[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Just attempted to create a modpack with GT6 only to find out that machines haven't been implemented yet. Plus "cast metal blocks" currently cannot be crafted. Possibly will be crafted using the Fluid Extractor and a block mold. Ingot blocks look cool AF. Bunch of new types of ores: Cobble(instead of stone), Sandstone, Sand, Red Sand, Endstone, Red & Black Granite, Netherrack. Configs are almost empty. Normal though, since it's only version 00.05.
EDIT: You know how GT dusts output cellulose in Minechem? They output sticks and wood dust in a machine from Mekanism as well.
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You can make 2048 eu/t without spamming too many coke ovens.

Not sure how you would do that. It seems that RC Steam Turbines offer the most efficient way to convert steam to EU but GT tungstensteel boilers are the most efficient way to produce steam:
2 tungstensteelboilers can feed 12 steamturbines (with conversion losses this should be about 2048eu/t), they would need about one alumentum per 2 seconds. I have no idea how to produce this alumentum stuff (never used thaumcraft ever) but i assume you would need 1 charcoal per alumentum (what other stuff is needed?). A coke oven needs several minutes (3?) per charcoal, so about 100 cokeovens are needed...
EDIT: You know how GT dusts output cellulose in Minechem?
This has been known for quite some time, afaik there is nothing that jason can do about it currently.

@Elthy - charcoal is 90 seconds from RC coke ovens, you can also use EIO to make charcoal but it will cost you RF, GT boilers dont change their burn rates - iirc everything is 1 second per unit i have tested this, but with charcoal and creosote only - where in an LP RC boiler charcoal lasts 6 seconds and creosote lasts 18 seconds. (full size) you need approx 18-24 coke ovens to make enough of both resources (this is what i currently do, it runs 1 type of each boiler with surplus of both)
Alumentum if memory serves is 1 coal as a raw material, plus other essentia (3perditio, 3 potentia and 3 ignis) - originally coal coke was more efficient, but either way youre wasting alot of resources shoving those in a gt boiler also a little trivia about Alumentum, it makes a great makeshift hand grenade.
Regarding GT boilers: Yes, they can consume obnoxious amounts of charcoal quickly, but they also produce absolutely insane quantities of steam: enough that you'll need to actually be careful how you handle the output so it doesn't simply bottleneck.

As long as you have some sort of buffer (a large steel RC tank for instance), it doesn't matter that you go through fuel quickly: you'll only be running the thing for short bursts at a time anyway.
Do i understand that correctly, the GT boiler doesnt have a heat up time? I remember the Railcraft ones need a realy long time before they are efficient...
Do i understand that correctly, the GT boiler doesnt have a heat up time? I remember the Railcraft ones need a realy long time before they are efficient...
They do but its insanely short. I think the Titanium Boiler heats up in just a couple minutes. That makes these boilers good for burst runs.
I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I almost cried.


That hole that my buddy is looking down into is approximately where 30 pieces of my LV and MV equipment sat up until about 30 minutes ago.
I see the disabled mods have config files in the modpack. Are they customized to be balanced with the pack? (Wondering about Binnie's mods.)
I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I almost cried.

That hole that my buddy is looking down into is approximately where 30 pieces of my LV and MV equipment sat up until about 30 minutes ago.
Been here almost too many times to count. In fact each of my last 3 worlds have featured at least one catastrophe.

Any guesses as to whether this was electrical or boiler related?
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Been here almost too many times to count. In fact each of my last 3 worlds have featured at least one catastrophe.

Any guesses as to whether this was electrical or boiler related?
All of my boilers are continuously fed water through quartz BC pipes, I have a hard time believing it was a boiler. Judging by the most central point of the crater it was probably electrical, perhaps something to do with a transformer. My EBF was running at the time processing aluminum, but it half-survived so I don't think it was that. Also my Large Bronze Boiler is only missing 2 blocks, so it wasn't that.

I was in the process of remodeling my factory a bit anyways because I just got my first HV piece of equipment (went straight for AutoclaveII so I could get a nanosuit going) and I had sort of run out of room. So I was happily digging away (underground base) making room for new equipment lines, and also just ways to better organize my equipment when BOOOM!

It also blew up about 1/3 of my chests and my RC boiler (was very small anyways and not the source of the issue either). Luckily all my coke furnaces, automatic tree farm, thaumcraft laboratory, etc were all far enough away to be spared the blast.
ouch dude ... its gotta be something in your configurations, because Miguk and i have (to my knowledge) never had that happen to this date across two worlds.

