mybe this post is old ... (not at all lol)
but I would like to talk about FTB infinity expert mode ,
this is FTB inifnity (without gregtech rip ) where all mods are conected and where there is a true hard progression to the late game.
That's not true at all. This is progression mostly through GregTech with much harder recipes. Most of the other mods in this modpack have had their recipes tweaked to require GregTech integration in some significant way.
In other words, this is a modpack centered mostly on Gregtech and non-essential recipes have been moved into higher tiers of GregTech machines. For instance, the Coke Oven from Railcraft requires at least mid-tier GregTech machines to build.
You will find nearly all useful recipes require GregTech in some form in order to progress properly.
Cheers ...