Anyone built a fluid storage system with overflow voiding ? The analogy in solid/items is a JABBA barrel with the Void Upgrade (2 Pistons + 1 Obsidian).
The only way off the top of my head I can think of implementing such a "void when full" system for fluids is putting a simple BC wooden fluid (waterproof) pipe on an RC tank or ExUt drum, put an Autarchic Gate on it, and have it pulse into a BC Void Fluid Pipe when "Contents = 100%".
I need Oxygen for the EBF, Arc Furnace, and other machines, so I need to save Oxygen from the Electrolyzer. At the same time, I want to continue Electrolyzing stuff when my fluid storage is full. I've been doing it manually. But, want to automate it.
Another application is Creosote.
Thoughts ?