[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I wanna check the end but im afraid of the dragon xD i hate mobs, i like to play mc around building factories and stuff and to not have to worry about mobs. I turned of mob spawns at low light lvls so the only place mobs will spawn is near spawners and during a blood moon. This does however leave me with trying to figure out how to get certain resources and I'm always laking armor xD
While we are touching base on ore spawns. I noticed the book does not mention Tin spawns anywhere and the only ore that does provide the tin needed is Cassiterite which I can not find anywhere. Have tried legit mining about 500 blocks at depth 51 in the 4 cardinal directions with no success and have started searching around above ground with tons of coal find but no darn Cassiterite/tin, am I simply getting bad luck?

Book: Cassiterite Height Y 40-120. Dimensions; Overworld, End, Moon, Mars, Asteriods.
While we are touching base on ore spawns. I noticed the book does not mention Tin spawns anywhere and the only ore that does provide the tin needed is Cassiterite which I can not find anywhere. Have tried legit mining about 500 blocks at depth 51 in the 4 cardinal directions with no success and have started searching around above ground with tons of coal find but no darn Cassiterite/tin, am I simply getting bad luck?

Book: Cassiterite Height Y 40-120. Dimensions; Overworld, End, Moon, Mars, Asteriods.
Tin is the most-complained ore ever, enough so that the height range was increased recently (To the range you specified)

The problem is compounded by the fact that its actually hard to see. To mitigate this, many players use a texture pack (for instance, its really easy to see with Soartex)
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K giving the Soartex Fanver texture pack a try. Hopefully it doesn't impact FPS too much. Been trying to run Minecraft at 150FPS on my new screen that has 144hertz and so much smoother.

But yes I have like 15+ stacks of iron across 3 different types of it yet not even half a stack of tin so hardcore stuck in Bronze age. >.<
K giving the Soartex Fanver texture pack a try. Hopefully it doesn't impact FPS too much. Been trying to run Minecraft at 150FPS on my new screen that has 144hertz and so much smoother.

But yes I have like 15+ stacks of iron across 3 different types of it yet not even half a stack of tin so hardcore stuck in Bronze age. >.<
fwiw, the End seems to be filthy with Tin for some reason :p It seriously has to be some weird configuration error cuz its ridiculous.
Try out Pyrolusite's GregTech alternate texture pack, it changes just GT textures, including ores, if soartex affects performance too much or you just don't like it.
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fwiw, the End seems to be filthy with Tin for some reason :p It seriously has to be some weird configuration error cuz its ridiculous.

XD but the end is a one way trip without slaying the buffed up ender dragon. No way in hell I have access to stargate technology since that is like Tier 8.
Efficiency. A RC turbine turns 320mb into 200 EU (0.625 EU/mb). The most efficient GT turbine turns 102 mb into 32 EU (0.313 EU/mb). So the RC turbine is almost twice as efficient.

Thanks for the tip!
So I have made some tests and now I wonder why would people argue between 16 LV turbines and 1 HV turbine, when you can just build 3 RC turbines, link them with a HV cable (lossless, you can go as far as you want), power a MFSU (can't find a way to GT power without one) and then transform it with GT transformers. With this you can power 1 HV machine and 2 LV machines at the cost of 1080 l/t. (1664 l/t would be the cost of 16 LV turbines, which is a lot more expensive and way more lossy than this setup, and 2600 l/t is the cost of the HV turbine).
Thanks for the tip!
So I have made some tests and now I wonder why would people argue between 16 LV turbines and 1 HV turbine, when you can just build 3 RC turbines, link them with a HV cable (lossless, you can go as far as you want), power a MFSU (can't find a way to GT power without one) and then transform it with GT transformers. With this you can power 1 HV machine and 2 LV machines at the cost of 1080 l/t. (1664 l/t would be the cost of 16 LV turbines, which is a lot more expensive and way more lossy than this setup, and 2600 l/t is the cost of the HV turbine).
Honestly, we mostly apply that argument to gas and diesel turbines. For steam, we basically all cheat and use RC turbines as soon as possible.
Thanks for the tip!
So I have made some tests and now I wonder why would people argue between 16 LV turbines and 1 HV turbine, when you can just build 3 RC turbines, link them with a HV cable (lossless, you can go as far as you want), power a MFSU (can't find a way to GT power without one) and then transform it with GT transformers. With this you can power 1 HV machine and 2 LV machines at the cost of 1080 l/t. (1664 l/t would be the cost of 16 LV turbines, which is a lot more expensive and way more lossy than this setup, and 2600 l/t is the cost of the HV turbine).
Some people actually like to stay with the gregtech route(I'm one of them) and use other mods to get things greg doesn't provide. Currently i use 16 solar boilers and a few steam gens to power all my lv machines and even my EBF atm (just finished getting enough aluminum for my mv build with nitrodiesel) with 2 iron tanks of about 10 million storage total. The only mod machines i have are a enderio ally smelter and a forestry multifarm.
I made one GT bronze boiler because you just cannot supply enough steam to your EBF with just solar boilers xD.
The discussion also was regarding Greg's way of thinking about efficiency of his generators which decrease in efficiency the higher the voltage/cost so it is more effective to build large quantities of lv generators and just transform it up
Some people actually like to stay with the gregtech route(I'm one of them) and use other mods to get things greg doesn't provide. Currently i use 16 solar boilers and a few steam gens to power all my lv machines and even my EBF atm (just finished getting enough aluminum for my mv build with nitrodiesel) with 2 iron tanks of about 10 million storage total. The only mod machines i have are a enderio ally smelter and a forestry multifarm.
I made one GT bronze boiler because you just cannot supply enough steam to your EBF with just solar boilers xD.
The discussion also was regarding Greg's way of thinking about efficiency of his generators which decrease in efficiency the higher the voltage/cost so it is more effective to build large quantities of lv generators and just transform it up

