[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here, but I'm placing the amount of smooth shards into the infuser that NEI says to do so, 4 smooth conductive shards for conductive iron, or 24 for an emerald for example but it just seems to eat the amount but then I get no item out of it. Is this a knownbug with fluxed crystals atm or?

Edit: Nevermind, breaking and replacing the infuser seemed to fixed the problem
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Got a problem, I tested seed infuser in a new world after updating to 1.04 and it worked. After I went back to my original world try using the seed infuser but it doesn't work, any clues?
I've try to break and replace, even creative in a new one but nothing seems to be working. Also the gem cutter and the gem refiner doesn't seem to be work. Anyone please help me solve this problem.
Does anybody know if there is an issue repairing Tcon tools made with Invar, neither my pick or my sword want to repair using Invar.
It is DIM38. And cell is reward for one of the secret quest added in 1.0.4
thanks. was wondering about that.
slightly in line with this, I'm on OSX and had to manually create the folders of DIM38 ("DIM38" included) in my save, one by one. Finder just hangs saying "zero out of 1**kb". Anyone else?
Anyone have any ideas on this?? I just downloaded ME4 and this is the start screen I get. I did a force update thinking I may have have a download error, but it didn't fix anything. I was able to start the game and it is normal in the other menus. Just the start screen is glitched.
Here's what it looks like.
Anyone have any ideas on this?? I just downloaded ME4 and this is the start screen I get. I did a force update thinking I may have have a download error, but it didn't fix anything. I was able to start the game and it is normal in the other menus. Just the start screen is glitched.
Here's what it looks like.
Download v1.03 then v1.04
Ok fine, but with currently being given the choice of a tiny 3x3 farm growing cookies or 5 max sized ender IO farms growing wheat/cocoa there's not much point in FC either.

Not sure if this is a bug, but I only used the Farm Manager to setup the powered soil (Place the dirt and power the Farm Manager). Once the powered soil is setup, break your Farm manager and power the bottom or side of each powered soil block. Infinite size.
Working for me, can anyone else confirm?
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Interesting. So if you really want to it's perfectly possible to get to the bedrock room outside the sphere and into it where the auto leveling tinkers construct command block and all the drives are stored. But its so late in the quest line that by that point your not getting much of an advantage i guess. The roof is just thin enough to travel staff through and once inside you can travel staff back out to an anchor. I didn't expect it to be possible to get in and out so easily.
Not sure if this is a bug, but I only used the Farm Manager to setup the powered soil (Place the dirt and power the Farm Manager). Once the powered soil is setup, break your Farm manager and power the bottom or side of each powered soil block. Infinite size.
Working for me, can anyone else confirm?

I haven't tested it yet but it makes sence.

From what little I've picked up about coding I think each farm block would have to check to see if it was still connected to the main system. And that would eat up system resources.
I suspect that this should be done by making it a proper multyblock. It would then only need to detect a state change and use that to know when to go looking. Problem is plants tick all the time. So it's going to be notoriously hard to get working right. It might be easier if he looked at how other mods did it. But the only even remotely simmaler mod that functions like that, that I know of, is forestry farms.
And some people have issues with anyone even glancing at a code that doesn't belong to them. Those people clearly have never coded in there lives.
Another option would be to only go looking once the crystal have finished growing and if it's not there convert back to normal dirt.
Personally I'd suggest ditching the farm manager and run the hole thing through the powered soil. He could even connect them together so that they share power like EIO caps and solars. And add upgrades in a crafting window.
Has anyone had an issue with FC gem refiner giving them the wrong item? I updated to 1.0.4 the other day and it seems like the IDs for the FC stuff got all wonky. Specifically the a couple of the quests I have are requiring the wrong seed, ie. the Greater Reward Bag quest requiring something like Energized Seeds or something.

I got my farm working, but my legendary bag smooth crystals give me a universal seed, and the good reward bag crystals give me quadruple compressed cobble?

I saw a suggestion about combing the JSON files, which I tried combing them into a different JSON file and renaming all the others to .bak, but it just regenerates the other ones when the server starts.

Anyone have a suggestion or a fix? Thanks.
So anyone has general coordinates for the wool in Reds? I went through 20+ TNT blasting most of it away and I haven't even found a hint of it.
using activators to break the fluxed crystals. couldnt get sfm block gate to detect seed chunk? did anyone? pointers? right now have 3 3x3 farms and its too slow? other ideas for no lag?
So anyone has general coordinates for the wool in Reds? I went through 20+ TNT blasting most of it away and I haven't even found a hint of it.

I just went through the same thing.

Right up against the outer wall, just left of center.

Anyone find a desert in the overworld? I ran the rest of the wools & am left with 2 trophies to find, black glass, sugar cane, charcoal blocks, & cookies. There are also several spatial areas I never got (thermal mining, fade, diamonds, mob system, & the new 1).

With mostly increase the size of my automated systems & afk for several days tasks left, I think I may be done with the pack.
I got the Deep Space ForgeCraft drive.. but its empty other than some mobs at the bottom of the chamber. I know i didn't overwrite the chamber as the last one in the drive was Inclusion chamber^4.. so if anything would have overwritten it would be that but it didn't. Earlier in the thread someone said it was Dimension 38, but there is no folder for dimension 38? So i'm kinda confused as to wth this means. Unless its a joke drive?
Is there a way to limit the range of an enderthermic pump? I was trying to drain the cryotheium in the biosphere but its also draining the reactor. And upon investigating, it also drained the lava and water I had in the Observatory...
I think there's a bug. I can't seem to pick up liquid adamantine in buckets, so I have no way of collecting it. Any help?