Edit: i also wouldnt use buildcraft for any on-demand feeding of fuel or water, simply because the pipes slosh and have a poor capacity - even the fluid conduits from ender io are better, you just have to feed them with gravity.
ouch dude ... its gotta be something in your configurations, because Miguk and i have (to my knowledge) never had that happen to this date across two worlds.

Edit: i also wouldnt use buildcraft for any on-demand feeding of fuel or water, simply because the pipes slosh and have a poor capacity - even the fluid conduits from ender io are better, you just have to feed them with gravity.

Well, I was having some problems getting my MV to HV transformer working correctly. I kept burning wires up because I'd accidentally reverse the transformer and overload the circuit path. After a few fires is when I started remodeling to make more room. It's entirely possible I made a mistake when I left things sit like that.

I'm in the process of transitioning everything from Quartz BC pipes to Pressurized EnderIO liquid conduits. I guess it's possible that I overextended my water supply, but the server owner runs a lot more stuff than I do off quartz BC pipes and a single BC pump with 4 redstone engines driving it. I think I'll just make a couple of EnderIO reservoirs though just to be safe.
Not sure how you would do that. It seems that RC Steam Turbines offer the most efficient way to convert steam to EU but GT tungstensteel boilers are the most efficient way to produce steam:
2 tungstensteelboilers can feed 12 steamturbines (with conversion losses this should be about 2048eu/t), they would need about one alumentum per 2 seconds. I have no idea how to produce this alumentum stuff (never used thaumcraft ever) but i assume you would need 1 charcoal per alumentum (what other stuff is needed?). A coke oven needs several minutes (3?) per charcoal, so about 100 cokeovens are needed...

Alumentum production can be automated with Thaumcraft. And, it's every 8 seconds per Alumentum.

It takes about 2.5 charcoal per Alumentum.

Also, don't forget about the Creosote. Between 30 and 32 coke ovens will keep up a 32LP boiler.
Alumentum production can be automated with Thaumcraft. And, it's every 8 seconds per Alumentum.

It takes about 2.5 charcoal per Alumentum.

My son and I built a rig that takes wood and netherwart and make alumentum. Wood is grown, harvested, and moved with golems, and then processed into charcoal (and creosote) via coke ovens. The charcoal is then piped to a thaumcraft system which uses essentia from netherwart harvested by golems to make transform the charcoal to alumentum. Quite a bit of herba is produced as a side product of centrifuging the netherwart and that is used to feed lamps of growth for the netherwart farm (and even the tree farm from time to time).
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My son and I built a rig that takes wood and netherwart and make alumentum. Wood is grown, harvested, and moved with golems, and then processed into charcoal (and creosote) via coke ovens. The charcoal is then piped to a thaumcraft system which uses essentia from netherwart harvested by golems to make transform the charcoal to alumentum. Quite a bit of herba is produced as a side product of centrifuging the netherwart and that is used to feed lamps of growth for the netherwart farm (and even the tree farm from time to time).

Yeah, I was pretty pumped when I finally automated my Alumentum production. I had never had a reason to build the automated crucible (Alchemical Construct) thingy before. Nor had I used Alumentum as a fuel/heat source before. Indeed, I hadn't even realized how powerful it was until I moused over it and noticed it has 6400 heat value vs. 1600 for charcoal.

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Pictures of my base.

Most of it is pretty standard stuff save the sunken design of the base. You have to fly in via the top (center), and have a straight shot to the 2 floors below via a 3x3 central access shaft. The floor below that has an Ethereal platform gating it. I rarely go down to that floor.

Also shown is my small moon base. I haven't done much with it except get oxygen production going.
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I see the disabled mods have config files in the modpack. Are they customized to be balanced with the pack? (Wondering about Binnie's mods.)

Binnie's was in originally, then was disabled when people got tired of the super-slow loading of the client and server. At the same time, custom bees based upon Gendustry and borrowed (with permission) from the Beyond Reality pack were used and they have all but replaced Binnies.

At this stage, Binnie's is fixed and has normal loading times. With Gendustry and BR custom bees, it is somewhat superfluous, but still has some uses and can be re-enabled without upsetting balance.

If you want to breed trees and isolate traits for Ethanol, Binnie's is the way to go, IMHO. Its trait isolation and imprinting mechanism is more inline with this pack than Gendustry's, IMHO. Also, if you want to get Yellorium bees, you'll have to enable Binnie's.
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Because I want to relieve a lot of stress on highly populated servers... I will have a little surprise for you in v2.1.4 of the pack... called:
01000101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01010010 01100001 01101001 01101100 01110011

edit... hmmm... now that I am thinking of it... its no longer surprise... well... :)