[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most of you complain about pollution and have yet to experiment with it or thoroughly read about it. You also seem to forget the alternative energy source of Kinetic power which is completely pollution.

Personally, i'm quite happy with the comming pollution

At this early stage I'd rather wait and see if pollution is something that needs time to settle down, balance-wise. At the moment, it seems pretty easy to contaminate your world and I have
a hard enough (and very enjoyable) time playing the pack as it is. :)

You're right, though. Once you get your head around it, it's yet another GT challenge!


Most of you complain about pollution and have yet to experiment with it or thoroughly read about it.
i did some allreay, as one afternoon of fun turned into an afternoon of updates, backups, crashes of quest... on my main power generation, making a 1/3 run of it, i had gone from 0 to 10k pollution, and where my 2xebf running some silicon got from 1300 (idk why the game loaded with that value there) to 5k after 16 items , so it goes pretty quick, ofc that using i suppose the worst setup for pollution control, and i think there is no way to completely remove pollution, as the chunk with 1300 pollution did not reset to 0 after some time.

Once you get your head around it, it's yet another GT challenge!

But it is a bit of a problem when the only solution is to not work, on low tier most will be your power gen, but at medium your power and processing cause pollution. I just think how many work holic bases (workshops that never stops processing)are going to be destroyed after pollution kicks in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i did some allreay, as one afternoon of fun turned into an afternoon of updates, backups, crashes of quest... on my main power generation, making a 1/3 run of it, i had gone from 0 to 10k pollution, and where my 2xebf running some silicon got from 1300 (idk why the game loaded with that value there) to 5k after 16 items , so it goes pretty quick, ofc that using i suppose the worst setup for pollution control, and i think there is no way to completely remove pollution, as the chunk with 1300 pollution did not reset to 0 after some time.

But it is a bit of a problem when the only solution is to not work, on low tier most will be your power gen, but at medium your power and processing cause pollution. I just think how many work holic bases (workshops that never stops processing)are going to be destroyed after pollution kicks in.
What you call destroyed i call terraforming lolol.

Edit: Also, it might be a good idea to realise that Gregtech is a mod that intice you to build large. If you look at the pollution mechanic, you'll realise that if your building in as little chunk as possible, you'll end up with a pollution problem in no time for sure as pollution will propagate to a small ammount of nearby chunk and thus dissipate slowly. But if instead you build over a large distance, pollution will spread faster over bordering chunk and thus dissipate faster in the process. @Blood Asp will correct me if i'm wrong on this.
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Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I ran into yet another problem. I am trying to make americium but the recipe requires 49 000 EU voltage. So I have 4 orb clusters (32 k EU voltage) feeding a transformer that should step up the voltage to 132 000 ( ZPM voltage) with 1 amp. But it's draining si clusters waay to slow and my reactor is losing energy very fast. WHAT am I doing worng here? Shouldn't 4 amps of 32 k volts equal to 1 amp 132 k volts? (I did use the soft hammer to invert btw). Please help!
The EU/t a energy hatch can insert into the fusion reactor is limited. 2k per hatch on Fusion MK1, then 4k and 8k. So for high power recipes, you must connect all the energy hatches with power supply.

i did some allreay, as one afternoon of fun turned into an afternoon of updates, backups, crashes of quest... on my main power generation, making a 1/3 run of it, i had gone from 0 to 10k pollution, and where my 2xebf running some silicon got from 1300 (idk why the game loaded with that value there) to 5k after 16 items , so it goes pretty quick, ofc that using i suppose the worst setup for pollution control, and i think there is no way to completely remove pollution, as the chunk with 1300 pollution did not reset to 0 after some time.
The pollution goes down by a percentage and a small set amount. 2% and 2000 per minute to be exact. Also to higher the amount, the faster the spreading to the next chunks. Overall, the higher the pollution, the faster it goes down. That values allow you to run ~25 coal boilers or 12 multiblocks with HV mufflers without any pollution effects. That values will change a bit soon for rebalancing.

Edit: Also, it might be a good idea to realise that Gregtech is a mod that intice you to build large. If you look at the pollution mechanic, you'll realise that if your building in as little chunk as possible, you'll end up with a pollution problem in no time for sure as pollution will propagate to a small ammount of nearby chunk and thus dissipate slowly. But if instead you build over a large distance, pollution will spread faster over bordering chunk and thus dissipate faster in the process. @Blood Asp will correct me if i'm wrong on this.
The pollution spreads fast enough to the next chunks that building in 1 chunk or 3x3 chunks makes no real difference. To split up pollution, the producers should be 5+ chunks apart to that really works. While forcing players to build bigger bases would bring some new base designs, it would impact server performance a lot. So that will not be done.


When advanced miner 2 will finish digging all ores around it will just stop working? I'm asking because my miner digged 4 veins around itself (I thing it's all available) and continue to work periodically turning off and on (one time in several seconds). When it digged ores lately it didn't turned off. I don't know why it started to work like that because it has no problems with energy supply and drilling fluid.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does this mean the machines actually check what fuel they use or?

