if you're talking about the rough legendary bag chunks you find, place them down on the ground with the right click then break them with a flux crystals hammer and they'll give you rough shards put those into a cutter and they'll give us smooth bag shards put 16 of those into a refiner and you can get one legendary bag. same holds true for any more bags shards you can make or get. make sure you put 16 in at a time and don't try to do it one at a time because the refiner will eat the shards without giving you the bag. it has to be 16 exact. also I believe fluxed crystals has been updated, go check out the mod authors thread on minecraft forumsQuestion: are Fluxed Crystals broken in 1.0.4? I'm processing legendary bag shards (found in a secret), and I get no output from Gem Refiner![]()
At which spacial area is cobalt? Also, what's next after nether sphere? I seem to need to do more mining before entering next stage...
You have to manufacture cobalt yourself using Minechem. I'd suggest looking at your greens for chemicals that break down into cobalt.
Breed them and then breed the offspring and eventually you'll get normal ones.Is there a way to turn wild chicken/sheep into normal ones?
Well. I'm having issues with crashing, I was leveling up a cross bow, then this happened: http://pastebin.com/8hZTPNHg
I've tried removing the crossbow/crossbow bolts from my inventory with NBT Explorer, no luck. Renamed my player.dat to generate a new one, still no luck. Any advice short of pulling the entire mod out and re-adding it?
Yes, and thank you. I'll have to try that when I get home later!You are playing SSP (single-player), right? Then you need to edit level.dat as well - player.dat is regenerated each time you load the world.
if you're talking about the rough legendary bag chunks you find, place them down on the ground with the right click then break them with a flux crystals hammer and they'll give you rough shards put those into a cutter and they'll give us smooth bag shards put 16 of those into a refiner and you can get one legendary bag. same holds true for any more bags shards you can make or get. make sure you put 16 in at a time and don't try to do it one at a time because the refiner will eat the shards without giving you the bag. it has to be 16 exact. also I believe fluxed crystals has been updated, go check out the mod authors thread on minecraft forums
In SSP, this works just fine: 16 Legendary Smooth shards make 1 bag. But in SMP, everything is messed up: I get 1 redstone alloy for 4 legendary smooth shards, 1 Universal seed for 16 Redstone Alloy shards, and 1 Legendary bag for 16 universal seed seed shards. Testing other shards just now...
Spawn one with an egg, use a Soul Vial to trap it, then infuse the trapped Villager Soul into an Ender IO Powered Spawner. Infinite Villagers at the cost of power.I got 2 villager spawn eggs from a reward bag but since I don't think it's possible to breed them underground in the complex, is there anything else I can do with them except melt them in the smeltery for emeralds or maybe trade with them?
Spawn one with an egg, use a Soul Vial to trap it, then infuse the trapped Villager Soul into an Ender IO Powered Spawner. Infinite Villagers at the cost of power.
Accidentally destroyed a trophy, any way to get it back? It is the spider one and I can't find an id for it
well, cheating them inAre buffer fairies disabled? Tried crafting one, but my regeneration potions have damage value 65 and those from NEi have 8257.
I tried that it went a bit funky. Didn't work once and did the second time.
I don't think it'll work with mod added villagers.
Oh and you will need them as crafting ingredients for an item or two.