[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Now that I'm on the cusp of building a QED I've realized that my most scarce resource is cobblestone (for bedrockium). Rock crusher is one way to alleviate this issue to automate cobblestone creation. Any others? I wanted to set up a BC Quarry, but there's some goofy permissions stuff going on because the drill head doesn't break any blocks. I'll eventually build an Ender Quarry, I guess, but looking for a more short-term solution.
Transfer nodes with world interaction upgrades, each world interaction upgrade in a transfer node will produce about two cobblestone per second, you can have up to five stacks in a single node but more then a single stack of upgrades start to slow it down till you reach about one cobble a second on five stacks and that requires supplementary upgrades anyway. Their main limitation is that you need a QED before you can acquire them so they're not useful until bedrockium is an actual concern at which point they absolutely destroy everything else for gen speed but that's needed due to the vast amounts of cobble required for bedrockium. They're also really nice for AE2 singularities as an aside.
Well testing the pack right now and I have only 2 complains about the recipes:

-Vanilla tool available through vanilla recipes, and they should be removed and only craftable through GT
-Ender Quarry should use a quarry instead of a pickaxe, or else is an easy route for a quick miner

But for everything I've saw until now, awesome pack!
Well testing the pack right now and I have only 2 complains about the recipes:

-Vanilla tool available through vanilla recipes, and they should be removed and only craftable through GT
-Ender Quarry should use a quarry instead of a pickaxe, or else is an easy route for a quick miner

But for everything I've saw until now, awesome pack!

- Wood and stone tools are available through vanilla recipes so you can get started down the GT path. All other higher tier tools, except for diamond, require GT recipes.
- Ender Quarry is not an easy route for a quick miner. You can only craft it with a QED, which is NOT easy to get.
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Hey guys today I was building a large bronze boiler but then I realize than I need steel to craft it, so I build a bronze blast furnace
and now Im thinking than steel one is even cheaper, cause there is Iron everywhere but tin is a little hard to find..
Maybe the large bronze boiler recipe is bugged or Idk
for my point of view large bronze boiler seems to be useless.. unless they work diferent, Idk nothing about those boilers, but I think steel one has more capacity or efficienty or anything
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Hey guys today I was building a large bronze boiler but then I realize than I need steel to craft it, so I build a bronze blast furnace
and now Im thinking than steel one is even cheaper, cause there is Iron everywhere but tin is a little hard to find..
Maybe the large bronze boiler recipe is bugged or Idk
for my point of view large bronze boiler seems to be useless.. unless they work diferent, Idk nothing about those boilers, but I think steel one has more capacity or efficienty or anything

Yes, should build BBF before the large boilers. The BBF is the bridge/gateway between Bronze Age and Steel Age, and the Large Boilers - even the bronze - are Steel Age and beyond devices.

The purpose of the Large Bronze Boiler is to re-use all that bronze from the BBF. Note the Large Steel Boiler takes a huge amount of steel.

And, if you are able to build a Large Steel Boiler, definitely do that. The Large Bronze Boiler is less efficient. As you go up tiers of Large Boilers, they produce more steam and become more efficient. A Large Tungestensteel Boiler is very efficient with solid fuels. It's amazing how much steam (and power) you can produce from this thing from a single tree farm -- >coke oven bank setup.
I have never built the Large Bronze Boiler. Mostly because I maintained the BBF late into the MV age. It was cheap to keep it running at all times, to make steel, which I used to make the Large Steel Boiler.
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Anyone built a fluid storage system with overflow voiding ? The analogy in solid/items is a JABBA barrel with the Void Upgrade (2 Pistons + 1 Obsidian).

The only way off the top of my head I can think of implementing such a "void when full" system for fluids is putting a simple BC wooden fluid (waterproof) pipe on an RC tank or ExUt drum, put an Autarchic Gate on it, and have it pulse into a BC Void Fluid Pipe when "Contents = 100%".

I need Oxygen for the EBF, Arc Furnace, and other machines, so I need to save Oxygen from the Electrolyzer. At the same time, I want to continue Electrolyzing stuff when my fluid storage is full. I've been doing it manually. But, want to automate it.

Another application is Creosote.

Thoughts ?
Anyone built a fluid storage system with overflow voiding ? The analogy in solid/items is a JABBA barrel with the Void Upgrade (2 Pistons + 1 Obsidian).

The only way off the top of my head I can think of implementing such a "void when full" system for fluids is putting a simple BC wooden fluid (waterproof) pipe on an RC tank or ExUt drum, put an Autarchic Gate on it, and have it pulse into a BC Void Fluid Pipe when "Contents = 100%".

