drums, but you don't have to set up something to turn it into blocks later.
Thank you!
I have some lag issue for some reason, before i usually get like 30fps but now i get around 15 and when i do into the spatial areas with mobs i drop down below 10 which is really hard to play. I do not know what is causing the lag issues.
Any hints to what block, like Ender IO farming station, Cyclic Assembler, Fertilized Dirt, or Fluxed Crystal mod. Anything would help.

i7-4770HQ 2.40GHz 4-core (Virtual 8-core)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 850M 2GB DDR3 alongside a Intel HD Graphics 4600
Allocated 3GB out of 8GB of ram to FTB
Cyclic Assembler cause quite a bit of lag for me. If you are using them for compressed cobble gen I'd rig some redstone pipes using EIO to turn them off.
Fluxed crystals mod is also a bit laggy.
I went back and used the 0.0.4c version we had with the 1.0.1 version of the pack.
Also I heard that 4GB of ram is the sweet spot for running MC packs.
The OP is a little unclear/out-of-date in terms of listing the dimensions to replace when updating, so I thought I'd try to put together a complete list (that parcel can edit into the OP if he's so inclined). Here is what I have so far:

Here's a current dimension list, with all of the information I've been able to figure out. (Note that "Safe To Replace" really means "Safe to Replace IF you haven't visited it yet and/or don't care if the dimension is reset." Also, I'm not worrying about whether it's necessary or even useful to replace these dimensions, just whether it'll break anything if I do so.)[
(... snip ...)
If you have any further insights on the above, please let me know so I can complete these list; I'm especially looking for confirmation that DIM-100 is superfluous (rather than, say, a critical component of AE2's spatial i/o mechanic, which would make my "Safe to Delete" assumption... er, wrong), as well as any light you can shed on the status of the "Unknown" dimensions. Thanks in advance!

(And, when I get a bit more intel, I'll flesh out DIMs 8 through 37 with their actual names, assuming they're all Spatial Dimensions.)

DIM 8: Chaser's Memories
DIM 9: Endside
DIM 10: Inclusion Chamber
DIM 11: Fade
DIM 12: Reflection of Space
DIM 13: Biosphere
DIM 14: Miner's Delight
DIM 15: Rotunda
DIM 16: Miner's Delight^4
DIM 17: Nether Sphere
DIM 18: Inclusion Chamber^4
DIM 19: Rotunda^4
DIM 20: Biosphere^4
DIM 22: Nether Sphere^4
DIM 23: Unused?
DIM 25: Wyld's Dream
DIM 26: Minime Lab
DIM 27: Vanilla Mining
DIM 28: Amusement Park
DIM 29: Thermal Mining
DIM 30: Mob System
DIM 31: Keeby's Idea Machine
DIM 32: End Swirl
DIM 33: Redstone Meltdown
DIM 34: Ice Palace
DIM 35: The Tormented
DIM 36: Reds
DIM 37: FrightNight
DIM 38: Deep-Space ForgeCraft

All these should be safe to wipe.

As usual, DIM 0 is Overworld, it is not safe (?) to wipe: contains portals to Deep Dark and The End.
DIM -1 is the Nether, and it is very dangerous (a lot more than usual ;)
I'm fighting my way through Reds right now.. apparently you can pop silverfish blocks in the 3x3 with an excavator, who knew? So I'm flying, and dropping iron golems into the mix. Dudes are like hyper active killing machines with silverfish! it's funny!
say, what's the point of the spectre dimension considering that when I enter it I am just floating and can't place any blocks or move.
say, what's the point of the spectre dimension considering that when I enter it I am just floating and can't place any blocks or move.
That's a known bug, unfortunately, which seems to be related to Perfect Spawn. On some versions of the pack, relogging once you were in there would fix it; other people have reported crashes at that point, though. Use with caution.

That said, the spectre dimension isn't much; it's just a medium-sized bubble of space with each player getting a unique bubble. Were it working smoothly, you could use it as supplemental storage space while out on an expedition; I don't know if it is/could be chunkloaded to put some machines there, but you could certainly put a bunch of chests there.
For the last couple of days, everything I've put into the Gem Refiner has simply disappeared. I think it started when I put vibrant alloy shards into it (quest reward). Before that I only had glowstone and diamonds going and it was working fine (fine is a relative term). Any way to get this working again?
That's a known bug, unfortunately, which seems to be related to Perfect Spawn. On some versions of the pack, relogging once you were in there would fix it; other people have reported crashes at that point, though. Use with caution.

That said, the spectre dimension isn't much; it's just a medium-sized bubble of space with each player getting a unique bubble. Were it working smoothly, you could use it as supplemental storage space while out on an expedition; I don't know if it is/could be chunkloaded to put some machines there, but you could certainly put a bunch of chests there.
take a compact machine there if you want chunkloaded space in the spectre dimension. Those are always chunkloaded inside of them
I found a game ending bug when I silk touched a chisel, ice pillar in the ice palace. none of the other ice blocks seem to be causing a problem but the moment I mined one of the pillars it ended everything. I would post the crash log but that seems to be down. I do have fastcraft 1.19 installed if that helps but it happened with fastcraft 1.12
Hi, I'm playing multiplayer with my friend who is hosting the server, and I'm having a problem where I can't complete any quests. The quests show up as complete with unclaimed rewards, but clicking claim reward does nothing. Also the entire secrets tab is shown as unclaimed rewards, but obviously almost all of them are not complete at all, and even the ones that are complete I can't claim. I can do /hqm edit, but I'm not about to do that for every single quest. I've added fastcraft and optifine, and since we're using the latest version the server had compact machines updated. Other than that no changes. I'll try redownloading the pack, but we haven't done anything out of the ordinary.

Edit: Also this is what our main screens look like:
I found a game ending bug when I silk touched a chisel, ice pillar in the ice palace. none of the other ice blocks seem to be causing a problem but the moment I mined one of the pillars it ended everything. I would post the crash log but that seems to be down. I do have fastcraft 1.19 installed if that helps but it happened with fastcraft 1.12

Are you updated to the latest version of the pack? Cause that could be the issue.
Hi, I'm playing multiplayer with my friend who is hosting the server, and I'm having a problem where I can't complete any quests. The quests show up as complete with unclaimed rewards, but clicking claim reward does nothing. Also the entire secrets tab is shown as unclaimed rewards, but obviously almost all of them are not complete at all, and even the ones that are complete I can't claim. I can do /hqm edit, but I'm not about to do that for every single quest. I've added fastcraft and optifine, and since we're using the latest version the server had compact machines updated. Other than that no changes. I'll try redownloading the pack, but we haven't done anything out of the ordinary.

Edit: Also this is what our main screens look like:

Try loading .3 then .4. Some of the resorces diden't get uploaded into the newist version.
it is in 1.0.4 but as far as I can tell its only when it renders the entity, the block I fine. not sure what else to do. cant get back into the map to try anything else
For the last couple of days, everything I've put into the Gem Refiner has simply disappeared. I think it started when I put vibrant alloy shards into it (quest reward). Before that I only had glowstone and diamonds going and it was working fine (fine is a relative term). Any way to get this working again?
Turns out breaking and replacing the refiner caused it to work again.