Yes, I liked sticking with Gregtech, too, so far. But a single tungstensteel large boiler not being able to power a HV turbine seems ridiculous.
The Nitro-Diesel route seems also interesting, this is something I overlooked. Man, the amount of ways to get power in this pack is amazing.
Yes, I liked sticking with Gregtech, too, so far. But a single tungstensteel large boiler not being able to power a HV turbine seems ridiculous.
The Nitro-Diesel route seems also interesting, this is something I overlooked. Man, the amount of ways to get power in this pack is amazing.
The nitro-diesel is a really good way to get power. At lv you get like 370k eu per bucket. Consider it like a much more efficient version of fuel from buildcraft think its 4x more efficient. You basically get it by mixing
*4 units of fuel (bc or gt doesnt matter) with
*1 unit of glyceryl trinitrate (hydrogen (i think centrifuge compressed cells) and carbon(charcoal dust electrolizes to carbon).
And you get 5 units of nitro diesel.

I automated it last week and the only thing i really need to do manually is supply enough carbon (10 stacks or so last a LOOOOONG time) and 4:5 units of oil. I currently have 9k oil buckets stored and about 2.2k nitro diesel.
I did use the GT distillery to get the fuel since i like to stick to GT but i advise building several of them since that is the main bottleneck. Once you have it set up you have a energy buffer that will prolly last you until the EV stage (hopefully)

Edit: the best part is that you dont have to worry about pipe throughput/max capacity for the nitrodiesel since it will never use 200mb/t (ender flyid conduits) on a single connection. I have 7 lv generators and 1 mv generator all on the same line and it still didnt even get over 50mb/t :) and since those conduits can handle 800mb/t on 1 network with a max of 4 input connections it will, like i said, never get maxed out like it does with steam.
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It's nitrogen, water, and carbon not hydrogen and carbon to make glyceryl. Nitrogen does come from centrifuging air (or distilling it, but that's way more expensive power-wise).
So I've been playing the pack and it's been fun but I have to ask is the iron wand cap really meant to have 15 metallum? Because while it's super useful for thaumcraft setups it is basically an infinite metal loop allowing you to easily gain infinite metallum and iron at a pretty good rate with just a few alumentum to make it move reasonably quick.
Huh. When I try to make wrought iron by smelting iron nuggets, I get *steel* nuggets, then combines those to make steel ingots, which make steel plates, etc.,.

I'm assuming this is a bug. I'm looking into it now...
Blood Asp: stupid question, are you actually playing this pack at all? I mostly know you from the IC2/GT forum, so I know you're an expert on that subject.

If you're not already aware, we already have stargates in this pack, and naquadah is (I'm told) required for those. That's what I was referring to in my previous post.
I once knew the Stargate mod got added but forgot it. I play this pack from time to time, but it is only about 5% of my minecraft playtime. Hmm, when calculating my playtime with GT5 packs alone: 28d on Kirara and 19d with my private modpack, even 5% are a lot.
I found that the height does not matter much, in the end. I found iridium at over 120 height, although it shouldn't be anywhere near that.

Lemme check, actually, I made waypoints. [moments later] I may have exagerated about "few", apparently I just found one, at level 56, 2k blocks from the island. I just hope that I didn't notice one without leaving a waypoint..
That one technically falls into the range I mentioned earlier but nod, good info :)
Asteroids are not height dependent. They spawn random beween height 50-200. With nothing in beween and jetpacks, height does not matter.
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Huh. When I try to make wrought iron by smelting iron nuggets, I get *steel* nuggets, then combines those to make steel ingots, which make steel plates, etc.,.

I'm assuming this is a bug. I'm looking into it now...

Spent some time last night trying to solve this bug, but no luck. I see the attempts in infitech.zs to remove the recipe to make steel nuggets and I tried to beef those up:

var GTNuggetSteel = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:9305>;
var GTNuggetIron = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:9032>;
furnace.remove(nuggetSteel, GTNuggetIron);
furnace.remove(GTNuggetSteel, nuggetIron);
furnace.remove(GTNuggetSteel, GTNuggetIron);

...but no luck. Steel getting steel nuggets :-(
Spent some time last night trying to solve this bug, but no luck. I see the attempts in infitech.zs to remove the recipe to make steel nuggets and I tried to beef those up:

var GTNuggetSteel = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:9305>;
var GTNuggetIron = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:9032>;
furnace.remove(nuggetSteel, GTNuggetIron);
furnace.remove(GTNuggetSteel, nuggetIron);
furnace.remove(GTNuggetSteel, GTNuggetIron);

...but no luck. Steel getting steel nuggets :-(
Did it started on 2.0.10 or earlier this issue?
2.0.10. And, it doesn't seem to happen for everyone. @Tyriael_Soban on my server gets wrought iron (as he should). I'm guessing there's a race/competing recipe output for smelting iron nuggets to wrought iron or steel.

Also, I noticed wrought iron nuggets don't show up in NEI for me, at least not directly. I have to click on a wrought iron ingot to see the recipe using 9 wrought iron ingots (to see the nuggets). I *was* going to cheat in a wrought iron nugget to do "/mt hand" to get the full item name for it to add as a recipe in infitech.zs, but I can't cheat it in, it seems.

Oh, and a steel axe does a psuedo-TiCo thing. It chops the first 6 blocks or so if a tree trunk, but only for vanilla trees, it seems. Doesn't work on rubber trees. It works perfectly on birch trees - chops the whole thing down from just the bottom block. It doesn't chop down big oak trees. It will chop the first 6 blocks or of the trunk, but leaves the top.
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