I need Oxygen for the EBF, Arc Furnace, and other machines, so I need to save Oxygen from the Electrolyzer. At the same time, I want to continue Electrolyzing stuff when my fluid storage is full. I've been doing it manually. But, want to automate it.

Another application is Creosote.

Thoughts ?
You can use OpenBlocks tanks and put void fluid when it reaches higher layers.
X = tank
P = Pipe


So what it will do. It will keep the fluid in bottom two layers and if the fluid will reach the top layer, it will get pumped out and voided. You should be able to use EnderIO Fluid PIpe connected to BC Fluid Void pipe (so you will not need redstone engine with wooden pipe)
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You can use OpenBlocks tanks and put void fluid when it reaches higher layers.
X = tank
P = Pipe


So what it will do. It will keep the fluid in bottom two layers and if the fluid will reach the top layer, it will get pumped out and voided. You should be able to use EnderIO Fluid PIpe connected to BC Fluid Void pipe (so you will not need redstone engine with wooden pipe)

Perfect - thanks !
Not enough tin or coal. Seriously the entire continent I am on has none of either, I even added an xray mod just to be sure, after mining thousands and thousands of blocks out strip mining, and placing countless hundreds of torches in every cave system and ravine I could find. I'm guessing it has to do with the fact they are 40/50/60+ minimum height and the entire area I am in is all plains, beaches, and flat forests. I have copper and iron all over the place in like 20 different forms, things I had no idea were related to copper or iron are giving me copper and iron ingots, but apparently casserite or whatever is the only thing that gives tin, and I have none of it. I don't even care about the coal, I have resin for torches and wood for fuel, I just find it amusing that I'm like 20 hours in without finding a single piece of it (I have seen a few "small coal ores" way out while exploring, but I haven't bothered mining them). I haven't had any luck in the nether yet either, I am probably going to switch to creative and turn on the xray mod in the nether (if it works) and fly around until I find some tin tomorrow, as I essentially can't play without it and I'm not going to continue stumbling around with basic iron tools for another 20 hours trying to find some legit (I'm not going to use magic or bees, I need a break from magic, hence the modpack choice, and I dislike bees). It says ore generation was changed to not be biome dependent, but it feels like if you don't start near some extreme hills or something you probably aren't going to find the basic resources you need for step one of progression.

Edit: I found some tin in the nether not too far away. Still that's not really even a valid solution since the nether requires steel (flint and steel requires a steel nugget) and you can't make steel without bronze. I only managed it because I got lucky and found a couple steel ingots in a chest. I went back a few pages and found half a dozen people complaining about not being able to find tin.

So yeah, just finished the last quick editing needed due to stuff like broken multiple decomp of items containing non atomic or molecular parts and it's here now. If there are any issues just mention them and I'll try to remember why I did stuff.

Not sure if it's related to your file or not, or if it's repeatable (I'm about to pass out, can't load back in and check, but figured I'd mention this while I remembered it), I was randomly going through recipes in NEI after finding some Barite Ore and ended up on the yttriumbariumcuprate or whatever ingot and when I got to the page showing what it would break down into in the decomposer, my game locked up. The decomposer list was blank, it usually takes like a second for it to populate for other items, it locked up before it could populate. There was no crash, I just had a program not responding thing, I gave it a few minutes before force closing it.

Edit: Ignore that, it was something else.
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Anyone built a fluid storage system with overflow voiding ? The analogy in solid/items is a JABBA barrel with the Void Upgrade (2 Pistons + 1 Obsidian).

The only way off the top of my head I can think of implementing such a "void when full" system for fluids is putting a simple BC wooden fluid (waterproof) pipe on an RC tank or ExUt drum, put an Autarchic Gate on it, and have it pulse into a BC Void Fluid Pipe when "Contents = 100%".

I need Oxygen for the EBF, Arc Furnace, and other machines, so I need to save Oxygen from the Electrolyzer. At the same time, I want to continue Electrolyzing stuff when my fluid storage is full. I've been doing it manually. But, want to automate it.

Another application is Creosote.

Thoughts ?
Do JABBA barrels with void upgrade actually function properly if connected via EnderIO item conduit?

For creosote, do you have too much creosote or not enough RC boilers? :P I was starting to look into liquid storage in ME, but I think storing all that oxygen in a liquid storage bus would be silly expensive. Does AE2 ME allow you to void excess items somehow?
Do JABBA barrels with void upgrade actually function properly if connected via EnderIO item conduit?