Crackpot theories of how polution works
The way i think about it in my head right now is that the polution that is produced is based on the burnrate of the reactor. So lets say we have a basic boiler that consumes 10 burnvalue per second that machine would produce 10 polution or some other multiple of this value. (basically the base production of polution is based on fuel consumtion)

With multiblock machines you still have the same base polution production however the muffler cutts the polution by a percentage amount that increases with higher tier mufflers. So low tier mufflers reduces it by lets say 75% and higher tier mufflers reduce it by some amount more untill you are close to 100% reduction at the highest tiers.

Depending if the fuel that is burned you also add a modification value for how much polution is released. Theory 1: So lets say solid fuels are x2, liquid fuels are x1 and gaseous fuels are x0.5. However i guess this would have to be done on a fuel to fuel basis which sounds tedious. Theory 2: Something a lot simpler would be to have it on a burner to burner basis so all solid burners produce x2, liquid burners x1 and gaseous burners x0.5 on a fuel consumption basis.

This way all information regarding the polution release is in the generator multiblocks so very little has to be changed to adjust polution levels.

Am i even close? :D

PS: I also think that the introduction of the polution system would be an excellent time to introduce the concept of flue gas. That would allow you to make really cool integrated gasification/combustion systems like IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle) which i think is about the coolest thing ever :)

I cannot say for sure, but I think the pollution is per machine and doesnt check for fuel used. Correct me @Blood Asp if I am wrong

Updating from Beta 3.2.10 to Release 3.2.11 gives a:

at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.<init>(QuestingData.java:524) ~[QuestingData.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.readAllData(QuestingData.java:502) ~[QuestingData.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData$1.read(QuestingData.java:408) ~[QuestingData$1.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.network.FileHelper.loadData(FileHelper.java:107) ~[FileHelper.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.load(QuestingData.java:438) ~[QuestingData.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.WorldEventListener.onLoad(WorldEventListener.java:23) ~[WorldEventListener.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_737_WorldEventListener_onLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54) ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:140) [EventBus.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a(MinecraftServer.java:230) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:258) [lt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:387) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685) [li.class:?]

i know but is kind of unfair to disable it while other play with it, as i do a LP i should be doing everything on default configs.

what a hell!! when i logged in after the update, all my quest are reset, i am back to square one!
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Sorry :(

Time: 10/6/16 4:18 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.getTeam(QuestingData.java:731)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.getAllTeams(QuestingData.java:347)
at hardcorequesting.quests.Quest.resetOnTime(Quest.java:1727)
at hardcorequesting.quests.QuestTicker.tick(QuestTicker.java:44)
at hardcorequesting.quests.QuestTicker.tick(QuestTicker.java:23)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_486_QuestTicker_tick_ServerTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:140)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:260)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:536)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:186)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:427)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)
Thats HQM for you. It has happened in the past, got it reported to HQM devs. Unfortunately the solution was not found and development for HQM is also stopped for 1.7.10. InfiTech 3 (1.10 version) will have Better Questing mod, if I will decide to have quests in there. I could in theory transfer the current HQM quests to Better Questing in InfiTech 2 with little of work, but that would mean quest restart for EVERYONE. Problem with this crash/bug is that it does not happen for everyone. I am updating stuff regularly in my dev and live instance, also server and it happened for me only once on the server.

So yea... The only way "around" this is to get the "cheat quest book" by using /hqm edit (with cheats enabled) and using that cheat book, to mark the quests as finished. It will give you also the rewards again(here it is up to you if you will want to keep the rewards as for the compensation, or just throw the rewards in a trash bin, to not feel too much cheaty.

What can be wrong, electric blast furnace doesnt want to make hot kanthal ingots? Furnace works fine (aluminium and silicon ingots product well), have cupronikel coils and mv energy hatch, good energy storage. But with kanthal dusts its just doesnt start.
Have you checked the NEI for the recipe? There has been some tiering change regarding Heating coils, but I think the Kanthal has not been touched. But I must admit I haven't checked that one.


Have you checked the NEI for the recipe? There has been some tiering change regarding Heating coils, but I think the Kanthal has not been touched. But I must admit I haven't checked that one.

NEI says that for kanthal ingots still enough cupronickel coils, 1800K but it doesn't work. For tests I cheated kanthal coils and with them furnace producing hot kanthal ingots. So I still don't understand where is the catch. Maybe bug...
And hot titanium ingots now require kanthal coils, it was surprise)

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had multiple reports about the heat acting strange before, but testing never showed me any problems before, so i looked into the code this time...

Found out that OneEyeMaker smuggled one additional line in that made the heat also dependend on the voltage... So right now you need HV to reach the nomial temerature of the coils. Will remove that next update. Until then you need to use more voltage.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I may have missed it. But are there any negative effects of pollution as of yet? Tried looking through the last few posts but haven't seen anything mentioned.