They work perfectly, yes. I have a wall of JABBA barrels with eIO conduits behind them. The ones with the void upgrade such as cobblestone dirt, gravel, flint, wood, saplings, etc.,. work perfectly. They fill up and I never get anything in my lower-priority / default "overflow" chest.
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Anyone built a fluid storage system with overflow voiding ? The analogy in solid/items is a JABBA barrel with the Void Upgrade (2 Pistons + 1 Obsidian).
I need Oxygen for the EBF, Arc Furnace, and other machines, so I need to save Oxygen from the Electrolyzer. At the same time, I want to continue Electrolyzing stuff when my fluid storage is full. I've been doing it manually. But, want to automate it.

Another application is Creosote.

Thoughts ?

You can pump gases into Wooden Fluid Pipe from Gregtech. Since wooden fluid pipes cant tranfser gases they will spill the gas into the atmosphere + you will see a nice visual effect which I really like ;-)
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They work perfectly, yes. I have a wall of JABBA barrels with eIO conduits behind them. The ones with the void upgrade such as cobblestone dirt, gravel, flint, wood, saplings, etc.,. work perfectly. They fill up and I never get anything in my lower-priority / default "overflow" chest.

Sweet! I upgraded my cobblestone JABBA to a cobalt level because, well once you get past diamond why not. But yeah, I don't think I will ever run out of apples. I'm turning apples into hootch. I've got a 5x5x7 RC iron tank of hootcch. I'm burning hootch in 6 eIO combustion generators to power my oil->fuel refineries and I"m still producing hootch faster than I can burn it. I just built another RC tank right next to my diesel tank. Time to start squeezing apples into biofuel! And even then I'll still never run out of apples. About half my saplings get turned into dirt at least, which I can start voiding now too heh.
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Did gregtech has his own steam tank? or a liquid tank?
I know I could use Ender IO, Open blocks or BC tanks, but they are too cheap (ender IO not too much) and I feel like Im cheating..

P.D. Im still on bronze-Steel age
Did gregtech has his own steam tank? or a liquid tank?
I know I could use Ender IO, Open blocks or BC tanks, but they are too cheap (ender IO not too much) and I feel like Im cheating..

P.D. Im still on bronze-Steel age

If your talking about creating mini buffers, you can use the buildcraft tanks - see screenshot for configuration :p

Make sure to correctly configure the ender-io pipes or they wont suck from the tanks despite gravity, this system also works way better when the steam source is above the level of the buffer tanks.
Ender I/O is a real bitch to do in early game because they're rather expensive tanks until you've got things like a lathe and a plate bender.


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I use RailCraft iron tanks for my steam buffer, creosote storage, fuel storage, oxygen storage, and more. I'll continue to use this type of storage for a while, at least until I can reliably make bedrockium. And even then I'll still use the RC tank for steam buffer due to the availability of numerous outputs (valves), although I'll probably upgrade my steam tank to a steel one before long.
Anyone built a fluid storage system with overflow voiding ? The analogy in solid/items is a JABBA barrel with the Void Upgrade (2 Pistons + 1 Obsidian).

The only way off the top of my head I can think of implementing such a "void when full" system for fluids is putting a simple BC wooden fluid (waterproof) pipe on an RC tank or ExUt drum, put an Autarchic Gate on it, and have it pulse into a BC Void Fluid Pipe when "Contents = 100%".

I need Oxygen for the EBF, Arc Furnace, and other machines, so I need to save Oxygen from the Electrolyzer. At the same time, I want to continue Electrolyzing stuff when my fluid storage is full. I've been doing it manually. But, want to automate it.

Another application is Creosote.

Thoughts ?

I have an effective overflow protection system for my railcraft tanks by using EnderIO Standard (non-pressurized) fluid conduits. Gravity effects fluid in these, so I simply place a void pipe higher than the inlet to my RC tank. Looks like a smokestack, so pretty neat. It only voids fluids that have no other place to go farther down your network. Just make sure it's the highest thing up there.

If you're using ender fluid pipes with multiple fluids moving about (as I have in my ore processing setup, with mercury, oxygen, water and sodium persulfate floating about) output into a bc tank with a filter to separate the fluid you wish to manage, then output from there using regular (non-pressurized) fluid conduits.. again making sure your void pipe is the highest pipe in the system.

Once the fluid backs up it will climb higher as each section of conduit reaches capacity. Nice visual effect to help you out as well.
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