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From the GT 5 U changelog
  • Rised EU output of Hot Coolant 4x
So this is obviously a really large boost to fluid nuclear reactors but how does it work exactly? Does it mean that you now only require 1000 hot coolant per second in a heat exchanger to produce superheated steam?
I hope to do some cool nuclear builds this time around, last time i just went the easy and more efficient route of lava power but with this boost nuclear is really worth it again i think :)
It will require a LOT of fsteam turbines though :)

  • Override of IC2 fuel rods to get access of internal values.
  • Rised output of Electric IC2 Reactor 2x.
  • Lowered Mox heat bonus from 5x to 2.5x.
Nice changes overall but what does the overide of ic2 fuel rods mean? is so that the fuel values of the nuclear rods can be changed or?

Regarding the mox heat bonus is this only for electric nuclear or is the fluid mox reactors also changed? since base electric output is also boosted electric mox reactors should produce about the same amount of power as before which i think is a good adjustment. Previous the regular electricity nuclear was to weak
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I may have missed it. But are there any negative effects of pollution as of yet? Tried looking through the last few posts but haven't seen anything mentioned.

Here's the changelog entry:

Pollution Now fully functional and activated.

To get exact pollution value, use the Tricorder/Portable Scanner on any block to get pollution in the current chunk.

Can be disabled in config or limits for effects can be set.

Current effects, limits subjet to change:
Pollution > 750 000: Sometimes weak poison effect, gets stronger and more often as pollution rises.
Pollution > 1 000 000: Grass, Trees and plants start to die.
Pollution > 2 000 000: Rain becomes acid and slowly destroys stones.

Fuel burners and muffler hatches produce 10-100 pollution per second.

Every chunks pollution gets updates once per minute. Pollution goes down by 1% + 2000.

Neighbour chunks that have less than 80% pollution get 10% pollution moved over. Transfer minium 50000 (ie source chunk must have 50K before any transfer occurs).

Planned: Smog, pollution production from other mod burners, better balancing, better multi dimension support.

I don't really understand the line about neighbour chunks though. I assume it means 10% of the pollution in any particular chunk will move into a neighbouring chunk if the neighbour has less than 80 pollution but I'm not sure what the transfer minimum 50000 means though.

EDIt: added clarification in red
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Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is an % missing behind the 80.
The 50000 means, that a chunk must have at last 50k pollution to send it to other chunks. The pollution is also only send while the targed chunk only has less than 80%. That limits how far the pollution can spread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is an % missing behind the 80.
The 50000 means, that a chunk must have at last 50k pollution to send it to other chunks. The pollution is also only send while the targed chunk only has less than 80%. That limits how far the pollution can spread.

Thanks for the clarification on the transfer minimum.

'The pollution is also only send while the targed chunk only has less than 80%' - does that mean less than 80% of the pollution in the source chunk?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So now that we will automatically pollute our base chunks, how do we clean it up? What machines are used to reduce or eliminate the pollution? Can pipes be attached to the muffler hatches and the pollution be sent somewhere else perhaps?

Perhaps a better idea will be to have 2 separate areas for a base, one devoted solely to power production in a place where you don't care about the pollution (like a Wastelands biome), and then have a nice clean base area for all the rest of our work?

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So now that we will automatically pollute our base chunks, how do we clean it up? What machines are used to reduce or eliminate the pollution? Can pipes be attached to the muffler hatches and the pollution be sent somewhere else perhaps?
Did you even read 3 posts earlier?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you even read 3 posts earlier?

Yes the only thing i see that reduces pollution is the "Every chunks pollution gets updates once per minute. Pollution goes down by 1% + 2000."

The problem is, you're telling us some of the numbers but not all of them. I don't know what "down by 1%+2000" really means, is it a big amount so no cleanup will be needed? Or is it a small amount where it won't really make much difference at all, pollution effects will keep going up?

I guess the only way to find out is to go play the pack and experiment and try to determine what these new changes mean to the players.

I was thinking like a real-life situation... (a) we could put "scrubbers" on top of all muffler hatches, just like they do with power plant smokestacks, and (b) we could attach pipes to the muffler hatches and pipe the pollution over to a place where we don't care what it does (such as a Wastelands biome).

That's pretty much what I was asking - are there machines that can be operated to help reduce the pollution BEFORE it infects our base?

Also, I think adding a smog effect is not only brilliant but absolutely necessary, because for something that has a negative effect on us, we need to be able to SEE it, not just use a tricorder to realize that the blue skies overhead are actually BROWN/GRAY.
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Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generally, keep the pollution production down. 20-25 pollution producing singleblocks or 10-15 multiblocks with HV/EV mufflers can be maintained without negative effects. The exact values are not yet listed as i'm going to rebalance them a bit more soon after a bit testing.
Generally solid fuels make more pollution as liquid fuels and gas fuels even less. nuclear or fusion make no pollution. Meltdowns or other accidents will later act as huge one time polluters, but thats not yet implemented.
There is no way to remove pollution besides waiting and i will not add one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's certainly an interesting feature for the pack that will force some key decisions to be made, so thanks for doing all the hard work of coding and debugging on it (even tho I know it's not done, and probably never will be)!


Was there a recent change that made Cells dissapear when right clicking them into containers? I used to be able to dump oxy cells into drums, but they now dissapear completely.

I now use the fluid canner to empty them